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“Magic Notes'* “©uisl&y Steved!©®’©” Sung by Roy Evans Here’s one of the greatest records ever made “Haw you ever itood beneath the Dixie *ky , . , „ Seen those steamboat* with their cargoea loaded high , When you hear Roy Evans sing the “Dusky Stevedore,” you sure will play it over andover^ it’s a great, big hit! The coupling rings the bell, too; “I Aint Got Nobody (and Nobody Cares for Me) ” Record No. 15272-0, lO-hwh, TSe 4 V Du sky Stevedore” V ‘‘I Ain't Got Nobody (and Nobody Cares for Me)” Vocals—Roy Evans OTHER POPULAR RECORDS Record No. 14330-D, 10-inch, 75c “The Man I Love Is Worth Talking About” “Best Friend Blues” Vocals—Lillian Gllnn Record No. 14329-D, 10-inch, 75c “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho” “His Trouble Was Hard” Vocals—Dixie Jubilee Singers Ask Your Dealer for Latest Race Record Catalog Columbia Phonograph Company, 1819 Broadway, New York City Columbia process'' Records Made the New Why - Electrically Viva tonal Recording - The Records without Scratch _ - — Bargain One Month’s Rent Free Three large rooms, hot and cold water. Toilet on same floor. $13.50 PER MONTH Brook Ave. and Oak Street. Immediate Possession. J. D. Carneal & Sons, No. 12 N. 9th St. | MOORE ST. BAPTIST CHURCH. (1408 West Leigh Street) Rev. Gordon B. Hancock, A. M., Pastor, Residence Virginia Union University. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M, Sunday School. 9 ;30 A. M. All are welcome. MT. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. , (717 Orleans Street, Fulton) Rev. C. A. Cobbs, Pastor, Parson-! age, 803 Louisiana Street. Services 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday; School, 9:30 A. M. The public is invited^ July 23, 1923. Mrs. Olivett Robinson, 2222 Fitzwater Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Madam: ' Receipt is hereby acknowledged of your Westren Union Telegrtam of July 21st, requesting me to locate Ruby Taylor and to advise her that there was a death in her family. You will please be advised that a general search was made for this woman without success; your tele gram was furnished the public press but up to this time without results or information, should any information be obtained you will be immediately advised, I am. ! Yours truly, R. B. Jordan. Chief of Police, i ASW-em. Copy to Mr. John Mitchell, Editor Richmond Planet. Have i T5he PLANET Delivered to You. Only $2 ; per Year. 0 6 6 Cures Chills and Fever, Intermittent, Remittent and Liiious Fever due to Malaria. It Kills the Germs. The ... Mosque Main and Laurel Streets. Attractions Week AUG. 13 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Girl in a Pullman Featuring; MARIE PREVOST, HARRISON FORD Thursday, Friday, Saturday SURRENDER DOROTHY SEBASTION, JOHN HARRON. Main St. Entrance Now Open, You are Welcome, Cool, Comfortable, Surrounding! Palatial. 2 to \ l P. M. Admission. • 25cts Children JOcts Remarkable Beauty Treatment Gives amazingly quick results in lightening dark skins Now it is remarkably easy to have a lighter, lovelier, clearer skin. No matter how dark, muddy or pimply your complexion is, Dr. Fred Palmer's marvelous Skin Whitener will quickly make it su premely beautiful in a surprisingly short time. After a very few ap plications of this wonderful beauty treatment, your skin clears and lightens as if by magic — tan marks, pimples, freckles and llcmishcs go, and that excessive oil which causes “shine" disap pears. Only with this famous Skin Whitener can you get such amazing results, so quickly and so matchless. Get a 25c package from any toilet counter serving race people, use as directed and watch your skin^ clear and lighten —quic\ly. If your dealer can't supply you, sent direct upon re ceipt of price. ^ you want t0 try ■T .Tvilillu before you buy, send 4c in stamps for free sample of Skin Whitencr Ointment, Face Powder and Skin Whitencr Soap. Address Dr. Fred Palmer’s Labora tories, Dept. A-382, Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Price, Jr, Funeral Director and Mortician (SUCCESSOR TO A. D. PRICE) First Class Caskets of Latest Designs. Complete Equipment of the Latest Stlye Funeral Cars Furnished Either Day or Night on Short Notice. Orders Received and Filled from All Parts of the Country. We Never Close. __ PHONES MADISON 577 and MADISON 162. 212 EAST LEIGH STREET THE AMERICAN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Whites CreeK Road, Nashville, Tennessee Operated by Nat’l. Bapt. Convention & Southern Bapt. Convention A FIRST CLASS THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL. TWO COURSES LEADING TO DEGREES. STRONG FACULTY - .Opens in September —Closes in May. SEMINARY OPENS THIS YEAR SEPTEMBER 25* 1928. For catalogue and other informa tion write, WILLIAM T. AMINGER, President Special Offer 100 single sheets of note paper and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.00 Delivered prepaid 100 sheets of paper, double, and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.50 Delivered prepaid Each customer is allowed to send copy not exceeding 3 lines, 2 inches wide. Type to be selected by us. Same copy to be used on paper as on envelopes. Here is your chance We do all kinds of JOB WORK. . Send all orders to THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th St„ Richmond, Va. VIRGINIA H • Jv’.f In the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond, Wednesday, July 25, 1928. Sarah B. Cooke.Plaintiff against William E. Cooke.Defendant The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bond of matrimony j by the plaintiff fr mi the defendant on the ground of willful desertion and ! abandonment, and ;;r. affidavit having been made and filed that the said de fendant is not a resident of the State of Virginia, and that his last known post-office address was Baltimore, Md., | it is hereby ordered that the said j William E. Cooke, appear here within 10 days after due publication of this, order and do what is necessary to pro-j tect his interest in this suit. A Coptv Teste, Garland B. Taylor i D. C. C. A. McKenzie p. q. R»: 3 Tin? *i • < It will be de-, . yered ro you :■» ,J cents for three n mths witu n^stace prepaid. Send in your v. dt SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH. (Corner First and Leigh Sts ) Rer. R H. Johnson, BJD. M.A, pas tor. Residence, 11E. Clay St. Ser vices ; Sunday. 11:30 A. M. and 8:11 P. M. Sunday School, 10 A. M. All are Invited. 9ECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (South Richmond) Rev. E C Smith, A. B., Paqtor, residence, 1704 Stockton St. Service! Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8;00' P. M.; Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.'J B. Y. P. U., 6:30 P. M. All are wel come. I Mt. Olivet and Union Hope Baptist Churche*, King William Co., Va. 'l Rev. G. C Rolling, B- Th., pastor. Residence. 50? West Clay Street, Richmond. Va. Phone MadiSon 2571-J. Services at Mt. Olivet Bap tist Church, second and fourth Sun days. Services at Union Baptist Church, fir?1 ;,nd third Sundays. Location: Stop 5. Richmond-Peters burg Pike. I Life Policy NO W is the tune to think of your self and dependents. You may be next, you never can tell. Stop - think • ate you at life’s railroad crossing? When death does come, how many families are prepared? To how many families does it mean financial distress, lack ot protection? A Union Life Policy will protect you and your family. It coats but Kftjg, and means everything! Why not have one of oar agents call upon you and show you how easily you can prepare for the inevitable? A postal, a letter or phone call is all is necessary to bring him to you. UN1 ON LIFE V 9 N SURANCE <CO. r- JOHN N. LAWLER PRESIDENT ■ > itOMC^OFnCES^L«W.BUILOING.WCHHONO, W( \ L BACKACHES from KIDNEY or BLADDER CATARRH in the Aged Soon eased bythe genuine SantalMldy Effective-Harmless EDW. STEWART 203 S SECOND STREET _ua, r./17 ^ t.Y FANCY GROCERIES. FKESP MEATS, VEGETABLES, } 1SH AM' <JYSTLRS. Richmond, Va. PHONE MAD. 1681 THE GREAT , WORLD’S FAIR JJNIMENT CURES *11 Ache* and Pain*, Rhemnat ism, Lame Backs, Btil Joints, It*, lest known remedy for FLU Price $1.00.—Catalof free. S. D. LYON, 318 N. Central Oklahoma City, Okla. . Good Medicine To DRIVE OUT COLDS, Chills, Fevers, Headaches, Indigestion, Constipation. 25c and 50c Bottles all Drug Stores. . a MISSING Ira M. Rusk, age, 21 years; height, 5 feet 10 inches; weight* 165 pounds; color of hair, medium brown. Has a birth mark the size: of dime on back of head where hair, is lighter in color. Been missing thi'ee years up to April 9, 1928.: His mother is Mrs. Rusk, 4210 j Oakenwald Avenue, Chicago, tele phone Oakland 1408. Thanking you, we are Yours very truly, ERWIN GREER. MT. OLIVE BAPT. CHURCH Services: 10 A. M., Sunday School; 11:30 A. M., Preaching each Sunday; 3:30 P. M., Lord’s Supper each first Sunday. Rev. J. S. Johnson, A. M., D-D., [Pastor. ' James M. Brown, Clerk EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER ^111 Promot** * Pall Growth of Hair, Will also Restore ths Strength, VI tality and th* Beanty of tho Hair. If your Hair is Dry and Wiry Try EAST INDIA MIR RROWFR If yon are bothered with ThWafl Tair, Dandruff. Itshlag Mf, or any Hair Troablo, wa vut T*« Ro t*f a JAR or HUT OTOIA HAim mow er. Tho Maofj ooataiao nati on} proprieties that go to Be rao* of tho Hair, stlnalatse tho tala, helping nature do lta work. Leave* the hair eofl aad Mlky. Parfansd wIB I tain ef a Boaoaad lowers. Tho taot known remedy for Heavy and Boanttfal Black Eye-Prows, also reatorea Gray Bttr to Hi Mtaaral Color. Caa ta aood with Hot nogtaRny. ta^iuii •• taM, | " agents OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, 1 1 Bhampoo, 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Faoe Cream and D'rec- | I tlon for Selling, $2.00. « cents extra for postage. \ s. d. LTONa sit w. ommk »•. ofckfc—• °*fc» INTERIOR VIEW OF THE PALATIAL SOUTHERN BARBER SHOP, 605 BROOK AVENUE. The Latest Style Hair-Cuts a Feature with Hair Bobbing for Ladies a Specialty. Shampooing, Hair Singeing, with all of the latest methods for doing sanitary and antiseptic work always available. THe TONSORIAL ARTISTS here are well known and reliable, being skilled at the business. Invalids can receive attention at their homes. Hot Wa-ter and Baths Available, d*'. SOUTHERN BARBER SHOP 605 BROOK AVENUE TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 1630-W J C. COOPER, PROPRIETOR. 243-J. PHONES 61-w J. E. JOHNSON (Q. Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Pythian Hall, ASHLAND, VA.