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Newspaper Page Text
#h«ch DIRECTORY EBENEZKR BAPTIST CHURCH, (Leigh and .Tudiih Streets.) Rev W. H. Stokes Ph D . Pastor. Residence. 1*07 Broofc Road. Ser vices: Sundays. 11 A. M and 8 P. M. Sunday School, J* A M The publhe Is Invited mosby memorial baptist CHURCH Idlewood A*e. and Randolph St. Rev. J A Brinkley. A B., B. D. j Pas-or Services: Sunday. I1:30 * a and 8 T M Sunday School 9 .30 A. M VI are welcome ZION BAPTIST CHURCH. (20th and Decatur. So. Richmond.) Ker J W. Dudley, D. D-, Pastor; Parsonage 1715 Everett Street. Ser vices: Sunday. 11:30 A. M. and P. Mi- Sunday School, 0:30 A. M The public is welcome. MT. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH, (Peuola, Va.) Rev. SI. C. Ruffin. Pastor Resi dency 811 St. Peter St * Qiea Alien. 3nd and 4th Sunday. * 1 P M. At Penola, services on the 3rd Sunday at 13:30 P. M. !3uu^ ay Sehool every Sunday at both places at 11 A. M. MT. GILEAD BAPTIST CHURCH. I (Cbeaterheld County) Rer. W H. LlliiM, Paator, R» id«uc«. 1835 Taylor f: JJ'J'S’ 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12.30 P- M Sunday School everv Sunda. at 10:30 A. M* fifth BAPTIST CHURCH 11400 West Cary Street) Rev. A. D. Daly. Pastor. Residence >413 W. Cary St. Services: 11. ->0 A M and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. AH are welcome. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. (Broad and College Streets) Rev W T. Johnson, D. D-, Pastor, ReeWenoe, 621 N. 8th St. Services-. Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 - • 3undf>v School. 9:30 A. M.. All are welcome. .. .. f RIVER VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH. (jacquel n and Lombardy Streets) Rev. E. D. Lewis, Pastor. Res. louce 316 S. Lombardy Street Ser vices: Sunday. 11 A- ^ “nd 8 PM Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. PROVIDENCE BAPf 1ST CHURCH. (518 Lady Mile Road) R«v J. J. Woodson, Pastor, Res rdeace. 1U6 St. John ^eet. Ser vices: Sunday 11 A M and • • * 'Sunday School. 9:30 A M. AH a invited. •• WILLIAMS TEMPLE C. M. M. CHURCH. (The Home-like Church) s E Cor. i9th and Everett Stu. Rot. G. B. Carter, Pastor 9-80 A. M.. Sunday School. H-00 \ * M.. Preaching: 6:30 P. M*. ■j’ worth League: 7:55 P. M.. Preach ing . ST PHILIP S P. E. CHURCH. (S. W. Cor. St. James and Leigh) Rer. Junius L. Taylor. Rector: Residence. 20 West Leigh Street. Services: Sunday 11 t0 JL2.A ill Night. 8 to 9 o'clock. Wednesday evening services, 8 to 9 o’clock. The public is welcome at all services. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (Sonth Richmond) Rev. E- C. Smith. A. B., Pastor, residence. 1704 Stockton St. Services Sundays. 11:30 A. M. and 8 ;00 P* M.: Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.: B. T. P. U., 6:30 P M. AJl are wel come. FIFTH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH (Fifth and Jackson Streets) Rev. Charles 8 Morris. D. D , Pas tw, Residence, 1401 Idlewood Ave. Services: Sundays, 11:30 A. M and 8 P. M Snndav School, 9:30 A. M. B. Y. P, F. 6 P. M. Public invited. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH. (25th and s Streets) Rev J Andrew Bowler, Pastor, Residence.' 112 E Leigh 9treet. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School 9:30 A M. All are welcome. LEIGH STREET M. E. CHURCH. (N^E. Corner Fifth and Leigh S’s > , lUw. R. M. Williams, Pastor, res 616 North 5tb Stveet. Ser Sundays, Sunday School 9:80 rntng serv ce, 11 o’clock; fvlce, 8 o’clock. TLe ted MOORE ST. BAPTIST CHURCH. (1408 Weeft Leigh Stree.) Rev. Gordon B. Hancock. A. M., Pastor, Residence V.rginia Union University. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9-30 A. M. All are velcome. fcr SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. (Center Street, Fulton) Rev. S. L. Bush, pastor; residence 90T Center Street. Services: Sun day, Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.,; Preaching, 11:80 A. M. and 8:30 P. M. Communion every fourth Sun day at 3:80 P. M. MT. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURGH. (TIT Orleans 6treet, Fulton) Rev. C. A. Cobbs, Pastor, Parson age, 803 Louisiana Street Services 11'30 A. M and 8 PM. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. The public Is Invited. _ _ __ .._ JWLa".'- 'w.:, 1 A ¥m I*ar dmttPB By William Frederick Bigelow \ A NEW YEAR is in the harbor, bringing ihe desires of cur hearts. It comes laden with eveiy good thing we ‘ have wuheJ tor \ eace and prosperity, good-will and hap* J pinp ,s labor and ihe desire to. labor. Our share of all these th ngs is in the hold; we have only to claim it. And pay the duty. Because the year—this year or any other—is not a bringer of free gifts, e: largesse unsought \ There is toil. There is striving, ji There is being unafraid. JMlTHOUT these we need not go down to the harbor, fox we shall only come away with empty hands. Some one with a biller heart will get our share. But if we are willing to pay— If we shun deceit, If we abhor trickiness, If we keep our own hands clean, If we boid fast to that which is good, we shall watch the yea: depart, knowing it carries with it nothing of ours—nothing that we have missed. Instead we shall have laid up riche*—against an uncertain future. UNCERTAIN unless we are very caretul now. Two ** things we must work out this year: Peace, with honor, abroad; honor, with peace, at home. The first is facing us now, the second on next election day. It’s a tricky year; it's a precious year. Which, depends on us. But there is no need to worry— There is courage. There is faith. There is God. Happy New Year—* (Republished by txsurleey ef Good Gousekeepmy Maemime) EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair, Will also Restore the Strength, VI i tality and the Beauty of the Hair. If *yoir Hair is Dry and Wiry Try EAST INDIA HAIR TONIC If you are bothered with Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try ft BOTTLE of EAST INDIA HAiK TONIC. The remedy contains medi cal properties that go to fhe roots of the Hair, stimulated the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of Broken Blossoms. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used tor Dressing and Curling. Price Sent by Mall, 91; 10c Ertra | AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, | | l Shampoo, 1 Pressing Oil. 1 Face Cream and Direc- I | tlon for Selling, 92.00. 25 cents extra for postage. ] 6 D. LYONS, 316 North Central, Oklahoma City, Oflkl*. THE BROWN'S Photographic Studio ALL OF the LATEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOTOS AT MODERATE PRD BS. Suecial Attention Paid to Children. Exterior and Interior Work Will be Executed on Short Notice. We Soeclallae on ENLARGING ami COPYING trom OLD PH0T08. CALL AND SEE US—WORK DONE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER. CLASH-LIGHT Photos A Feature. The Latest Style Developing Ou. ate. Our POWERFUL LENS Rank with the Beet In the Country. OUT OF TOWN VI8ITORS ARE WELCOME. n03 N SECOND ST .. RICHMOND, VA. K 0. PRICE, 212 aST LEIGH STE1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR, EMBALMER AND LIVERYMAN All Orders Promptly Filled at Short Jtotice by Telegraph or. Telephone. Halls Rented for Meetings and Nice Entertain ments. Plenty of Roo110 with all Necessary Conveniences. Large Picnic or Band Wagons for Hire at Reasonable Rates an 1 Nothing But First-class Automobiles and . Carriages, etc. Keep constantly on hand fine Fun eral Supplies. Open All Day and Night. PHONE Madison 577—Man On Duty All Night—Richmond, \ a (Residence Next Door) LJAY PHONE. RAN. <903 * W. A. PRICE, Incorporated FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBAL MLR Spacious Rooms for Meetings and Entertainments. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS 700 N I7TH STREET. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA PROMPT SERVICE IN CITY OH COUNTRY. f Parlor Rest-Rooms Display Rooms Dodge Rooms [ Phones-Office Ran. 2078. Residence, Ran. 2703. Asad. Ran. 2088-w : ROBERT C. SCOn. Funeral Director 2223 EAST MAIN STREET RICHMOND. VA. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME You Know What a Good Dictionary Co»ts You You know what a Webster*s Dictionary for School purposes will cost You. We are quoting you a nominal price. ft is to introduce .... THE PLANET (EXACT SIZE) WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY HAS BEEN A STANDARD PUBHOATION FOB. MORE_THM HALF A CENTURY. WE HAVE WEBSTER’S COLLEGE, HOME AND OFFICE DICTIONARY TO OEFER YOU UPON A BASIS THAT WILL AFFORD SA TISFACTION. ff TEE DICTIONARY IS NOT AS IT IS REPRESENTED TO BE, WE WILL GLADLY REFUND YOU THE MONEY PAID. OUT OUT THE COUPON AND MATT. IT TO US WITH $1.00 AND 25 CTS. FOR MAIL AND PACKING CHARGES AND IT WILL BE SENT TO YOU. SEND US $2.90 AND IT WILL SB SENT TO YOU WITH THE PLANET FOR ONE YEAR. POSTPAID. NOTE THE FEATURES: 60,000 WORDS (GENERAL VOCABULARY). 12,000 SYNONYMS. RADIO AND WIRELESS TERMS. DICTIONARY OF THE LATEST WORDS. OVER,1,200 PAGES HANDSOMELY BOUND IN SUPER QUALITY FABRIKOID AND STAMPED IN GOLD. 1 200 PAGES SIZE 6 1—2 X 7 1—2 INCHES. TWO INGIIES IN THICKNESS. Send us three yearly subscribers and we will send you a copy of the Dictionary free of charge. SEND US THE COUPON WITH $1.00 AND 25 CTS. FOR MAILING ^ PARCEL POST AND WE WILL SHIP YOU A COPY ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. WE GUARANTEE A REFUND OF YOUR MONEY IF THE BOOK IS NOT JUST AS REPRESENTED. THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th Street Richmond, Va.: Please send me ons copy of WEBSTER'S COLLEGE, HOME AND OFFICE DICTIONARY. Find enctoasd $1.26. Name ... •....* * * Street and Number .. .... City and State ........ * MAIL YOUR ORDER TODAY. THB NUMBER OF COPIES TO BE DISPOSED OF ON THUS! TERMS IS fM^This dictionary is not published by the original publishers a/ the Webster's Dictionary dr by their suc cessors, but by the Consolidated Booh Publishers, Inc.