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VOLUME XLIV NO NO 47 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1927 PRICE, FIVE CENTS. MURDERED WOMAN AN AWFUL TRAGEDY ON CHURCH HILL. Officer Was Present***Otis Rice in Jail*** Victim Game in Late at Night. _ *— ~~*”*" Susie Yancey, who was shot by Otis Rice, who resides at 90G N. Twenty-eighth Street, at 900 X. Thirty-first Street, September 12, 1927. Sh,e was removed to St. Phi.ips Hospital, where she died September 27, 1927. Susie had Rice arrested for threatening her life. When the officer came to make the arrest, he asked her if she had sworn out the warrant, she replied in the affirmative, when Otis Rice, who was behind the door fired, striking Susie Yancey. Coroner James M. Whitfield had before him the following evi dence: The Surgeon's Testimony. Dr. Richard B. Easley, of St. Philips Hospital, said Susie Yancey was brought to the hospital in the city ambulance on September 12, 1927. She had a bullet wound in the left shoulder behind. She was paralyzed. No motion and no sens& iion from the nipples down. Xo surgical operation was done on her. She told me she was shot by a - man because she had sworn out a warrant against him. She died Sep tember 27. 1927. from the effects of the bullet wound. Officer Tells About It. Police. Officer A. F. Kastroll said: *'0n September 12, 1927, 1 went to 900 X. Thirty-first Street looking for Su-ie Yancey to ask her where Otis Rice lived. I asked Susie if she swore out a warrant for Otis. She said. ‘yes’. A man standing behind the door shot her with a pistol, an automatic. 1 was standing outside the house, my foot on the door-sill. When the pistol was fired 1 stepped back and pulled out my pistol and went into the house. The man threw his pistol on the floor and said, I am not going to resist you. Shot In His Presence. Susie was sitting at a dresser fix ing her hair, her back toward the door, when she was shot. When 1 went into the room, no one was in there but Otis, Susie and me. I arrested Otis. He made no resistance. When I asked him why he shot Susie, he replied, that if he was going to get arrested he would be arrested for something. Susie was sent to the hospital in the city ambulance. Rice’* Statement. In the pen at the Police Court last Wednesday morning stood a slim, dark complexioned man. who an swered to the name of Otis Rice. In i reply to queries he said: “I had the! pistol here (he pointed to the inside' waistband of his trousers. I pulled, it out when it went off and the bullet j struck her.” How far were you from her? “About as far as I am from that chair.” It was about 12 feet. “What had she done to you?” “I was living with her, yes sleeping there. On September 9th and September. 12th she came into the room one time at 1 o’clock and at another time at 2 o’clock. This was the cause of the trouble.” “Where is your home?” “Tipton ville, Tenn. I have a mother and a father there. 1 came to Richmond about 1921.” This ended the interview’. He had no counsel and from his talk did not expect to be able to employ counsel. LIBERIAN PRESIDENT VISITS BERLIN BERLIN, Sept. 19.—Charles Dun bar Burgess King, President of the Republic of Liberia and the first head of a former enemy State to visit Berlin since the World War, ar rived here today, accompanied by his son and Adjutant. The Execu tive and his attendants were received at the railroad station by Dr. Koepke. one of the directors of the Foreign Otfice, and Ministerial Councillor Horstmann as the representatives of the Government. Tomorrow Presi dent King will be received by Presi dent Hindenburg and Friday he will be the dinner guest of Chancellor Marx. % Colored Boy Kills White One in Play Wild West Show Causes Tragedy on Qiay Street. I Playing “bandit and sheriff” with a band of little Negro boys, Freddy Ryland Snowa, 12, of 116 West Clay Street, was shot and almost instantly killed by a bullet from a .32 calibre revolver fired by Francis Charity, 12 year-old Negro child, of 117 West Clay Street. The boys were having their Wild West party atop a vacant house at 115 West Clay Street. The little Negro had secured the loaded weapon from his own home, and, playing sheriff, suddenly approached the Snowa lad with the command to hold up his hands. Still in the spirit of the childish game, the Negro boy pulled hard on the trigger, and the bullet pierced the breast of Freddy Snowa, who was standing about six feet off. The little white boy fell instantly, plead ing with his playmates to tell his mother. Help was summoned, but when the city ambulance arrived, the little victim was dead. Policeman J. P. M. Taylor was the first officer to arrive on the scene, being later followed by Detective Sergeants J. L. Wiltshire and R. E. Sterling from headquarters. These officers quickly rounded up the three little Negroes who had been mem bers of the fatal Wild West party, j Besides Francis Charity, they gave the names of Henry Dandridge, 11, of 127 West Clay Street, and Albert Slayton. 13, of 3 West Clay Street.' Questioned by Wiltshire, Francis Charity said he got the gun from his aunt, and not knowing that it was loaded, carried it with him to the housetop to play with the rest of the boys. After the tragic ending, the Negro boy said he took the weapon home and threw it on top of a ward robe where it was later found. 1 The police placed a charge of shooting against the Charity boy, and swore out warrants against the other two, charging them with being de linquent children. The case will come up in juvenile and domestic relations [ court. | Funeral arrangements for the slain ; child were being completed today, the remains having been turned over to Undertaker Henry W. Woody. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Snowa. the be reaved parents, were overcome with grief at the tragic passing of their son. Rev. E. C. Smith, A. B., B. D., pastor of the Second Baptist Church, South Richmond, Va., and family, are back home from an extended Western trip. Mrs. Smith motored to Cleveland, Ohio, July 20th last, with her brother, Mr. Garrett Davis, and was guest of her uncle, Mr. J. E. Otey, and wife. Rev. Smith join-1 ing her August 21st, and they visited Pittsburgh, Detroit, Windsor, Canada and Columbus, 0. Returning Sep-. tember 15th to Lynchburg, Va., I where they spent a few days visiting j old friends. The members of the Second Bap tist Church gladly welcomed the pastor home again. Dr. J. H. Blackwell, Jr., returned from Newport News, Va., last Thurs day, after attending the Grand Lodge t of Masons. Mrs. Maude H. Lee, of Senora, Va., is visiting the city this week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cogbill, of 114 E. Eighteenth Street. Miss Pauline Brown has returned to the city after spending her vaca tion at Newark, N. J. REV. DR. MORRIS i PREACHES Shows that Husband is Head of House=**Fifth St. Ghureh Gon gregation Hears Great Sermon - --! Rev. Charles S. Morris, D. p., pastor of Fifth Street Baptist Church, delivered an able, eloquent sermon last Sunday morning. Cer tainly, he can have no hope of either support or reward from the militant sulfragists and the advocates of an absolute eoualitv of rights of women, both in the home and in the nation. He cried aloud and spared not and when he detected apparent con sternation upon the countenances of some of his female listeners, he) found refuge in “thus saith the Lord.’ His subject was “God’s way to be happy in married life.” j Quotes Scriptures. He quoted from the 5th chapter of Ephesians, 22-33. He spoke of the Bolshevists in Russia teaching community of wives declaring that there was no necessity of being true to one wife. There are 200,000 chil dren living here, running around as wolves in packs, unfed and desperate. They declare that man came from a protoplasm. They say that it is set tled, but this mere statement does not settle anything. Saying it, does not prove anything. He cited from Genesis 2nd chapter, God knew that man loved himself. He could have made woman from the dust of the earth, just as he made man, but he did not do it. He took a part of man, a rib, and made the woman. Man, the Head. Man is the head, and the woman is the help-meet. The only thing that survived is the marriage. When the flood came, because of that God less crowd, it was done because of the disregard of the marriage rela tionshin. Noah preached 120 years and did not get a convert outside of his own family. Only four married couples survived the flood. He told of the disposition of the children, Ham being sent to Africa and Shem to Asia. In the beginning, God made one woman for one man. One man is happy only with one woman and one woman only with one man. A Que»tion Answered. Who is the Devil? The devil is the one, who upsets and who con tends against everything that God wants. The greatest enemy is the judge, who looses 200,000 couples per year. The divorces are at the rate of one in eight marriages. They say that the time will come when divorce coupons will be attached to a marriage certificate. The greatest disgrace to this country is the judge, who unties the marriage contract. When God invented marriage, he gave explicit instructions as to how to run it. He then read the instruc tions to the wife. Husbands shall rule over thee. The Solemnity of Marriage. He showed how some women did rot realize the s^.emnity of mar riage. He heard a woman say: “I haven’t got but $12.00 out of that old Negro since I had him.” Her idea was to do the man, that is to get something out of him. Man was first. Woman was made for the happiness of man. Nothing that walks the earth can equal the woman. Her highest -joy wa's ministering to her husband. It does not mean that a woman is a slave of man. If you want to find an unhappy woman. Some of the females had been wear 1 ing long faces, while the men beamed with satisfaction. ' The “No Count” Husbands. But conditions changed when the able speaker took up the “other side.” The man, who makes his wife pay the house rent over the wash tub- should be dealt with by the church. There are times when a man suffers a living death hunting for work. This does not apply to him. But it does apply to the loafer who in the summer-time sits on the shady side of the street and in the winter time sits on the sunny side of the street. A woman likes to be kissed, loved and cherished. You told her enough before you married, her. A Loving Woman. He paid a glowing tribute to a loving woman. He advised the men to praise her cooking and to do all in their power to make her burden lighter. After having said what he wanted to say, he proceeded to call for a liberal collection, and both the men and the women, married and single, proceeded to give it to him. Leader Joseph Matthews and his cho;r sang “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”. The congregation passed out, many complimenting the morn ing’s deliverances. | ^ _ — I A nurse from the I. V. N. A. will go into any home where there is sickness if the call comes in at head quarters, 223 South Cherry Street. Her care for the sick and her in struction to the rest of the house hold is given as cheerfully where the family is unable to pay the full | charge as where it can because the | Richmond Community Fund makes ( this possible. Are you a member of ^he Richmond Community Fund? I AGENTS WANTED To sell Daddy Hair Dressing in every town and city. Be the first to become an agent in your city. Send $1.00 and we will ship your first order, including samples. Yunk’s Manufacturing Company, Braddock, Pa. Stabs Brown to Death Emanuel Branch Charged with Murder. Goes Away, Fugitive from Justice ___ ____* - I I Madame Mamie Hightower, founder of Golden Brown Beauty Culture Preparations, who died at Memphis, Tenn., Sunday, Sept. 25th. . HUCKABEE KILLED During the early morning hours of i Sunday, September 25th, a Lincoln car was being pursued by Officers R. M. Rouse and J. L. Robinson. It easily outdistanced its pursuers. It was delivering corn whiskey for the “boot-leg” trade. It is reported t^a; Clyde Huckabee, the driver had made five deliveries, while the officers were in pursuit. He came down Leigh Street, driving east, when he ran into a stolen Buick sedan driven by a colored man. A wreck followed and the Lincoln car ran up on the sidewalk and struck Miller’s Hotel. Fractured Skull. It was found that the chauffeur, Huckabee, was seriously injured, suffering from a fractured skull. He was rushed to Memorial Hospital, where he died. The police blotter at the Second Police Station erro neously named his brother, Marvin. The car contained 25 half-gallon jars | of corn whiskey. The car was wrecked, as wTas also the Buick sedan. The colored occupant of that car | managed to get out without material injury. The police are looking for , him and any information concerning : his whereabotus will be thankfully received at Police Headquarters. Lives In Fulton. Huckabee resided at 726 Louisiana Street, Fulton, and is said to be a noted character in the illicit whiskey business. He had never been caught. Those who know him best say that he could turn a corner'at the rate of from 40 to 60 miles per hour. One I | of his friends said that he had been in the car with him when he turned a corner going at the rate of 65 miles an hour. This made it practically im possible for a police car to catch him. He was a fine specimen of manhood. He was only 25 years of age. His brother is said to be an expert driver also. Mr. Hezekiah Curtis left the city ^ Mooday November 19, to attend the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Masons, which convened in Newport News, Tuesday the 20th. He has been one of Its Trustees since 1917. | At the close of the Grand Lodge Mr Curtis left for New York to visit his daughter, Miss Bessle and other relatives. We wish him a pleasant Moses Lee Brown, a deaf colored man, was stabbed to death Saturday night in front of a dwelling and eat ing house at 520 N. Seventh Street. The time of the notification at the I Second Police Station was 10:25 | o’clock. Mrs. Rosa McNeal was held j as a material witness and later as an accessory to the murder, which is | alleged to have been committed by Emanuel Branch. He immediately disappeared. He came here from Amelia County, Va. Brown is from North Carolina. Rosa McNeil is mar 1 ried and lives at 711 E. Clay Street. | Brown can talk, but is deaf. He , married his wife, Mattie, who is deaf and dumb, and lived with her at 802 j E. I.eigh Street. Brother Arrives. | i Joseph B. Brown, brother of the ' murdered man, arrived in the city • Monday with his wife. He is from i Richlands, N. C. The blood was in evidence on the sidewalk at 520 N. Seventh Street. Dirt had been sprinkled over it. The detectives were of the opinion that Rosa McNeal knew all about the murder. Her husband is named John McNeal. In the Police Court last Monday morn ing, approaching her in the pen. she said, “I came through from Sixth Street and stopped at 520 X. Seventh Street, Branch came in the*e and went into the dining room. I Picked Up. I leaned against the balustrade on the porch. I do not know whether Branch came out or not. I looked up and saw a man with Brown at the gate. I thought he struck him with his hand. Some one passing said that Brown had been stabbed. Brown came in the side way.' He was picked up. I do not know who stabbed him. I did not recognize the man. 1 do not know whether it was Branch or not.” A Deadly Record. In the meantime, Emanuel Branch has left the city, and at this writing has not been apprehended. The body was turned over to Funeral Director Robert C. Scott. A wound in tne left chest, not more than five-eights of an inch wide told the story. The knife blade severed an artery and Brown bled to death. Just across the street was a house in which a woman killed her husband or paramour re 1 cently. Down below was another house, where a woman was charged with killing her husband. A few steps further was the scene of the famous Disse shooting of a police officer and others. He died in the electric chair as a punishment. 1 — .. ■■ ... - -- , — ■ PRIZE WINNERS IN AUTOMOBILE CONTEST. i i The Winners of The Planet Prizes are as follows: First Prize—JAMES A. C. JOHNSON. .. 14,032.000 Votes 2nd Prize—MRS. CARRIE DICKERSON, 6,987:000 Votes Third Prize—MRS. ELIZA A. BERKLEY. 4,372,000 Votes Fourth Prize—MRS. NANNIF. POWELL, 4,047,000 Votes Fifth Prize—REV. J. E. FOUNTAIN .... 2,162,000 Votes ixth Prize-Mr. HUMPHREY NEWSOME 1,632.000 Votes Seventh Prize—MISS NATAL YE LONG,. 1,487,000 Votes Eighth Prize—MRS. FRANCES DIAS. 1,377,000 Votes The Cars may be seen at til e Hudson Motor Car Co. and will be paraded one day next sv eric. The time of presentation will be announced in our next iss ue.