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DEATHS REPORTED • i The following is a list of deaths of colored persons reported to the Richmond Bureau of Health from September 6, 1927, to September 13, 1927, with date of death: September 2, Constance Elizabeth Scott, age 11 months, 519 Tazewell St. September 1, Algernon C. Ed munds, age 46 years, 1124 VV. Leigh St. September 6, Robert L. Hawthorne, age 16 years, 737 N. Sixth St. September 6, Richard Henry Ed monds, age 1 day, 2902 Hull St. September 5, Henry Irby, age 3 months, 102 Byrd St. September 5, Fleming Wilkerson, age 72 years, 1202 \V. Leigh St. September 5, Percy Harris, age 6 months, 521 N. Henry St. September 7. Minnie Lewis, age 35 years, 908 St. James St. September 8, Junius A. Ross, age 6 months, 3214 O St. September 7. Edward Fitzgerald, age 53 years, 920 N. 28th St. September 7, Rufus Turner, age 16 years. Shallow Well, Va. September 9, Ellett Harden, age 2 years, 124 Midlothian Pike. September 8, Oscar Watkins, age 22 years, Drewry’s Bluff, Va. September 7, Martha Brown, age 50 years, 1015 21st St. September 8, Maria L. Robinson, age 1 vear, 1014 Catherine St. September 8, Nettie C. Anderson, age 58 years, 712 N. 1st St. September 9, Ethel V. Smith, age 1 month, 917 Center St. September 10. James Stokes, age 28 years, 803 Gilmer St. > September 11, Elizabeth Watson, age 35 years, 1106 N. 1st St. September 10, Earnestine Scott, age 10 minutes, 2701 Decatur St. September 11, Nindia Anderson, age 75 years, Chesterfield Co. National Ideal (Continued from page 1) The Regular Session. While an executive session was held at 6 P. M. Monday, the 5th, in which much important business was transacted, the regular session did not open until 10:00 A. M. o.t the 6th. Devotionals were conducted by Rev. R. B. Taylor. Supreme C taplain, Richmond, Va., assisted by Rev. W. T. Johnson, also of Richmond, Va., and Rev. B. J. Westray, of Pitts burgh, Pa. The Society was wel comed on the part of the John Wes ley Church, by the pastor, Rev. H. T. Medford: on behalf of the “Wash ington Ideals,” by Mrs. Olivia E. Neal and Mrs. India Boyd, both of \\ ash ington, D. C.; on behalf of the city by the Hon. Emmett J. Scott, Secre tary-Treasurer of Howard University. Responses to these addresses were made by the following: to Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Maude A. Morrissette, Phila delphia; to Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. Olivia W. Smith, Richmond, Va.; to Mr. Scott, Mr. L. C. White, Richmond, Va. No Conflict There. The program was so arranged that both the work oi' the Supreme Lodge and that of the Nursery Guardians’ Convention could be cared for in the time allotted, without conflict either as to time or interest. Accordingly the first day was given to the work of the Supreme Lodge, and the chief business to claim its attention, after ritualistic formalities had been com plied with, was the hearing of re ports from the following: Supreme Secretary, Mrs. M. S. Payme; Su preme Treasurer, T. L. Beverly; Su preme Auditors, Mrs. Alma L. Chap man and L. C. White, all of Rich mond, Va.. and the annual address <rf Supreme Master A. W. Holmes, which was in the nature of a report. What Reports Showed. I These reports showed that the Society has enrolled 35,000 members during the past fifteen years, paid death claims aggregating thousands of dollars; that it now has assets of more than $60,000, and is free from debt. On the basis of these accom plishments the Supreme Master urged the delegates to be loyal and faithful to the Order, predicting for and it a future of prosperity. His recom mendations of plans for intensifying the work in Virginia, and extending it to certain parts of Maryland, Dela ware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, hitherto unreached, were unanimous ly adopted. The body also adopted the Supreme Master’s plan for re modeling the home office and he was given the power to act. Rev. Dr. Johnson Spoke. Other outstanding addresses were delivered by Dr. W. T. Johnson, pas tor o*f the First African Baptist Church, Richmond, Va., and Mr. W. S. Carter, president of the Industrial 'Savings Bank of Washington, D. C. Dr. Johnson spoke from the subject of “Leadership,** emphasizing^ the qualities of originality, self-helpful ness and patience, which he said are the foundation stone on which lead I ' ' ership must be built. Dr. Johnson was master of himself and his audi ence throughout his address. Mr. Carter spoke on the subject of “Thrift” and pictured it as the bed rock on which all business enterprises must rest. Thanks to God. i The body adopted the following resolutions:* Recognizing the strug gle through which our Order has passed and the unusual progress it has made, it is befitting that its 15th annual meeting should have been held in the city of Washington, D. C., the capital of the greatest nation in the world—a city which has been a center of educational opportunity for our people since their emancipation from slavery. Now, therefore, be it resolved: . , 1. That we thank the Almighty God for His unerring guidance of the leaders of this great body, and pledge to keep our hand in His hand. 2. That we thank our own mem bers of the Washington District and the citizens of Washington, D. C., for the very cordial welcome extended us, and for the living accommodations which have been ours during our so journ in their city. 3. That we tender a vote of thanks to the John Wesley A. M. E. Z. Church, for the satisfactory way in which the sessions of this convention have been housed and cared for dur ing our stay here. 4. That we hereby express our ap preciation to the local committee for the splendid sight-seeing tour which enabled our delegates to view many points of beauty and historic inter est, thus enabling us to carry from Washington many pleasant memories of the beauties and wonders here to be beheld. I Urged Race Support. 5. That this convention will go on record as urging our people to patronize Negro professional men and women and Negro business en terprises, whenever it is reasonably possible and profitable to do so. Practically all officers who came up for re-election were re-elected. Vice-Supreme Master, Rev. W. L. Anderson, of Beaver Dam, whose term of office would not have ex pired until September, 1928, resigned to give all of his time to ministerial duties. At his request, Mr. L. C. White, of Richmond, Va., was elected to that position. Fine Singing. The Ideal Choirs of Richmond and Newport News rendered acceptable music throughout the sessions. The Washington committee entertained with a delightful sight-seeing tour on the afternoon, and a musical pro gram on the evening of the 7th, and served the delegation to a delicious banquet on the night of the 8th. The next meeting will be held in Rich mond, Va., September, 1928. Much credit is due Col. C. H. Neal and the members of the Washington District for the success of this meet ing, which was one of the best in the history of the Society. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Miss Rhoda M. Johnson, of Quincy, ^ 111., public school teacher in Kansas City, Kans., was in the city a few days the past week while en route to Indiana and Michigan to visit other friends. Accompanying Miss Johnson were Mrs. F. G. Munday, of Quincy; Mrs. Cora Moten, Fredie and Viola Moten and Johnnie Williams, of Kan sas City, Mo. Ambrose H. Young, 4114 Calumet Avenue, who passed away August 30th, after a lingering illness, was buried Monday, September 5th, fol lowing funeral services under the auspices of Western Light Lodge, No. 30, F. & A. M., on September 4th. Mr. Young was a pioneer citizen of Chicago, having come to Chicago 52 years ago from Kansas. For 40 years he was chef at the county jail. He had been an active member and worker for thirty years in Old Bethel and Metropolitan Community Center Church, of which Rev. W. D. Cook is pastor. Mr. Young was the last sur viving charter member of Western Light Lodge, No. 48, having been a member for forty-eight years. Fu neral oration and eulogy by Rev. Cook, music by the Metropolitan choir. Many resolutions were read. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. Interment at Mt., Glenwood Cemetery beside his wife, the late Mrs. Lou Ella Young, widely known fraternally. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wortham and William Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., are spending some time in the city visiting friends as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Brown. Mrs. Walter M. Farmer, 4751 ] Champlain Avenue, has gone to Kan- j sas City, Mo., and also Kansas to spend two weeks with relatives and I friends. The California School of Beauty Culture, Study Class, of which Mme. Collonia Ghee is president, and Mrs. Theo. Harris is secretary, entertained at the home of the president, 3425 S. Wabash Avenue, September let, a number of visitors and members of the class to honor Mme. Katharyn Wilson, of Omaha, Nebraska. Fol lowing a fine program, dainty re freshments were served. The families of the late Ambrose H. Young and the late Mrs. Lou Ella Young met for the last time on last Sunday whan they attended the fu neral rites for A. H. Young. Among those who ftrjet were James Robinson, of East Moline, 111.; Mrs. Georgia Hughes, Metropolis; Mrs. Myrtle Thomas, St. Louis; Reid Hughes, Ambrose H. Robinson, Mrs. Orphetta Embry, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. Ethel Webb, Walter Hughes, brother and relatives of Mrs. Young; Joseph Young, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Sal lie Young-Dickson, Leavensworth, Kans., brother and sister of A. H.1 Young, Wm. M. Gales, Mrs. Parthenia J. Brown, M. T. Bailey, A. E. Pinck ney and Mrs. Mattie Fly, life-long friends of the family. Attorney and Mrs. Walter M. Farmer, 4751 Champlain Avenue, re turned to the city a few days ago from a very pleasant two weeks’ va cation at Cassopolis, Michigan, as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hagen. HENRICO COUNTY, VA. Gravel Hill Baptist Church. Rev. W. L. Luck, Pastor. Sunday School convened at the usual hour. Superintendent Rooks was at his post of duty. At 11:30, Rev. Davis brought us a powerful message, John 5:39, which was enjoyed by all who heard it. At 8. P. M., Rev. John Hill preached for one of the clubs. He preached from Gen. 18;25. Don’t forget prayer service on Wednesday night. J. M. ANDERSON, Reporter. UNION LEVEL NOTES. Our Sunday School was well at tended Sunday. In the absence of our pastor, Rev Charity preached for us all day. His text at 11:30 A. M. was: “Thou Art Weighed In Balances and Art Found Wanting.” At 8:30 P. M. his text was: “Forward March.” Rev. E. Nash and Rev. Wm. An derson were with us Sunday. Sunday morning before preaching there will be a short program. The pastor will be home. At 3:30 Com munion services. We are glad to have Miss Georgia Carter, of 1012 State Street, home again. The pastor is asking that every member be present Sunday. Come out praying. AN ANNOUNCEMENT. The Goodwill Baptist Church, 410 N Monroe Street Is a new unit to the Baptist Church, with a very broad program. Rev. W. R. Bail, pastor Invites the public and hig many friends to worshiip Sunday Septem ber . 11:30 A.M. and S;30 P.M. Communion 1st Sundays, 3: ’0 P. M Sunday Sehool, 10:00 A. M. Special music- All are Invited. Ya. Union University Law School. - The registration of old and new students in the Law Department of Virginia Union University will take place Monday night, October 3rd from 6 to 8 o’clock in Room 18 Pickford Hall. Students are urged to register promptly. For further information, address VIRGINIA UNION UNIVERSITY, Richmond, Virginia. W. J. CLARK, D. D., President. Heath’s Restaurant For Everything Good to Eat. A. M. Heath, Proprietor Petersburg, Virginia i FREE! FREE! TWO AUTOMOBILES “The Planet $4,000.00 Automobile Subscription Contest. Subscriptions wins votes and vot»?s wins prizes. Sub scriptions $2.00 per year. Contest closes Monday, September 19, 1927, at 8 P. M. JV>r Information Phone R. 231S or , come in and let us explain to you our proposition. W. A. KERSEY, Campaign Manage*. GEORGE L. KNOX, Field Manager. f 6 6 6 | Is a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria; It Kiils the Germs. S3SSSSSSSSSS8«SSffSS»SSSSSS8SSS2S8S8SKS8S88SSa I We have a suite of rooms in the Mechanics Office Building suitable I for a dentist and another for a phy sician. Single men can secure lodg ing rooms. The terms are the cheap est in the city. Read The Planet It will be de livered to you for 60 cents for three months with postage prepaid. Send in your order. _ SORE LEGS HEALED Open Legs, Ulcers, Enlarged Veins, Gol-er, Eczema healed while you work. Write for free book "How to Heal Mjr Sore Legs at Home." De scribe ybur case. A. C. LIEPE PHARMACY, 1385 GreeD Bay Av., Milwaukee, Wis ONE WEEK’S SUPPLY Free k. wmg ©RONZE BEAUTY Face Powder is made by a new | French process, and is not affected by perspiration. Used satisfactorily on dry or oily skin. Makes the complexion soft and velvety—and stays on until removed. Three tints which blend with any complexion: High Brown, Bronze Glow and Flesh. Fill out and mail the coupon be low and we will send you a whole week’s supply free. MHIHNtllUMMINimHIlHimNimHIHUINIINHIHIHIMNNNIlHHtNIHHINHINIIIIHMINIIIIHIHHItllllttHIIHIHHHmiNIIN 23 STRAIT-TEX CHEMICAL CO. , 569 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. j Name__—- ■ ■ -— Street aod Number.--——— City---State THE BROWN'S Photographic Studio ALL OF THE LATEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOTOS AT MODERATE PRICES. Special Attention Paid to Children. Exterior and Interior Work Will be Executed on Short Notice. We Speclallae on ENLARGING and COPYING from OLD PH0T08. * CALL AND SEE US—WORK DONE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER. FLASH-LIGHT Photoe A Feature. The Latest Style Developing Outfits. Our POWERFUL LENS Rank with the Best In the Country. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS ARE WELCOME. 603 N. SECOND SI.. RICHMOND. VA. <■ _ Funeral Parlor Rest-Room* Display Rooms Led*e Romms Phones—Office Ran. 2073. Residence, Ran. 2703. Asst., Ran. Ktfl-w ROBERT C. SCOTT, Funeral Director 2223 EAST Maim STRFFT RICHMOND. VA. 1.0. PRICE, 212 EAST LEIGH SMI FUNERAL DIRECTOR, EMBALMER AND LIVERYMAN All Orders Promptly Filled at Short Ifotioe by Telegraph or Telephone. Halls Rented for Meetings and Nice Entertain ments. Plenty of Room with all Necessary Conveniences. Large Picnic or Band Wagons for Hire at Reasonable Rates |n 1 Nothing But First-daas Automobiles and Carriages, etc. Keep constantly on hand fine Fun. eral Supplies. Open All Day and Night. PHONE Madison 577—Man On Duty All Night—Richmond, Va (Residence Next Door) W. I. JOHNSONS’ SONS Funeral Directors 4 Morticians 10 W. LEIGH STREET PHONE MAD «4 DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE, WITHIN 1000 MILES WHEN ORDERED. V* i. jOHN90"'i» SONS, EXPERIBNCBD MORTICIANS CONDUCT Funerals Flawlesnly. Our Many Year* of Experience Enable* u* to Conduct AM Funeral* in a Most Efficient Manner. We Try to Give More However by I .corporating In Our Service a Spirit of Sym pathetic Underairndjng ... EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Foil Growth of Hair, will also restore the Strength, Vital ity and the Beauty of the Hair. II your Hadr Is Dry and Wiry try BAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. If you are bothered with Falling Hair Dandruff. Itching Scalp, or Hair Trouble, we want you to try a Jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The remedy contains medical proprieties that go to the roots of the hair, stimulates the skin, helping feature to do Its wo«k. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm ef a thousand flowers. The beet known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eyebrows, also restores Gray Hair to lta Natural Color Can be used with hot Iron for Straightening PRICh sent by Mall, 60c; lie Extra tor Postage. I AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, { i l dhHmpou, 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Feee Creem end Dirac- ! j tloL ior Selling, 12.00. 15 eenta estra for poatage. \ a\ D. LYONS. 316 North Central, Oklahoma City, Okie._ ‘PERFUME’ Creadon of BCovto fail. LOVE DROPS A new creation an an chanting pot erfil aroma. Rich and poor, old and young, >or render ta ita chant. <*2.50 size for $1 P'st t paid or $1.27 C.O.D. with instructions for use. Secreta of Love’s psychology and art of win ning the one you love with the original 7 Psychological and suc cessful plans and stratagems for winning, inspiring, captivating, and holding the love of the one yon love and exercising your Magnetic Invis ible Power within you, to which you hold the hey. WONS CO., Dept. 10, Box 1250, Hollywood, Calif. OFFICES FOR RENT Cool, well-lighted offices, with ele vator . service, light, heat etc. now available in Mechanics Bank Build ing at a price that will save the professional man money and afford him exceptional opportunities. Safety Deposit Boxes also for rent These Offices will be handsomely renovated and window-lettering will be a feature. For information and terms, apply to your real estate agent or to John Mitchell, Jr.. 311 N. 4th St.. Rich mond, Va The Roof Garden can also be leased or rented for entertainments. CHURCH DQIHOIOBY V ASHLAND AVENUE BAPTIST (WHITE) Ashland and W. Woodruff Aves. Rev. James S. Kirtley, D. D., jPastor. 11:00 A. M.—Sernron, Theme: “Our Surprises and Emergencies.” 7:30 P. M.—Dr. C. C: Boone, the famous medical missionary and traveler of the Congo river, Africa, will speak. Mt. Olivet and Union Hope Baptist Churches, King William Co., Va. Rev. G. C. Bolling, B. Th., pastor. Residence, 502 West Clay Street, Richmond, Va. Phone Madison 2571-J. Services at Mt. Olivet Bap tist Church, second and fourth Sun days. Services at Union Baptist Church, first and third Sundays. QUICK SERVICE RIGHT PRICES w f. scon Commercial Signs SHOW CARDS. BANNERS, .. POSTERS, ETC. JOB PRINTING 608 1-2 N. 2ND ST. RICHMOND, TA Stage Favorite Praises Exelento Alhter Harris uyt Exelento to greet! Alltter Harris, one of the country'* outstanding actresses, says she owea her beautiful, silky hair to the regular Uff of EXELENTO QUININE POMADE •Toe. too, can hare just aa pretty hair by using Exelento. It goes to the roots ef tbs hair, cleanses the scalp and before yen real* be it, yoar hair to longer and more beautiful than ever before. ____ Beauty experts recommend Exelento be* eauaeitia the original Quinine pomade. . They also endorse Exelento Skin Soap for keeping the akin smooth, velvety and fine from pimples and other blemishes. So confluent are we that you will be pleased with these remarkable prepara tions and use'them regularly that we will send you. free of chargs, a generous sample of each. We will also send you. absolutely from, a valuable book of beauty eecreta prepared by specialists in the care of the hair and skin. Attractive proposition open if you will shew and recommend our preparations to your Mends. EXELENTO MEDICINE COMPANY ATLANTA, GEORGIA AGENTS WANTBD EVERYWHERE Write For Particulars. Subscribe to The Planet > _ CAN YOU PAY $100 CASH? ' If you can, we can place you In touch with the owner of houses on Venable Street, in the 2300 block. They are ftted with all modern im provements and have six rooms with basement. Rental, at $25.00 per month will pay for them Call Randolph 2213 or stop at The Planet Office, 311 N. 4th St, Richmond, Va. EDW. STEWART 203 S SECOND STREET nEAT.C’R IN FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH MEATS. VEGETABLES, FISH ANH OYSTERS. ;<i<-brw.n.. V,- °HONB MAD. 1637 1 WANTED—Transient or Permanent I BOARDERS. rurnished Rooms with or without board. Home like surroundings. Apply to MRS. ELLEN N. JONES, 108 Bast Leigh Street, Richmnod. Va. Tourists planning a visit to the city would do well to write to John Mitchell, Jr., 311 North Fourth Street. Accommodations in either private families or otherwise can be secured for the asking. No charge is made for this service. I OTHER PEOPLE JUDGE YOU NOW BY YOUR FURNITURE When you ean get FURNITURE and RUGS from an Old Established House Uke JURGENS—that's known to sell the best quality goods. Just ss reason able as elsewhere—why not give your friends a good Impression. It will give us the greatest pleasure to riiow you our wonderful nt«k of home making, comfort firing FURNITURE and RUGS and—don’t fail to ask oug dalesmen about our BANKING PLAN which glvoA you i. I* or IB months m which to par for any purchase* CHI MENS SOS . ESTABLISHED 1880, ADAMS A^DBROAD ji PAIN IN* BLADDER E^LPrompdy Eased ■HA 8ANTAL MID Y Be lure to §rt the genuine u^gF|a jy Look for the word Yjf AIMr “Midjr” Unnatural and mucous dis» "charges cab be avoided by de stroying the germs of infectious > diseases, at all druggists. S'MATTE* POP BY 0. ML P4YIOI _“ T-tjiUK" i'll cm^ak6£ • He. Ri^e Hou5an>> 1)01-. LA^T 5 MV loME'PANTS rPOC*<ET To MV oH« PLANTS pbarTET. am’ 1 Him -I’ll cHan^e Tt4ou5Awi>; I T+fA Lrn^\ "Rocket f VJ V i ) ^1?06S £XA£6E.<K>AT'DM! V fcioU +1ave.NY-ANS MONEV.rj M.I tfeVE'RC^1 ) 3A\2) I -HAT)/ 1— I VMSi Uu'<5T ,1 |T-+f I N 1<IM *| . I -- _> _ I o>M ATTi_t^ ^ i yr. /