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L v*"" ■ ■ .... •••■*••••• ■*■• ••*'■'• '••'••*•••••'■- - • -- • _ I VOLUME XLV, NO. 20 ="~ " RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. SATURDAY, MARCH 24. 1928 - PRICE, FIVE CENTS. WIFE DEAD; HUSBAND LEROY WINSTON CHARGED WITH MURDER!! TRAGIC HAPPENING IN SOUTH RICHflOND. V ' * I, _ b -- - n Accused Makes Plain Statement—Alleges Money Was Spent For Whiskey _ —— ■ ■— ■— -« - Rev. Dr. T. J. King Preaches at the Fifth St. Baptist Church Noted Divine Delivers T wo Sermons. Much Money Raised There. _ -———------ ’ - The Pew Rally at the Fifth Street Baptist Church last Sunday was a great success. The services, of the former pastor, Rev. T. J. King, D. !>., now pastor of the Ebeneaer bap tist Church, of Pittsburgh, had been secured and he preached two able sermons, one at 11:30 A. II., anu at 8 P. M. He created a profound im pression. There were large attend ances at both services. The amount raised approximated twelve hundred dollars and it is expected to exceed this figure. Rev. Dr. Charles S. Morris had charge of the services and expressed his satisfaction over the result of the effort. Rev. Dr. King spent several days here in the city visiting friends. He* reported his family as being in a healthy condition. The madam weighs 240 pounds. The funeral of Deacon E. T.Cole man took place Wednesday, 2 P. M., at the church and many were out to pay their last token of respect to this devout man, who wras one of the founders of the church and one of its most influential officers. REV. DR. Z. D LEWIS’ MONUMENT Ig UNVEILED IMPRESSIVE EXERCISES AT THE EVERGREEN CEMETERY—DEA CON E F JOHNSON PRESIDES The unveiling exercises of the monument Thursday, March 15, 1928, at 3 P. M., at Evergreen Cem etery, in honor of the late Rev. Dr. Z. D. Lewis, was a success. Modera tor E. F. Johnson was master of ceremonies. Introductory remarks were made by Mrs. Rosa E. Watson, one of the leading sponsors of the movement. Music was rendered by the Second Baptist Church choir. The Scriptures were read by Rev. Joseph Arrington and prayer offered by Rev. A. W. Brown, pastor of the Sixth Mt. Zion Baptist Church. The ad dress was delivered by the eloquent Rev. W. T. Johnson, D. D., pastor of the First Baptist Church. The unveiling was by Dorothy A. Lewis, Lewis D. Bland and Charles W. Bland. Eulogies were by Rev. John E. Fountain, Rev. Junius Gray, of Baltimore, Rev. A.-D. Daly, Rev. Dr. (Carles S. Morris, James T. Car ter, Esq., Rev. A. S. Thomas, D. D., and Rev. R. S. Anderson. The com mittee was Mesdames Emeline John son, Fannie James, Emma Watson, Pinkie Price, Rosa E. Watson and W. S. Banks. ' ' • M RISING MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0. B. Simms, B. Th., Pastor. Rev. 0. B. Simms, B. T. H., Pastor. Richmond, Va., March 20, 1928. Sunday was a great day in Zion, at 11:30 A. M. The pastor entered the pulpit and preached a wonder ful sermon, using as his discourse, “Power.” He illustrated how the' church of God lost its power. At 8:30 P. M., Rev. Vanlnning ham, from Fountain Baptist Church, delivered a message of high interest. The Gleaners Club, consisting all of little children, are doing splendid work for the church. In the hast Rally they reported more than some of the other clubs. Brother Junius White, of 1119 Dennv St., is improving. Mrs. Jerome A. Deane, Reporter. FULTON NOTES Calvary had 12 conversions on last Sunday and Monday. The Rev. J. J. Woodson delivered a far searching sermon Monday evening. Our prayer services, led by Dea con Charlie Terrell, are greatly re sponsible for the spiritual atmos phere that is existing in our reli gious progress. The Kev. W. L. Tuck, his madam, Rev. C. B. .Jetferson and Rev. Edward Charity were tendered a great recep tion on the 1 Gth of March, at the home of Mrs. Mary Falls. The revival at the Gospel Baptist Church added fi souls. Services were conducted by Lev. luck, assisted by Revs. Charity and Jefferson. On to Shiloh tomorrow. We an ticipate a great time at our commu nion in the afternoon. The pastor will deliver the sermon, “Jesus Of fered for Sale.” t Mrs. Celeste Cooley of 1803 Ever ett St. Southaide is improving slowly cuter three weeKs sickness. RICHMOND BAPTIST CHURCHES IN FLOURISHING CONDITION Ministers Make Encouragijng Reports Monday marked a let-up in the strenuous program of the Minister’s Conference of Richmond and Vicin ity, the session being given tc the re ception of reports by the ministers. As the reports came in from all sections covered by the Conference .membership, it developed that our churches, in spite of the alarmists’ cry to the contrary, are not only holding their own, but are growing. If, as is claimed, a few have drifted away from the Baptist Church, they are those that the church can well do without and their going has increas ed the enthusiasm and deepened the spirituality of those who remained. Reports from our rural sections showed that the brethren who labor out in “the great open spaces” are ■doing splendid work in the Master’s [name. Though not as conveniently located; in reference to their changes, as the brethren of the city, yet such is their ability and devotion that their churches compare favorably with those in urban centers. The Rev. I. S. P. Robinson, while not in charge of a church at present, reported that he is being kept-'btisy' in the cause to which he has dedi cated his life. Rev. Robinson, be cause of his years of service and splendid abilities, coupled with his Christian character, enjoys the re spect and esteem of the ministry and churches of the city and State, hence he is not permitted to remain idle. ^ The report was received with joy I mingled with regret of the going of | Dr. J. W. Dudley, pastor of Zion Baptist Church, of South Richmond,! to a new field of labor in Camden,* N. J. The Conference, upon learning of the call of Dr. Dudley, unani mously voted him a letter of com mendation. The ministry of New Jersey will be the richer for the com ing of this earnest champion of the cause of righteousness. The reports, because of their op timistic nature and because of the spirit of meekness and reverence on the part of the ministers who made them, and because each minister dis claimed any credit for himself, but gave God the glory for the success of his church, cheered and encouraged the brethren who heard them. As the Conference adjourned, each member -.vert'. av.ay feeling that no matter what particular difficulties might present themselves on his re spective field of labor, the Great Head of the Church is still “standing in the shadows, keeping watch over his own.” 0. B. Simms, B. Th., Reporter. ATTORNEY DENNY’S LETTER. a new Fold last week oa rhd rmwc Attorney W. F. Denny's letter on anoher page refers to discriminating rates in the matter of insurance. The matter is more important than it appears upon its face. For exam ple, one class of policyholders ten years of age upon the payment ot five cent* peT week receives insur ance protection to the amount' of $163.00, while anober class includ ing colored folk* receives lor the .same amount paid $116.00. This is a difference of $47.00 on one celored policy holder and a difference of $4 7,000 on * thousand policy holders. MRS. ANNIE M. POPE TURNBO MALONE Few women of the world have at tained greater success and fame than has the subject of this sketch, Mrs. Annie M. Pope Turnbo-Malone, who founded Poro College and is the owner of this million dollar business with its home plant located at St. Louis, Mo. Starting in a dream of early child hood, a tendency toward developing the profession of beauty and hair culture lingered with her until she finished schpol days and set out for a business career. Her first effort was made in 1900. in a humble way, in a rear rooin of a anaH frame building in Lovejoy, 111., where she began manufacturing •“.tyonjjerfpl Hair Grower”; and Plber. preparations. The business grew and prospered under the wonderful di recting genius ef Mrs. Annie M. Pope Turnbo-Malone, the founder and pro prietor, making it necessary for mov ing into larger; quarters *by 1902. Haying -a good artiele, giving the very best attention to every detail of her business, and displaying such rare qualities and executive ability, together with her pleasant and win-; ning personality, made it necessary, for still larger quarters to be secur ed; so in 1910 she secured 3100 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo., a larger build ing, which served as her manufactur ing and distribution plant until the new $1,000,600.00 Poro College was finished in 1918. This new Poro Col lege, building tnd equipment, is one of the wonders of the world. Mrs. Malone will tell you about it in her own way and will feature it in movies for your entertainment and delight, and for the benefit of charity, at Reformer’s Hall on North Second Street, Monday night, March 26, 1928, at 8 o’clock sharp. • Local talent will extend the pro gram to two hours, making an even ing of full measure of joy, comfort and pleasure. ROANOKE NEWS ITEMS MT. ZION A. M. E. CHURCH NOTES Woman’s Day, Sunday, March 11, was a great success. The programs at 3 P. M. by the girls and at night by the women were grand. The of fering for the day totaled! $156.55, $76.55 of which was brought in by the women. Last Sunday Mrs. Sea right (white) delivered her message “Fishers of Men.” It was great. Total offering $95.00. Come with us Sunday, which is 1 Men’s Day. At; 11 A. M. Dr. Hatcher will preach; at 3 P. M. Judge Hart will speak; at night Drs. Dudley and Moore. Special music by Mt. Zion 1 Choir, Twilight Sextette, and X. Y. Z. Quartette. The church has’given rfc pastor a nice suit for Conference and shoes also. We hope to make a creditable increase. The whole city beseeches the Bishop to return Dr. aa 1 Mrs. Hatcher. ' Last week Dr. Hatcher spoke at the Gainsboro and Gregory Schools on “The Tragedy of Irrev erence,” and addressed the High School Parents and Teachers Asso ciation on “The Dynamic of Touch.” It was a master plea for culture. Mr. David Fultz, of 10th avenue N. W., is indisposed. Mrs. Ella Rhodes, of Diamond Hill, N. E., is indisposed. Mrs. Mattie Staples, of 715 Park street, has been quite sick. Mr. Arthur Bell, a watchman in the N. & W. service, captured a wild goose here Sunday A. M., whose ice covered wing had rendered him un able to keep his flight'with the gang, so he fell victim to Mr Arthur Bell, who lives in the West End. DO YOU KNOW HIM? In Re Alexander Taliaferra, Als. Tyler, Colortd. Washington, February 14, 19£8. To the Ohief of Police, Richmond, Va. Dear Chief: On the loth of February, 1911, we transferred the above Alexander Taliaferro, als. Alexander Tyler, a colored man, who was insane, from the St. Elizabeths Hospital, this city, to your office where he was taken charge of by you or.your pre decessor, Major Warner. ,, . We. have just learned from the above <St. - ■ Elizabeth Hospital, this i city, where the patient was at the time of his being returned to your I •city, that this patient left at the hos vthe. hospital forgot to give us at the time -of his ^URSfet, 'tfrfa- theirslr8‘anxious to locate this patieat if possible, so his belongings can be returned to him or his relatives. Do you think there is any chance j in your locating the above patient or his friends (we believe his relatives were dead at the time), so the above watch and. fob could be returned to him. Yours truly, [ GEO. S. WILSON. j : ’ • 1 Mrs. Rachael Hall, of 2800 Old Dominion St. continue* very *lck. i » DO YOU KNOW THEM? Chief of Police R. B. Jordan has received a letter from Oxford, North Carolina, inquiring about Ernest Crews, a 17-year-old boy, who, when last heard from, was in Richmond, Va. His father is dead and it is for this purpose, primarily, that this in quiry is sent out. Address, S. H. Hester, Oxford, N. C. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. (Richmond Tlmes-Di“patch, March 22, 1928.) A man is found guilty of killing a woman and is sentenced to one 'year in the penitentiary. A Negro woman is given thirty years for forgeries amounting in the aggregate to some $70." A man is found guilty of selling whiskey and is given a year or two years or more after having been heavily fined. A millionaire is found guilty of corrupting public offcials and fraudulently obtaining public property valued at> hundreds of millions. A sentence for con tempt of court—not yet served—is the best the court? can do in this case after years of litigation. A Negro steals a ham and is put away for five year? or ten. What. i=! th" matter- .with_ys? Would a visitor from another planet have the slightest hesitancy in pro nouncing us a nation of madmen? Have the rudest barbarians of dark est Africa any more insane system of dispensing justice? , There is some consolation to be found in the reaction of the public to the amazing conclusion of the Faison trial. On the streets, in clubs, in stores and offices and factories, men and women were agreeing that it was “absurd” and ‘‘ridiculous.” Of course this does not explain how a jury made up of these same men and women could have reached such a remarkable decision. No explanation suggests itself. It was not a case of “extenuating circumc+An'''is.” Faison did not claim yhe killing was justifi able; hi stoutly maintained his inno cence. Either Elsie Snipes was murdered or she committed suicide. The jury's duty was to aecme which of these things happened, and to punish the murderer properly if the evidence convinced them beyond reasonable doubt of his guilt. If Faison wras innocent—if he was not plainly guilty—it was a terrible injustice to brand him with this crime, quite aside from the injustice of depriving him of his liberty for one day or hour. If he was guilty—and the jury reported that he was guilty—sen tencing him to serve until October 12th for his crime i3 the most as tounding action ever taken by a Richmond jury. Rev. R. W. Coleman, correspond ing secretary, Educational Board, of Birmingham, Ala., was in the city this week and called on us. He was enroute to Winston-Salem, from which place he trill go to Washing-, ton, D. C. 7 L KINQ SOLOMON FOUNTAIN > .TQ .. ; HOLD ANNIVERSARY _ EXERCISES f King Solomon Fountain, of the Order of True Reformers, of Rich mond, Va., will hold its 48th anni versary exercises at Hood Temple, A. M. E. Zion Church, corndr Adams and Clay Sts., Sunday, March 25, at 8 P. M. Rev. G. W. Gaines, the pastor, will deliver the sermon. All True Re formers, as well as the general pub lic, are urged to be present. Y. W. 0. A. IN FIFTH ANNTVEBS ARY SUNDAY EVENING. *Y” Members with 200 Girl Re serves go to Fourth Baptist Church Sunday, March 25, at 4 P. M. Mrs. Ella T. Carter of the Girl Reserve Committee will present -he members of :She Committee of Man agement in an interpre tation of tne Association’s work, featuring the Management Quar tette and 200 Girl Reserves in the F fth Anniversary Pageant; “A Quest for the Best”. CHICAGO, ILL. i _ Prof. Joseph L. Whiting, a gradu ate of the Virginia Normal and Col legiate Institute and of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, for many years pi-ofessor at Tuskegee Institute,» Tuskegee, Alabama, will deliver the principal address before the ' Alumni Association of the Virginia 1 State College at Petersburg, Va., in' its biennial meeting June 7th and 8th. The Alumni Association, of which iM. T. Bailey is in a great drive to raise $50,000 to erect Alumni build ings on the ground. Prof. Whiting comes back after 27 years to do honor to his Alumni and Alma Ma ter. Col. Wm. Williams of the military ’ department of A. U .K. & D. of A., who has been quite ill and confined to his home, 5842 S. State St. a number of weeks, is out again and ’about the many duties of the or ganization. Dr. E. A. Thornton, 4428 South Parkway, medical examiner of Ft. Dearborn Lodge No. 44, who has been ill for quite a long time, is improving and has great hopes of returning soon to the club rooms to meet his many fraternal friends. Mrs. M. E. Wood, of New York City, left for her home on March 14, after spending a delightful stay in the city as the guest of her son, H. E. Wood, of 6330 Eberhardt Ave. The Ft. Dearborn 1028 Marching Club, of which Walter W. Brown is president, will hold its monthly Sat urday evening open house on March 17, at which time hundreds of Elks and their friends will gather for an enjoyable evening. Mrs. Malsinia Emery, of 3104 Cot tage Grove Ave., pioneer citizen of this city, and for manv years a resi dent of the noithstuo, passed away Monday evening, after a long illness. Funeral services were conducted from Bethesda Baptist Church, March 9, with interment in Graceland Cem etery. M. T. Bailey, of the Bailey Realty Co., 3638 S. State St., who is serv ing his 22nd year as president of the Alumni Association of the Virginia State College, Petersburg, Va., and who will spend June 7 and 8 at the school in attendance of the biennial meeting of the Association and corn- ‘ mencement exercises, has received many invitations to stop in Balti more, Md., Washington, D. C., Pitts burgh and Philadelphia, Pa., Roa noke, Richmond, ‘Danville, Suffolk,1 and Hampton, Va., to speak a word to the local Alumni chapters while enroute to or from Petersburg. Mr. I Bailey has made an unparalleled! record during his administration and| he looks forward to the greatest' meeting ever held in the history of wthe. Association. i f On visit lafit week by'Col. John R. Marshall, grand trustee, A.'R. l Motley and Sergeant John" F. Arm- f strong, members of Ft. Dearborn} [Lodge No. 44, to -Greater- Evanston. Lodge of Elks, they listened to thej | unanimous indorsement of Jas. C. [Martin, exalted ruler of Ft. Dear born Lodge No. 44, for grand treas urer of Elks at the August meeting. ! Mr. H. W. Burrell, of Cleveland, 0., was in the city to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mary Hayes, wife of Mr. Henry Hayes, whose funeral took place Sunday, 1 P. M., at the Sixth Mt. Zion Baptist Church. ' WANTED!!! WANTED!!! . — 1 A ! On Women’s Bible Day, 1,000 wo men at the Sixth St. Baptist Church, | Sunday, April 1, 1928, at 3:30 P. M., to hear Miss Viola L. F. Chaplain, Y. W. C. A. Subject: “Woman in the Religious World.” Miss I. R. Williams, Chairman. Miss Jessie Williams, Secretary. Under the auspices of the Rich mond Baptist S. S. Union. Mr. G. T. Walker, President; C. B. Jefferson, Corresponding Secretary. (Special by ‘John Mitchell, Jr.) It is diarged that Lelia Winston was beaten up and killed by her hus band, Leroy W’inston, at their resi dence, 402 East Maury Street, South Richmond, Saturday night, March 24th. He was arraigned in the Po lice Court, Southside, Judge H. A. Maurice presiding. He is now in the City Jail. Calling to see him last Monday and talking to him through the bars of the prison, he said: “It happened Saturday night about 8 o’clock, as near as I can get at it. The way it happened, she said that she was going on the street qnd make marketing. Bought Whiskey. “She went out on the street and instead of buying groceries she bought whiskey and drank it up. I ha;! given her five dollars. I went in the street and.found that she was coming home drunk. \ opened the door and let her in and I took and hit her while she was coming in. After she got inside she started to fighting me, time I said something to her about how she had acted. Then I started to furv,+>"" I «,r. I hit in the mou fc with my fist. I did not strike her with anything else She had one scar on her leg, but I don’t know how it got there. Fell to the Floor. “After she fell to the floor I took her up and put her on the bed. Thfcn she threw up on the sheet ana there was blood on the sheet. When she got up she fell on the floor. While she was lying there I took the sheet off the bed anil put on a clean sh$et on the bed. After I put her back on the bed she told me to wipe her mouth. I got in the bed then and went to sleep. When I awoke I found her dead. I went around the house and to Mrs. Eldridge and told her my wife was dead. She caiii around to my house. She said she was dead sure enough. Told the Neighbors. “Then she went out and told the neighbors. I told her we got to fighting in there. I hit her in the mouth and cut her lip. She fell on the bed. 1 work at Miller Manufae-. turing Company. I was born in South Richmond. 1 have a sister, Carrie Winston, and a brother, James Win ston. My wife was born in South Richmond. She has a sister named Annie May Clark.” This ended his statement. Willie Riggins was there cutting the Kair of one of the prisoners with clippers I asked him how' he held the razor •in order to deal ^cb a deadly blow. |.|. \ r.t-,v Tfcat Razor Question. . ^ * r He suggested that. I bripg^ dov^n a ' razor and he woultf show me. I in cluded that I would get .the infor mation elsewhere. On last Wednes day morning he said in the Police Court that he eould not tell just how he held -it,-a» k^as done so quickly. There are many versions of the mat ter, the generally accepted one bemg that he opened the blade back .to the handle and dealt the blow. Rig gins has two slight cuts in the palm of his right hand. The hollow-ground part of the blade was broken off, Jjut [the entire blade remained intact and was not separated from the handle. WOMEN—Barn 916 dosen sewing It .. home. Experience unneccBaxiy. Steady work. Cut material eflfr- • plied. Stamped envelope brings par ticulars. STEWARD DRESS, 114 Mercer New York. Mr. L. E. Carrington and wife, formerly Miss Grace A. Montague, of Philadelphia, Pa., spent their be lated honeymoon in Richmond, Va., visiting his aunt, Mrs. N. B. Fay, and Mrs. Carrington’s aunt, Mrs. Margaret Mallory, of 604 W. Mar shall St.. Richmond, Va. Mr. Cm rington is a eierk in tke PhiladelpMa postoffice.