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FILE PAPERS TODAY TO FORCE JUDGES TO ADMIT NEGRO VOTE Writ of Mandamus to Compel Action Will Be Sent to Law ard Equity Court and Respondents Must Answer By Friday. A writ of mandamus to compel election judges in the First Precinct of Madison Ward to allow James O. West, Negro, to vote in the Democratic party primary of April 3 was filed in the Law _nd Equity Court Tuesday? March 27, and the respondent, A. C. Bliley, Boltz and William Ricker, will be required to answer before Judge Beverley T. Crump by Friday, 20th Attorneys for the plaintiff will report to a mass meeting at True Reformers’ Hall tonight at 8:30 o’clock, when Rev. Charles S. Mor ris will be the chief speaker. Theo dore W. Jones, president of the local colored Democrats, will pre side, and there will be music. The petition is as iunu»n. “Your petitioner, James 0. West, respectfully represents unto your honor the following case: “That he is a colored man, over the age of 21 years; that he is a citizen of the united States; that he has resided in the State of Vir ginia for more than two years last past; that he has resided in the city of Richmond for more than one year last past; that he has resided and will continue to reside in the First Precinct of Madison Ward, in the city af Richmond, Va., for more than thirty days next preced ing the primary' election, to be held in the city of Richmond, Va.. on the third day of April, 1928, for the nomination of candidates for Mayor. Councilmen and Aldermen, for the city of Richmond. Va. “That your petitioner is, at this time, a registered voter in the city' of Richmond, Va., and qualified to vote in said primary, and in the next succeeding general election for the cndidates nominated in said primary at the First Precinct in Madison Ward, Richmond, Va.; that for many years past your petitioner has been a member of the Demo cratic partv, voting at all times for candidates *of the Democratic party, in the general election, and in the last general election held in the city of Richmond, Va., your peti tioner voted for all the candidates of the Democratic party. “Your petitioner further shows anto your honor that it is his de sire to vote in the Democratic primarv, to be held as aforesaid, for the candidates running for the several municipal offices in said primary, that he has upon several occasions heretofore been denied that right on account of his race and color, because of the primary plan of the DemocPhtic party in Virginia, adopted on the eleventh day of June, 1924, and which pro vides as follows: “Who may vote? All white per sons qualified to vote at the elec tion, for which the primary i» held, may vote at the primary; provided, however, that no person shall be permitted to vote unless such per son is a member of the Democratic party, and at the last preceding gen eral* election, in which said person participated, voted for the nominees of the Democratic party; provided, further, that if he did not vote at such general election, then, upon his declaration that he will support, at the ensuing election, the nomi nees of the party, he shall be al lowed to vote. When challenged, he shall make his declaration on oath. Says He Is Denied Vote. "And it is manifest, by the fore going plan of the Democratic party, and it is thus distinctly shown that A. C. Bliley, William Boltz and Wil liam Ricker, who have been desig nated judges of the First Precinct of Madison W ard of the city ot Richmond, Va., in the forthcoming primary election aforesaid, have no intention to permit your petitioner to vote in said Democratic pnmaij in said precinct, on account of his race and color, as it is the desne of your petitioner to do, as herein before set forth. "That because of the foregoing plan of the Democratic party, your petitioner will be denied the light to vote in the said forthcoming Democratic primary, which said plan and the purpose and intention of the said judges of election to deny him said right is in contra vention of his rights under the fourteenth and fifteenth ament - ments to the Constitution of the United Stales. Claim Eligibility to Vote. “Your petitioner further shows unto your honor that because of the foregoing statement of facts, vour petitioner is entitled to vote in the forthcoming Democratic primary hereinbefore mentioned, and, your petitioner its without any other adequate remedy at law, or in equity, to enforce his right to vote, other than by a writ of mandamus, which he prays this honorable court may issue against the said A. C. Bliley, William Boltz and William Ricker, judges of elec tion at the first precinct in Madison Ward, of the city of Richmond, Va., who are hereby made respondents to this petition. “And your petitioner prays that they may be required to answer the same; that a peremptory writ of mandamus may issue from this hon orable court, requiring the said respondents, as such judges of elec tion as aforesaid, to permit your petitioner to vote in the forthcom ing Democratic primary, to be held in the citv of Richmond, Va., on the 3rd day of April, 1928, for the nomination of candidates for the municipal offices hereinbefore set forth.” Read The Planet. It will be de livered to you for 60 cents for three months with postage prepaid. Send ; in your order. 1 The Planet is only $2.00 per year, 5 cents per copy. qhubch souaomnr Mt. Olivet end Union Hope Baptist Churches, King William Co., Va. Rev. G. C. Bolling, li Th., pastor. Residence, 502 West Clay Street, Kichiuuiiu, \ a. Rhone Madison 2571-J. Services at Mt. Olivet Bap tist Church, seconu anu luurth Sun days. Services at Union Baptist Church, first and third Sundays. GRAVEL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Henrico County Va ) Rev. W. L. Tuck Pastor Resi dence. 722 Carlisle Ave., Richmond. Sunday services: Sunday School., 9:30 A. M.; Morning Service^, 11:30 A. M.; Evening Services, 8 P. M.; Communion Fourth Sun days. 3P.M. ( SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH. | t Corner First and Leigh Bts.) 1 Rev R. H. Johnson, BD. M.A, pas tor. Residence, 11 B. Clay Bt. Bar vices • Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8:11 P. M. Sunday School, 10 A. M. All are Invited 4 mt. olive bapt. church Location: Stop 5. RichmondPeterB burg Pike. Services: 10 A. M., Sunday School; 11:30 A. M.. Preaching each Sunday; 3:30 P. M.. Lord’s Supper each first Sunday Rev. J. S. Johnson, A. M., D O., Pastor. James M. Brown. Clerk vlT CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. I (717 Orleans Street, Fulton) Rev. C. A Cobbs. Pastor, Parson ,p„ «n3 Louisiana Street. Services n 30 A M and 8 P M. Sunday School. 9:30 A M. The public is invited. SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. (Center Street, Fulton) Rev S L. Bush, pastor; residence >07 Center Street. Services: Sun lay, Sunday School, 9:30 A. Preaching. 11:30 A. M. ana 8^0 P. M. Communion every fourth San i lav at 3:8# P. M. ' " i UNION LEVBL BAPTIST CHURCH (Corner State and Gilliam 8w.) Rev. B. J. Ru*n, PMtor^IUj idence. 708 State St. Sunday aphoti 9:30; Morning Serrloea, * * *' • Night Servisea, S:0f; Servioes eveyr 8r4 Sunday, i:*o M. The public Is weleoma. RISING MT ZION BAPT. CHURCH. (800 Denny Street, Pulton) . i Rpr. O. B. Slnms, B. Th., Pastor, Residence, 728 Denny St. Services: Sunday, 11.30 A. M. asd 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. MT. TABOR BAPTIST CHURCH I (North 22nd Street Woodville) Rev R J Eats. Paator. ReeiJcnce 15 E. Duval Street. Services: Sunday 11:30 A M and 8 P. M. 8und*y School, 9:30 A. M- All are welcome. RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND POTOMAC RAILROAD (Broad Street Station, except where i otherwise Indicated) Leave for Arr,Ve froro I f 4:00 am. .Washington and beyond.>*• •“ ! M4:23 am. Washington and beyond..MUU>7 pa i , 8:60 am. North (no oo*che«).9:80 pm j •7:10 am..A*Sflaad Local . 8:50 am. Washington Local .UJ* am i: i8:jft »m. Wiebinfrtoo and beyond.8:M pn | 18:8) pm. Washington and beyond.1:09 pa Mi:02 pm..North (no coachea).M6:ll pot *2:00 pm. Washington Local .9™ 8:10 pm Washington heyoad.1:00 pm ••4:26 pm Washington Local . •4:89 pm.. Prederickaburg local .*f:10 an 1(6:18 pm. .Washington and beyond..Mil:67 pa •8:16 pm..Aihland Local .. pa 8:89 pm. Washington and beyond....II:60 an V Main Street Station. •Dally exoept Snnday. ••Sunday enlj CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO R. A (Main Stre**» 8tation) Published as Information and not Guaranteed. Arrival and Depari\re of Train? Daily, unless otherw'se shown. ♦Daily except Sunday ••Sunday onlj Leave for Arrive from 7:0-0 am..Charlottesville...7:00 pm 7 -00 am. .Cliften Forge — ... 9:00 am. .Norf. & O. Point 6:36 pm 9-30 am..James River L...4:05 pm 1:00 pm..Norf. & O. Point 2:43 p® 1-45 pm.. Cintl-Louvl-Chgo ..7:30 am «:IS um. .Norf. & O. Point 11:33 am • 3-la pm..Lynchburg....*8:40 am •S ;'i5 pm. .Charlottesville. .*8:*30 am Clifton Forge-12:40 pm, - ok pro NN & O. Pt Lc..9:00 am ii 00 pui .Clnc.n. & West..4:00 pm 11:16 pm..Cincin and Louvl. . M7:M cm..Wuhington and fceyoad..lf9:M pa NORFOLK AND WESTERN R. B. (Bread Street Statlom) Leave for ArrlYa from 9:00 am..Norfolk .7:00 pm 9 am. .Cincln’atl & Columbus 7 pm 2:30 pm..Roanoke .2:10 P* 3:16 pm..Norfolk.11>8I am 6:30 pm..Norfolk Local .. 6:36 pm..Bristol Local ..8:10 am u pm...OR, mm. N. Or. 8:10 pm ....Nor. and Lynch. Local t:40 »m New Motor Detour Makes Beauties of Canadian Rockies More Accessible MAKING . FYvemo S : k\OA’ TH£ MTS.MITRE AND ] LEEROV. LOWER I Victoria # Vqitc.BR> /;:* ■ fieri vrry**' (H V)APTA CAMP takkakaw VI I pauls. in y^o\ VALUE'/, fluoNCT' A'fTJV I^OOTE A new twenty-four hour motor de . ur of one hundred and forty-twc. .. lies along perfect motor roads .hrough the Canadian Rockies is an lounced oy the Canadian Pacific Rail ay which states that the trips will in every day in each direction from then Band Alla. 01 Golden B C.. . -ginning cn June la ana ending on .-pteinoer 6 By this aetour a travei t can leave the tram either at tanfl or Golden stay thp night ai i.ake Louise, and continue the motor drive next morning, rejoining the tain that afternoon. This new motor road ouilt oy the .'anadian Government through ftocki lountams National Park ana Voiv Wi! tonal Park Is a very maunift* ent • tie. A' "1^ (•'■•ini it rises tr h nnan' .--..-I l| •»• I V • -i i M *-*•» -VhlP ”1' i• , •• ..• •'i,‘ ■ ; • »; ei i* if * *n«. *" 1 > lowest level Nearly forty mountains tower in the vicinity of the road, and gigantic glaciers, roaring rivers deep canyons and primeval forests abound Wild mountain game is also met with in abundance at the roadside Motoring in the Canadian Rootle# is the tourlsr s keenest delight more especially alter a railway Journey i Fut this reason a schedule nas oeen I drawn up tut me season of 1928 tc coincide with the arrival and de parture oi train# at Band Fie.u o. Golden rhe large touring cars iscc. for this trip are commodious and comfortable with facilities for nand baggase. Johnston s Canyon -uxtren miles from Banff is the first ugj 1 made gome West. Here the creel j cuts through high rc.K wall# ana ;# . ?ponnea at inter\.U; oy unj rustir 1 nridiies reminder# o! Japanese prim# Pie rarv.n is atej. met con an iIt vr lk "d Mum miiuue# is delightful Lover# ol nati'*** sliou.c iim ;ii.. at Lake Louise to see the coloring ou this gem of mountain lakes, for the glaciers anrl high peaks arc (Utilised with superb shades of rose ana qoid A oeautlful spot on this trip is Vtup’9 Bungalow Camp, a veritable vl.Jove tamps nestling on the shore ot Lake—the source of tie U Hoise R;vei The Voho Valley is I'csu'.inil re* yonci imagination, u virgin unscarrcti oy flics rakanc-fv i ... are at the end ol the valley und r*. . tumbling down in a v pn:it:r •• most 1.500 feet I'h# \ o C.uuf. .* i few hundred yard* ..a.; Lake sever i»;iiivs ■’’Iclc*. • • vision o: «>!•.*.<:: .< •• ••• »■*• and a tv:* chalet add* to 'H* h'c*<w**mi«*ss From Field u- :»*>..»■ «. cigl'.v.a' follows Hie &.'• » 'I•’* HI 11(1*' ol the wi.v «>*••« * .* spe* i;Uulaf Win '■(h.w a me mm.side. the W* • '* t_.j w ^ ** -- ROANOKE NEWS At 11 A. M. a sermon by Rev. James S. Hatcher delivered the dis course to the congregation, it being Men’s Day. At 3 o’clock Hon. Judge John M. Hart addressed the men of the city at Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church, where all were well pleased and greatly enlightened. A grand revival is going on at Ninth Avenue Christian. Rev. Mar tin of .Johnson Citv. Tenn., is as sifting Rev. J. W. Whitfield. ivcv. L>. R. Powell, of the Hill Street Baptist, has a series of ser vices on this week, assisted in his '11th anniversary by Rev. K. W* Roy, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Thomas, of Fairfax Avenue. N. W.. died here Saturday A. M. Funeral was held on Sunday ! March 25th, at 3 o’clock trom *V. t F. Hughes Chapel. Mrs. Ellen Spencer, of Peach Road, is much improved. - Mr. L. M. Sims, of Hart Ave., is improved. j t MT. ZION A. M. E. CHURCH NOTES l Last Sunday 152 children, a six piece orchestra, pipe organ and piano made ringing music in Sun day School. At 11 A. M., “Thy Kingdom Come.” an exposition of Matt. Oth, constituted th° special sermon for Men’s Day. Judge Hart’s address, “The Secret of Citizenship.” was a masterpiece. At night, Dr. Moore, on “The Negro, Where Is He'.'” Prof. Hamilton. “The Negro As a Soldier”, ar Dr. Dudley. “The Church’s Challenge to Men” were all great ar ’ inspiring. The men will report their finances next Sun I day. f Sunday, April 1st, is Palm Sun day. The us! vrs and Sunshine will distribute palms to all who come. F:ve prayer meetings will be led by Bros. W. Hale and James Jones. Little Gwyn<* ne Hale will tell the story of Pair lay. Dr. Hasher »• will preach, “Hosanna In the High est” is the su loot. At night, “The Stoning of Stephen.” Offering last Sunday, $125.10. HENR1C.) COUNTY, VA. h Gravel Hill Baptist Church. V Sunday School usual hour. Super intendent brown and Assistant Superintendent Young present, r At 11:80, Pastor Tuck delivered Ian able sermon. Text: Hebrew U:16. Many visiting friends were present. Pastor Tuck administered the Lord's Supper. Many testified. At 8:00 P. M. a fine program was rendered. Large attendance, r Sister Eliza Binford is sick, i * J. M. ANDERSON. Reporter. J, FULTON NOTES I The services last Sunday morning It Calvary were very inspiring, Piter which the pastor, Rev. C. A. Sobbs left to preach the anni rersary sermon to the K. of P. at Midlothian. He returned and sreached at the evening service at hair for old Alltter Harris. Famous Star Exelento Quinine Pomade makes vour hair new! It is more than a hair dressing. It is the original Quinine Pomade! Its beneficent medication goes di rect to the roots of the hair, nourishing the tender hair follicles. It imparts a new lustre to the hair by giving it new life. And it's a natttral lustre! EXELENTO QXP0MADE quickly relieves itching scalp and stops dandruff. It is exquisitely fragrant and a real pleasure to use. At All Drug Stores. Samples of all our preparations and valuable Book of Beauty Secrets sent FREE. Send name and address to EXELENTO MEDICINE CO., ATLANTA, GA. NOTE—We also manufacture the famous Exelento Skin Soap, Exelento Face Powder, Exelento Skin Oint ment, and Exelento Peroxide Vanishing Cream. _ * Calvary. The revival for one week netted thirty conversions and three additions to the church. Last Sunday morning the Rev. C. B. Jefferson preached at the Union Level Baptist Charch. The pastor, Rev. B. F. Ruffin, was ab sent. conducting revival services in the North. Fulton is in the spirit of revival, therefore let the Christian pray, that soul may be born into the Kingdom. Ask and it shall be given. Seek and ye shall find. 1 EDW. STEWART ' 203 S SECOND STREET j PR ALTO IN jFAYCY GROCERIES. FRESH j MEATS. VEGETABLES. FISH AMP OYSTERS. Klchmonu. V« ©HONE MAD. 163' .-- -- I MONEY FOR EASTER? Write te Sunahins Produce* Company, Bat loot. Richmond Va. ter literal proposition. fcu _ Advertise in the Planet. It will pay you so to do. OTHER PEOPLE IUDGE YOU NOW BY YOUR FURNITURE When you can get FURNITURH RUGS from an Old Established Hous» like JURGENS—that’s known to sel the beet quality goods, just as reason able as elsewhere—why not give yotu friends a good impression It wll give us the greatest pleasure to show you our wonderful stock of home making, comfort giving FURNITURE and RUGS and—douVt fall to ask oui Salesmen about our dANKING PLAN which gives you 4, 10 or IS month! In which to pay for any purchase CMS. G. JURGENS SI ESTABLISHED 1880. ADAMS AND BROAD WOMEN—Barn 616 doses sewjug St .. home. Experience unseceanary • Steady work. Cut material sup plied. Stamped envelope bring* par ticulars. STEWARD DRB98, 114 Mercer, Now York. i i , Free 1100 Ways To Get Rich Large book, "100 WAYS TO GET R ICH ” will settle your money prob I lems. No more worry about money . Just follow the instructions in tnie wonderful book. You can have it FREE if you will wear the popular SERPENTS RING. Read this letter from Mr. S. J. Thigpen of Chicago 111.: "I have received the Serpent's Ring I ordered from you and am glad to inform you that I could have do ne nothing betaer for myself. I am a winner in all game.s. My ring brings everything my way. Anyone can feel the change that will come upon him after wearing the ring a short i lime”. That’s from a man who owns one! Yes, friend the luckiest thing t you can do is to get this SERPENT ’S RING and follow the important advice in the FREE book. The ring is genuine 14-kt. gold shell, set , with nine gorgeous gems. SEND NO MONEY! Just send strip «0 QQ | of paper for finger measure. Pay postman only .i r Then wear the ring five days and If you are not more than pleased return | it and your money will be quickly refunded. ACT AT ONCE ORDER » NOW! ORIENTAL IMPORT CO., 287 Broadway. Dept. 19, New York, N Y j I Famous Beauty Treatment Lightens Dark Complexions j Quickly | ( It is simply amazing the way this marvelous beauty prep aration makes even the dark est skin lighter, clearer and free from blemishes— Now it is remarkably easy to have a lighter, lovelier, clearer skin. No matt.r how dark, muddy or pimply your cor.v plexion is, Dr. Fred Palmer’s marvelous Skin Whitener will quickly make it supremely beau* tiful in a surprisingly short time. After a very few applications of this wonderful beauty treatment, your skin clears and lightens as if by magic—tan marks, pimples, freckles and blemishes go, and that excessive oil which causes “shine” disappears. Only with this famous Skin Whitener can you get such amaz ing results, so quickly and so matchless. Get a 25c package from any toilet counter serving race people, use as directed and watch your skin clear and lighten—quickly. If your dealer can’t supply you, sent direct upon receipt of price. FREE* V ^0U want t0 try before you buy, send 4c in stamps for * “*e sample of Skin Whitener Ointment, Face Powder and Skin Whitener Soap. Address Dr. Fred Palmer's Laboratories, Dept. A-383, Atlanta, Ga. Or. Fred Palmer^ ENER^ _ _ ^-k 4 This time Bessie thinks out loud—and, boy) what she thinks is nobody's business. We don’t mean maybe. Neither will you, when you hear it* Ask your Columbia dealer to play this very latest i Bessie Smith number for you. He has played it a great many times already, but he’ll enjoy hear* ing it again. Everybody does. “I Used to Be Your Sweet Mamma,"ton the other side of lbs rooerdy is a Knock-out, and howl Record No. 14292-D, Thinking Bluee I Used to Bo Your Sweet Maane VocaU B—k Smith Columbia^Records It CO. U.S. PAT.OFF.