OCR Interpretation

Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, December 03, 1927, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025841/1927-12-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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^______•— -1
?,-jaimu*ic*tioa* inteoded (or puWWtio*
ghould i>e **.i to reach u* by W«#»«*d*y.
finer*! at the .’out Otflce at Richmond.
VirgiuiA. a* second clw matter.
.. 1.10
•ix Moatt* . M
Three Months ...
roreign Subscription* .
Adve.ti. ~g Representative, W. B. <
Zl0 i ompaur. ^arbore Street. Chi««o; ;
*21 Victoria Building. St. Lonis, Mo ; 1
tw Longa ere Building. N«* York. ^
Tiraub10 is for us all. but we nev- (
er “get used to it.”
-- j
Worry kills more people than
disease for the reason that protracted
v orry causes disease.
You can talk about law violation*. ,
lui there is, so much law that fdw
people know when they are liplatin,
some of its mandates.
I- i* much easier to die than it (
is to live, but most people pref ?r j
the less easier way. They want V
nve. j
__ )
- 1
People do not talk about Heai
\ery mue»» these days. Most of them 1
are trying to have a good time here
and tak^ v chance about the oth?r
'Governor Harry Flood Byrd is
4 utspoken against lynching. Hi?
ringing condemnation of the illegal
execution cf a colored man *his week
near th* Kentucky-Virginia line is
emphatic and to the point. He
knows his duty and lie is perform in:,
ft. He is “born fighter-’ for whit
ke believes to be right.
the attorneys or the witnesses.
Much Le-al Knowlsc’gs.
Judge Matthews displayed a knowl
edge rot only of legal procedure, but
of the law itself. His poise, conduct,
rulings w^uld have done credit to a
jurist with twenty-five years’ experi
ence. So far as we could observe a
new day had dawned in the legal
procedure in the Southland.
It was evident that these pros
ecuting attorneys were uneasy about
that lone Norfolk attorney, who v.r':
’‘playing the life and death game with
the skill of a master.”
Attorney Satterfield Active.
He was deadly in •avn<'-\ It was
then that “Dave” Satterfield, as his
friends call him. sensed the danger
and made the supreme effort to undo
the work of the lunacv commission,
which had ou August 6. 1927 issued
commitment papers for the nlacing
of Shirley Winnegan in the Central
Hospital for the Insane at Peters
burg, Va. It was under his skillfvl
direction that he launched the attack
by three alienists. Dr. De Jarnett and
Dr. Brown in charge of the white
asylums a* Staunton and Williams
burg, respectively, and Dr. H. C.
Henry in charge of the asylum at
Petersburg. Va.
J "A _
That Sanity Bomb-Shell.
Thev ledared it to be ♦heir opin
ion that Winnegar was sane Novem
ber Ha (14. 1927. when the examina
tion was made. lit the meantime, At
torney James <1. Martin made a
plea for an estopel. based upon the
fact that Winnegan had been de
clared legally insane and was on
parole from ;he Central Ilosnifal tor
the insane in the c'^o^v of Sheriff
W. H. Chapman. His Honor over
ruled the motion, an exception being
noted. He stated that the question of
sanity or insanity was for the jury
to decide.
The following correspondence rela
tive to Shirley Winnegan v ill prove
to be interesting reading:
W. H. Chapman,
Sheriff of Isle of Wight County,
Smithfield, Virginia.
August S, 1927.
Dr. H. C. Henry, Supt.,
Petersburg, Va.
Dear Sir:
Enclosed you v.ill find committal
papers of Shirley Winnegan. I hope
you will find it convenient to take
him within the near future, as he is
in danger of doing himself and possi
bly others bodily harm. Will take
him to Windsor on Norfolk & West
Relieves PAIN
Sufferers from the sharp, knife-like
pains, the dull, throbbing, continuous
aches which accompany kidney
troubles and liver affections, can find
relief by putting on a Johnson’s Red
Cross Kidney Piaster. It will bring
almost immediate relief from the ter
rible suffering, and will not interfere
with, but will positively assist any
other treatment which your physician
has prescribed.
Johnson’s Red Cross Kidney
Plaster is not to be considered as a
remedy in any sense for these organic
derangements—your physician must be
consulted and his treatment taken for
remedying the underlying causes.
The plaster warms and soothes, and
its medication at once begins to be ab
sorbed through the skin directly to!
the affected parts. Its beneficial re
sults continue as long as the plasters
remains on the body. Be sure to ask
for the Red Cross Kidney Plastert
with the red flannel back; Al! drug
That Cold
PMay End in Flu
Check it Today—
I There's a way to do it—HILL’S. Does
I the t.jtir necessary things in one.
Sioi«> tiv cold in twenty-four hours,
A checks the fever, opens the
U2ip That's the aid you need. Don’t
Hill S be satisfied with anything less.
Ctnn« Go right now and get HILL’S,
in the red box. 30c.
^ ^Bromide—Th«ini«
ern, at your convenience.
Yours very truly,
August 9, 1927.
Mr. V. II. Chapman
Sheriff of Isle of Wight County,
Smith field, Va.
Tear Sir:
Tills v.ii r. knowledge receipt of
•ours of the Sth. enclosing commit
iu'C. j'. oe. • in the case of one, Shir
’cy in-egc n.
I era writing to say that we will
.:.f. for this man on Saturday,
I August ITth. Our agent will leave
Windsor on that 7:07 P. M. train and
I would thank you to deliver patient
: o our aye: i at ihat time.
ifor reason this cannot be
! rv>, Icinuly notify u> immediately.
Yours trulv,
it. C. HENRY. M. D., *
W. H. Chapman,
Sheriff of Isle of Wight County,
Smithffeld. Virginia.
August 14, 1927.
Dr. H. G. Henry,
i Si-.pt. Central State Hospital,
Petersburg, Va.
Dear Mr. Her.ry:
On Saturday when 1 went for the
boy, Shirley Winnegan, to take him
to the train to meet the attendant
from your hospital I found that he
was in Surry County working on a
job. I had him brought back here,
but found that he had improved, ap
parently a great deal.
jiis family said they did not see
anything wrong with him at all, and
asked that he be left with them; that
he had a good job, and was holding
it down, and that if he showed any
further signs of going bad, that they
would take him to the hospital, di
rect, so I thought it best to give him
a trial, but it was too late then to
notify you. 1 regret that I did not
find this out in time to head your at
tendant off. but I trust this will be
satisfactory to you. With best wishes.
Yours very truly,
Under the law, a person admitted
ly insane at the time the crime was
committed cannot be tried for a
crime. The person in whose charge
he-was paroled is responsible.
Til's facts. j
The facts in the case were as fol
lows :
On October 14. 1927, Hilda Bar
low, a 14-yaar-ol 1 girl, who had been
sent to Smithfield for bread, failed
to return. A search showed that she
had been murdered and criminally
assaulted about 5 o’clock. She had
been forced into a cornfield before
sun down and was only about 15
feet from the public road. Blood
flowed from her nose an*' mouth.
There were bruises on her head.
The Ac'.ujing Witness.
James Martin Godwin, an 18-year
old colored youth, had been plowing
peanuts, while his father, David God
win. was digging them up. The boy
finished his task, took the harness off
the mule and rode the animal >.o
Smithfield. He looked and saw' Shir
ley Winnegan in the field where the
girl’s body was ly:ng. He did not see
him strike her. He did not know’ at
that time whether she was white < r
colored. When ho looked again, he
saw the body was still there.
Told the Sheriff.
He went to Smitntieiu an 1 told a
colored man about it. lit advised
that they go and see sheriff Chap
man and tell him about :t. He did
so and they went to the scene of th*
crime. Winnegan was arrested in
front of Sheriff Chapman’s house.
Other witnesses testified to seeing
Winnegan in the neighborhood where
the crime was committed. Winnegan
denied all knowledge of the crime
ami no one could swear positively
that he committed it.
Clothes Examined.
Later, his working clothes were ex
amined. The knees showed where he
had knelt in soil similar to that in
the cornfield. Spots of blood were
found on his pants. Winnegan ex
plained all the time spent that after
noon and insisted that he had not
been where the body of the girl was
found. Winnegan made a remark
able witness. He explained every
question propounded to him. While
illiterate, his mind was active. The
prosecution had brought him to the
Beautiful Straight Hair
Virginia Rose
Hair Dressing
is the Scientific Preparation to do
what it is claimed to do.
It goes to the Roots of 'he Hair
end is good for most all SCALP
It is Guaranteed to STRAIGHTEN
the most STUBBORN HAIR, when
directions are followed.
Sold eveiywhere in 4 oz. metal
packages. PRIOE' 50 CENTS
He sure 1; ask fof VIRGINIA ROSE.
We have attractive proposition for
Agents. AGENTS WANTED every
where, write today.
scene of the crime. The only loop-!
hole was in the insanity plea. His)
attitude was a puzzle. I
The white men who had employed*
Winnegan from time to time spoke
of him as leading all of the others.
He was a good workman. Some had
known him from childhood and were
loth to believe that he was guilty of
the horrible crime laid at his door.
In the commitment papers tor
Shirley Winnegan, upon which pa
pers the lunacy commission ordered
him sent to the Central State Hos
pital for the Insane at Petersburg,
Va., It was specified that he was
suffering from a form of insanity
that was incurable; U followed the
patient ‘ from the cradle to the
grave.” When asked how he could
account fo. his commission deciding
that Winnegan was sane November
3-4, 1927 and that he was sane Oc
tober 14, 1927 when the crime was
committed. Dr. DeJarnelt represent
ing the commission, said he could
not account for it other than upon
the hypo*Lesis that the commission
that sat August 6, 1927 had made
a mistake. He said that Shirley
Winnegan feigned a fit, but he was
Advertise in the Planet. It will pay
you so to do.
\ou too can have a beautiful light
complexion if you will only use
BROWNL1GHT. This wonderful skin
whitener In one of the few that will
positively lighten the skin without
burning or irritation. BROWN
LIGHT will remove all blemishes
and those nasty looking pimples
which detract from the areal beauty
underlying the surface.
Bring out your Hidden Beauty
Send for a jar of this wonderful
skin whitener today. Attach a mon
ey order tc the opupom today and we
will mail vou a jar of BROWN
LIGHT. A trial will convince you
Three siies .60, $1.25, $2.50. ..
Mail ooupon today to
R-2045 7th Ave., N. Y.
Name .
Street .
City .
State ..
Write for Liberal Offer. .
tGraham Brothers Trucks Save Papuan
' ■Explorers from Hungry Cannibals
, The expedition escapes unwelcome attentions of hungry cannibals:
, The passenger automobile pio
neered the way lor adoption ol motor
.vehicle transportation in almos<
every part ol the world, but the motor
truck now takes over this role in
one ol the lew remaining frontiers
ol modern civilization
Graham Brothers commercial cars
in fact are the first load carrying
vehicles of any sort — other than
(mens cacies— to penetrate the canni
bal inhabited Jungles ot western
Papua in New Guinea They are car
rying the expedition ol Captain S
>N McLean 02 Burradoo Australia, to
the location ol large oil domes re
cently discovered In the forbidding
wilds ol this largely unexplored is
land archipelago
The expedition sailed for Papua
from Sydney this summer with the
trucks and •'omplete equipment for
the noting ol deep oil wells and is
iivc.v c ! .mc i's win ituc. territory
wd.t " ;'ia 01 :1 <> j-.iiir.■■•} nan oevet
b« !• it- i‘l; n_ vl ' __ .1;. •, ! jiti*
llmlnary expedition from which Cap*
tain McLean returned early this yea]
pointed out the necessity for motol
trucks. , On that journey the services
of more than 90 natives—direct de«
scendants of cannibal and headhunt
ing aborigines, were required to carrf
the test drill equipment which es
tablished the presence of oil in larvi
quantities. Some ol these natives
the Captain found, had never oeloi i
seen a white man and he admits that
many ungasy hours were spent whet
food ran low and a ring of hungrl
eyes about the camp fires seemcci t t
glisten in anticipation of a full mem
close at hand. \
Selection of these trucks for the
work in Papua followed the rccor']
they made in the expedition ot R t.
Allen American geologist who re
cently returned from an exploration
of the deserr heart ol Australia cov
erlnc 22.00C miles in 16 month 1
emergin'.! with nothing DUt prin t*
the tran-qmttation equipment ol
whit-h iheif .ives depended
(.G nd Alien. Va.)
Rev. B. J. Ruffin, pastor. Res
idence. 70S Sate Street. Services:
Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M.
Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. AH are
(Byrd St. between 1st and 2nd Sts.)
Pulpit In uharse of Pulpit Com
mittee pending successor to the late
Ur Z U Lewis. Services: Sundays.
11:30 a. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday
School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome, j
(Broad 8treat Statloa)
i _L
; Leave for ArrlTa from
i 9:00 am..Norfolk .7:00 pm
'9 am.. Clncin’atl & Columbus 7 pm
2:39 pm..Roanoke .2:10 pm
3:16 pm..Norfolk .11:88 am
6:30 pm..Norfolk Local .
6:35 pm..Bristol Local ..8:10 am
> pm. .Oka, Urn. N Or. 8:10 pm
j ....Nor. mad Lynch. Local l!40 pm
A Baby in
Your Home
The Remarkable Influence of a Doc«
tor'a Prescription After Years
of Cruel Disappointment
You Can Try it Free
Hundreds of married women, child
less for years, suddenly find them
selves In a state of the most blissful
anticipation due to the influence of
a doctor’s most wonderful prescrip
tion, Mrs. Annie M. Middleton, Glen
cove, N. t., writes: “I know* Just
what Dr. Elders’ prescription can do
as I had longed for a baby and two
years ago I T5ok a six weeks treat
ment and now we have a fine baby
boy. He Is eighteen months old. I
haven’t words to express how much
this medicine has done for me." Ev
ery married couple who really want
children should at once write to the
doctor and get a free trial of this
prescription together with his in
valuable book of instruction. For
your convenience fill out the coupon
and mall it today.
Dr. H. Will Riders
351-B Ballinger Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo.
Please send me a free trial of your treat
ment for Sterility and Instruction on how
to use it. I enclose 10c for postage and
St. Address
I or R. F. D.~....—
In tiir Cork’s Office uf Amelia
County Circuit Court, November 5,
Addle Johnson.Plaintiff
Richard Johnson .Defendant
In Vacation.
. T»\ object cf this suit is tc obtain
, a div rce from the bonds of nuttri
rr.cr.y for the plaintiff, from the de
fendant, upon the ground cf wil
f i dererti -.i or abandonment of th?
i pin n iff by the defendant for more
"i three years.
And a:» affidavit having been
mod' and fil'd, that the said de
fer <1 ab it 'not a rsnider.t cf the State
cf \ ir&inia and that his la* t known
p st • Ac? add "ess was 2354 West 12th
Street, Brooklyn, New York. It I.;,
th'veXore, ordered that the said de
fendant do appear here within ten
days after the due publication c: this
order, and do what may be necessary
• protect his interest in this suit. (
Clerk. j
A Copy—Teste:
For Comp.ainant.
In the Law and Equity Court of the
City of Richmond, the 5th day of No
vember, 1927.
Mary J. Carpenter .Plaintiff
Fred Carpenter ..Defendant
The object of this suit is to obtain
an absolute divorce from the bond,
of matrimony, by the Plaintiff, from
the Defendant, on the ground of de
s»rMon for ruor* *han th:*°o years.
And an affidavit having been mads
and filed that the defendant is not a
resident of the State of Virginia, it is
ordered that he appear hire within
ten days, after due publication of this
order and do what may be necessary
to protect his interest herein.
i A Copy—Teste:
J. E. BYRD, p. q.
In the Law and Equity Court of the
City of Richmond, the 16th day of No
vember, 1027. |
Martha Bundy.Plaintiff
Percy L. Bundy .Defendant
The object of the above suit is to
obtain an absolute divorce from thp
bond of matrimony by the plaintiff
from the deferdant upon the ground
of wilfu' desertion and abandonment
for three years and more.
And an affdavit having been made
and ff’od that due diligence ha? been
used by and on behalf of the plaintiff
to a’certain in what county or cor
poration said defendant is. " ithout
"ffect. and that olaintiff does not know
hi3 present residence; it is ordered
that said Percy L. Bundy appear here
within t#>n days after the due publica
tion of this order and do what may be
necessary to protect his interest in this
A Copy—Teste:
1117 East Marshall Street,
Richmond, Va.
Have The Planet sen* te yonr
home. It will be a welcome visitor.
Moore St, Bapt. Church,
West Leigh St.,'between Kinney andJBowe Sts
Dr. Gordon B. Hancock,
SUNDAY, NOV. 27, 1927 :
it:30 A, M., the pastor will preach Irom the subject: “In
a Crisis, Shall a Man Cling to His Wile or His
8:15 P, M., Communion.
► 1
► »
- oegr-YOU AREWEL-.OME.-'aeer
Read this
FREE Book.
Get it from
your dealer
or write ns
Lam bow to
worn by Miss
Bertha Hartgrore
Dress Tour Hair Like This
This is one of the styles featured in our Free Book
which shows how to arrange your hair to suit your
style. Ask your druggist for a copy or write us direct.
Use Nelson’s Hair Dressing and you will find your
hair becoming soft and silky, gleaming with lustrous
beauty, easy to arrange in any style.
If you have been using imitations, now try the original
pomade— the one that has been growing in popularity
for many years because it is most effective!
Be sure you get the or ginal—Nelson’s.
Packed in a metal box, in a cardboard container.
u 'AVF\ (Successor to
M/~\ I Lj) A. Hayes SL Son.)
727 A. 2a St., Richmond, Va.
Automobiles Furnished tor Funerals, Social Affairs or Short or
• *
Long Distance Trips—:Fkie Caskets—Chapel Service Free.
Couutry Orders Solicited—Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Phoee Madison 2778. Day or Ni*ht Calls Answered Promptly.
Special Offer
—» i Iiu> ——————Iy—I
100 single sheets of note paper anij
ICO envelopes printed on Bnnd Paper, $1.00
Delivered prepaid
100 sheets of paper, double, and
100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1,50
Delivered prepaid
Each customer is allowed to send copy not exceeding
3 lines, 2 inches wide. Type to be selected by us. Same
copy to be used on paper as on envelopes. Here Is
>our chance. We do a i kinds of J03 WORK. Send
all orders to
311 N. 4th St„ Richmond, Va.
2310 Newton Street. j
Detroit, Mich.,
October 16, 1927.
Dear Sir:
Will you please find Thoma? Adams,
once lived on West Leigh Street. He j
is wanted at home. His brother, Eng
. lish, is dead at Camden, S. C. I would.
* 1 ike very much to get in touch with
; him at once. His cousin. Miss Hattie 1
Plainfield, N. J.
450 W. Third St..
October 8, 1927. |
Board of Health,
Richmond, Va.
Dear Sirs:
The undersigned is desirous of any
information obtainable concerning the
whereabouts of one Vera Smith, a
colored girl, who resided at 1502
j Taylor Street, in 1914. If it is im
; possible to enlighten as from your
records kindly hand this letter to
some colored Baptist minister, and
Yours truly,
«■■■■■■■■ ■ "i
The Goodwill Baptist Church, 410
N Monroe Street le a new unit to the
Baptist Church, with a rery broad
program. Rer. W. B. Bail, pastor
lnritea the public and bia many
friends lo worship Sunday, Decem
ber 4, 11:30 A. M. and S P. M.
Communion 1st Sundays S'.'O P. M
Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Special
moke. All art lnrtted.

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