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VOLUME XLIV, NO. 38 in Office of Surgeon Young Dr. Frank E. Neison Dies Suddenly Here. CUTTING AFFA BLOODY FRACAS Planet Subscription Campaign Off With a Vim Dr. Nelson Dies in the Office of Dr. Tennant Dr. Frank E. Nelson died sud denly Saturday night. July 23, as he fell into the dodrww of the office, of Dr. Albert A. Tennant, at the corner of Fourth and Clay Sts. The surgeon and phy4cian answered the call and was under the impress ion that some one bad been cut As he opened the door. Dr. Nelson collapsed. He was given a hvper dermic injection, but it was too late. He died from a hemorrhage of the lungs. The deceased had just left h's brother in Second St. and was to have met him again at Ferguson and Galvin's Pharmacy. 4th and Leigh Sts. t A PROMISE MADE He called up his girl in Washing ton by long distance ’phone, it then be'ng about 11:45. He was heard to tell her that he would be ir. Washington at 1 o’clock the nex’. day. Within 20 minutes after that conversation he was a corpse n Dr. Tennant’s office and within 2o min utes after the arrival of Coroner H;U of South Richmond, he was in th° mofrgue at Funeral Director Rober: C. Scott’s establishment. Dr. W. T. Nelson is a practicing physician in South Richmond and he and his brother had just moved into their new residence and olTice to practice the r profession -.ogether. SHERHERDS WILL RUN ANOTHER EXCURSION TO RAYSHORE, Plans ar* taking formal shape for the SHEPHERDS EXCURSION which will go to Bay Shore and thenc€ to Newport News. September 14th to he Grand Annual Convention of the Order, which will convene in New port News on the 13th, ? 4th and 15th. From all ind*cations this promises t0 be the biggest Excur sion carri<xi out of the city this year. People are ;<ssuring us m every quarter of the c'ty and sur rounding counties that they expect to go with us on this trip. The grand center of attraction will b* the Gtand Street Parade wn/ch will take place on the afternoon of the 14th and it promises to eclipse any thing of its kind which has ever been staged in Newport News* for a long time. The Uniform Department of Rich mond is working arduously to make the best showing poser'ble :n this parade. A number of the Folds of the surrounding counties are also contending to have units in the pa rade. We have been assured that there will be marching clubs from Philadelphia. Baltimore, etc. Not a single Shepherd nor a well-wisher of our Organization can afford to miss this affair. Plans are being formulated for a first-class oaseball game which will take place between 1 a Richmond team and one of the bef# teams of Newport Newa. This game will be called at the conclusion 1 of the parade. * I Clark’s Invincible Fold held a very interesting meeting on the 4th Monday night and was honored bv the presence of our Grand Shepherd Mrs. Ora Brown Stokes who deliv ered a very interesting and inrpiring address, which was enjoyed by all W. H. Dennis Fold held a very interesting meeting on the 4th Mon day night and all of the members evidenced a keen Interest In the work of the Fold. Eliza A. Berkley’s Fold held a very enthusiastic meet’ng and obli gated several candidates. (Continued on page 4. Grand St. Carafra! THIRD ST. BETH.KL A M. E Hear! Hear! All Ye People of Richmond. Third Street between Leigh and Jackson Streets will be beautifully Vghted and decorated from August 1 through August 5th, each night from 7 toi 12 P. M Band Music- fried chicken sand wiehes, (10c) hot dogs (5c) spare ribs (by order) lemonade, peaunte candy, soft dr nks hot waffles and butter, hot fish, ice cream wr*cr melon, fishing pond. Cklme’ Cool breeze, cold water and happy fellowship ALL FREE. Cj'her Churches and Organizations will have booths in this Carnival. Come and patronize your own as well as ours. Let us have a Jolly ^ree Week Welcome. * Steering Committee: C. M. But ler, W. J Adams. E. J. J W. F. Denny M. J. Graram H. Gibson. Police: Jacob Green and Thomas Raggin. Banc. Music Wil liam Paxton. Lights and Decora tions: C. Stallings Mrs. Marv Coles. Sylvia Stukcs. Rev. .James S. Hatcher, Pastor. > ’ i CA RTER—GREEN Mr. Daniel S. Wynn announces the marriage of his sister. Ruby Louise Green to Mr. Chester P Carter, on Wednesday even ng, Juno 1st. 1927, Richmond, Virginia. Reception, Friday evening, July 20th. 105 South First Street, from e ght to eleven. a Friends invited. NOTICE! To the Pastors and Missionary Cir cles of the Baptist Churches and th> public in general: This is to inform you that 'he Binga Home and Foreign Missionary Society of 'he P rst Baptist Church South Richmond, Va. plan to un veil a Memorial Window to the memory of the late Mrs. Annie F Blackwell on Sunday, July 31. 192V a‘ 3:30f P. M. *in their church. We are therefore inviting to be present, the pastors, members of the Missionary Circles, with whom niw labored) in the Master's Vineyard for the advancement of the Kingdom in this and foreign lands and the public in general Very truly. Binga Home and Foreign Missionary Society, Mrs. Susie H. Robinson. President Rev. W. L. Ransome. Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL UN/ON TO MEET The Richmond Baptist Sunday School Union convenes tomorrow. , 3:30 P. M. at the. Little Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Rev. Isaac Perla*. < pastor. ' Mr. G. T. Walker, president: Rev C. B. Jefferson, corresponding sec retary. Bring us your job printing. It will be neatly and promptly executed Tao Fine (Bars Attract Welf*known People’s Attention**Enter (Boniest Now - i This is the first week—enter to day: take advantage |r>f an early start. Now is your opportunity to increase ycur earning capacity by winning one of the Grand Prizes. First Prize, Hudson Standard Se dan, sales price $lS05t00. Fast g2t away and performance so smooth that only a hundred and two mile:: an hour will cause vibration. Wo offer you both class and speed en durance. Until you ride *n the Hudson Standard there is a motor ii-g thrill you can never know. The latest model 1927, delivered F.O.B. Second Prize, Essex Sedan, known for its popularity and speed. The latest 1927 model valued at $1006 00 F. O. B, You have plenty time to win one of these valuable prizes between now and September 20. which will be the close of the campa’gn. Ev ery one must win. There is also $250.00 in geld t<> be divided as follows: 3rd prize. $75 00: 4th, $50.00: 5th, $45.00; 6th. $35.00; 7th. $25.00; 8th. $20.00 and 10 per cent cash commission to all non prize winners if they remain active in the Campaign until the close. An Active Contestant is one who re mains in the Campaign until the close and turns in at least one cash subscription every Monday, which is reporting day. Just a little of your spare time There is no reason why you should not win one of these valuable prizes. All you have to do to win is: Turn on the gas, step out with a little pep, see ycur friends, get them in terested In you. and ask them to use their influence to help you win one of these valuable prizes. In doing so you will be helping a worthy Negro enterprioe. This paper is liberal in its columns; it prints all of the church news and all other j news that’s of interest to the race. | In do'ng so you will he helping in a big way to build future employ ment for your boys and girls. The responsibility of helping to hu'ld iy) worthy enterprises rests ! upon the citizenship of every city and State in the Union. The only hopes of accomplishing this is by <o-operation, broad-minded, leader ship. We must lay flown petty jeal ousies. personal feelings, and real ize that a worthy cause is greater and more beneficial to the commun ity than individual feelings. Jeal ousy has been the cause of many worthy men going down to defeat and destroying worthy enterprises. * Let us stop fighting one another because every nationality of the world is fighting us and yet we are still flght'ng one another. How can we hope to reach the height of our amibition until we lay down these ! little petty jealousies and work i together w’th one great aim for the future development of our Negro enterprises. To my mind this is the only so lution that will solve our many > problems that confront our group for we must have more confidence in one another and have more more brotherly love and respect One of God’s great commandments is. “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” T wonder how many of us keep that commandment. W. A. KERSEY. Campaign Manager. .1 Yofu are requested to attend the Queen Elizabeth Pleasure Garden every Monday and Thursday even ings. from 8 to 12 P. M.. 901 Dennv St. REV. S. P. ROBINSON RES/GN3 THE PASTORATE OF OST ST BAPTIST CHURCH Richmond, Va., Jujy IS, 1927. To the 31»t Street Baptist Church. Dear Bretnren ana Sisters,—I came to you as pastort e ght years and nearly seven monta^ r.go, from the St. James Baptist Church, 01* Goochland County, Va. and the Mt. Nebo, of New Kent County, Va. I found you very few in number (being a small part of a church of six hundred that had been split into three parts by dissenson) and in debt to the amount of three thousand ninety (five dollars and five cents. Tha edifice was badly in need of repairs. During my pastorate the Lord ha3 wrought wonderfully with you, in that the membership has grown to three hundred and eighty odd; the debt has been paid; remodeling and repairing have been done to the amount of more than eight thousand dollars, and you have paid that down to three thousand and two hundred dollars. If you will use a little mort energy this debt can be paid in a short while. , The various departments of the Church, namely: The regular Sun day Services, the Prayer Meetings. the Sunday School, fts Teachers’ Meeting and Teacher Training Course, the B. Y. P. U., and the Woman’s Missionary and Education al Circle ere all in a I've and good condition. The Church has donated thous ands. of dollars for missions, educa- | tion and for the help of the needy withiin our walls since my oastorata. And now, if you will walk in the ways of the Lord. He will continue to prosper your pathway. I believe it Hu the will of our ’ Father in Heaven that my pastorate with you close. I therefore tender to you my resignation, hoping that our pray ers for each other will be mutual. Iam your brother in Christ Jesus, S. P. ROBINSON. i Richmond. Va.. July 21, 1927. To Whom It May Concern: This Is to cert'fy that Rev Simon P. Robinson has been the. pastor of Thirtyjfirait Street Bap list Church for more than eight years. He came to us as a Gospel preacher and a Christian gentleman. He has proved h;ni8elf to be an upright and ener getic Christian. He has. been faith ful in every department of the Church. Therefore the 31st Street Baptist Church recommends him to lv a man called of God to preach the Gospel one who believes in nunctual it.y. In his departure, we hope that the choice blessings of Gbd may rest upon liim and we further hope that prosperity may attend his pathway. Done by the order of the 31st Street Baptist Church. * Ollio L. Bruce, William Coles, Estelle Carter, Luberta Braxton Spencer A. Jeter, Committee. i CRADDOCK—SMITH. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dav's, of 1118 Pink Street announce the mar riage their niece, Mdss Zulette M. Sni th to Mr. Stepney B. Craddock, which cook place at their residence Thursday evening, July 21st, 1927, Rev. J. A. Bowler officiating and only the immediate famil es being present. Mr. and Mrs. Craddock will receive their friends Sunday even ing. July 31st, 1927, from 8:30 to 11: :T0 o’clock. No cards. I MRS. ARTENIA J MILLER MISSED Mrs. Artenia J. Miller, a friend t„ the poor, is gone to the Great Beyond where she is resting from her labor and her good works shall follow her, to live on through the ceaseless age of eternity. During her V'fetime she saw that the poor were looked after and cared for. Every year she would give the inmates of the Afro-American Old Folks Home, 1115 W. Moore St., Richmond, Va. a picnic. S<nce her death, I am sorry to say, the Old Folks have had no one to take them out for recreation. ' The old fathers and mothers would be glad if gome one or some organ ization would All her place in taking them out. As the summer is gliding by, we hope that they will have the opportunity to go somewhere before the summer is gone, J. C. RANDOLPH, President I . • < You can get into the running now* See the manager and make a rvn for the Hudson Super-Six Sedan. Your friends wfll help you. Funeral Director A. D. Price, Jr. had six funerals at about the same hour last Sunday. He suc ceeded in having one of them post poned until Monday, but he handled i Mra Alice Cooke^and son Edward’ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swann and daughter, Lillian, left Thursday for an extended motor trip to Washing ton, Philadelphia, Pa., Brooklyn. N. Y. and other Northern cities, the others all right. Funeral Director C. P. Hayes, had a funeral Sunday morning in this city and the preacher took one hour to deliver the funerel discourse, it being 11 o’clock when he com menced. Mr. Hayes drove 28 miles ; in the country with the remains and at 2 P. M. was back at his own establishment. It does not take long tn put folks under the ground, even 1 in Goochland these days. ■ - ■’ j NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE . .PROGRESSES UNDER shkpa*d DURHAM. N. C.. July 26.—(By 1 The Associated Negro Press) The notable progress which North Caro lina has been making in an educa tional. commercing and civic way has brought to the fore many out James Morgan Qut at I8th and Broad Streets I standing developments and individ uals. Notable among these is the Forth Carolina, College for Negroes located at Durham . , This institution, whose history ha* been closely associated with the risf1 Copyright—A. N. P. DR. JAMES E. SHEPARD ot the city and State, first opened its doors in 1910. Dr. Janies E. ‘ Shepard was its guiding star then as now. Staring as the National Religiou5 Training School and Chautauqua, it acquired under his leadership _ and solicitation property worth $135,000 which In 1921 because of financial ! stringency and the excellent work it was doing, the State took over, re naming the institution the Durham State Normal School. I Later when the North Carolina | legislature decided upon a State (Continued on page S) i , Much excitement was caused at 18th and Broad Sts. Saturday night July 23, when the occupants of a car engaged in a bloody combat. Two women were in the car Jaint.j Morgan, who yesidee at 1.404 N. 24th St. was cut in the head ana breast. He was bloody and the way the ground appeared as he walked, it was thought that he was seriously injured. The affair took place ai about 10 o’clock. James Mason is reported to have done the cutting. The ambulance responded to the call and Morgan was treated and left. No felony charge was sworn out. j Rev. James S. Hatcher. D. D., I pastor Third St. Bethel A M. K Church goes to District Conferences pi Oceana, July 26-29th. Dr. Hatch ; er is accompanied by. Mrs. Cora Valentine, C. Traynham, B. Robin son and E. J. Johnson. } Despite the hard times and the fact that many of the members are out' of town on vacation and m quest of work, Dr. Hatcher and his loyal people have done a great work. Since Conference in April they have staged a great fellowship meeting between the races, at which time Prof. W. A. Harris of Rich mond University. Senator Julien Gunn, Judge Hooper and Lawyer Patterson made inspiring addresses to promote good feeling between the races. To these Dr. Hatcher re sponded with unique wisdom and < Continued on page 4 Standing of Contestants First Week of Campaign Who Will Be Winner? Mrs. Eliza Berkley, 508 W. Baker St. 37,000 Mrs. Addie Johnson, 811 l :2 W. Clay St. 27,000 Mrs. Martha Pryor 10 W. Duval St. 27,000 Mrs. Carrie Dickerson, Nesting Va. 27,000 Mrs. Nannie Powell. 109 E. Marshall St. 27,000 Mrs. Zemoria J. Wood, 615 Judah St. 27.000 Mrs. C. P. Hayes, 727 N. 2nd St. 27,000 Mrs. Hattie Lassiter, 709 1-2 W. Clay St.. 17,000 Miss Annette O’Neal, 2704 Q St.. 17,000' Miss Effie Mickles, 8 E. Federal St. 17,000 Miss Lillian Frayser, 3 E. Leigh St..... 27,000 Miss Virginia D. Wood, 620 N. Fifth St. 27,000 Mr. J. T. Richardson, 325 N. First St. 27,000 Mr. J. Montague, 708 N. Thirtieth St. 27,000 Mr. Humphrey Newsome, 219 W. Leigh St.. . . . 27,000 Mr. James A C Johnson, 10 W. Leigh St. 27.000 Mr. G. C. Grant, 300 E. Clay St. 27,000 Mr. Elijah Shields, 810 St. John St. 17,000 Mr. William Payton, 405 1:2 E. Clay St.17.000 Lawyer William F. Denny, 610 N. 3rd St.. .. 17,000 Miss Pearl Mayo, 917 State,.St.. 17,000