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This Is Your Last Chance. By special arrangements, we you a cloth’hound copy of Kelly Miller's Authentic History ot % The Negro in the World War on terms that betoken a slaughter in book prices. A detailed description may be found In another column. Here is the coupon, THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th St., Inclosed $1.25 for Kelly Miller’s His tory o/ the Negron the World War. This order is the coupon required. Signed = Name. Street. City. State. 300 000 Negroes tfrossed the Atlantic during the Warld War. Xhisbook^ella you all about it. if aented. the $1.25 will be cheerfully refunded, bend 3 > “'r y “".crlption. and the Hi.tory will be mailed you prepaid free of charge. Read The Planet. It is $2.00 per year; $ 1.10 for six months. Write for Agent s terms. We want an Ag«t in every City, Town and County. 7 he Richmond Planet, 311 NORTH FOURTH ST. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA % AM-BISH-UN TART FT* AM BISIfc-UN TABLETS are wed by men and women the world over-they work wonder*. Yeoll marvel at the result*. You get new ambition that make* Vfe worth v|hHe and become better appreciated by those who lore you. They give you a new sup ply of vim. vigor and vitality make you feel as if you had a monkey gland operation, with all the joys of youth. DO NOT SEND MONEY Trial Sise, 24 tablet*, $1.W 60 tablets, $2.06 Complete Treatment, 260 Tablet*, $5.00 ruby company 717 West 177th Street, Depi. W New York City mt tabor baptist church (North 22nd Street WoodTille) Per. R J Buts. Paau>r Re*‘i«-u:» 15 E. Doval Street. Service* : Sunday 11:39 A. M and 8 P. M. Sundny School. 9:30 A. M- All are welcome OTHER PEOPLE JUDGE Y NOW BY YOUR TJRNJTORE Wb- a can get FURNITURE and 1 in an Old Established House ii to <iENS—that’s known to sell the naUty goods, Just as reassn Ht,n. >ewbere—wby not gite yoai trie - good Impression. It wtt) girt- >e greatest pleasure to shew yon •>* wonderful stock of home maj '4 -canton giving FURNITURE and I S and—don’t fall to ask oui Saltv n*. about our BANKING PLEN whica »t»es you i. 1* or 15 monkhf In which to pay for any purchase ESTABLISHED 1880.. ADAMS AND BROAD Read The Planet It will he de livered to yen ior 6t eents for three months with postage prepaid- Send tu your prdor. ; ! ■ ' 3 -J The Planet is only $2.00 #er year, 5 cents per cepy. . EOT. STEWART 203 S SECOND STREET DEAT.F'P IN !fa.\c\ groceries, fresh ;-K,\TS. VEGETABLES. FISH AM) OYSTERS. KUhmocu VH PHONE MAD. 163 I _ I RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND POTOMAC RAILROAD (Broad Street Station, except where otherwise indicated) Leave for Arrive from 4:90 am* .Washington and keyond.8:58 tua M4:2S an. .Washington and beyond..MU:07 pta 8:50 am. .N^pfch {no oeaCkoa)..8:20 pm •7:18 aa..A4flaad Load .a* 8:30 ua. .Washington Local .1L88 am i8>*0 am..Washington and koyond.•:* pra 12:81 pa. .Washington and koyond.8:08 pa Ml :02 pa.. North (no coacheo).M8:l» pw •2:00 pm. .Washington Local .8:88 pa 3:88 pso. .Washlngtsa and koyoad.1:08 pa •*4:28 pa. .Washington Local . •4:38 pm..Vredericfcaburg Local .*8:10 am ltt:88 pm..Waohingtoa and beyond.. 101:87 pa *8:36 pm..Ashland Local .*6:18 pn 8:30 pin. .Washington and koroad.... 11:80 aza M Main street Station. •Belly eieept Snndhy. ••Sunday *nl? CHESAPEAKE AFD OHIO K. It (Main Street Station) Pobfshed as Information and not Suarautoed. \rrival and Departure of Train? Itui, «u4«** otherwise shown Da<!y except 3unday “Sunday only * j Lear* far Arrive from j 7:0-w am. .Charlottesville... 7:00 pm 7 :00 am. .Ctlften Forge .. 9:00 am..Norf. & O Point 6:35 pm 9:10 a*..Jamee River L...4:t6 pm 1:0.0 pm.-Norf. & 0 Poiat 2:43 p® 1:45 pr. .Cinti-LouvlCligo. .7:30 am 1:16 puc.Norf. & O Poiat i 1:S3 a® •5:h* pin. .Lynchburg... .*8:40 atn •6:li jmu..Chariotteevtfle..*8:-3d am Clifton Forge... .12:40 pm 5:00 pin .NN. £ O. Ft Lo..9:00 aa 7:00 pa .Ciac n. & 'We8t..4:0'0 pm 11:16 n«..Ciacln and Lourl .... MDM BH. .Wwfcuigto* ami W*y»«d. p» NMVOUt AND VBITIBX B. 3. (Bread Street Station) Leave fer Arrive from 9:#0 am..Norfolk .7:90 pm 9 am.. Clncln’ati A Cokrmbuo 7 pm 2:80 pm..Roanoke .8:10 pm 3:16 pm..Norfolk.11*38 am 6:20 pm..Norfolk Local .. 6:H pm..Bristol Leoal ..8:10 am ’ 0 pm. Baas, N Or. 8:10 pm -war. and Lynch. Local 1:40 pm 4 * 1 *• Read the "Planet." Send us your subscription. . A ’phone call will bring a oewa hey to your doer ovary wasft. We desire to put the ^Planet” on sale at A nswaatanefc. i Child Millionaire John Mortimer Coward, 3rd, aged five, who bu just become one oi America’s richest children. He will inherit at l«nt two-thirds of the four million dollar estate of his father, Job? Mortimer Coward, New York •hoe manufacturer, who headed the Coward Shoe Stores, who died re cently in Havana. Great Career Closes Photo shows Rodman Wanamaker. Sr., bead of the Wanamaker Depart ment Stores in New York and Phila delphia, who died at Atlantic City, N. J., after a four-day illness, iom In Philadelphia in-1863, he graduated from Princeton University in 1886 and was made a partner by his father in tbe department stores tn 1888. % I CHURCH DOUKVOHY [ Mt. OHvet and Union Hope Baptist i Churches, King William Co., Va. j Rev. G. C. Bolling, B Th., pastor. Residence, 802 West Clay Street, Richmond, Va. Phone Madison 2o71-J. Services at Mt. Olivet Bap tist Chureh, second and fourth Sun days. Services at Union Baptist Church, first and third Sundays. GRAVBL HIluLi BAPTIST CHURCH (Henrico County Ya.) Rev. W. L. Tuck. Pastor. Resi dence, 722 Carlisle Ave., Richmond. | Sunday services: Sunday School. I 9:30 A. M.; Morning Services, 11:30 A. M.; Evening Services, 8 j P. M.; Oemmundon Fourth Sun days. 3P.M. SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH. (Corner Pint and Lefcfc 0ta.) Bar. R H. Johnson, ID. Mi, psn tor. Beatdenoe, 11 B. Clay ®t tsr* rices: Sanday, 11:30 A. If. and 8:11 P. M. Sunday School. It A. M. All are Invited. MT. OlilYE BAPT. GHURCH Location: Stop 5, RlchmondPeters burg Pike. Services: 10 A. M., Sunday School; 11:30 A. M., Preaching each Sapdflft; 3:30 P. M., Lord’s Supper each first Sunday. Rev. J. S. Johnson, A. M., ®.D., Pastor. James M. Brown, Clerk MT. CALVARY BAPTIST CH¥RCH. (7IT Orleans Street, Firlt©*) Rov. C. A. Cobbs, Pastor, Parson age, 803 Louisiana Street. Services 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. The public is invited. SHILOH BAPTIST CHUROM. (Center Street, Fulton) Rev. S. L. Bush, pastor; residence 907 Center Street. Services: Sun day, Sunday School, 9:30 A . M.,; Preachic^, 11:80 A. M, ana 8:3t P. M. Communion every fourth Sun day at 3:31 P. M. UNION LBYBL BAPTIST CBUBGJi (Corner State and Gilliam Sta.) Rev. B. J. RuSu, Puntor; Res idence, 708 State St. Sunday Rofcoefl 9:30; Morning Serrleee, 11:1V, Night Service* 8:08; OonnmlM Services eveyr 3rd Sunday, l:fl P. M. The publie la vdioup. RISING MT. ZION BAPT. CHURCH. (800 Denny Street, Fulton) Rev. O. B. Simms, B. Ti., Pastor, Residence, 728 Denny St. Bervtoas: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. X. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. i February 29, 1926. Mr. C. S. Morris, Dear Sir: Perhaps you are familiar with the petition that was presented ta the Board of Directo-s of the Friend’s Orphan Asylum, requesting the ex oneration of Mrs. Edith L. Bradford, and Rev. D. J. Bradford. A certain i rumor was spread about Rev Brad-. ford regarding one of the inmates of • that institution, which, upon investi-; gation, proved to be groundless. The ' ' following ladies and geptlemen on said board have signed the petition exonerating Rev. Bradford, and en- j dorsing the competency and good conduct of Mrs. Edith L. Bradford, j namely S. W. Turner, Wm. H., Stokes, J. J. Carter, W. R. Minor, I W. T. Johnson, George T. Walker,] Anderson Knox, E. F. Johnson andl Mrs. 0ra Brown Stokes. The only] two names wfyfch remain to be signed] 'are yours and E. C. Burke. I | Mr. and Mrs. Bradford have no _ inclination, unless compelled to doJ ' so, to institute suit for damages against those who have not signed this petition, and unless I receive a favorable reply from you, I shall govern myself accordingly. • I should be glad to havt an inter view with you at your beck and call. I am satisfied after the matter is ex plained, you will not hesitate to sign fcbe petition. Very truly yours, BENJ. LOVENSTEIN. Richmond, Va., March 8, 1928. Benj. Lovenstein, Attorney at Law, Dear Sir: I received your letter of t?he 29th urtt., demanding that I sign an ex oneration of D. J. Bradford *£ cer tain charges. If I believed Mr. Brad ford innocent, you would not need ever to ask me, for gladly ood of my own volition, I would do all I ooul ! to clear ki»i oc the slightest sus picion. I was chairman of a com mittee of which Mr. Burke wa3 the other efficient member apoointed by ft* Board of Directors of the •fphanage to investigate this mat ter. We did this fairlv and without prejucioe. We agreed in our lind Ppi Wo had before us the rworn destine ny famished by Ar. Bane, Direct* r of Ghld Welfare Work in Yirpnia. Aft* r fairly and honc~‘iy weigh ing the evidence before ua, wa were compelled to recommend a change of administration. This recommenda tion was approved and acted upon by the Board of Directors of the Orphanage. So far as I am con sented, the matter is closed. Your veHod threat of instituting a suit for damages, I regard as an insult. What right have you to dictate to me what I should do in the conscientious dis charge of my duty as a Director of a Colored Orphanage? People, who commit their children to an orphan age, managed by Christie" men and women, ought to be permitted to die withouut any fear that the r mother lew children will suffer harm while under the roof of that orphanage. * I do not want to be sued, I abhor and dread law suits, but I would jsufler something worse than a law suit before l would allow myself to be bull-dosed in the signing on the dotted line as you Remand. You can govern yeurself accordingly. Respectfully, CHAJLRS 8. MORRIS. Sweet Ma^a Blues' Sweet Mama! Here’s a record to keep i papa home nights. The Dallas String Band sure know how to strut their stuff. “Dallas Rag, "the coupling, is • a bear cat, too. Play the record for j your neighbors and watch them ^ i * A crowd in. , flj^j I ' )i Record No. 14290-D, iMnch, n» Jj j : I Sweet Mama Blues (With Singh*) W ( I t Dallas Rag DaBae String Band » i «$ • ; f ill /occr Dealer fen Lateet Race Record Catalog * » fihmiHn Phonograph Company, 1*19 Broodwajr* Nnr. Yotfc Otf , I- • •* Columbia^Records R-EG. u.s PAT.OFF. ! »* : • yiwan/ibM^. MsdetbtKvwlffiHf, I fkthfcalfy i . . __