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CHURCH DIRECTORY EBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH. (Leigh and Judah Streets.) ' Rev W. H. Stokes Ph. D., Pastor. Residence, 1607 Brook Road. Ser vices: Sundays. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 9 A. M, The public <s Invited. CLAY STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. -(Formerly New Baptist Churoh. Clay Street, opposite St. James St.) Rev. J A Brinkley. A. B.. B. D. Pae'or. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A U and 8 PM. Sunday School 9 ;30 A. M. All are welcome. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH. <20tft and Decatur. So. Richmond.) Key J. W. Dudley, D. D., Pastor; Parsonage 1715 Everett Street. Ser vices: Sunday. 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. Mi. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M The public is welcome. MT. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH. (Penola, Va.) Rev. M. C. Ruffin, Pastor. Resi dency $11 St. Peter St, Service* at Glen Alley 2nd and 4th Sundays at 1 P. M. At Penola, service* on the 3rd Sunday at 12:30 P. M. Sunday Sehool every Sunday at both places at ll-a“ A. M. MT. GILEAD BAPTIST CHURCH. /Chesterfield County) Rev. W. H Liggins. Pastor, Res idence. 1835 Taylor St. Services, 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12:30 P. M Sunday School everv Sunda* a. 10:30 A. M. FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH (1400 West Cary Street) Rev. A. D. Daly. Pastor Residence 1412 W. Cary St. Services: 11-30 A M uud 8 P. M. Sunday School, 10*00 A. M. All are welcome. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. (Broad and College Streets) Rey W T. Johnson, D. D., Pastor, Residence, 621 N. 8th St. Services-. Sundays, 11:30 A. M and 3 P. M. , Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. AH are j welcome. J * RICERVIEW baptist church. | (Jacqueln and Lombardy Streets) j Rev . E. D Lewis, Pas.or, Kcsl- , dence 316 S. Lombardy Street. Ser y.ces: Sunday. 11 A ^ and S P. M Sunday School, 9:30 A- M. A.l a- - welcome. PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHIRCI1. . (518 Lady iMile Road) Rev J J. Woodson. Pastor, Rea tdence.' 1116 St. John Street. Ser vices: Sunday 11 A M. and 8 ■ _ Sunday School. 9:30 A M. A* invited. •* . T " WILLIAMS TEMPLE C. M. E CHURCH. (The Home-like Church) S E. Cor. 19th and Everett St*, j Rev G. E. Carter. Pastor 9:30 A. M., Sunday School 1-11:00 ] \ M Preaching: 6:30 P. M.. Ep ivorth League; 7:55 P. M., Preach-, Ing. ST PHILIP’S P- E. CHURCH. <S. W. Cor. St. James and Leigh > Rev. Junius L. Taylor. Rector: Residence. 20 West Leigh Street. Services: Sunday 11 to 12 A. M. Nieht 8- to 9 o’clock. Wednesday evening sen ices. 8 to 9 o’clock . The public is welcome at all services. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (South Richmond) Rev E C. Smith, A*. B., Factor, residence. 1704 Stockton St. Service* Sundays. 11:30 A. M.*and 8;00 P. M.; Sunday School. 9:30 A. M.: B. T. P. U., 8:30 P. M. All are wel come. FIFTH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH (Fifth and Jackson Streets) Rev. Charles S Morris. D. D , Pa3 tor. Residence. 1401 Idlewood Avo. Services: Sundays. 11:30 A. M and 8 P. M Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. B Y. P U. 6 P. M: Public invited. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH. (25th and s Streets) Rev J Andrew Bowler, Pastor, Residence.' 112 E Leigh Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School 9:30 A. M All are welcome. LEIGH STREET M. E. CHURCH. (N. E. Corner Fifth and Leigh Sts.) Rev R. M. Williams. Pastor, res idence. 616 North 5tb Street. Ser vices: Sundays, Sunday School 9:30 A. M.; Morning service, 11 o’clock; Evening service, 8 o’clock. The public is invited MOORE ST. BAPTIST CHURCH. (1408 Wesit Leigh Street) Rev. Gordon B Hancock, A. M., Pa s’or Re ii’enc** V rginia Unior. Un’vers'ty. Serv'ces: Sunday. 11:"9 A. M. and 8 P. M Sun lay School, 9 :3 > A. M. All are welcome. SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. . (Center Street. Fulton) Rev. S. L. Bush, pastor; residence 907 Center Street Services: Sun day. Sunday School. 9:30 A. M..; Preaching. 11:30 A. M. and 8:30 P. M. Communion every fourth Sun day at 3:30 P. M. MT CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. (717 Orleans Street, Fulton) Rev. C. A Cobbs, Pastor, Parson age. 807J Louisiana Street. Services 11:30 A. M. and 8 P M. Sunday School, 9:30 A M. The public is Invited. C. & CUNNINGHAM, Funeral Director Phone Randolph 4184 Residence Phone Randolph 3167 1816 HULL STREET. SOUTH RICHMOND. VA. The latest style funeral equipment. Caskets, eitjier metallic., mahogany, oak, etc. Prices the lowest, consistent with service. Orders received at all hours, and will receive immediate at- - tention. Automobile Service. C. S. OUNNING-HAM H. L. MINOR , CUNNINGHAM & MINOR 507 N. Fifth Street Richmond, Vp., Phone Randolph 3052 < Service Available At All Hours. Satisfaction Guaranteed. < Your Patronage Is Solicited. • * 4 INTERIOR VIEW OF THE PALATIAL SOUTHERN BARBER SHOP. 605 BROOK AVENUE. The Latest Style Hair-Cuts a Feature with Hair Bobbing for Ladles a Specialty. Shampooing. Hair Singeing, with all of the latest methods for doing sanitary and anti-septic work always available. THr TONSORIAL ARTISTS here are well known and reliable, bei'.g s’, ill ‘d V the business. Invalids can receive attention at their homes. Kot Water and Baths Available. 'R: - ’ &&& I O R BROOK \VENUE TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 1330- V J C. COOPER, PROPRIETOR _____ _^ i L. J. HA YD E M Manufacturer oi Fure Herb Medicine* TO RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CHARU 224 W. Broad Bt.f Richmond, Va. DO YOU LOVE HEALTH t II so, call and see L. J. HAYDEN, Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicine* 224 West Broad Street.. My medicines will relieve you or no charge, nu matter what your disease, sickness or affliction may be and restore yo% to perfect health. I use nothing but herbs, roo«-s, barks, gun. balsaams, leaves, seed, berries, flowers and plants in my medicines They have relieved thousands that have given up to die. \IY MEDICINES CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Heart Disease. Biood, Kidney, Bladder, Piles in any form, Vertigo, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Constipation, Rheumatism In any form, Pains and Aches of any Kina, Colds, uroacmal Troubles, Skin Diseases, all Itching Sensations, Female Complaints, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Ulcers, Carbuncles, Boils, Cancer in its worst form without use of knife or instrument, Eczema, Pimples on face and Lody, Diabetes of Kidneys, Bright’s Disease of Kidneys. My medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, or yonr money refunded. _______ Medicines sent anywhere. Fog full particulars, writs, send or call on L. J. HAYDEN. 224 West Bros d Street .v-lWfcdl Richmond,. Va., July 8, l9lo. A perfect cure has been effected by L. J. Hayden’s Pure Herb Medi cines Alter waitlnp thirteen years and have not suffered from the horribly disease, cwtvel. I desire to make a statement to L J. Hayden: Thirteen yeara ago twelve leading physicians of my city treated me Mr Kidney trouble and gravel without the desired benefit. These doctors advised me to be operated on, as that was the only chance for me. I was advised to go and get 8°me ofJ^ *; | Hayden’s Herb Medicine and try be fore being operated on. I did so, 'and in twenty-four houra after using his medicines, 1 passed at least a half dozen gravel, some as big as a large pea. Since that time I have nof suffered with the «ra«h I highly recommend L. J. J medicine to all suffering humanity. i I am, .• rArl\l 4 Auburn Ave., Richmond, improvement noted at oncb. ■ Mr. L. J. Hayden, 224 West Broad Street. Richmond, Va _ l received your treatment u. is.., 'and I have started to taking it already for a few days, and it has I already begun to improve my ail j ment bo I am sending to you for one mnro hot Me of medicine fox the *)!ood. I have spoken to many of my Jriends and they say they are going a send for a treatment. I think it s a great remedy. I do not suffer , with my pa*na as I used to and my ' appe ite is j ist fine and I sleep much better evpry night and fuel lne every morning. Yours truly, EDWARD BRYANT, Douglas, Ariiona. Camp Harry J. Jones, Co. D, 25th Infantry. . ! FOUND GREAT RELIEF. Power, W. Va., Feb. 9, 1925. L. J. Hayden, 224 West Broad Street. RQchmond, Va. Dear Sir: I receive^ your medl cine and I must say that It hag done me so much good and It makes me feel so much better. I am writing you to please send me some more as you said in your letter that it would take more than one treatment Yours truly, to relieve a person of his trouble. Thanking you, I am, 224 West Broad Street, Yours truly, MRS. MARY GROCE, Power, W. Va. MORE WANTED. Dauberville, Pa., March 25, 1926. Mr. L. J. Hayden. 224 West Broad Street Richmond, Va. i Dear Sir; Please send me your Blood Purifier and Stomach Remedy. | I got Borne a few years ago which I found to be so very good for ind4 I gestion. So find enclosed money order for 52.65. Please try to send the medicine as soon as possible ai I am in need of if. Yours truly, MRS. CHARLES EBLING, Daubenrrille, Pa.. if .. .' ' DAY PHONE RAN. <90? # 4 W A. PRICE, Incorporated FUNERAL DIRFCTOR AND EMBALMER I Spacious Rooms for Me-tings and Entertainments. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS 700 N. I7TH STREET. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA PROMPT SERVICE IN CITY OB COUNTRY. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME You Know What a Good » You know what a Webster’s Dictionary tor School purposes will cost You. We are quoting you a nominal price. it is to introduce .... THE PLANET (EXACT SIZE) WEBSTERS DICTIONARY HAS BEEN A STANDARD PUBLICATION FOR MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY. WE HAVE WEBSTER S COLLEGE, HUME AND OFFICE DICTIONARY TO OEFER YOU UPON A BASIS THAT WILL AFFORD SA TISFACTION. IF THE DICTIONARY IS NOT AS IT IS REPRESENTED TO BE, WE WILL GLADLY REFUND YOU THE MONEY PAID. OUT OUT THE COUPON AND MATT, IT TO US WITH $1.00 AND 25 OTS. FOR MAIL AND PACKING CHARGES AND IT WILL BE SENT TO YOU. SEND US $2.90 AND IT WILL BB SENT TO YOU WITH THE PLANET FOR ONE YEAR. POSTPAID. NOTE THE FEATURES: 60,000 WORDS (GENERAL VOCABULARY). 12,000 SYNONYMS. RADIO AND WIRELESS TERMS. DICTIONARY OF THE LATEST WORDS. OVER 1,200 PAGBS HANDSOMELY BOUND IN SUPER QUALITY FABRIK01D AND STAMPED IN GOLD. 1 200 PAGES SIZE 5 1—2 X 7 1—2 INCHES. TWO INCHES IN THICKNESS. Send as three yearly subscribers and we will send you a copy of the Dictionary free of charge. SEND US THE COUPON WITH $1,00 AND 25 CTS, FOR MAILING AND PARCEL POST AND WE WILL SHIP YOU A COPY ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. WE GUARANTEE A REFUND OF-YOUR MONEY IF THE BOOK IS NOT JUST AS REPRESENTED. THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th Street Richmond, Va.:, Please seHd me one copy of WEBSTER’S COLLEGE, HOME AND OFFICE DICTIONARY. Find enclosed $1.25. I Name .. ..• • ... • • Street and Number ... City and State .... MAIL YOUR ORDER TODAY. THE NUMBER OF COPIES TO BE DISPOSED OF ON THBSE TSBJfS IS LIMITED. JMTThis dictionary is not published by the original publishers o/ the Webster’s Dictionary or by their suc cessors. but by the Consolidated Ecoh Publishers, Inc.