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Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, November 26, 1927, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025841/1927-11-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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Banff Winter Carnival Will Be Colorful Event
THE WoRkt,
<?//?/. SV/ «/(/*».-e7?
#nV Mr. KuhQlsl
Banff, the capital ol Canada's Na
aaonal Park of that name, is known
%o the world as one of the most beau
Gfui and fascinating of summei re
aorta. It Is. however, not generally
Known that Banff In winter Is equally
delightful, and that many people pre
ler It at this season, especially during
Jta Carnival Week. The dates for this
colorful event are February 4-11.
• The town Is always a blaze of col
ored lights: Indian tepees are at tn
jterval9 along ihe main street, for the
Stoneys also take part tn Winter s
pageant. Fireworks gleam on the Ice
Palace, from which many events will
start. They move quickly and are
Liietdoscoplc in color and swiftness,
s;.osts are varied and masqueiauee are
r. Clonal excuse for more exclte
,d hilarity.
,i:e many competitions In ah
i .• spurts during Carnival
* • so^rtsmen wtll hav* •i.r;:
fun. for trap-shooting Is on the pro
gram as the Banff Gun Club holds Its
annual competition at this time. An
other novel event for a Winter Car
nival is packing, making and break
ing camp, and also the famous dia
mond hitch Is staged by members ot
the Rocky Mountain Guides Associa
tion. who evidently are not afra'd
of rivals during the next annual meet
of the Trail Riders of the Canadian
Skiing Is possibly the most popular
sp;rt. and th*. country adords all that
could be desired There we compe
t ilons in skl-juinpn.g *or profession
«> amateurs and young boys; ski
rrg. ski-joring races, snow-shoe
,, ,n<J oovilty events Hockey
Canada s great national game, is one
of the drawing carde of the Carnival.,
iearns come from all parte of the
West to compete, as many clubs enter
for the speed and figure skating:
among them the Winnipeg Skating
Club. The Banff Dog Derby is one
of the outstanding events which
should be mentioned. The course,
fron. Calgary to Banff. Is 84 miles.
The annual bonsple) of the Banff
curling Club will be held during this
' week. Recreations arc so numerous
that all visitors can find the form of
diversion that pleaBes. Onf ijreat
novelty Is swimming In the Govern
ment hot sulphur baths In the open
sir. with snow and. possibly, toUU*
around ' * *
St. Petersburg Fosters New. Nature. Cult
i A//OTE7?
& SPORTS' /rr
m SoRSrtltiE
f dry =
rtwpf Umn
TiJncMrr? or tfLO'vW.tfV.
Bowls on wtmrrr? l*#n
1 ti***»!, QounHQ
at Or. Pare/t*
There is a new cult made up ol
■ thousands ol Americans who
-gather each winter at Si Petersburg.
/ loriaa known as the ‘Punworship
tysra." It is not a religious cult made
/.O ol fanatics out ol people who
delight in playing in the great out
doors rhey bathe in the warm
waters ol rampa Bay ana the Gulf
Mexico they <sol* ana oowi they
dpeed in nigh powerea motor ooats
/* sail in slow moving sloops, they
pitch norseshoes play roque trap
eboot and they drive over wide ooule
wards with the sole end in view oi
-staying out In the bright and warm
! Anyone can belong to the '‘Sun
.worship pore" no matter what thei*
creed <a religion Each yeai tb«
t«mat -member*” increases with
representations from every state In
the nninn from many Canadlau
provinces and a large number of for
eign countries.
Pox the M8un worshippers," 8t.
Petersburg has proven to be the Ideal
spot for the location ol the steadily
growing cult. Here the sun ahinee
on an overage of 360 days of the year,
out of a possible 365 and this while
northern states are blanketed with
snow, swept by blustering wintry
winds and Old Sol bidden from view
| by a canopy ol gray-black clouds
Pale lacea are uncommon witn the
"Sunworehippers* who as a whole
bear healthy coats ol mahogauy tan.
tue result ol bathing and play Id the
•nrdoors of a sub-tropleal ".Uniat*
I'ucr as St Petersburg boast*
I Many Americana promJoant u> tt»
I public eye MkKf #e Or
shippers." and numbered among theory
are Cyrus H K.. Curtis, publisher; O*
S. Senator Park rrammel; Murrj,
Guggenheim; Gov John Trumbull of
Connecticut; Babe Ruth, “King of|
Swat:" Walter Bagan goll champion.
Judge Emil Puchs; Mayor John B
Thacher Albany N Y4 Rev J J J
Duffy. Chaplain ol the famous Fight
ing 69th; Charles L. Knight new*<
paper publisher and many other*
St Petersburg this winter, expecol
no less thau * iTiarter aulUop *
worshipper* *-iu»in It* limit* ««* o i
read; tbe> tu«* oaguc *r at**'
the Sunsbtu* taty a* Bwui» <»*»
cation* Chat *A ****** «*■»** —
wUJ h* g*a <h» w ■* ”• '
Umooma «*» '•»*' *■— *— (
Me Nary On Job
\w _|HM -
' fan. Charles L. Me Nary of Or#*i
mb ii In Washington feeling
auctions in the hope the
ficNaiy-Haugen rarro Kelicr
parsed and Okayed
it at the (o«<fc—0_
— — 4
The Ghoul •
By Albmt T. Reid
1 -
--1—* 1 . y j
'president {^oolk^r—“StopJ_ You shall not tob^the^eaA
Strike Songs at Dawn
Women lenders tostfll *#ff e»*
\Tinie Consciousness Responsible
fpMi For Business Efficiency in U. S:
) PHILADELPHIA — American* are
perpetually In a hurry for the reason
ihat they are always time-conscious.
. In the United States, there are
Something more than 40,000.000
i locks In use continually, according
lo Warner 8. Hays, secretary of the
i lock Manufacturers Association of
America. In an address here.
, -The clock is the city man's urge
npt tne most out of bis day as the
n > m; • l.c farmer to show action."
. -. t: .*.! Hays "Housewives are
l —ni.chers of clocks as
j. l( ., .. s nave made
possible a great deal of the celebrated 1
American efficiency.
“Even at that, big business Is Just
getting used to clock watching. Id
twenty years the word tardy will have
disappeared from the language on
account of disuse If the present •
spread of time-consciousness con
tinues. ^
“To keep up with the demand for
timepieces, there are manufactured ln^
the United States every year approxi
mately millions of mantel, chime,
marine, wall. desk, boudoir, ship’s bell
and lever clocks and 16,000,000 alarm
clocks." ,
And that’s not considering the call
for watches. Mr. Hays added._
For Automobiles to Drive Beneath River
At New York kit v eek the Holland Tunnel under the Hudson
STbb^ i? » S* *•»».: »»l°* "Mi»»,or
tbe trip Hi4* ******
Thousands to Be n eat in ~>ong
At Great Shrine Convention
W I ■■■ ■■ ■■ — ■ --,
Chanters always attract achowo
MIAMI. Fla |Special)—More than
cue hundred organizations ot chan:
era choral groups formed oy Snrint
Temple* throughout the Unitea
states will provide part ol the enter
tainment during the 64tb annual ses
sion of the imperial Council Ancient
,‘MOlc Order Nobles ol the Mystic
■tarlne tn this city oc May 1 i ana i
rezt A feature of this great national
.Sbriners' convention will De a massed
concert in which all of the cbantei
units emhracing thousands of sing
ers. will Diend in choral singing The
splendor ot this scene, the mass at
uniformed organizations will only oe
equalled oy Its tremendous attrac
tion for the Shrine chanters always,
oraw crowds Miami with its won
derful palms and Bowers nas many
touches of the Land of AroDy where
the Islamic faith nolds sway ana
whence the fe2 worn oy memoere oi
the great fraternity, was taken
Every part ot the country from
Portland Maine to San Dlegc and
Scuttle to Jacksonville will oe repre
Rented The Yaarao Chanters of At
lanta arc expected to put everyone u.
'jugh gooc our.ic.i- d> their slngmu or
the old Southern song-- out there art
some wonderful luanters m eexa*,
and California and up North id lv*
Daxotas while the Mahi Tempi*
Shnut Syucopaters will demonstrate
what pome talent can do Btnus,
patrols, and drum corps thousand* ai(
uniformed meD of standing will lea i,
pure the glowing and colorful event
Henry J Smith of Miami will oaw
charge of the musical ena of the pm
gram Arrangements for the conven <
tloD nave long oeen thoroughly or
ganizea oy committees in charge > 1
each detail J O Phillip* if cnalt ,
man of the committee on registr*u;o:.
Geo B Short directs a committee
which will arrange for the entertain
ment of the recorders of the I* ,
Shrine Temples throughout the enu*
try A C Hancock is vice-cnaum? *
of the committee which wilt ariitw ;
tours for the delegate* and visito
throughout Florida and tc Havau t
ana other points E L Step;; i* ■' ^
charge of the committee on tramp0’
ration Special trains will come I rot y
el) leadin'* ooints »ne Florida Ea
Coa*t Its 11 ••‘•at -i3‘ con van'em ■
space lor 1.50u Pullman* lat Cu y
or Miami which li'en*-** el1 n"*'
gun.i.mees w.ncardized t.utei rau.
anc’ a'•commode tlons^are ample __

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