Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME XUV. NO. 35 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1927_ PRICE, FIVE CENTS. FOUR WHITE EMPLOYEES SAURIES BECAUSE OF COLORED LIBRARY JANITOR. PREJUDICIAL^CTION OF 4 COUNCiLMEN White Folks Aroused-Colored Folks Silent-“Biting Off Nose to Spite Face. The live employes at the \reuts Library, now a part of the munici pal public library system, will not be paid for July *nd August unless common counci l holds a special ses sion to reconsider the Arems ap propriation resolution. The resolution, carrying was defeated, then reconsidered^ and tabled, because there is Negro janitor on the library payroll. Henry Thompson, the janitor, is an old employe of the Arents' ad ministration of the library, but tou: councilmen blocked the appropria tion Tuesday, July 5 because the library board recommended his re tention. They voted, against the measure because they opposed the pol cy of keeping * Negro janitor ( it was stated. Nothing was saul agaj'nst Henry’s character or fitness ; for the job. 1 The four negative votes; those of Harvey E. Atkinson, of Madison; Lee O. Miller, of Clay; Bernard E Robertson, of Madison and W. L. Tyler of Clay, were sufficient to defeat the measure because there were three absentees. Fourteen votes were necessary to pass it— two-thirds—and but thirteen voted for it. As a result became apparent, Councilman John Hirschberg, who as s.ub-chairmtn of the finance com mittee of council, is a member of the library board, changed his vote from “aye” to “no” so that he could keep the resolution from utter de feat. There were sufficient votes to table it for future consideration. But future consideration, it was indicated today, will not help the Arents employes unless council holds a special session and passes the resolution before their pay day comes due on July 15. The $2,500 appropriation was necessary to handle the expenses of the branch library until the first interest from the Arents’ maintain ance fund comes in on January 1. Miss Arents bequeathed $100,000 as a maintainance trust and gave the library to the city outright. Her trustees, in turning over the property to the city highly recom mended the present employes there, including the janitor, who gets $15 per week, and requested “that in event this offer is accepted, their services be retained, if consistent with the nterests of the city. When the library board assumed jurisdiction of the Arents property it was deeded to retain the present staff of five. It includes Miss Fanny S. Bull, librarian in charge, whose salary 1s $900 per year, or $75 per month; Miss Ellie Blakey, who is paid $70 per month; Miss Agnes E. Northern, at $70 per month; Miss Mary L. Bull at $1J per month, and Henry Thompson. the Negro janitor, who gets $15 per week or $780 per annum. MAT CALI, MEETING. Mr. Hirschberg voted against the Negro janitor policy as a member of the board, but decided to vote, to sustft’n the board's recommenda tion in the council. , An inquiry today disclosed that there is no possible municipal source from which the Arents employes can be pafd if the appropriation does not go through in time. If the measure is reconsidered In regular order, it will come up in August and by the time It passes if it does pass, the five employes will have m’ssed four pay-days. Their salaries are of a scale which makes pay-day an im portant event, it is said. On the other hand, if it be decided to hold a special session of council before July 15, and the measure passes, the July 15 payday will come tor the library force. As matters uow . stands it is re ported, the library either must be shut down immediately or the em pioyes must work for nothing until such a time as council may agree upon its personnel. WHITE HELP POLICY. If Henry Thompson is retained, , he Will not be the only Negro on the city payroll, it was learned to day . Negroes are employed in a number of municipal institutions. 1 There are no regular Negro la borers, however, and every proposal i to employ Negro labor for munici pal work, except in special instances . has been defeated in recent years. ! White laborers are employed at a i wage of $3.SO per day. And white : custodians are employed in practi cally all of the municipal buildings. The employment of white help has been a policy of many years stand ing. it is said. The only Negro skilled and com mon laborers on city work are the workmen for contractors handling contract? to do city paving, sewer laying and other work. COMMON COUNCIL AND THE ARENTS LIBRARY PAYROLL CASE. Editor of The Richmond Planet: Sir: It cannot be said that the action of the Common Council July 5th in the Arents Library Payroll Case was highly charged with either common sense or common justice. Here is presented a case in which certain members of that august body seem to have indulged in a game of cheap politicodangerous politics, since the salaries of fivev white lady clerks were held up. and the library itself came dangerously near being closed: all on account of the name of the faithful old colored janitor appearing on the payroll with the names of the other employees. \ NO CHARGES FILED. It is noticeable that no charges were filed against the character of the old janitor, no claim made that he was incompetent or unfit< no suggestion that he was neglectful of his duties. It was simply and solely a case of the rankest color prejudice which the white press of this city should condemn and de nounce . WOULD HAVE ACTED OTHERWISE. Does any intelligent person be lieve that these public officials would have acted in the manner they did, if the colored constituents in their respective wards exercised the right o/ franchise? Does not this wanton abuse of power emphasize the ne cessity of our people paying their poll tax and voting? Without the use of the ballot there is no way by which to redress our grievances; no opportunity through which to right our wrongs; no chance to pun ish our enemies or to reward our friends. THE DOG AND THE CITIZEN. If a colored man will pay the tax on a cur dog aud neglect to pay his cwn poll tax and the poll tax of his wife, he disfranchises both himself and her. Today the greater number of our names appear only upon leases, du,> bills and rent .receipts. If* we were registered voters, a few of our names would appear on pay rolls of the city, county and state. Is not this increased benefit a suf ficient incentive to vote? So long as wo refuse to qualify and vote, just so long will we he treated not as American citizens, but as aliens and exiles. CANDIDATES WOULD COME. Mr. Editor, were you and I, and every other colored citizen to com bine and agree to vote together, we would constitute a power so com pelling that candidates for public office and city officials would come to us to find out what we think, how we feel and what we want. No longer would we be obliged to ap pear before the city council in the attitude of beggars pleading for the thing to which we are entitled. Instead of being beggars we would be dictators, and in a very real sense we could solve our own prob lems. New shall we vote, or shall we persist in not voting? (THE BALLOT SUPREME. I ( ! ' Let white people say what they will or may,, the ballot box is the best agency through which to devel op friendship and good will between 1 the races that modern civilization has yet devised. No matter what ! difficulties we have overcome; no matter what achievements we have wrought; no matter how much wealth we have acquired the fact, still remains that the ballot is our strength, our refuge, our hope, our all. AN URGENT NECESSITY. ! Just such outrages as the Arents Library case furnishes; just such public insults to the Negro race as perpetrated by public officers, em phasize the necessity for the exer cise of the right of franchise, and , iiu ckens the demand of the colored citizens ol Richmond for justice, : equity and right. THEODORE W. JONES, ■ 14 01 West Leign Street A general jubilee, so to speak, among tho members of the aThircI Street Bethel A. M. E. Church was the result of a visit there last Sun day night by the Organized Classes of the E;rst Baptist Church (white) led by Senator Julien Gunn, Judge I Hooper, Attorney A. W. Patterson Treasurer of the Austin Class E. R Martin and others. Mr. E. D. Forster was master of ceremonies. The singiDg by the special songste.’ ' the class was highly appreciated. Rev. Hotelier. Trustee E. J John son and the choir greatly pleased the visitors with their selections. I - ■ ■ ..— ■ -— Mrs. Lillie Baslcerville is doing a fine work with her Shepherd Juve niles. Recently she held a fine pro gram of services at hte First Union Baptist Church. The slim of $42.64 was raised and $10 was donated to the Shepherds Band. The Hosp.tal Dm 3 ia meeting with great success. It is the ‘white folks” turn now. Gome and Go with the SHEPHEMDS 36a^sbove, July 19, 1927 That long welcome hour when the conductor will cry “All aboard for Bay Shore is approximating fast. Only a few more days and »he great Shepherds Excursion will be on its way to the most popular seashore resort, Bayshore, in the South. This iK our Iasi call to you. Every one who wishes to get away from the aggravating heat of the city is ur gently requested to go with the Improved Order Shepherds and j Daughters of Bethlehem to Bay Shore on the 19th of this month. A committee has made a trip to, Bayshore and made arrangements on that end which are designed to make this one of the most success ful and enjoyable outings that will go out of Richmond this, year. We are urging every one who expects to go on this Excursion to secure his ticket not later than Sunday, July 17th. This will avoid the in convenience of purchasing your ticket at the last moment and at the same time aid the management in a large way in making suitable preparation for the comfort of our patrcns. The advertising committee has arranged to have the shepherds Band to go out Saturday afternoon July 16th in every section of the city to advertise our Excursion. Please be <>n the outlook for the Band. The refreshment car will be in charge of the Band. They are plan ning to have substantial food as well as a variety of refreshment in abundance, therefore, it will not be necessary -for one to burden them selves down with large baskets of food because everything that one can desire along this line will be on the refreshment car. Everyone holding tickets and money who will not be able to make a complete report before leaving the city Avill go to the special dining room of Bayshore Hotel, which will be the headquarters of the Finance Committee of our Excursion. A complete report of all money and tickets must be made at Bayshore on the 19th. Let every one who has tickets boar this iin mind. The Office in Mechanics Bank Build:ne will be open Sunday. July 17th from 4 until 10 P. M, for the purpose of receiving reports on the '-•ole of tickets. This 5s an import ant matter because we must pay for cur train not. later than Monday. The Office will also be open on Monday, July 18th from 3 until 12 P. M. (Continued on page 4. Rev. N. D. Hargrave of North Carolina ris in the city and supplied the pulpit at the Second .Baptist Church all day to the satisfaction of all who heard him. His text Sunday morning was from Exodus 15:11. JOHN O. LEWIS’ DEMISE I ) j The Oakland, Calif. Western American under date of the 1st in°,t. ^says John O. Lewis4 Sr. d'c*d July 27 at 6:45 P. M. He had been getting along nicely in the hospital where he had been confined since returning to Oakland, Cal. frora Arizona m April. He had i sutUhm tmn for the worse and was failing fast. He died before his son, John O. Lewis, Jr., a prominent real estate agent in Oakland could reach his bedsride. HJs son is the only direct descendant who survives, his mother Mrs. Mollie Lewis, nee An derson,’ formerly of this city having died in San Francisco, January 17, 1924. , 0 The deceased was born in facotts viiie, Va. June 4, 1864. He was pro prietor of a fine tonsorial parlor in Murphy’s Hotel here before his re moval to California. He resided iu Seattle Washington 13 years. He set up Ben Hassen Shrine, organized the Toussaint L’Overture Consistory in Seattle. He was a past-active 33d degree Mason’ a member of Shasta Elks and Hannibal Blue , Lodge of San Francisco. The latter lodge had charge of the remains, which were buried from Hudson and Butler’s Parlors, Thursday, June 30 at 2:30 P. M. \ ROANOKE LETTER. • ROANOkE, VA., July 12—Mrs. Alice Parson is sick. Rev. W. R. Howerton, D. D. preached last Sunday at 11 A. M. It was the sacrament of infant baptism. At 8 P. M. he delivered another able discourse. Mrs. C. J. Dickerson, deputy for St. Lukes left for Pulas ki. Mrs. Andrew Dickerson was hurt in an automobile accident on the 4th. Her ribs were fractured and her head cut Mrs. Bullock of Durham left last Monday for home. Mm Louise Wright has returned home. Mrs. Xann'e Hewitt is improved. Mrs. Eliza Stanfield, of 66 Chestnut Ave nue N. W. is much Improved Mrs. Sallie Peters arrived in Roanoke recently to spend a while. Her address is 153 Madison Avenue N. W Give Madison Stanfield vour sup port and be happy. He guarantees his remedies and his service is prompt and satisfactory WANTED. OLD SON OS! I Do you have old printed copies of the oid songs, "John Henry” and “John Hardy”? If so, write me I am collecting folk songs and will pay good price for either of above ballads. O. B. JOHNSON, Box 652 Chapel Hill. N. C. Mrs. Mat. White; of Philadel phia is in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. John White and family of N. 5th Street. Mrs. White in com pany with Mrs. Ruth Sully Trent and son and Mrs. Harris motored to Richmond last Friday. They motored to Hampton and Buckroe Beach Tuesday, spending a very pleasant day. THIRD ST. BETHEL A. M. E. • Dr. James S. Hatcher delivered a great message Sunday A. M. on ‘The Constancy of Jesus.” Prof. W. A. Harris of Richmond University delivered a wonderful ad dress on . "Good Will Between the Races.” At night Senator Julien Gunn and Judge Hooper, aceompan .'ed by a fine group of men from the Broad Street Baptist Church, came to us and rendered a fine program. Mr. E. D. Forster presided. The Men’s Choi us which they brought sang most excellently. After two fine addresses oy Sen ator Gunn and Judge Hooper, Dr. J. S- Hatcher was called upon to speak. In his wise, unique and phil osophical way he set before our white friends the history, contribu tion, hopes and aspirations of Ne groes in this country. Our white friends lifted an offering of $62.70. Our Men’s Day efforts resulted in over $250. The ladies having re ported $125 in their recent pageant, "Eve’s Awakening.’” Come to Third Street Sunday. Dr. Hatcher will preach all day Our Street Carnival and Block Par ty will run from August 1st through the 7th. Prepare to come out an 1 enjoy the music and evening breeze and help us to make it a social and financial success. Mr. J. W. Adams and Mr. C. M. Butler will have charge of arrangement. Mr. William Paxton will have charge of the mu sic. I Church Conference Monday night, July 18th. Be present. THE SECOND STREET BANK INSTALLS MANGANESE VAULT The Second St. Savings Bank, Mr. John T. Taylor, President, has installed a fine round burglar proof Manganese steel safe. It :s in the vestibule and may be seen at all hours through the plate glass door Cashier W. S. Banks will be pleased to explain its workings. The insti* tut'on ip steadily increasing its de posits and business is solicited. The R. L. Barnes Safe and Lock Com panv filled the order and installed the safe without any injury whatso ever to the structure. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith wishes to extend her sincere gratitude and appreciaiton to the many friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and testimonials of sym pathy at the death of her husband. Mr. John H. Smith. Especially does she wish to thank1 Mr. Will7am Gregory. i Mr. Wyndham M. Carter of New York C'ty is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carter of N. r>th St. Mrs. Miles C. Debbress left the city last week to visit friends in the Tidewater section. Messrs. L. F. Byrd, Wyndham M Carter^ftnd R. Robinson Davis and A. Allen motored to Buckroo Beach last Sunday. Jit has been quite a number of years since Mr Carter has been to the beach. Just how many we won’t say. f BIRMINGHAM, ALA., July 14— All members of the band of masked men which flogged Arthur Hitt, col ored farmer, will be under arrest within a few days, county authori ties said today, following an inves tigation into the affair which cul minated in Hitt’s transferring for a nominal sum a small tract of land which he did not wish to sell. Authorities believe Hitt, who was characerized as a “respectable land owner,” was coerced into selling by threats of violence. FIFTH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Charles S. Morris Pastor “God orders His Church to go forward: go forward in faith, hope, love and power”. The Rev. Dr. J. E. Willis, pastor of Vermont Avenue Baptist Church, Washington. D. C. delivered the foregoing* instructive message Sunday morning. He preached from Exodus 14:15 using for his subject, “Gbd’s Orders to His Church. ” V Rev. Dr. W. T. Johnson, pastor of First Baptist Church preached at S P. M. from the subject, “Christ ian Co-workers.” Dr. Johnson’s ex plicit development brought home to us how, why and the results of working together with God. We are always delighted to have Dr. John son in our pulpit. Mr. Preston Johnson Mr. J. R. Wade and little Miss Margret Brax (Continued on page 4. I)R. BURTON (WHITE) WELL PREACH AT FOUNTAIN CHURCH Sunday, July 17th at 3:30 P. M. Rev. Dr. Burton (white) will preach at the Fountain Baptist Church. 32nd and P Sts. He will be accompanied by his congregation Reserved seats for white people. Music by colored choir. Rev. A. R. Vanlandingham, P8stor | I). C. DEANS' AGENTS WIN. t ____ The North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Durham, N. C, has a State agency in this city in charge of Mr, D. C. Deans Jr. and there has been general rejoicing in the neighborhood. There stands a perpetual trophy in the shape of | a large loving cijp and known as "‘The Perpetual Trophy in memory of fallen leaders, John Merrick and Aaron McDufFe Moore. M. D Awarded annually to the State mak ing the greatest contribution to the Company’s success. ' After a survey of the work done in the country du'ring 1926, tho Ridges awarded the trophy to the State of Virginia and State Agent D. i C* Deans; Jr. smiles blandly whenever you' ask him anything about it. The magnificent silver trophy Is on exhibition in the win* dow of the Commercial Bank and Trust Company. Go there and in* spect fit.