Newspaper Page Text
I © w » DEATHS REPORTED » @ • $ . * 4fc ® The following is a list of deaths of colored persons reported to the Richmond Bureau of Health from September 27th to October 4th, 1927, with date of death: I September 2-1—.lames Thomas Talhferro, age 40 years, 7 W. Duval St. 24—Washington Greene, age 59 years, 908-A St. Peter St. 24— Ethel Porter, age 29 years, 524 N. 8th St. 25— Mimmica Lewis, age 70 years, 719 St. James St. 24_Moses Lee Brown, age 28 years, 802 E. Leigh St. 28—Ellen Lynch, age 39 years, oil N. 4th St. 25—Carrie Hunter, age 56 years, 913 N. 17th St. 26_Melvin Henderson, age 5 years, 311 W. Leigh St. 27— Alvin Mines, age 2 years, 11-0 W. Moore St. 28— Garland B. Charity, age o months, 1838 Jay St. 23—Hayward Burton Jr., age 10 months, 3104 M. St. 27— Susie Nance, age 28 years, 900 N. 31st St. 28— Evelyn Rustin, age 1 month, 1308 N. 25th St. 30—Walter Finney, age 48 years, 109 W. 13th St. 27—Viola Bates, age 11 years, Pork Union, Va. 29— Doriace Virginia Booker, age 5 years, 613 N. 28th St. 29—Isaiah Taylor, age 38 years, 1910 Vs Taylor St. 29_Mary L. William, age 45 years, 723 W. Marshall St. 29— John H. Fauntleroy. age 60 years, 902 E. Leigh St. { 30— Lucy Snead, age 33 years, 1631 Ashland St. 30—Robert S. Johnson, age 1 year, 2217 W. Moore St. 29— Ivory Woolridge, age 30 years, Brooklyn, N. Y. 30— Jarrah Tolbert, age 34 years, 1428 Mi N. 17th St. 30—Mary Julia Randolph, age 3 months, 515 Norton St. 30—Bettie Trent, age 35 years, 141o Ross St. October. _ . , I 1_John Pollard, age 5 years, Ash land, Va. 2_Viola Miller, age 3 months, 2601 E. Main St. I—Matthew Reid, age 34 jeais. R. F. D. No. 2, Richmond. ROANOKE NOTES. Last Sunday, October 2nd, was quarterly meeting day at Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church. Presiding Elder M. E. Davis, delivered at 11 o’clock and at 8 P. M. two wonderful sermons, at noon and night. On Mondaj, Oc tober 4th. held his third quarterly conference. Conference called to order by Presiding Elder. Sang A Charge to Keep I Have.’ Prayei )' Presiding Elder M. E. Davis. Roll called . The Marshall, James Jones; Secretary, Mrs. R. L. Arnold; As sistant, Whitney Peters. There were thirteen reports ot the church ic&u. ( The business was dispensed with in the shortest time possible. There had been two deaths this quaitei. Presiding Elder paid a high tribute to the work done during the third quarter, most encouragingly. The examination of characters. The min utes read and adopted. Conference adjourned, Rev. Jas. S. Hatehei, B. D. Benediction by Presiding El der M. E. Davis. There were two conversions amt one accession last Sunday. Re\. J. S. Hatcher and choir and congrega-, tion worshipped at 3 P. M. with the A. M. E. Zion Church and pastor, Rev. Moore, who will leave to at-, tend his annual conference. 1 Mrs. Francis Sawyers, of 52b Walker Avenue. N. E., Roanoke, Va.,! who has been sick for a long while, is still quite ill at this writing, but slightly better. Mr. Ruffin Sovcers, of High Street, N. W., is still very feeble at this writing. Mrs. Gertrude Hatcher, of Roa noke citv. left Monday, October 3rd, for Columbus, O., to attend a con vention, accompanied by Mrs. Got ten, of Tidewater. Mrs. Hatcher will visit her childhood home at Detroit, Mich. . j OFFICES FOR REM Cool, well-lighted offices, with ele j vator service, light, heat etc. now; available in Mechanics Bank Build-1 ing at a price that will save the professional man money and afford him exceptional opportunities. Safety Deposit Boxes also for rent These Offices wil' be handsomelv renovated and window-lettering will i)« a feature. For information and terms, apply to your real estate agent or to John Mitchell. Jr., 311 N. 4th St., Rich mo«d, Va The *ioof Garden can also be leased or rented for entertainments. LEVEE CAMP MOAN BLUES i ' i Sung in Sorrow by ' “Texas” Alexander | HEARD ON j u otoc Levee Camp Moan Bines i Z\MZ\ Section Gang Blues Sung by “Texas” Alexander I 1 j Dark, dank prison walls—half starved, skit tering mice—a pale frightening stream of ! f light—it is here the prisoner sits and gives ( voice to j i "Levee Camp Moan Blues” -: r, ■: " ■ — ■ 1 " - ■■■■"■,J OK EH PHONOGRAPH CORPORATION ( 25 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. ( i Cieb FbomSii;b Capo.atkn, £5 W. 45th St., liew Verb City T5he Above Records on Sale at BAILEY FURNITURE CO., 1406 EE Main Street. AGENTS WANTED Men and women to act as agents. Stamp reply. Hid Chemical Co., Greensboro, N. C. I - | FOR SALE—One rear lot, back of 510 North Third Street, 26x48V2; good for storage or garage. Apply 200 East Marshall Street. NORFOLK AND WESTERN R. R. (Broad Street Station) Leave for Arrive from 9:oO am..Norfolk .7:00 pm 9 am. .Ciacin’atl & Columbus 7 pm 2:30 pm..Roanoke .2:10 pm 3:15 pm..Norfolk .11:33 am 5:30 pm..Norfolk Local .. 6:36 pm..Bristol Local ..8:10 am nm.-Clu., Hem. N Or. 8:10 pm ....Nor. and Lynch. Local 9:40 pm Have The Planet sent to your Tiome. It will be a welcome visitor. AGENT Pl-anets can be purchased from Mr. Robert Goodin, 1214 Walnut Street, Wilmington, Delaware. RICHMOND. FREDERICKSBURG AND POTOMAC RAILROAD (Broad Street Station, except where otherwise Indicated) Leave for Arrive from 4:00 am. Washington and beyond.6:5# am M4:23 am. Washington and beyond..M12:07 pm 8:60 am..North (no coaches).9:20 pm •7:10 am..Aihland Local .*6:2# am 8:30 am..Washington Local ...11.80 am 10:20 am. .Washington and beyond.6:26 pm 12:01 pm..Washington and beyond.8:0# pea Ml:02 pm..North (no coachea).116:15 pm •2:00 Dm .Washington Local .9:86 pm 3:30 pm. .Washington and beyond.1:00 pm ••4:26 pm..Washington Local . •4:30 pm..Frederickaburg Local .*8:10 am MS:S3 pm. .Washington and beyond. .1111:67 pea •6:S5 pm. .Aihland Local .*6:10 pm 8:20 pm..Washington and beyond.... 12:50 am M Main Street Station. •Dally except Sunday. ••Sunday enlf We have a suite of rooms in the ‘ Mechanics Office Building suitable i for a dentist and another for a phy i sician. Single men can secure lodg i ing rooms. The terms are the cheap j est in the city. Read The Planet. It will be de | livered to you for 60 cents for three ; months with postage prepaid. Send ! in your order SORE LEGS HEALED Open Legs, Ulcers, Enlarged Veins, Goi'er, Eczema healed while you work. Write for free book “How to Heal My Sore Legs at Home.” De scribe your case. A. C. LIEPE PHARMACY, 1385 Green Bay Av., Milwaukee, Wis ONE WEEK’S SUPPLY Free mmmmmmsm MMiM ©RONZE BEAUTY Face Powder is made by a new | French process, and is not affected by perspiration. Used satisfactorily on dry or oily skin. Makes the complexion soft and velvety—and stays on until removed. , Three tints which blend with any complexion: High Brown, Bronze Glow and Flesh. Fill out and mail the coupon be low and we will send you a whole week’s supply free. „.i.mill...............».. 23 STRAIT-TEX CHEMICAL CO., 569 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Name __ _— Street and Number City.-——- State THE BROWN'S Photographic Studio ALL OF THE LATEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOTOS AT MODERATE PRICES. Special Attention Paid to Children Exterior and Interior Work Will be Executed on Short Notice. We Specialise on ENLARGING and COPYING from OLD PH0T08. CALL AND SEE US—WORK DONE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER. FLASH-LIGHT Photos A Feature. The Latest Style Developing Outfits. Our POWERFUL LENS Rank with the Best in the Country. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS ARB WELCOME. 603 N SECOND SIRICHMOND, VA. Funeral Parlor Rest-Room* Display Rooms Ladgs Rooms Phones—Office Ran. 2073. Residence, Ran. 2703. Aast., Ran. *04»-w ROBERT l. St Ol’T, Funeral Director 2223 EAST main' str f ft RICHMOND. VA. fi. D. PRICE, 212 EAST LEIGH SIHEEi FUNERAL DIRECTOR, EMBALMER AND LIVERYMAN All Orders Promptly Filled at Short Ifotioe by Telegraph or Telephone. Halls Rented for Meetings and Nice Entertain ments. Plenty of Roo® with all Necessary Conveniences. Large Picnic or Band Wagons for Hire at Reasonable Rates an i Nothing But First-class Automobiles and Carriages, etc. Keep constantly on hand fine Fun eral Supplies. Open All Day and Night. PHONE Madison 577—Man On Duty All Night—Richmond, Va (Residence Next Door) W. I. JOHNSONS’ SONS Funeral Directors^ Morticians 10 W. LEIGH STREET PHONE MAD DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE, WITHIN tooo MILES WHEN ORDERED. v% I. SONS, EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS CONDUCT Funerals Flawlessly. Our Many Years of Experience Enables us to Conduct All Funerals in a Most Efficient Manner. We Try to Give More However by I .corporating in Our Service a Spirit of Sym pathetic Understanding EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER , Will Promote a Full Growth of Hale, . Will also Restore the Strength, Vi* | |. tality and the Beauty of the Hair. If | i your Hair is Dry and Wiry Try ! EAST INDIA HAIR TONIC If you are bothered with Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any : Hair Trouble, we want you to try a BOTTLE of EAST INDIA HAIR TONIC. The remedy contains medi cal properties that go to fhe roots of the Hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves \ the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm or Broker Blossoms. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-JBrows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used for Dressing and Curling. Price Sent by Mail, $1; 10c Extra | AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, J | i l Shampoo, 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Face Cream and Direc- ! Mon for Selling. *2.00. 25 cents extra for postage, j - ' , d D. LYONS. 316 North Central, Oklahoma City, Okla. Special Offer 100 single sheets of note paper and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.00 Delivered prepaid 100 sheets of paper, double, and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.50 Delivered prepaid Fach customer is ailowed to send copy not exceeding 3 lines, 2 inches wide. Type to be selected by us. S^me copy to be useo on paper as on envelopes. Here is your chance. We do all kinds of JOB.WORK. Send all orders to THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th St„ Richmond, Va. QUICK SERVICE RIGHT PMCBS W F. SCOTT . . \t%»- -v. ' •; Commercial Signs SHOW CARDS. BANNERS. POSTERS. ETC. -TOB PRINTING 608 1-2 N. 2ND ST. RICHMOND, TA l Gonzell White Praises Exelento Gonzell Whit^of Big Jamboree Co. 1 t Gonzell White, celebrated star, lead- j Ing lady in her own “Big Jamboree Company," one of the county s pret*, ' tiest actresses, says she owes ner beau tiful hair to the regular use of EXELENTO QUININE POMADE , You, too, ean have just as pretty hair by tiring Exelento. It goes to the roots of the hair, cleanses the scalp and before you real belt, your hair is longer and more beautiful than ever before. Beauty experts recommend Exelento be cause it is the original quinine pomade. They also endorse Exelento Sldn Soap for keying the ekin smooth, velvety and free trofi pimples and other blemishes. So confident are we that you will be pleased with these remarkable prepara tions and use them regularly that we will send you, fro* of charge, a generous sample of each. We will also send you, absolutely free, a valuable book of beauty secrets prepared by specialists in the ca of the hair and skin. Attractive proposition open if you will show and recommend our preparations to | your friends. I EXELENTO MEDICINE COMPANY I ATLANTA, GEORGIA | AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write For Particulars. I Subscribe to The Planet S’MATTE* POP by 0. M. P4YNB j 1m 60MNA 'STA'fcNJe. Wo ;D£A-rH I ca>uick>? y~~~-; ^ KAw womt Tut 1 TDINME.R on t-4a T/YTCleTill Vy 6e~ jj P'"' TDoN E Tool i " -J / vj.-tH t4a 1R AT5\ O* y ) u— » CAN 'lou WAitJi Two } M » Kl U "T fc <5 ?j V ^r-rrrillnITTniHilTlu b , —rr^-- —yx~ -AH>/T+\t h <5? ( 6Ave- a --= r-LiFt: f )<5MATT£i<i A ? J EDW. STEWAR1 [ 203 S SECOND STREET DEALER IK -• FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH ! MEATS, VEGETABLES, FISH AND OYSTERS. Richmond, Va. PHONE MAD. 163’' CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO R It. - (Maln street Station) l Published as Information and not Guaranteed. Arrival and Departure of Trains Daily, unless otherwise shown. *i)aily except Sunday ••Sunday only Leave for Arrive from 7:0-0 am. .Charlottesville.. .7:00 pm 7-00 am..Clifton Forge ....... 9:00 am..Norf. & O. Point 6:35 pm 3:30 am..James River L...4:05 pm 1:00 pm. Norf. & O. Point 2:43 pm 1:45 pm. Ctnti-Louvl-Chgo. .7:38 am 4:16 nm .Norf. & O. Point 11x33 am •5-la pm. .Lynchburg... .*8:40 am •6:15 pm..Charlottesville..*8:30 am Clifton Forge....12:40 pm 5:00 pm..N.N. & O. Pt Lo..9:00 am 7:00 pm..Cinc;n_ & West..4:00 pm 11*15 pm..C.incin and Louvl. .... M7:2I am..Washington sod beyond.. 110:H pm I OTHER PEOPLE IUDGE YOU NOW BY YOUR FURNITURE ; Whan yon can gat FURNITURE and RUGS from an Old Established House like JURGENS—that’s known to nil the beet quality goods. Just as reason able as elsewhere—why not give your friends a good Impression. It will give us tbe greatest pleasure to show you our wonderful stock of home making, comfort giving FURNITURE and RUGS and—doa't fail to ask our Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives you 6. 10 or 16 months in which to pay for any purchase CMS. G, JURGENS SON ESTABLISHED 1880. ADAMS AND BROAD _ i -r j/^Sj&Catarrh of imK/Ql Bladder Pain Easily i Jh^pHS -jpg? Relieved by ID^^nl SanUl Midy Refuse any llv/jK^V/ Imitation (Look for the Wf ill/r _ word "mid v” yy Sold by All Druggist* - — Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoided by de stroying the germs of infectious diseases. $1.10 at all druggists.