OCR Interpretation

Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, April 14, 1928, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025841/1928-04-14/ed-1/seq-8/

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Shepherds Hally |
(Continued from Page 1)
M. Thompson first; Mrs. Susie H.
•_ Robinson, second; Mrs. Lillie Bas
kerville, third. I
;* Grand Presiding Shepherd, Mrs.
:;V Ora Brown Stokes is in personal
charge of this drive and she is ably
'.'assisted by Grand Secretary Treas
urer Amos C. Clark. The next meet
ing will be held at the Headquarters
•'Wednesday night, April 18:h. Re
• freshmeuts were served by Daugn
oers Susie J. "Williams, Lillie Bas
• kerville and and Mary Crump.
The inclement weather did not
• dampen the ardor of the Shepherds
who attended the Easter entertain
ment at Daughter Ella M. Thomp
" son’s home at Westhampton Easter
Monday. We congratulate Daughter
Thompson for staging this entertain
ment. I
Deputy Lillie E. Baskerville cov
ered herself with glory on last Tues
day night when, in company with
Grand Shepherd Ora Brown Stokes,
Susie H. Robinson and Susie J. Wil
liams, set apart a large Fold of Shep
herds at Midlothian. From all indi
cations she is going to set the pace
for a number of our workers this
year. She is a member of the of
fice force.
Deputy Fannie B. Taulton was as
good as her word in that she did
not leave Toronto, Ohio, until she
had set apart a nice Fold. She is
using the crook in a very effective
manner these days.
Deputy F. J. Dias, who is now in
Mew Jersey, was successful in rein
stating the Juvenile in Baltimore,
We feel proud of the new Fold
which was set apart on the 5th at
Emporia by Secretary A. C. Clark.
Daughter Dora Powell deserves much
credit for the organization of this
Grand Shepherd Ora Brown Sioke.;
and Grand Legal Advisor C. A. Mc
Kenzie are still smiling over their
success in setting apart a big Fold
in Newport News or. the 5th. This
'is the second Fold in Newport News
and has in it some of the mosL in
fluential citizen, of the city. We
doff our hats to Dr. Thomas. Mrs.
Hall and others for this splendid ad
dition to our Order.
The Folds throughout the city are
• getting ready for our annual excur
sion which will go to Bay Shore on
the 17th ot July. Let every Fo!-j in
Richmond and vicinity find it-oir in
this movement this year.
The Committee on Arrangements
for our Eighteenth Annual Sermon
met at headquarters last Thuri ay
night and began the perfection of
plans for this great occasion. Every
department of the Order is looking
forward to this day with great an
ticipation for the biggest celebration
of its kind ever witnessed in Rich
The Shepherds of the West End
•are planning for a big Shepherds
day and night at Fifth Bap ist
•Church on the fifth Sunday in this
month. The day will be featured
with a parade and a big mass meet
ing and band concert in the after
,%noon and a great candle-light ser
vi-e at night.
• The Shepherds of Philadelphia are
’.planning a big day on the fourth
Sunday in May. The Grand Shep
herd and Grand Secretary and other
members of the Richmond Folds are
••expected to be present with these
Folds in their annual sermon.
Let every member of the Order
remember the free-will offering to
the Welfare Department. It is .'till
coming in nicely and we trust that
every member of the Order will have
a hand in this great undertaking.
Philadelphia Zun Traveler- is hold
ing fast to firit i lace, and Mrs. Mary
•E. Freeman vows that this Fold is
“just like a tr» e planted by the
water that cannot be moved.”
What Fold will accept this chal
lenge and move this Fold down?
Deputy Eliza Berkley slipped out
in the front rank of our workers
last night in the membership cam
paign when she reported the organi
zation of a Juvenile in Richmond
with thirty members. I told you to
keep your eyes on her.
Arrangements are being perfected
for the Big Ten Nights SHEPHERD
BAsAAR. which begins Monday
Bight, April 23rd, at the Shepherd’s
New Headquarters. Sixth and Leigh
Streets. Beautiful booths, games
4nd attractions will be there for you
and your friends. Band music every '
The following loyal Shepherds and
Daughters made their contributions
to the Welfare Department recently:
Bertha Ballard.....9 .25 i
Rosa Randall.25
Joseph Smith . 25
James Enoch.25
Lula Womble .25 '
Lucille Womble .25
R. P. Moss. .25
Janie P. Moss.25
N. M. Morgan.25
S. J. Ellis. 25
L. J. Morgan.25
Ida J. Smith.25
JL>ora Ellis. 25
Betsey Spratley.25
Harrison Austin.25
Jennie Lewis.25
Hattie Jones.25
Amy Brown.25
Eva Peaks.25
G«ocrge Jones.25
W. M. Early.25
Annie Early .25
Hilliard Moseley.25
Christine Fowlkes.25
Hattie B. Walker.25
Louisa Smithers .25
Mamie Wood . .25
Edith Bolling .25
George Jones, jr. 25
Peggie Moseley.25
Martha Austin .• .25
Rosa Seay.25
Josie B. Morgan.25
Fannie Morgan . 25
Moses Nicholas.25 (
John Seay. 25
Lucille Morgan .25
Daisy Brown .;.25
Nora Johnson.25
John Bolding .*.25
Pansy Juvenile. Enonsville, Va.,
is the first Juvenile Fold to send in
it3 contribution to the Welfare De
partment. The following children
sent 6 cents each: Imogene Morgan
Georgia Morgan, Ethel Jones, Mat
tie Austin Denzel Jones, Benjamin
Peaks, Willie M. Peaks, Nannie P.
Jones^ Rufus M. Moss, John E. Cole
man, Mildred Eldridge, Romelus
flf ARE YOUTHE PERSON? I are you? ^ YOU?
H| WHO—Never Rides on a Train,Bos,Tan, ... p |H
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II WHO-Cannot be struck byLigbtning-for INSURE TODAY! WITHOUT FAIL |1f
Jk WHOM-A Cyclone or Tornado will Tomorrow may be too late. I
/J umb iuk- i. I \
jf I vator-and > 5 ways-Four times askm|I | V
dp g WHO—Is imii.une from disease or sick- \ I
jf I SICKNESS—Weekly Sick Benefits paid promptly day due. j j|| \
| j! ACCIDENT—Weekly payments will pay your expense. It II *3gg j
V it TOTAL6DISABILITY—Policy pays you as long as you are \ tSfjLi— /
\ rf- v ../• // disabled 52 Weeks Each Year. V :SsMrnr /
^\JJlSublhfyOLD AGE—Our Endowment Policy will make you indepen- ^ ^
If Ills DEATH-'-Death claims paid in 24 hours after death. r^n •
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Fill Out This Coupon and Mail If To the Union Life. D'MTT-JTW. DON’T FAIL!
The Union Life of Virginia Originated the now famous and Bust popular “Pay 5 Ways - 52
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Our Rat. Books JOHN M. LAWLER PM8IKHT 10 Pi,n-.cr.r LU=
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Old Colony Market,
402|N. 6th St. _
Home Killed Meats Choice Cuts, Poultry Live
and Dressed, Smithfield and Country Hams.
New Refrigerating, 3-decher System just
installed. Prompt Service.
Free Delivery. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Early Orders a Specialty.
The Lowest Prices consistent with First Class
Service. Phone Madison 6410
ft _
Ideals Pay Death Qlaims
Newport News, Va.
February 19, 1928.
Mr. A. W. Holmes, Supreme Master,
210 East Clay Street,
Richmond. Va.
My dear Mr. Holmes:
Please accept our thanks for the
prompt payment of the death claim of
my husband Mr. Nicholas Bacon who
was a member of Ivy Leaf Lodge, No.
55, of the National Ideal Benefit So
May the Order continue to prosper
under your great leadership.
Yours very sincerely,
Pinkie Bacon.
South Richmond, Va. |
April 3, 1928. ‘ !
Mr. A. W. Holmes,
Supreme Master of the National Ideal
BeneOt Society.
Dear Sir:
I wish to thank you for the prompt
payment of the death claim of my
husband Spencer W. Johnson, Sr.,
who was a member of Sunshine Lodge,
No. 20 May your Noble Order ever
His wife,
Ada M. Johnson.
•, German Flyer
Friedrich Loose, one of the Ger
man flyers who set out on a trip
across the Atlantic on their Junkers
airplane, the Bremen. The start of
the trip was veiled in deep secrecy
since the German-government has
frowned on transatlantic flights in
view of the many: fatalities so far.
^ Tunney’s Choice JM i
Tom Heeney, whom Gene Tun
ney prefers to meet rather than
any other aspirant for the heavy
weight title. Having recently de
feated Jack Delaney, Heeney is
probably the most logical oppo
nent for Gene Tunney. He came
from Australia some fourteen
months ago, practically unknown.
It is rumored he will fight Tunney
next July.
To beautify
Gonzell White, Leading Lady
The stores are full of artificial aids that give arti
ficial beauty. But there is only one Exelento Quinine
Pomade! It beautifies the hair and does it all the good
because it works through Nature’s methods.
goes direct to the roots of the hair, carrying its benefi
cent medication to the tender hair follicles. Within a
short time you will be amazed at the new lustre your
hair will have—lasting because it is NATURAL. Exel
ento stops dandruff and quickly relieves itching.
At All Drug Stores.
Samples of all our preparations and valuable Book
of Beauty secrets sent FREE. Send name and address to
NOTE—We also manufacture the famous Exelento
Skin Soap, Exelento Face Powder, Exelento Skin Oint
ment, and Exelento Peroxide Vanishing Cream.

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