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THAT BABY YOUV’E ! LONGED FOR. | Mrs. Burton Adviss© Women on I Motherhood and Companionship. “For several year* I was denied the blessing j ot motherhood,” write* Mr*. Margaret Burton ot City. “I was terribly nervous and subject to periods of terrible suffering and melancholia. Now 1 am the proud mother of a beautiful little daughter and a true wwipaiuon and inspiration to my husband. I believe hun dreds ot other women would like to know tom secret of my happiness, and 1 will glsdlv re- ! vea! it to anv married woman who will write me." Mr*. Barton offers her advice •‘Dtirel' without charge. She has nothing to tell.^Let ter* should be addressed to Mi*. {*“«*?* JSSJE/Sirtr iifiTLS&uP I - I ® S' I DEATHS REPORTED « ! ® 5 I ® * j The following is a list of deaths of colored persons reported to the .tichmnnd Bureau of Health frj>m November 55 to November -4 with, dale of death: Susan Bolling, age 63. 810'St- James St.: November 16. Charles Bryce. SO: 1722 Winder St. : November 17 . John Wiggins. 55: 1713 E. Grace St.; November 16. Gilbert Jones. 48; 217-0 W. Char ity S?.: November 17. Inez Tates, 20 days; Petersburg 1 Pike; November 18. liarvey Wilkerson, 25; 114 S. 2nd St.? November 17. Robert Brooks. 18; Kjing and Queen County. November 17. Thomas Jones. 40; 103 W. 21st St-. NY>vembu 17. f Benjamin Christmas, 40; 1704 Idle wood Avenue: November 18. Maria Hopkins, 73;^1213 W. Leigh St.: November 17. John Taylor. 44: 1203 N. 17th St.; Nbvembec 18. Harriet Lewis. 61: 1013 W. Moore St.; November 18. > IMla Johnson. 33; 1213 W. Moore St.; November 19. •— '•'homas Knight. 61; 414 Lady Mile Road' November 20. i —— One -Skinny Man ' Gained 28 Pounds “Feel* Like a Real Man Now— Thanks to McCoy s That’s just what one man wrot*5 from Atlantic City and thousands of men and women know by experience that McCov’s Tablets, known the world over as the great flesh rro • -lucer do put on flesh where flesh mo«t needed. it ■ doesn’t take but a few weeks for hollows in cheeks, neck and chest to fill out and what a change lor the better this will make in your per sona! appearance. And besides looking better you 11 feel better for in McCoy’s Tablets is a combination of health bun-ting agents that increase strength and bring vigorous health To weak run down nervous men and women. McCoy takes a1! the >;bV -K'1 tl is iron. In 1 guarantee. If after tak irv’- 1 sixty-cent boxes of McCoy * Tablets or‘.J Cue Do nr.- • ">y thin, underweight non or v.onm.n doesn’t gain at least ’> poutv-s end feel completely sai-dieu with t..e marked improvement _ in hea ’v— your druggist is authorized to reout n the purchase price. , _ . T. n;1 The name McCoys Coo Liver 0.1 Tablets has been shortened—just ask for McCoy’s Tablets at any drug store in America. A Pleasure To HE.L * ^ OU I ME WISHES i COME IE I shall be glad to advise and help ; yon on '.he free will offering plan knowing that the healer gee more j<>v and blessing in helping them does the patient evon. It i# a PRIVILEGE Vo SER/VE. You i have hoard of the Little White ; Mother. America’s Illustrious Ad viser- this is your chance to wr'te me freely, frankly and con fidentially. Do NOT send money or qta.nps. your inquiry will be answered if you state when and where you read this announce 1 *022 N. W. THIRD AVENUE WiftHI FLORIDA_ Mnaam DeLong is celebrating !her 2->th Jubilee Year in this great work —you may have con I ftdeme in her teachings. I I I I i I ' I : REV. J. M. GATES ; ( Preaches two sermons .... \ i t Assisted by Deacon Leon Davis and Sisters Jordan and Norman J i Record No. 8515 10 In. 75c j ’ f GOD’S WRATH IN THE 1 ; ST. LOUIS CYCLONE ■ ■ | DEVIL IN A FLYING MACHINE i i ,i i i , < i l i ) ‘ RACE RECORDS OKEH PHONOGRAPH CORPORATION 25 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. Okeh^Phonograph Corporation, 25 W. 45th St., New York City T5he Above Records on Sale at BAILEY FURNITURE CO., 1406 E. Main Street. latest GKgJv, Records 1Zj ELECTRIC Ji-3^ I _ '■ ■BMBB Tourists planning a visit to the city would do well to write to John Mitchell, Jr., 311 North Fourth Street. Accommodations in either private families or otherwise can be secured for the asking. No charge is made for this service. CAN YOU PAY $100 CASH? If you can, we can place you In touch wi h the owner of houses on Venable Street. In the 2300 block. They are ftted wl‘h all modern im provements and have six rooms -vlth basement. Rental, at $25.00 per month will pay for them* 1 Call Randolph 2213 or stop at The Planet Office, 311 N. 4th 8t, /fichmond, Va. I ' A good cleaning and pressing estab lishment, situated in a good location, 'can be leased very reasonably. A j hustling person can make it a good i paying proposition. N.-241, care The | Planet. AGENT Planets can be purchased from Mr. Robert Goodin, 1214 Walnut Street, Wilmington, Delaware. RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND POTOMAC RAILROAD (Broad 3ireet Statien, except where otherwise indicate*) Leave for Arrive from 4:00 am..Washington and beyond.6:56 am M4.23 am..Washington and beyond..1(12:07 pm 6:60 am. .North (no coaches).9:20 pm *7:10 am..Ashland Local .*6:66 am 8:80 am..Washington Local .11.80 am '1:20 am..Washington and beyond.6:26 pm 12:01 pm. .Washington and begond.1:06 pm Ml:02 pro..North (no coachea).116:16 pm •2-'M pm. Washington Local .9:66 pm 3:30 pm. .Washington and beyond.1:00 pm ••4:26 pm. .Washington Local . •4:36 pm..Vrederickaburg Local .*8:10 am M»:S5 pm..Washington and beyond. .1(11:67 pm •8:36 pm..Athland Local .*6:16 pm 8:28 pin Washington and beyond....12:60 am M Male Street Station. •Dally except Sunday. ••Sunday enlj - .-7*-, AGENTS—We start you in business and help you succeed. No capital or experience needed. Spare or 1 full time. You can earn $60-$100 weekly. Write Madison Products, 666 Broadway, New York,_ V TC^, SORE LEGS HEALED' Open Legs, Ulcers, Enlarged Veins, Goi‘er, Eczema healed while you work. Write for free book “How to Heal My Sore Legs at Home." De scribe your case. _ 7 A. C. LIEPE PHARMACY, | 1385 Green Bay Av., Milwaukee, Wis j ___ l ONE WEEK’S SUPPLY Free• Free ©RONZB BEAUTY Face Powder is made by A new | French process, and is not affected by perspiration. Used satisfactorily on dry or oily skin. Makes the complexion soft and velvety—and stays on until removed. Three tints which blend with any complexion: High Brown; Bronze Glow and Flesh. Fill out and mail the coupon be low and we will send you a whole week’s supply free. ....... 23 STRAIT-TEX CHEMICAL CO., 569 Sixth Avenue, Pittiburgh, Pa. Name-----—-—-- ' Street and Number--——----— City_state I—- * TOE BROWNS Photographic Studio ALL OF THE LATEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOTOS AT MODERATE PRICES. Special Attention Paid to Children. Exterior and Interior Work ; 1 Will be Executed on Short Notice. We Speclallae on ENLARGING and COPYING from OLD PH0T08. _ j CALL AND SEE US—WORK DONE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER. FLASH-LIGHT Photca A Feature. The Latest Style Developing Outfits Our POWERFUL LENS Rank with the Best in the Country. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS ARE WELCOME. 603 N SECOND SI.. RICHMOND. VA. | Funeral Parlor Rest-Room* Display Room* Lodge Room* g Phones—Office Ran. 2078. Residence, Ran. 2703. Asst., Ran. mi-w | I] ROBERT C. SCOn, Funeral Director I | 2223 EAST MAIM ^TRFFT RICHMOND. VA. | 1,0, Pit, 212 asi LEIGH STHi FUNERAL DIRECTOR, EMBALMER AND LIVERYMAN All Orders Promptly Filled at Short Notice by Telegraph or Telephone. Halls Rented for Meetings and Nice Entertain ments. Plenty of Room with all Necessary Conveniences. Large Picnic or Band Wagons for Hire at Reasonable Rates an i Nothing But First-class Automobiles and Carriages, etc. Keep constantly on hand fine Fun eral Supplies. Open. All Day and Night. PHONE Madison 577—Man On Duty All Night—Richmond, Va (Residence Next Door) IW. I. JOHNSONS’ sons] Funeral Directors & Morticians | 10 W. LEIGH STREET PHONE MAD* 1 DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE, WITHIN tooo MILES | WHEN ORDERED. 1 V, I. JOHNSO’ SONS. EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS OONDUOr gj :j| Funerals Flawlessly. Our Many Years of Eiperlenca Mpablea to jjj :i Conduct Ail Funerals In a Moot Efficient Manner. We Try to Qtte a I;: More However by I corporating in Our Service a Spirit of Syni* 5 :!!! pathetic Underatrndlng .«t | DO YOU KNOW THEM? Manila, Philippine Islands, September 29, 1927. Chief of Police, Richmond, Va., U. S. A. i«i . Dear Sir: \ I have been informed that my two brothers are living in your city whose names are Charlie H. and Olen G. Hutchison. It was reported to me that Charlie’s occupation is a Doctor of Medicine. The occupation of Olen, I have not heard. They may be pass ing as American Negro, or as In dians. Our father was a Cherokee, and our mother a Black Hawk Indian. Charlie, the senior, was born in Hot Spring, North Carolina, and Olen in Read Town, Tennessee. Their ages are about 31 and 29 years, re spectively. I have not heard from these two boys for the past fifteen years. The only description that I can give is of Charlie, who has a scar over his left eye. This was done by a rough stone which I threw at him when we were playing when still children. The best of my recollection is the scar looks like a spider. This is very hard for me to remember the exact design of the scar or as to what formation it has made from growth, as I have not seen either of them for twenty years. As at present I am planning to re turn to the United States for a short vacation I would like to be able to get in touch with them when I ar rive there. Furthermore I am grow ing older every day and I deem it wise that they should know some thing regarding my holdings in this country in case that anything should happen to me. Anything that you could do in helping me to locate them will be highly appreciated. Thanking you in advance for all kindness shown me in this matter and trusting to hear from you at your most earliest convenience. Yours very sincerely, HUGH F. HUTCHISON. 6 6 6 la a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue Bilious Fever and Malaria It Kiils the Germs. EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER ) Will Promote & Pull Growth of Hair, \ Will also Restore the Strength, VI- 1 tality and the Beauty of the Hair. It * your Hair is Dry and Wiry Try EAST INDIA HAIR TONIC if you are bothered with Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a BOTTLE of EAST INDU HAIR TONIC. The remedy eo3t|big medi cal properties that go tO She roots of the Hair, stimulate/Yhe skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves i the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm ot Broken Blossoms. The beit known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used for Dressing and Curling. Price sm ny Mali, iuc Extra I AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, | ! Shampoo. 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Face Cream and Direc- J , lion for Sell ug, $2.00. 25 cents extra for postage. \ o. D LYONS, 316 North Central, O klahoma City, Okla. QUICK SERVICE RIGHT PRICB9 w f. scon j Commercial Signs1 i SHOW CARDS, BANNERS, POSTERS, ETC. JOB PRINTING 608 1-2 N. 2ND ST. RICHMOND. TA I Stage Favorite j Praises Exelento j Alltter Harris aaya Exelento la greatl Alltter Harris, one of the country’* outstanding actresses, says she owes her beautiful, silky hair to the regular use of EXELENTO QUININE POMADE Yen. too, ean bare just as pretty hair by using Exelento. It goes to the roots of the hair, cloanara the aealp and before you real ise it. your hair ia longer and more beautiful than ever before. Beauty experts recommend Exelento be cause it la the original quinine pomade. They aleo endorse Exelento Skin Soap for keeping the skin smooth, velvety and free from pimples and other blemishes. So confioent era we that you will be pleased with these remarkable Prepara tions and use them regularly that we will send you. free of ohargg, a generous sample of each. We will also aend you, absolutely free, a valuable book of beauty secrete prepared by specialist! in the care of the hair and skin. Attractive proposition open if you will show and recommend our preparations to your friends. EXELENTO MEDICINE COMPANY ATLANTA, GEORGIA AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write For Particulars. )_ . . —e Subscribe to The Planet --- i S’MATTER POP by 0. M. P*YNH &Vjr JT CAN'T K/VK 6. JH^EAD Nat? TAIL OUT OF IT! U $6MT> \___ \ 1=61^-AN1 INTERPRETER L--—-c S ifbvsNW-c+i 6lf OVn/' VJ-C+f LAMFF6X rl—Jj 3)0 "/ou & e.t] 'T7 \aJ Tr-rrr-rn~rv<r-t-r-r-r-TTJ We S£l, K'ETCtr , TAe cat am' < I T*I<E. TA&. ^,KlS -~vA OUT OT ir5 I ))A T£ET U 60TSArCl< lAM* EDW. STEWART 203 S SECOND STREET ITEAI/B'W IN* FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH MEATS. VEGETABLES. FISH ANP OYSTERS. rO<Mi;om. Va PHONE MAD. 163? CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO R. A. (Main Strict Station) Published as Information and not Guaranteed. Arrival and Departure of Trains Daily, unies? otherw’se shown. Daily except Sunday *‘Sunday only Leave for Arrive from 7:0-0 am. .Charlottesville.. .7:00 pm 7.00 am.-Clifton Forge .. 9:00 am. Norf. & O. Point 6:35 pm ):30 am..James River L ..4:06 pm 1:00 pm. Norf. & O. Point 2:43 pm 1:45 pm .Cinti-Louvl-Chgo,.7:30 am 4:If nm. .Norf & 0. Point 11 s33 am •a to' pm. .Lynchburg. ...*8:40 am *6:15 pm.. Charlottesville..* 8 :-30 am Clifton Forge-12:40 pm 6:00 pm..N.N. & O. Pt. Lo..9:Q« am 1:00 pm..Clncn & West..4:00 pm it -is om Cncin and Louvl. .... 1(7:29 am..Washington tad beymd..M9:U pm OTHER PEOPLE JUDGE YOU NOW BY YOUR FURNITURE When yon can get FURNITURE and RUGS from an Old Established House Uke JURGENS—that's known to sell ths best quality goods. Just as reason able ss elsewhere—wby not give your friends s good impression. It will give us the greatest pleasure to show you our wonderful stock of home making, comfort giving FURNITURE and RUGS and—dos t fail to aak our Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which given you t. 10 or 15 months in which to pay for auy purchase cuss, y MS SOS ESTABLISHED 1880. ADAMS AND BROAD PAIN IN V BLADDER kYPromptly Eu«d I 8ANTAL II MIDY V/ Be lure to get ft the Genuine f Look for the word “Midy" ' Sold by All Druggists esssssssss^s^sssssssssgsss=^===s Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoided by de stroying the germs of infectious diseases. *1.10 at all druggists.