- j.. • ■ i ;• --till the Keynote m dhe ; • •' :■ styles C’t* starva tion : ;cu: ■ . r ein.:::.: exorcises ancle:::: : me: .-ri n: icetnr poutur and i :c toi Milady Sto’h arc taa jmc c t ot die picture Dame Fashion .has net relented in r.c-r tyranny again i "lie stout figure. A note* Iron k\:me Jenny the famous Parisian au thority says: “You will notice a circular cur that 'is cutup icr.tea in conception cut a: 1ranged tc fall with such Decerning .simplicity that the unobservant w*l« ’find it differs out little trom the slur, ^straight silhouette tc which we have been accustomed sc teng it is when fthe wearer moves that all the suotle .charm of the new line Is noticeable But Fashion nas achieved a com fortable means to this mghlv desir table slenderness The tyraumca »dame brooks no mterl.reuce with r.e: decrees and she is now seeing to r Ithat stout women get thin by th method she sponsors. The tried sne '.often, despaired of other means ar not nearly so stylish since the ap jper. rr. nee on the market of a ne * figure rcmoulder ) This figure r.moulder. or redacin. garment. was created scientifically, a Inew material had to be invented There had been reducing garment. Jbefore which squeezed the figure down. But they were neither com portable nor supple enough to per mit the grace of movement demandec my Mme. Jenny. Charmosette im material of the new reducing gar ^ment. distributes surplus flesh natur .ally, smoothing out the bulges And the garment made of it has no bones steel stays or lacings “The wearer really has on a tnree fti-ont when she dens this reducing •garment Ana she is unconscious o: It. except when she looks in the mli 'ror an sees Hint -he Is four or Cve .Inches dimmer than without u 'savs "V-- Kathryn Cunningham, de •lgno: n : i.*-M '« 'Vuisard Company! ©I Chicago "Being nriusuen!. gmn« c./fj tSS-n'i"^ C17 ri- i Tut. ,?£-’O.VT>ED Uft’S o* and dtapbnim suppm: n ' care cf all me place* •*• .••••• flesh collects." TIME OF SERVICES IN THE CHAPEL AT CITY HOME. Rev. F. W. Quarles, Leader and Manager for Charitable Union, 1010 N. Second St. Servicea Every Sun day from 2:00 to 4.00f B. M. Com munion 3rd Sunday. Uftloa Meetings 4th Sunday. _ mmmam r ST. PHILIP'S P. E. CHURCH, „ ■ (S. W. Cor. St. James and Leigh) L. Rev. Junius L. Taylor, Rector; Residence, 20 West Leigh Street. Services: Sunday 11 to 12 A. M. Night. 8 to 9 o'clock. Wednesday evening services, 8 to 9 o’clock. The public is welcome at all servicea. PROVIDENCE BAPTBT CHURCH. (SIS Lady Mile Road) Rev. J. J. Woodeon, Pastor, Ree (donee, 1116 St. John Street. Ser vices: Sunday,. 11 A. M. and 8 P. 21. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are Invited. SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. (Center Street, Fulton) Rev. S. L. Bu*h, pastor; residence 907 Center Street. Services: Bun Preaching, 11:80 A. M. ana 8:30 P. M. Communion every fourth Sun day, Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.,; day at 3:30 P. M. WILLIAMS TKMPLB 0. X, 1 CHURCH. (The Home-like Church) 3. E. Cor. i9th and Everett Sts. Rov. G. E. Carter, Pastor 9:30 A M., Sunday School: 11:00 A, M.. Preaching: 6:30 P. M., Ep wrorth League; 7:55 P. M., Preach GRAVEL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Henrico County Va.) Rev. W. L. Tuck. Pastor. Resi dence, 722 Carlisle Ave., Richmond. Sunday services: Sunday School 9:30 A. M., Morning Services,' 11:30 A. M; Evening Services, 8 P. M.; Communion Fourth Sun days. 3 P. M. . .You will And news in The Planet that you will not And In any other journal. This permits you to sub scribe to The Planet as well as the journal you are now reading. -' -- »--=-~ '■ Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoided by de stroying the germs of infectious diseases. $i. 10 At all druggists i 'sore legs healed Open Legs. Ulcers, Enlarged Veins, Goi'er, Eczema healed while you work. Write for free book "How to Heal My Sore Legs at Home.'’ De scribe your case. A. C. LIEPE PHARMACY, 1385 Green Bay Av., Milwaukee, Wls ; ■»'.* »- • - 1! 1ST BAPT. CHURCH S. RICHMOND wpi "'fj ■ (Corner 15th and Decatur Sts.) Rev. W, L. Ransome, D. D., Pas tor; Parsonage 1507 Decatur Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. . ■ -. V* 1 *r I FOURTH BAPTIST. CHURCH. (28th and P Streets) TT>7. ”.. ' *' J Services in charge of the Deacon Board, pending successor to Dr. E. Payne, lamented pastor Visiting Divines each Sunday. Services: 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are Invited. B. Y. P. U.f 6:45 P. M. II0P*WWWI'’WI]|' - *' ' FOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHURCH (32nd and P Streets) Rev. A. R.i Vanlandingham, B. Th. pastor. Residence, 2800 0 St. Our Worship: Sunday School at 9:30 A. BJ.; Morning Servioee, 11:30 A. M; Night Services, 8:00 P. M.; Tuesday night, Home and Foreign Mission, 7*00 P. M.; Wednesday night, Teachers Meeting, 7:80 *P. M.; Thursday night, Choir Rehearsal, 1:30 P. M.; Friday night, Prayer Services, 7-: 30. M. V. Johnson, Clerk MT VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH (1902 Wallace Street) Rev. M. H Payne, Pastor, Resi dence, 1900 Wallace Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and, 8 P. M. ■Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. MT. CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH. I (1300 North First Street) Rev Berryman H. Johnson, Pastor, Sunday 11:30 A. M. and S P M. Sunday School, 9:30 A, M. All are welcome. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. __I rwr ... > [ (Byrd St. between 1st and 2nd Sts.) j Pulpit In char-ge of Pulpit Com- { mittee pending successor to the late , Dr Z D Lewis. Services: Sundays, i 11:30 A M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. | Send vour subscriptions to the [Planet Office. 311 N. 4th St. It is 'only $2.00 for one whole year. J, PYRAMID ^ PRODUCJS-G ' Sy PITTSBURGH PA. ' V. DON’T BE FOOLED! ONCE BALD—ALWAYS BALD! — DON'T GUESS AT IT— PYRAMID HAIR'DRESSING to a proven superior, hair groom for men mad women. Keeps hair in place, soft, gtossy and neat; invig ontu tkf ecalp and promotes ’ the frowth. Price 50 cents per jar. AQHNTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. PYRAMID PRODUCTS COMPANY « ■OX ST, UPTOWN STATION. PITTSBURGH. PA. sssaan-’ssfB-ss: gsr~.'sr. sss | I ROBERT C. SCOTT, Fnera! Director f ! 2223 EAST MAIN STREET RICHMOND, VA. > THE BROWN'S Photographic btodio ALL OF the LATEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOT09 AT MODERATE PRICES. Special Attention Paid to Olfldren Ulterior and JntwlOT Wojt Will be Executed on Short Notice. We Specialise on ENLARGING and COPYING from OLD PHOTOS. ____ CALL AND SEE US—WORK DONE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHBR. FLASH-LIGHT Photoe A Feature. TOe Latest Style Developing Ourflta Our POWERFUL LENS Rank with the Beet in the Country. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS ARB WELCOME. 603 N SECOND SI., RICHMOND. VA. BE INFORMED-READ THE PLANET IW. 1. JOHNSONS' SONS j ; Funeral Directors k A rticians 1 I 10 W. LEIGH STREET p VE mad. m. | DAY OR N10D.T SERVICE, WITH], ooo MILES | WHEN ORDERED ** ( | n I. JOHNSCT ’S SONS, EXPERIENCED MOI ' ClANS CONDUCT £ ; Funeral Flawlessly. Our Many Years of Exp* »>Hce iinables us to k* “ If Conduct All Funerals a Most Efficient Maui r We Try to Give i More However bv l corporatlng In Our Serv a Spirit of Sym- § | iathe'lc UnderstrLdJiig «•* K h S A Great Game ^ ~ ' —-—— By Albert T. Reid vi •) ^DEMOCRATIC ORCHARD NO TRESPASSING IVr~-1 REPUBLICAN ORCHARD KEEP OUT» BEWARE OF THE Don to Living Tree Represents Man On Horseback There are tfained cedar trees on the grounds of Mr and Mrs. U J Prucha which he has trimmed and designed into all sorts of animals. His •tree menagerie” is a beautiful exhibit and tourists delight in visiting the place. Photo shows Mr. and Mrs. Prucha standing beside oae of then trained cedars representing-,! man 00 horseback. Mute Talks After Ride rA.l/TPCAVT».X. George Porter, Jr., eight year old boy of Revere, Mas*, who had '’ever, spoken a word in his life a-ail “thrilled’' into talking: after a Hde in, an airplane which performed death* defying stunts half a mile high. Crosses Atlantic Elizabeth Hoschen, 2y3 years old, is1 probably the youngest traveler who, ever crossed the Atlantic alone.' When her parents left for America] she was detained because she had( measles. She remained with her grandmother, and now has Rejoined her family in Chicago after making, the long trip alone. THE FUMBLE FAMILY JT !i By DlUlW if i/^\LEMUEL ALEXANDER FUMBLE— M y yOU’PE A FINE EXAMPLE OF THE Vmale SEX ?JUST LOOK AT YOURSELF - La about as neat as a pig-pen / no COLLAR., BAGGY TSOUSEPQ,etc A /LUCKQOW „ T—/ cuckoo ) -— '^Ys&k-'A’s ^jrlm cauTA. /HER AVJ OVHOM,\ 'CAUSE-SHE V j [ TO A \CRY OVEK/ t&S« COME ON,CNAP OUT OF-ITf G5T INTO w . r yOUR OTWER CUOTME971VE ALREADy i tk TOLD yOU VEr VERfr WAVING COMPANV| 1—a $F\v) ?G0 KWOCk' ? «EAP ^°,%m9t we- : J^^VOU §f & /'//TVttS_isNo"\ i Kplace to:i a > |‘‘^_PAClPlvT^> ‘j /I'M JU'?T AM"OLD HEM" / AVI I f V&LL THE OLD HEM HAQ P'LEMTVOr riS'-Tf !M / HECV DlDM’T! TELL YOU X n£ve?rt:u:>tau< itak k--W