Newspaper Page Text
1 * nihll^ii It«7 teturdAy by Jak* r t®“ at HI North foqrU tn-i. ,fc „ JOHN MITCHELL. JR.....EDITOR , -1 axi rommuaicatioM intended (or pukiiTttio* mould ho to roach uo by WaAwaday. Hitere.1 at the .'oat Office at Ricbmood. Virginia, aa aecond clw^ matter. Oo» Year .• 100 •ix Mouth* . 110 Three Month* . Core *n Subscription* . Foreign A«lve.»w.-g RepreaenUtive, W. B. Tiff Company. '»earbom Street. Obicego; •21 Victoria Building, 8t. Louia, Mo i *20 Longa ere Building. New York. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1927 White ft?ks are killing each o>‘her hereabou's just like colbred folks. The undertakers have long faces on the outdid^, b'H they are mighty happy on the inside, des, they are so sorry. Colored folks have had a hard time of Thousands of them who v ent North and West are having an easier tt.ce of it. Most of them seem to bo spending all that they •make. Maiy take long trips back home do-vn South to have a good t me wit'll friends and relatives and then go back North and West again i,. make more money and to spend it in the same way. They may not save any money, bur they are piling i.p g-ood 1 oalth and may live a cor respondingly longer t me as a result it. Th*- force of habit is always uppermost Marcus Gaivey is now bemg held at the A.ianta Penitentiary, subject to the United States Immigration officials, who hold a warrant for him, under which warrant he is to be sent to Jamaica, w|'h the under standing that he wfill never again be permitted o enter any poTt of entry in he United States by water or any pln-e on the boundaries be tween tl»'s country and Canada ot Mexi.Jo. He can go> io Africa, how ever and i may be that he will elect so to do. «*»• But ev i! on the Dark Continent, t’uere is but pne country where he would no . be subject to the British oi to ‘he American influence and that is in Abyssinia. We have before emphasized the fact that even Afri ca has been parcelled out among the civilized t a’ious, so that even a na tive. “has not where to lay his head.” Certainly not with the rights of sovereign-” in a way that has been held up t- the black people of this country. Revolution against this condition of affairs must be waged from wii'hin, bv the Africans themselves. Mahat ma Gandhi in India ha» begun such i, movement. and he was imprisoned in the manner that Garvey was im prisoned He could ntot be deported for the reason tha‘ he was in his own heme, if Garvey had exercised tho foresight t° bee rae a naturalized American citizen, he could have re mained in this counCry. It may be that he pursued the wisest course in contention for i pr noiple. He has sowed deep the seed of race patriotism. It may not come to its full growth, during his day tor his generation, but it wMl come. Evidently there is something mare than vamty that has urged him on fo a envrse of sacrifice and pen ury . In Jamaica, he will find black friends. C-ther coup-tries have na tives. who have .imbued his spirit and beaome devotees of his theories He may die but his theories and •*-h«s soul will go marching on.’' Farewell. Marcus Garvey! FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH. (2*th and P Streets) Services in charge of the Deacon Board, pending successor to Dr. E. Payne, lamented pastor Visiting Divines each Sunday Services: 11:30 A M and 8 PM. Sunday School. 9:30 A. M All are invited B. Y. P. U-. 6:45 P. M. Mt. Olivet and Union Hope Baptist Churches, King William Co., Va. Rev. G. C. Rolling, B Th., pastor. Residence. 502 West Clay Street, Richmond. Va. Phone Madison 2571-J. Services at Mt. Olivet Bap tist Church, second and fourth Sun days. Services at Union Baptist Church, first and third Sundays. Advertise in the Planet. It will pay you so to do. Best For Weak Back Are you suffering from the misery of a lame, aching back? \ou can get almost instant relief by putting on a lohnson’s Red Cross Kidney Plaster, it warms, soothes anJ supports the weak back, and gently massages tne tissues with every movement of the , body, thus helping to restore proper circulation and normal strength. John son's Red Cross Kidney Plaster brings amazingly quick results because the medication penetrates straight through the skin to the affected parts—pain goes, soreness leaves, power returns, almost immediately. And you get last ing relief, too, for the medication is 'continually absorbed as long as the plaster remains on the body. Try a Red Cross Kidney Plaster tonight andi •prove how quickly it drives away the ,misery of a weak back. , Just go to any drug store and ask (for Johnson’s, the big Red Cross Kid- i aey Plaster with the redjarmcj jack. i mm & Knocks COlD§ J —in one day, HILL'S | ^ , Cascara-Bromide -Qui- * nine tablets knock a cold. Leave you feeling S fine. Look for red box. 30c. All druggists. i FIFTH ST. CHURCH NOTEE. Hear the great messages by, Dr. Charles b Morris Sunday, Novem ber 27th. at 11:30 A. M., “God’s Requirement of All Men” and at 8 P. M., “Can the Living Communi cate With »he Dead Through Med iums?’ The auditorium was filled to its capacity last Sunday morning ahd night. Dr Morris preached from the Subjects: “The Sin Unto Death” and “Can the Living Communicate With he Dead Through Mediums?’’ which will be continued Sunday night. Mrs. L B. Blackwell who has so faithfully led vihe women of the church for the past siy months, led them in t. pew rally Sunday and raised 5400 for ’he Building Fund Speci al efforts are being put' forth to raise $2000 Sunday for the purpose of meeting pressing obligations. It will greatly aid in the re-regis tration and delivery of the 1928 en velopes. ii * he members will kindly return their pledge cards with pro per addresses. — j ST. MARK BAPTIST CHURCH, (Glen Alien, Va.) Rev. B. J. Ruffin, pastor. Res idence. 70S S’ate Street. Services: Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. Rl. All are welcome. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. (Byrd St. between 1st and 2nd Sts.) j Pulpit in charge of Pulpit Com mittee pending successor to the late Dr Z. D. Lewis. Services: Sundays. 11:30 A M. and S P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. MT TABOR BAPTIST CHURCH (><orth 22ud Street Woodrihe) | I }\ v. R J Rt,-s. Pas or, Reeii'nee 15 E. Duval Street. Services; Sunday! 11:30 A M and 8 P. A! Sunday School, 9:30 A. M- AH are welcome j SHARCN BAPTIST CHURCH. (Corner First and Leigh Sts.) i Rev. R. H. Johnson, BJD. M.A, pas tor. Residence, 11 E. Clay St. 8ar rtcee; Sunday, 11.30 A. M. and 8:li P. M. Sunday School, 10 A. M. All are luvlted ' i FOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHURCH . (32nd and P Street*) Rev. A. R. Vanlandingham, B. Th. pastor. Res'dence, 2800 O St. Our Worship: Sunday School at 9:SO A. M.; Morning Services, 11:30 A. M; Nigh* Services. 8:00 P. M.; Tuesday night, Home and Foreign Mission, 7:00 P. M.; Wednesday night, Teachers Meeting, 7:30 P. M.; Thursday night. Choir Rehearsal. 7:30 P. M : Friday night, Prayer Services, 7:30. M. V. Johnson, Clerk MT VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH (1902 Wallace Street) j Rev. M. H Payne. Pastor. Resi dence. t‘>0f> Wallace Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. AH are welcome. 1ST BAPT. CHURCH S. RICHMOND (Corner 15th and Decatur Sts.) , Rev. W L. Ransome, D. D., Pas 'or; Parsonage 1507 Decatur Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. AM are welcome. MT. CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH j (1300 North F rst Street) Rev Berryman H. Johnson, Pastor. ! Sunday 11:30 A M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M Ail are; welcome. NORFOLK AND WESTERN R. ft' (Broad Street Station) t Leave for Arrhre from 9:00 am..Norfolk .7:00 pm i 9 am. .Cincln'atl & Columbus 7 pm 2:30 pm..Roanoke .2:10 pm ; 3:15 pm..Norfolk .11:31 am ; 5:39 pm..Norfolk Local .j 6:35 pm..Bristol Local ..8:10 am •i pm..Oteu. Im. N Or. 8:10 pm j _Nor. and Lynch. Local 9:40 pm Beautiful Straight Hair II' YOU WANT YOUR H MR TO G LISTEN WITH ALL ITS NATURAL LUSTRE, AND STAY W HERE YOU BRUSH IT Virginia Rose Hair Dressing is the Scientific Preparation to do 'Abut it is claimed to do. I It goes to the Roots of the Hair and is good for most all SCALP DISEASES. .. It is Guaranteed to STRAIGHTEN the most STUBBORN HAIR, when directions are followed. Sold everywhere in 4 uz. metal packages. PRlOE 50 CENTS Be sure t) ask for VIRGINIA R03E. t We have attractive proposition for Agents. AGENTS WANTED every where. Write today. VIRGINIA ROSE HAIR DRESSING CO., Urbanaa, Va I Scene at the Mosque Theatre Next Week :ei\e ?rorr\ '7^t? CHINAS E PARROT” * uhivcrsal-jcwei; pro Puerto* ___ ___ with all star gasr Here Is a World's Champion ' That Trained on Linseed Meall /champion > SOTTER AHD Milk VRODOC£R v y .* Meet May Walker Ollie Homestead, world’s champion, the only cow to l ave producea as much as 1.523 l-ounds of butter and 31,610 pounds 1 milk In 365 days and also to have t • en the mother of three All-Amerl i o winners and undefeated cham pions for their age In the great show i gs of the United States and Can f.o-a May, like Gene runney. Galll I trcl, and t' e othei tar-tamed cham pions cf one sort or another, also i lasts a manager. V. C. Culver, who tupervlses her travels when she leaves . or Breckcnrldge. Minn, home to De i.ic center of attraction at such great agricultural gatherings as the state j fiirs of Missouri. Iowa.’a, Mid South Dakota, the Interstate , i La Crosse. Wla. and the; 1/atrv Cattle Cocgreas at Waterloo.. }rrar% ! ‘Americas premier breeding and; inducing cow ha* a mark of 40 fjuart* of tnlik per day for a year, and I* uv*le «»er « pound* of nutter foi i-*/*n. .<a? " Manager CUinv at Lha nurtured StUstdr* yricatwj. o..h1 • avtfV JffPBao w. -vn •«rd ‘. •’Her offspring nave sold for more :«vn *4ROOO and she should bring turn;, thousands more Into the treas ury "She nae oeen maslng records since she w&9 6 years old 5>he Is 12 now' aad m the best ot form Linseed meal bas made up a part ot her »-! lion .t all times It whs an import ant influence Ln oelplug her o p*t>-i ducc as she baa for so lon^ -ud in, keening her in such marvelous ooo Mtivu.' _ , _ ... Author of “ What Can a Man Believed ' Asks Public to State Its Belief i What can a man Delleve? Bruce Barton took that question as >the title for his latest volume on practical religion ana now the Na tional Broadcasting Co. has seized bn ooth the query and the book to find out what the public wants In the way of radio programs. ML BL Aylesworth. president ol the N B. C. felt the public would Uke to hear its favorite authors discuss their own works over the air Some pf his associate* thought it would not. 'with these differing opinions, what could they oelleve? > That suggested the answer: Try it out. with Bruce Barton and his new pook. So a test program was ar ranged for Nov 6. over a network of fom” twenty stations, with Barton discussing his own books and telling why he believes what be believes, the public being asked to express Its be lief whether such programs should be continued. The response to this trial broadcast will determine the policy bl the N B. C. in putting on a series ol similar literary programs. In addition to “What Can a Man Believe,” Mr Barton is the author ox f*The Man Nobody Knows,” "The Book Nobody Knows,” and others. Born m Robbing Tenn. son of Dr. fend Mrs. William B. Barton, the au thor eras graduated from Amherst College, twenty years ago. AX ten ten Vears of magazine experience, he be came president oX the advertising firm of Barton. Durstlne St Osborn. In this period he has in some way (found time to write seven books. fc’*We wish to make the appeal of dlo as broad, general and Xar-reach & as poMlfete.** «§M Merlin £. Ajiss Bftuca Bmton worth. "And there la an enormous book-reading public. ■ "If our radio program la to meas ure public interest and glre to the radio listeners what they want in some proportion to the special inter ests of the large groups of our popu-< latlon, it seems we ahoulf'" glre at, least a quarter of an hour a week to this large. Intelligent book-loving Dr. FRED Palmer’s PET Hair Gloss is Quaranteed to Keep Unruly Hair Smooth-Glossy —and in Place 50c for a large size jar at all drug and j toilet goods counters serving race peo I pie, or mailed direct upon receipt of ! price. Dr. Fred Palmer’s Laboratories, Atlanta, Ga. —————rrjrsmaMmmmmmm i BROWNLIGHT ! LIGHTENS THE SKIN , Vou too can have a beautiful light (omplexion if you will only use BROWNLIGHT. This wonderful skin whitener is one of the few that will positively lighten the skin without burning or irritation. BROWN LIGHT will remove all blemishes end those nasty looking pimples which detract from the real beauty underlyiug the surface. | Bring out your Hidden Beauty Pend for a jar of this wonderful skin whitener today. Attach a mon ey order tc the coupon today and we will mail you a jar o£ BROWN LIGHT. A trial will convince you that BRO WNLIGHT DOES THE JOB Three sizes -60, $1.26, $2.60. .. I Mail aoupon today to BROWNLIGHT MFG. CO., INC. ; R-2045 7th Ave., N. Y. 1 t t Name . Street ..-.. City .■. State .. t AGENTS WANTED. Write for Liberal Offer. j VIRGINIA: In the Clerk’s Office of Amelia Countv Circuit Court, November 5, 1927. Addie Johnson.Plaintiff vs. Richard Johnson .Defendant IN CHANCERY In Vacation. The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matri mony for the plaintiff, from the de fendant. upon the ground of wil ful desertion or abandonment of the plaintiff by the defendant for more than 'hree years. And an affidavit having been made and filed, that the said de fendant is not a resident of the State of Virginia, and that his last known post 'dice address was 2354 West 12th Street, Brooklyn, New York. It is, therefore, ordered that the said de fendant do appear here within ten days after the due publication of this order, and do what may be necessary •.o protect his interest in this suit. | Teste: S. L. FARRAR, Clerk. A Copy—Teste: S. L. FARRAR. Clerk. J. SAM’L PARRISH, For Complainant. VIRGINIA: In the Law and Equity Court of the City of Richmond, the 5th day of No vember, 1027. Mary J. Carpenter .Plaintiff against Fred Carpenter .Defendant IN CHANCERY f i The object of this suit is to obtain an absolute divorce from the bond of matrimony, by the Plaintiff, from the Defendant, on the ground of de sertion for mon than three years. And an affidavit having been made and filed that the defendant is not a resident of the State of Virginia, it is ordered that he appear here within ten days, after due publication of this order and do what may be necessary to protect his interest herein. A Copy—Teste: LUTHER LIBBY, Clerk. By E. M. EDWARDS, D. C. J. E. BYRD, p. q. VIRGINIA: In the Law and Equity Court of the City of Richmond, the 16th day of No vember, 1927. Martha Rundy .Plaintiff against Percy L. Bundy.Defendant | IN CHANCERY. ! The object of the above suit is to obtain an absolute divorce from the bond of matrimony by the plaintiff f-om the defendant upon the ground of wilful desertion and abandonment for three years and more. And an affdavit having been made and filed that due di’igence has been used by and on behalf of the plaintiff to ascertain in what county or cor poration said defendant is, without offect. and that plaintiff does not know his present residence; it is ordered that said Percy L. Bundy appear here within ten days after the due publica tion of this order and do what may be necessary to protect his interest in this suit. A Copy—Teste: LUTHER LIBBY, Clerk. By E. M. EDWARDS, D. C. J. HENRY CRUTCHFIELD, p. q. 1117 East Marshall Street, Richmond, Va. s _ i Have The Planet beat te yoor 7iome. It will be a welcome visiter. Moore St. Bapt. Church,: West Leigh St., between Kinney and'Bowe Sts ' Dr. Gordon B. Hancock, “ - PASTOR" ^ SUNDAY, NOV. 27, 1927 11:30 A. M,, the pastor will preach Iroi the subject: “In a Crisis, Shall a Man Cling to His Wife or His Mother?” 8:15 P. M., Communion. fg£=»YOU ARE WELCOME.-S# * Write for this FREE Book Arrange your hair lie this— as worn by Mist Man Logon Is Your Hair Becoming? IS it soft, and sil'-y? Will it stay where you put it? Can you arrange it in the new styles? The regular use of Nelson’s Hair Dressing will make you proud of your hair. It will become soft ana easy to arrange —whether it is short or long. Ask your druggist for a copy of our FREE book, "How to Have Beautiful JHair”, showing by description and photo graphs many new ways of hair-dress. Decide which is the most becoming for your type of beauty. If he cannot supply you, wire us direct. Nelson’s Hair Dressing is sold by druggists everywhere. NELSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Richmond, Va. LSON’S DRESSING ure you get the original—'Nelson's. rua>ca di a metal box, <n u cardboard container. Cn LI 7¥ V R (Successor to • ll/A I A. Hayes Son) 727 N. 2d St., [Richmond, Va. latest improvements in funeral equipment. Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Soda! Affairs or Short or Long Distance Trips—Fine Caskets—Chapel Service Free* Country Orders Solicited—Prompt and Satisfactory Service Phone Madison 3778. Day or Nifht Calls Answered Promptly. ■ ■ / % ' ••^****1 Special Offer 100 single sheets of note paper andj 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.00 Delivered prepaid 100 sheets of paper, double, and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.50 Delivered prepaid Each customer is allowed to send copy not exceeding 3 lines, 2 inches wide. Type to be selected by us. Same copy to be used on paper as on envelopes. Here is your chance. We do all kinds of JOB WORK. Send all orders to THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th'St„ Richmond, Va. 2310 Newton Street, Detroit, Mich., October 16, 1927. Dear Sir: Will you please find Thomas Adams, once lived on West Leigh Street. He is wanted at home. His brother, Eng lish, is dead at Camden, S. C. I would like very much to get in touch with him at once. His cousin, Mis3 Hattie Thompson. Plainfield, N. J. 450 W. Third St., October 8, 1927. Board of Health, Richmond, Va. Dear Sirs: The undersigned is desirous of any information obtainable concerning the whereabouts of one Vera Smith, a colored girl, who resided at 1502 , Taylor Street, in 1914. If it is im possible to enlighten us from your records kindly hand this letter to some colored Baptist minister, and oblige. Yours truly, | LAWRENCE SMITH. AN ANNOUNCEMENT. I The Goodwill Baptist Church, 410 M Monroe Street is a new unit to the Baptist Church, with a very broad program. R«Tv. W. R. Bail, invites the public and hie maa^^ friends to worship Sunday, Novem her 27, 11.30 A. M. and 8 P. M, Communion 1st Sundays, 3:*0 P. M Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Special mule. All are invite*,