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Women. Weak. Tired, Sundown and Nervous or who suffer ovarian pains, pains in tho lower part of the stomach, bearing down pains, female weak nesses, headaches, backache, melan cholia, despondency, nervous de rangements. flushes of heat, .'leetiug and indefinite pains, ^whites, painful or irregular periods, should write to Mrs. Ellen Lovell, 5267 Mass., Kansas City. Mo. She will entirely FREE and with out charge t0 the inquirer advise of a convenient home method whereby she and other women say they have successfully relieved similar trou bles. The most common expression of these thankful women is “I feel like a new woman. ” And others, ‘I don’t have any pains whatever any more.” “I can hardly believe my selt that your Wonderful Method has done so much good for me in such a short time.” Write today. This advice is entirely free to you. S/«e has nothing to sell. VIRGINIA In Hustings Court Part II, City of Richmond, July 12, 1927. WALTER W. DICKERSON, Plaintiff vs. BELLE DICKERSON-Defendant t l The object of this suit is to ob tain a divorce from the bond of matrimony by the plaintiff from the defendant' Belle Dickerson upon the ground of desertion for more than three years prior to the commence ment of this suit. And affidavit having been made and filed that the defendant, Belle Dickerson is not a resident of the State of Virginia, it is ordered that she do appear here within ten days after due publication of this order and do what may be necessary to protect her interest in this suit. A Copv Teste: . .. . W. E. DUVAL, Clerk. By A. F. DUVAL, D. C. C . MIMMS, p. q. .... . #. ....^ VIRGINIA: In Hustings Court Part II. City of Richmond, July 12, 1927. I gi* • CHARLES JAMES .- • Plaintiff vs. In Chancery EMMA JAMES .Defendant ! The object of this suit is to ob tain an absolute divorce by the plaint'ff from the defendant upon the grounds of desertion and aban donment for more than three years prior to the commencement of this suit. *3 And affidavit having been made and tiled that the defendant. Emma James is not a resident of Virginia and whose last known P. O. ad dress was 416 Elm Street. N. W.. Washington, D. C. it is ordered tbflt she do appear here within ten ciays after the due publication of this order and do what may be ne cessary to protect her interest in this suit. A Copy Teste: W. E. DUVAL, Clerk By A. F. DUVAL, D. C. C. MIMMS, p.q. VIRGINIA: In the Law and Equity Court of ?Jie City of Richma|nd. the 6th day of July. 1927. JULIA HARRIS.Complainant Against In Chancery ROGER HARRIS .Defendant The obiect of this suit is to ob tain, by the complainant from the defendant Roger Harris, a divorce from the bond of matrimony upon the ground of abandonment and desertion for more than three (3) years. And, an affidavit having been made ad filed that the defendant, Roger Harris, is not a resident of the State of Virgin'a, it is ordered that ho do appear here within ten (10) days after due publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit. A Copy—Teste: LUTHER LIBBY, Clerk. Bv E. M. EDWARDS, D. C. JAS. T. CARTER, p.q. -#• Beautiful New Houses, | 3 Rooms, Neily Papered and Painted, Plenty of Light, Rent $13.50 J, D, GARNEAL & SONS, 12 N. 9th St, Mad, 2514j A X AX NO l XC EM EXT. The Goodwill Baptist Church, 411 Js Monroe Street is a new unit to the Baptist Church, with a very broad program. Rev. W. R. Bail, pastor! invites the public and his many j friend.-, to worship Sunday. July 17 at 11:30' A. M. and 8:30 P. M. ! Communion 1st Sundoy*. : ■><.■ P -• Sunday Schoo>. 10:00 A. >•’ Sped.'. j mus<c. All are Invited. B. Y. P. U-, 6:45 P. M. REV. W. B. BALL, Pastor, j F. BALL. Clerk. r1 - *---— I 66 6 Is a prescription for Colds, Grippe. Flu. Denque bilious Ff>ver ami Malaria It Kiils the Germs. VZS&SSgSSS&SfS!ssssssss^wssw-smi [•Moore St. Bapt. Church, ►♦West Leigh St./between Kinney ancfBowe Sts [Dr. Gordon B. Hancock, PA ^TOR •'Smulav, .Inlv 17, 1027 *11:30 A. M., The Pastor will Preach from the Subject: ‘ “Spiritual Tire Trouble.” v Postponed from last Sunday. ♦ ;8:15 P, M, BAPTIZING ARE WELCOME.*®^ ► \ C. S, CUNNINGHAM, Funeral Director; * Phone Randolph 4184 Residence Phone Randolph 3167 j* 1816 HULL STREET, SOUTH RICHMOND, VA. ^ The latest style funeral equipment. Caskets, either metallic, > mahogany, oak, etc. Prices the lowest, consistent with service. * Orders received at all hours, and will receive immediate at e tention. Automobile Service. j. C. S. CUNNINGHAM H. L». MINOR ■ CUNNINGHAM & MINOR * 507 N. Fifth Street Richmond, Va., Phone Randolph 3052 * Service Available At All Hours. Satisfaction Guaranteed. * Your Patronage Is Solicited. * i INTERIOR VIEW OF THE PALATIAL SOUTHERN BARBER SHOP, I 605 BROOK AVENUE. The Latest Style Hair-Cuts a Feature with Hair Bobbing for Ladies a Specialty. Shampooing, Hair Singeing, with ail of the latest methods for doing sanitary and antiseptic work always available. THe TONSORIAL ARTISTS here are well known and reliable, being skilled at the business. Invalids can receive attention at their homes. Hot Water and Baths Available. » I m BROOK AVENUE TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 1530-W J C. COOPER. PROPRIETOR. Ask for is by mm Unruly Hair Smooth and Glossy SOU’ comes a scientific preparation from the laboratories of Dr. Fred Palmer, developer of the famous Dr. Fred Palmer Skin Whitener Prep arations. This new and marvelous preparation is known as Dr. Fred Palmer’s Pet Hair Gloss, and marks an advanced step in hair culture by injecting an entirely new principle into a product of this nature, where by the most unruly, the most wiry, and the hardest to manage hair is easily and beautifully trained to a straight, glossy black, keeping it in place for hours and hours after one application. PET Hair Gloss is pure and harm less; does not discolor the hair or injure the scalp, and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If your hair is hard to manage, and you want to control it easily, with perfect safety —if you want your hair to glisten with all its natural lustre and stay where you brush it — PET Hair Gloss is the one scientific preparation that accomplishes all these desires. For sale at all drug and toilet goods counters serving race people. If your druggist cannot supply you, sent direct, postpaid, upon receipt of price, SOc for a large size jar. Ad dress Dr. Fred Palmer’s Laboratories, Dept. 703, Atlanta, Ga. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME You Know What a Good Dictionary Costs You You know what a Webster*s Dictionary for School purposes will cost You, We are quoting you a nominal price, it is to introduce .... THE PLANET (E.XACT SIZE) WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY HAS BEEN A STANDARD PUBLICATION FOR MORE THAN HALF A CL ITURY. WE HAVE WEBSTER'S COLLEGE, HOME AND OFFICE DICTIONARY TO OEFER YOU UPON A BASIS THAT WILL AFFORD SA TISFACTION. IF THE DICTIONARY IS NOT AS IT IS REPRESENTED TO BE, WE WILL GLADLY REFUND YOU THE MONEY PAID. OUT OUT THE COUPON AND MAIL IT TO US WITH $1.00 AND 25 CTS. FOR MAIL AND PACKING CHARGES AND IT WILL BE SENT TO YOU. SEND US $2.90 AND IT WILL BE SENT TO YOU WITH THE PLANET FOR ONE YEAR. POSTPAID. NOTE THE FEATURES: 60,000 WORDS (GENERAL VOCABULARY). 12,000 SYNONYMS. RADIO AND WIRELESS t£rMS. DICTIONARY OF THE LATEST WORDS. OVER 1,200 PAGES HANDSOMELY BOUND IN SUPER QUALITY FABBIKOID AND STAMPED IN GOLD, * i 200 PAGES SIZE 5 1—2 X 7 1—2 INCHES. TWO INCHES IN THICKNESS. ‘Send vs th~ee yearly nubsertbers <>"*'/ we will sene' yen a copy of the Diction ary free of charge. SEND US THE COUPON WITH $1.00 AND 25 013, FOR MAILING AND PARCEL POST AND WE WELL SHIP YOU A COPY ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. WE GUARANTEE A REFUND OF YOUR MONEY IF THE BOOK IS NOT JUST AS REPRESENTED. THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th Street Richmond, Va.: Please send me one copy of WEBSTER’S COLLEGE, ROME E ND OFFICE DICTIONARY. Find enclosed $1.25. Name ....• * *. Street and Number .... City and State ... MAIL YOUR ORDER TODAY. THE NUMBER OF COPIES TO BE DISPOSED OF ON THESE TERMS IS LIMITED. This dictionary is not published by th.e crigTcl publish ers o/ the Vi’t Ester s Cicticr.ary cr Ly H.eir suc cessors. but by the Consolidated Eccft Publishers. !r.c.