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THAT BABY YOUV’E LONGED FOR. All’s, llurton Advisse Women on Motherhood and Companionship. "For aeverai years I waa denied the blessing of motherhood.” writes Mrs. Margaret Barton ; at Kansas City. ‘‘I was terribly nervous and | subject to periods of terrible suffering and I melancholia. Now I am the proud mother of a •beautiful little daughter and a true companion and inspiration to iny husband. I believe hun dreds of other women would like to know the -secret of my happiness, and I will gladly re veal it to any married woman who will write me.” Mrs. Barton offers her ad*. ice entirely without charge. She has nothing to sell. Let tan should be addressed to Mrs. Margaret Burton, 26? Massachusetts, Kansas City. Mo. Correspondent will be strictly confidential. ® •: ® <§* DEATHS REPORTED ® & & g ^ & • The following is a list of deaths of colored persons reported to the Richmond Bureau of Health from May IT to May. 24, 1927, with date of death: 4 May 15—John MeCleland, 50; 610 N 5th Street. May 13—Robinette Bostick, 6; 106 Ballard Street. May 16—Bettie G. Thompson, 62; 1029 St. John Street. May 18—Rebecca Pauline Jones, 18 Remo. Va. ' May 17—Martha Patron. 40; 506 .‘ Monroe Street. May 17—.Virginia C. Price. 50; 3809 Second Street Road. May IS—Rubie Chamber * Harris. • 6; 1322 N. 32nd Street. May 20—Annie Baker, 47; 1312 Buchanan Street. -- May 17—Gertrude Gullett, 31; 1307 St. James Street. May 20*—Danetta Pitts, 3; 714 B. Clay Street. J May 29—Robert Giles, 39; 638 1-2 N Seventh Street. May 20—Willie Page, 26; Glen Allen Va. May 2‘- Vernon Young, 8 months; 2209 Burton Street. May 21—Annie Madden. 40: 610 Oak Street. May 19—Wilnett© Norrell Patterson 18; 1204 Boyd Street. May 9—Annie B. Scott, 48; 930 N. 31st Street. May 1'—David Rilev Dawson, 61; ‘.d«riT N. Fourth Street . May 23- Lewis Coleman, 17; Rox burr Va. May 21—Bennett Ruby 3; 513 N ?0Lh Street. May 22—Bettie Jones, 16; 9 King Street. May 22—Bettie Mason, 22; 902 Lombardy Street. Mav 19—Myrtle Dawson, 18: 516 N. Third Street. May 22—Ruby C. Epps, 16; 1510 • Deca>kur Street. May 22—Pauline Newman 34; New North Road. May 19—Elnora B. Brooks, 19; 396 S. Lombardy Street. May 23—Mary Alice Minor, 68; 1303 Boyd Street. May 2.8—Juliet Mattie Webber, 5; 1916-A W. Clay SAreet. WILLIAMS TEMPLE C. M. B. CHURCH. (The Home-like Church) S E. Cor. 19th and Everett Sts. Rev. G. E. Carter. Pastor 9:30 A M.. Sunday School: 11:00 A. M . Preaching: 6:30 P. M., Ep worth League; 7:55 P. M., Preach i*^T • i _ CAV YOU PAY $100 CASH? If you ran, we can place you in touch wi- h the owner of houses on Venable Street, in the 2300 block. They are t'tted wVh all modern im provements and have six rooms with basement Rental, a1 $25.00 per month will pay for them Call Randolph 2213 or stop at The Planet OfTice. 311 N. 4th St., Richmond. Va.. Have The Planet sent to you. It is only 60 cents for 3 months; $2 per year. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. (Broad and College Streets) Rev. W. T. Johnson, D, D., Pastor, Residence, 621 N 8th St. Services; Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. j SORE LEGS HEALED Open Legs, Ulcers, Enlarged Veins, Goi er, Eczema healed while you work. Write for free book “How to Heal My Sore Legs at Home." De scribe your case. A. C. LIEPE PHARMACY, IS85 Green Bay Av., Milwaukee, Wis I ONE WEEK’S SUPPLY ©RONZE BEAUTY Face Powder is made by a new I French process, and is not affected by perspiration. Used satisfactorily on dry or oily skin. Makes the complexion soft and velvety—and stays on until removed. Three tints which blend with any complexion: High Brown, Bronze Glow and Flesh. Fill out and mail the coupon be low and we will send you a whole week’s supply free. ...23. STRAIT-TEX CHEMICAL CO., 569 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Name— -- --—----- ' Street and Number---- ■ ■■ —— City. ____Sute THE BROWNS Photographic Studio ALL OF the LATEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOTOS AT MODERATE PRICES. S Dedal Attention Paid to Children. Exterior and ^ ter lor Work Will be Executed on Short Notice. We Specialize on ENLARGING and COPYING from OLD PHOTOS. __mTT„„ CALL AND SEE US—WORK DONE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER. FLASH-LIGHT Photoa A Feature. The Latest Style Developing Outfits Our POWERFUL LENS Rank with the Best in the Country. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS ARB WELCOME. 603 N SECOND SI.. RICHMOND. VA. Tuneral Parlor* Rest-Room* Display Room* L*dge Room* Phones—Office Ran. 2073. Residence, Ran. 2703. Aa*t., Ran, 205I-* ROBERT C. SCOTT, Funeral Director ! 2223 EAST MAIM STRFFT RICHMOND. VA. j A. B. PRICE, 212 asi leigh street FUNERAL DIRECTOR, EMBALMER AND LIVERYMAN All Orders Promptly Filled at Short Notice by Telegraph or Telephone. Halls Rented for Meetings and Nice Entertain ments. Plenty of Roo™ with all Necessary Conveniences. Large Picnic or Band Wagons for Hire at Reasonable Rates an i Nothing But First-class Automobiles and Carriages, etc. Keep constantly on hand fine Fun eral Supplies. Open All Day and Night. PHONE Madiscn 577—Man On Duty All Night—Richmond, Va (Residence Next Door) W. I. JOHNSONS’ SONS Funeral Directors^ Morticians 10 W. LEIGH STREET PHONE MAD- **• DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE, WITHIN iooo MILES WHEN ORDERED. M I. JOHNSON’S SONS, EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS CONDUCT Funerals Flawlessly. Our Many Years of Experience Enables us to Conduce All Funerals in a Most Efficient Manner. We Try to Oira More However by I corporating in Our Service a Spirit of Sym pathetic Under-»lrndjng * LODESTONE secrets. I k Send $3 for $1 worth lodestone, $1 worth Magnetic Sand, 25c worth John the Conqueror Roots, 75c for I Secret Book o! Luck, and I will send I you free my Mystic Lucky Olass | with instructions. Used by many to insure success in all undertakings ■ and against evil influences. I will not send this order C. 0. D. unless you send 25c to pay postage and fee. Money refunded if this order is not satisfactory and returned. R. D. WESTER, 457 E. 47th St., Chicago Illinois. 8 t BARBER WANTED. BARBER ON WHITE TRADE. Good Guarantee. 0. G. CONN. Ill 2nd Street, Charlottesville, Va. T|ie Mechanics Bank Roof Garden is being prepared for early service. It can be rented or leased by responsible parties. OFFICES FOR RENT. Cool, welUighted offices, with ele vator service, light, heat etc. now available in Mechanics Bank Build ing at a price that will save the professional man money and afford him exceptional opportunities. Safety Deposit Boxes also for rent, i These Offices will be handsomely renovated and window-lettering will be a feature. For information and terms, apply j to your real estate agent or to John Mitchell, Jr., 311 N. 4th St., Rich ; mond, Va The Roof Garden can also be leased or rented for entertainments. Read The Planet. It will be da-] livered to you for 60 cents for three months with postage prepaid. Send i in your order. -- i |»u,«i"1 -j.'U'wn.w ■ »' ■ 1 EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full Growth ef Hair, will also restore the Strength, Vital ity and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair la Dry and Wiry try EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. If you are bothered with Falling Hair Dandruff. Itching Scalp, or Hjdr Trouble, we want you to try a Jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The remedy contains medical proprieties that go to the roots of the hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature to do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a halm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eyebrows, also restores Gray Hair to ita Natural Color Can be used with hot iron for Straightening PKIC1 sent by Mall, 60c; 10c Extra for Postage. AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, l Shampoo, 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Face Cream and Direc tion for Selling, <2.00. lc cents extra for postage. d D. LYONS, 316 North Central, Oklahoma City, Okia._ L. J. HAYDEN Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicines TO RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CHARGE 224 W. Broad St„ Richmond, Va. DO YOU LOVE HEALTH ? If so, call and see L. J. HAYDEN, Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicine* 224 West Broad Street.. My medicines will relieve you or no charge, no matter what your disease, sickness or affliction may be and restore yo% to perfect health. I use nothing but herbs, rooto, barks, gun, balsaami, leaves, seed, berries, flowers and plants in my medicines They have relieved thousands that have given up to die. MY MEDICINES CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Heart Disease Blood, Kidney, Bladder, Piles in any form, Vertigo, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Constipation, Rheumatism to any form, Palm and Aches of any Kind, Colda, aroncmal Troubles, skin Diseases, *U Itching Sensations, Female Complaints, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Ulcers, Carhunotoa, Boils, Cancer in its worst form without use of knife or instrument. Eczema, Pimples on face and tody, Diabetes of Kidneys, Bright's Disease of Kidneys. My medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, or your money refunded. 4 Medicines sent anywhere. For full particulars, write, send or call 1 on L. J. HAYDEN, *24 West Broad Street , Richmond! Va., July 8, 1916. A perfect core has been effected by L J Hayden’s Pure Herb Medi cines After waitlnp thirteen yw« and have not suffered from tbs horrible disease, Gravel, I desire to make a statement to L. J. Hayden: Thirteen years ago twelve leading physicians of my city treated mei for Kidney trouble and gravel without the desired benefit. These doctors advised me to be operated on, as that was the only chance for me. I was advised to go and, get ■om0 of U, J' Hayden’s Herb Medicine and try be fore being operated on. I did so, and in twenty-four hours after using his medicines, I passed at least a half dozen gravel, some as big as a large pea. Since that time I have not Buffered with the ^ highly recommend L. J. Hayoena mId4e to ail 4 Auburn Ave., Richmond), Va.^ improvement NOTED AT ONCB. Mr. L. J. Hayden, 224 West Broad Street, Richmond, Va . _ I received your treatment u. n.., and I have started to taking it already for a few days, and it ha* already begun to improve my ail ment so I am sending to you for one more bottle of medicine for the blood. I have spoken to many of my friend^ and they say they are going Jto .send for a treatment. I think it : os a great remedy. I do not suffer with my pains as I used to and my appetite Is just fine and I sleep much better every night and feel Ine every morning. Years truly, EDWARD BRYANT, Douglas, Arizona. Camp Harry J. Jones, Co. D, 26th Infantry. FOUND GREAT RELIEF. ■r **’%'! Power, W. VaM Feb. 9, 1926. L. J. Hayden, 224 West Broad Street, Richmond, Va. Dear Sir: I received your medl j cine and I must say that It has done ] me so much good and It makes me feel so much better. I am writing you to please send me some more as you said in your letter that it would take more than one treatment ] Yours truly, to relieve a person of his trouble. Thanking you, I am, 224 West Broad Street, Years truly, MRS, MARY GROCE, j l Power, W. Va. MORE WANTED. Dauberville, Pa., March 25, 1926. Mr. L. J. Hayden. 224 West Broad Street Richmond, Va. Dear Sir; Please send me your Blood Purifier and Stomach Remedy, j I got some a few years ago which I found to be so very good for indjb | gestion. So find enclosed money order for 62.66. Please try to send I the medicine as soon as possible da I am in need of tf. Yours truly, - „ MRS. CHARLES SIBLING, Daubervrllle, Pa.. C. S, CUNNINGHAM, Funeral Director Phone Randolph 4184 Residence Phone Randolph 3167 1816 HULL STREET, SOUTH RICHMOND, VA. The latest style funeral equipment. Caskets, either metallic, mahogany, oak, etc. Prices the lowest, consistent with service. Orders received at all hours, and will receive immediate at tention. Automobile Service. C. S. CUNNINGHAM K. L. MINOR CUNNINGHAM & MINOR 507 N. Fifth Street Richmond, Va., Phone Randolph 3052 Service Available At All Hours. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ► Your Patronage Is Solicited. ' - ' THE ONLY SEASIDE RESORT IN VIRGINIA OPEN TO COLORED PEOPLE The BAY SHORE SUMMER RESORT Buckroe Beach, Virginia ON CHESAPEAKE BAY, a few hundred feet from the Government’s Fortress Monroe Reservation. Connected by Electric Car Service with Fortress Monroe, Hampton and Newport News . NEIGHBORHOOD ATTRACTIONS: The Famous Hampton Institute, America’s Greatest Ship Yard at Newport News; The Langley Feld Flying Station and the National Soldier’s Home. 1 A Modem 60-Room Hotel with Restaurant and Refreshments. A Spacious Social Hall; A Large Well-appointed Bath House;. A Beautiful Beach, Fine Surf-Bathing. BAY SHORE is an Ideal Place for Excursions, Club Outings and for Individuals taking their Summer Vacations. The Season of 1927 opens Week of MAY 22nd. For Reservations Address MANAGER of The Bay Shore Hotel Buckroe Beach, Virginia. UNION LEVEL BAPTIST CHURCH (900 State Street, Fulton) Rev. B. J. Ruffin, pastor. Res idence, 708 S'ate Street. Services: Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8P.M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. RISING MT ZION BAPT. CHURCH. (800 Derny Street, Fulton) Re*\ O. B. Simm3, B, Th., Pastor, Residen-.e, 728 Denny St. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. I Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH. (518 Lady Mile Roed) Rev. J. J. Woodson, Pastor, Res idence, 1116 St. John Street. Ser vices: Sunday 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are invited. ,. • • ZION BAPTIST CHURCH, (20th and Decatur, So. Richmond.) Rev. J. W. Dudley, D. D-, Pastor; Parsonage 1715 Everett Street. Ser vices: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. Ml. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. The public is welcome. Stage Favorite Praises Exelento ; Alltter Harris says Exelento is great! Alltter Harris, one o£ the country’s j outstanding actresses, says she owes her beautiful, silky hair to the regular . use of EXELENTO QUININE POMADE You, too. can have just as pretty hair by using Exelento. it goes to the roots of the hair, cleanses the scalp and before you real* ize it, your hair is longer and more beautiful , than ever before. Beauty experts recommend Exelento bo* cause it i8 the original quinine pomade, i They also endorse Exelento Skin Soap for keeping the akin smooth, velvety and free from pimples and other blemishes. So confident are we that you will be ' pleased With these remarkable prepara tions and use them regularly that we will send you, free of charge, a generous sample of each. We will also send you. absolutely free, a valuable book of beauty secrets prepared by specialists in the care of the hair and skin. Attractive proposition open if you will show and recommend our preparations to yonr friends. EXELENTO MEDICINE COMPANY ATLANTA, GEORGIA AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write For Particulars. ! Subscribe to The Planet EDW. STEWART 203 S SECOND STREET DEALER IN FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH MEATS, VEGETABLES, FISH AND OYSTERS. Hiibaionu, 7a. PHONE MAD. 1637 ; WANTED—Transient or Permanent BOARDERS. Furnished Rooms with or without board. Home like surroundings. Apply to | MRS ELLEN N. JONES, 108 East Leigh Street; RAcbmno<V Va. I ! OTHER PEOPLE IUDGE YOU NOW BY YOUR I FURNITURE When you can get FURNITURE and RUGS from au Old Established House like JURGENS—that’s known to sell the beet quality goods, Just as reason' able as elsewhere—why not give your friends a good, impression. It will give us the greatest pleasure to show you our wonderful stock of home making, comfort giving FURNITURE and RUGS and—doa’t fall to ask our Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives you S, 10 or 15 months In which to pay for any purchase. K 6. JUS SON ESTABLISHED 1880. ADAMS AND BROAD by O. M. P4YNB ] pQp LONG DISTANCE CONTAGION. * ur9*1* ^ ~ ' ~ ‘ VPo'P 1 don’t / hou 6ET T^-tJ ' ; ^ IS "+^E AL*Tt\Y j ^\\~J ~ , , cT^ [ti?oni -t4e J ( i-as'y < : [ME^ Docrr^ ; ^ ^ J v i PAIN IN .BLADDER ^Promptly Etwd || SANTAL II MIOY If Be (ure to get / the Genuine ' hook for .the word “M idy M * SMb AllDrsitsisa Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoided by de stroying the germs of infectious diseases. $i. io at all druggists.