Newspaper Page Text
? i * i iMblialusd Lvery Ssturdgy by Maun***, <*■ U til North Fourth Itww*. Ittihi i-1 ** JOHN MITCHELL, JR..?..EDITOR «il cooiuiunication* Intended tor publication <«ould be sue* to resell u* by 1fe*neday. Entered at the .'ait Office at Richmond. Virginia, a* second clan matter. 9m Yesr .9 190 Six Months . LM three Months .99 foreign Subscriptions ...?.1150 Foreign Advert*./* Representative. W. B. riff Company. <W l/earboni Street. Chicago; 1*1 Victoria Building. 9t. Louis, Mo ; *1*0 Longacre Building, Ne» York. SATURDAY.AUGUST IS, 102S Hon. J. Thomas Newsome has a unique way of declining: an appoint ment on the Advisory Committee of the Republican Party. The letter sent to him is being used as a boom erang. He can safely conclude to have no further correspondence upon that subject. We are of the opinion that the tine is not far distant when by( mechanical, electrical processes, the cye-less shall be made to see and the car-less shall bo made to hear. What other conclusion are we to draw when evon now, lion. Herbert j Hoover was seen and heard while he was speaking by persons, who were thousands of miles away? *»~«k¥*IUN. Mid*.. Hon. Harry Smith, of Ohio, was aj candidate for the Republican nomi nation for Governor of that great, State. There is but one of his kind, ?iot only in his own State, but in the United States of America. Regard less of his whims and his peculiari ties, he is one of the ablest and most conscientious race leaders our group has ever produced. He has always been consistent in his attitude and we j say this as a result of an observation of his course on racial matters dur ing a period of forty years or more. In our comment on the attack by Republican emissaries upon Hon. Perry W. Howard, we meant to con-; vey the impression that Hon. Alfred E. Smith, of New York, was slated for a beating by the Republican managers, but if the gentlemen con tinued their assaults upon these old line political leaders, the^ might find j out that there is many “a slip ’twixt, the cup and the lip.” In other words j the dissatisfied Negro vote might be, the cause of their undoing. This comment is for the benefit ofj our great and good friend, Editor | Fred R. Moore, of the New York Age. __ Tie address of Hon. Herbert Hoover accepting the nomination for the office cf President of the United States takes high rank and is ab solutely devoid of unfortunate poli tical declarations. It will form a' most valuable basis of discussion on the part of the Republican campaign orators of the country. The Negro question forms no part of the de-, liverances and a remote inference with reference to equality of oppor tunity to all citizens can only lie pre sumed by the most optimistic to re fer to the citizens of color. Equality of opportunity for the “brother in black” is a ".ar cry”, I so long as the doors of W est Point j Military Academy remain barred] against one race and are open to all i others, with no other military estab-j lishment elsewhere in this country ^ of equal military equipment, fostered by the United States Government open to him elsewhere. The dis tinguished Californian is hampered] by these surroundings and he is help less and hopeless in /the face of j them. The military oligarchy is all powerful in Washington and it has no rival, but that of the Prohibition Department, which is not as yet pro vided with the huge sums of money periodically available to the War and Navy Departments of this govern ment. Theodore Roosevelt, the super-man could not withstand it and neither can Herbert Hoover, of California, nor Alfred E. Smith, of New York. The brilliant statesman evidently knows this and this is why he did not encumber his admirable address with words on the Negro question, which could have no sig nificance. THE COLORED DIVISION. Chairman Hubert Work, of the Republican National Committee has created a Colored Voters’ Division to direct the Hoover-Curtis campaign am. mr ’-he colored citizens of the country. John R. Hawkins, the bril liar:. Methodist worker has been named a> chairman and Alton L. Ho'soy, Secretary of Tusktgee in stitute- has been chosen as secretary, i This seems to account for the pres ence in Washington recently of that p: ' uml scholar. Dr. R. R. Motor H e gentlemen named rank high the oratorical and educational in s, although their experience in polities is limited. Mr. Hawkins is one of the ablest leaders in the United States among our people. In the great religious denomination with which he is affiliated his influ ence is second to none, in our opin ion. T h e Executive Committee, named, from a political standpoint is tho best, when we consider Walter Foster, of Boston; Adelbert H. Rob erts, of Chicago; John E. Nail, of New York; Robert R. Church, of Memphis; Emmett J. Scott, of Wash ington. But these people should be in Washington to advise and to co operate. Certainly, it will be nec essary to have frequent conferences to avoid unforeseen mistakes. This Perry W. Howard blunder should be harmonized and corrected as a first step to secure political co-operation throughout the country. Walter L. Cohen and that tower of strength, either North or South, Benjamin J. Davis, of Georgia, should be called . into conference. These men have | committed no crime and they have j borne the political burden of the day, , so to speak. I j The attempt to how! them down and to discredit them should be dis ! credited. Mrs. Mabel Walker \\ ille j brandt, who has evidently been de ; ceived in throwing the weight of her ! great influence against them and ' their associates should be induced to . cease her warfare, even though she 1 may think and believe the success of ! the Republican Party and Hon. fler ! bert Hoover is already assured. We ! are giving this advice upon our own i motion. We are reflecting sentiment i in this immediate “neck of the woods” and we have good reason to believe that this same sentiment has | and is permeating Negro centres in other parts of the country. “Nuff Sed.” J Come one! Come all and enjoy yourselves on this great Shepherd s Outf ng. Train will leave 16th and Broad promptly at 3 M.; leaving Bay Shore at 11:30 P. M. This will give you seven hours at the Beach, just enough time not to tire you. Won't it be grand, yes, just some thing to be desired by every pleasure lover in the city and surrounding territory. Grand Shepherd Ora Brown Stokes and Granc Recording Sec retary Mary E. Cousins accom plished some very nice work for the Order while in attendance upon National Association cf Colored Women’s Clubs, in Wasrington last veek. They brought back to Rich mond an adult and a juvenile fold. This report gives you some idea of iu wonderful influence exerted by Mrs. Stokes in the big cities and rational organizations. We wish ihese two ladies could find a big national convention to attend every week. The Shepherds profit thereby. The second week in September, the time of our Grand Session is looking us in the face. A few more days and Shepherds from all sections of the Brotherhood will converge at Richmond in the 18th Annual Grand Session of our beloved Order. The sessions will be held at the Leigh S root M. E. Church, corner Leigh and Fifth. This Church is located in 'he same block that our Head quarters is situated. This an-ange ment should add greatly to our Convention since it will be possible for every delegate to visit Head quarters and make mSnute nspection thereof. To look upon Headquariers will be sufficient cause for increased pride and intros; in the Order. Con ributions for Headquarters continue to conm \;. The follow-Tig Ft Uls repor:ed since our last writing Free of Croaker..$5.00 Clark’s Invinc ble . *>.00 Fannie B. Taulton. 5.0<> | Mrs. Mary E. Freeman reports i that she is planning a great surprise i to the Grand Fold by reporting a | sum of money collected from iher friends for headquarters. Watch l»er. I am sure you have heard * about her before, i A fine Juvenile was reported by Deputy Mary E. Freeman a few days -ago for West. Philadelphia. Daugh ' trr Mamie Yates is the Matron. ' Many congratulations to Deputy , Freeman for this very welcome ad dition to oud Order. ! I G. O. P. NATIONAL COMMITTEE SEEKS TO ROUND UP VIR GINIA NEGRO VOTE NEWPORT NEWS, VA., Aug. 11. —J. Thomas Newsome, Negro lawyer land editor of the Star, Negro news I paper, of this city, has been invited to become a member of the advisory 'committee of the Colored Voters’ Division of the National Republican Committee, which is seeking to line up for Hoover the Negro vote of the United States. The colored people of this city have for sometime, been inclined to ward the Democratic party, and New some has decided to wait'a while be fore deciding definitely whether he will accept the invitation. The Star recently carried an editorial in which Al Smith, the Democratic nominee for President, was praised for his straight-forward stand on prohibi tion. In discussing the information from the Republican National Committee, )Newsome today said: “I think I shall wait before giving 0 0 0 Cures Chilis enc' Fever, i Intermittent. Remittent and Bilious Fe ver due to Malaria. It K;’*!- tbe Gem s. my answer to the chairman of the Colored Division of Negro Voters, to see how many of the leading Democrats in the South are actually deserting the Democratic party. If Governor Smith is to be defeated solely on account of his religion, thereby establishing a precedent for religious intolerance in this country, I think it well that all of the minor ity groups should be exceedingly cautious before taking any action that might tend to bring about such a result, it may be that a few days will reveal the actual state of things, and then it will be time enough for me to act in the premises.” The letter from the National Re publican Committee follows: August 8, 1928. J. Thomas Newsome, Attorney at Law, Newport News, Va. My Dear Newsome,—In connec tion * with the organization of the Colored Voters’ Division of the Re publican National Committee, we are inviting you to serve as a mem ber of the advisory committee, as the campaign progresses, you will be subject to call for some specific work, and we very much hope you may see your way clear to accept the* appointment and its attendant responsibilities. Your very truly, The Colored Voters’ Division. John R. Hawk: .:s, chairman, Albin L. Holsey, Secretary. TOM BIRD 81 YEARS OLD. Tom Bird, bl ml news-carrier, ce'. ebrated his Sis; b rtliday August 5 192b. Though physically weak, and l ot able to travel the streets as in former years, he may be seen in th,j doorway in the rear of the Central National Bank Building on Third Street, selling his papers to the passers-by. With a smile he is re ceiving the congratulations and re membrances of his many friends, trine and colored. Drop t piece of diver ,n his hat. v SHERIFF’S SALE. I snail sell at Public Auction on August 21, 192S', at 11 o’clock A. M. in the SHERIFF’S OFFICE, Room 212, City Hall, the following notes: 23 Notes of the HIGHWAY REAL TY and ENTERTAINMENT COR PORATION for $30.00 each dated January 26, 1927 with inter/est' from date: „4 Notes of SHADDENS CRIT TENDEN and MARTHA CRITTEN DEN. daoed July 16, 1924, for $10.00 each with 'interest from date: 21 Nottes of OSCAR BROWN, for $8.00! each, dated June 25, 1924. wth interest from date. 10 Notes of MARCELLUS COLE MAN, lor $10.00 each dated May 28. 1924. with inrenest from date. The above notes are being sold under order of the Circuit Court of the Ci’ty of Richmond: In Re: RICHMOND STOVE CO.. Vs. RICH MOM) SUBURBAN CORPORATION. TERMS: CASH. J. HERBERT MERCER. Sheriff of the City of Richmond. Va. FULTON NOTES Rev. C. A. Cobbs delivered a forceful anil inspiring message to all present last Sunday. The Rev. C. B. Jefferson preached at the Union Baptist Church, South Richmond, last Sunday evening. Rev. G. W. Coleman preached the funeral services of Sister Bettie Richardson last Sunday at 1 P. M., at the Second Liberty Baptist Church. New Kent County. The revival services held at the Zion Grove Baptist Church, Clover. Va., last week were quite a success. These services were conducted by the Rev. W. L. Tuck, of Richmond, Va. The crowds were so large every evening that the church could not hold them. The meeting netted fourteen conversions IK s'«eaf• at Barksdale, pastor. Rev. Tuck, while in Clover, resided at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Watkins, v :v ;i ed ! ini very kindly along with many other friends. A great p'a:tYrm m. ..'ting at the Shiloh Banti?' < hurck tomorrow at 3:30 P. M., benefit the Virginia Bap tist .State Sunday School Convention. The officers anil teachers of our variouj Sunday Schools will com pose the talents on the program. Rev. S. L. Bush, B. D., pastor. Rev. C. B. Jefferson, assistant. July 23, 1928. Mrs. Olivett Robinson, 2222 Fitzwater Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Madam: Receipt is hereby acknowledged of your Westren Union Telegrtam of July 21st, requesting me to locate Ruby Taylor and to advise her that there was a death in her family. You will please be advised that a general search was made for this woman without success; your tele gram was furnished the public press but up to this time without results or information, should any information be obtained you will be immediately advised, I am, \ Yours truly, | R. B. Jordan, Chief of Police. ASW-em. Copy to Mr. John Mitchell, Editor Richmond Planet. ROANOKE WETTER. A fine missionary program Wl rendered at Mt. * Zdbn 'A,- M. B* Church Sunday 8 P. M. under the direction of Mrs. Gertrude Hatcher. 1 Miss Ethel Walkjer, of Saleni N. C. is in the city risitte* Mrs. Carrie L. Wilke*. Ilf HtityS Avenue N.-B. ^ Mrs. Hester Wade, of Philadel phia is In the dm: Mrs. BUa Smith of WWfclngtott, D. C. Is visiting Mrs. Belle Penn. i Patronize Madison Stanfield. He will serve yon at 15V MSdfiWI H9« N. W. Th,e Planet is sold there cnly 60 cents for 3 months; 5d par copy. 1 ' • * • • i .ilVifcSl hair for old Alliter Harris, Famous Star Exelento Quinine Pomade-makes your hair new ! It is more than a hair dressing. It is the original Quinine Pomade! Its beneficent medication goes di rect to the roots of the hair, nourishing the tender hair follicles. It imparts a new lustre to the hair by giving it new life. And it’s a natural lustre! EXELENTO ^POMADE quickly relieves itching scalp and stops dandruff. It is I exquisitely fragrant and a real pleasure to use. At All Drug Stores. Samples of all our preparations and valuable Book of Beauty Secrets sent FREE. Send name and address to EXELENTO MEDICINE CO., ATLANTA, GA. NOTE—We also manufacture the famous Exelento Skin Soap, Exelento Face Powder, Exelento Skin Oint ment, and Exelento Peroxide Vanishing Cream. Whites CreeK Road, Nashville. Tennessee Operated by Nat’l. Bapt. Convention & Southern Bapt. Convention A FIRST CLASS THEOLOGICAL S ifOOL. TWO COURSES LEADING TO DEGREES. STRONG FACULTY .Opens in September—Closes in May. SEMINARY OPENS THIS YEAR SEPTEMBER 25. 1928« For catalogue and other Information write. WILLIAM T. AMINGER, President The Union Life Insurance Company of Virginia invites your patronage See Adv. on Page 8 I Sri • ' !' if*. & ,:-, $■ $ DEATHS REPORTED * & f & ** The following is a list of deaths of colored persons reported >o ihe Richmond Bureau of Health from August 7 to Augus 14, 1928, with the age and date of death: • <*> ■ vAv r - *• ] Lillian Haranna Maness. age 13 years; CIS N. 3rd St.; Aug. 4. Julia Ellett, 32 years; 2817 N. R St.; August 6. Evelyn Johnson, 43 years; Ta llin St.; August 5 Millie Cook, 50 years; 713 Bowe St. August C. ^ Lula Banks, 24 years; 1100 State St.; August 3. Addie Johnson, 49 years; 913 Wil liam St.; August 5. Isabelle Hamm, 38; 24 N. 21st St.; August 7. „ Elvira Johnson, 66; 508 W. Baker St.; August '5 . James L. Johnson, 51; 1105 Oak St.; August 9. Agnes Russell, 42; 112 W. 5th St.; August 8. Alice Mildred Nelson, 3 months; 3827 6th St.; August 8. James Sharp, ^4 years; 809 Gilbert Avenue; August 3. Lois Myrtle Munford, 9 months; 2303 Everett St.; August 10. Baby Williams, 1 day; 80S S. 1st St.; August 8. James Hendricks, 47; 3806 8tK St. I; August 9. . Beftie Richardson, 60; 4108 IwH* liamsbnrg Avenger August 9* ra Jessie James Myles, 24; 1129 N. 29th St.; August 10. Thelma Owjens, 1 year; 10'29 Wil liams St.; August 11. Thomas Gholson. 3; 1108 W. Moore St.; August 9. Martha Quarles, 37; 728 N 2nd St.; August 9. Rachel E. Hall, 56; 2300 Old Do* minion St.; August 9. Annie O. Jackson, 1 year; 3218 N. P St.; August 11. John Williams, 40; City Home; August llv 1 Sanders Sower, 71; City Home; August II. 1 George Lewis, 38; St. Philips Hos pital; August 11. Bernard Bagby, 10 months; 711 N. 6th St.; August 13 . William Ross, 19; 515 Matihews St. August 11. Pearl Henderson, 37; 447 N. 18th' St.; August 10. Baby Morton, 8 days; 3123 Monu ment Avenue; August 10. Rosa Belser, 19; City Home; August 12. William Carter, 41; 2 Mill Road; August 10. Arthur Givens, 2 weeks; 17 E Du-' val St.- August 12. Columbia Wat is, 00 years; £44 Brook Avemir; August 12. ok?! O' T.i: V 'i’ke McCoy’s Tablet ‘•a and get enough v 1* ‘h an his bones to look like a real man. ’i him t•: Cue whole country ;“cognize:.; McCoy s as the one great builder. Toil him that thousands of men ar.d women once just as thin as he are now proud of their well-knit, at tractive figure. One thin woman put on 15 pounds in six weeks. McCoy takes all the risk—Read] this ironclad guarantee. If after I taking four sixty-cent boxes of Me-] Coy’s Tablets or two one dollar! boxes any thin, underweight man or! woman doesn’t gain at least five j pounds and feel completely satisfied' with the marked improvement in health—your druggist is authorized, to return the purchase price. The name McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets has been shortened—just ask for McCoy’s Tablets at any drug store in Americ^. _. rj !> VIRGINIA: In the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, Wednesday, August 15, 1928. Frank Davis .Plaintiff against Pearl C. Davis.Defendant The object of this suit is to ob tain a divorce from the bond of matrimony by the plaintiff from the defendant on the ground of wilful desertion and abandonment, and an affidavit having been made and filed that the said defendant is not a resi dent of the State of Virginia, and that her last known post office ad dress was Washington, D. C., it is hereby ordered that the said Pearl C. Davis appear here within ten days after due publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect her interest in this suit. I A Copy—Teste: ’ GARLAND B. TAYLOR, D. C. c. a. McKenzie, p. q. L. J. HAYDEN Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicines | TO RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CHARG1 224 W. Broad St., Richmond, Va. DO YOU LOVE HEALTH ? 1 II so, call unu bee L. J. HAYDEN, Manufacturer of Pur© Herb Medicine* '224 West Broad Street.. My mediclues will relieve you or no charge, no ; matter what your disease, sickness or affliction may be and restore yo% (to perfect healtn< I use nothing but herbs, roots, barks, gun. balsaams, , leaves, seed, berries, Dowers and plants in my medicines They have ’relieved thousands that hav© given up to die. MY MEDICINES CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Heart Disease, ] Blood, Kidney, Bladder, Ptlee in any form, Vertigo, Quinsy, Sore Throat, i Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Constipation, Rheumatism In any form, Fains and Aches of any Kind, Colds, Bronchial Troubles, skin Diseases, aU Itching Sensations, Female Complaints, LaGrlppe, Pneumonia, Ulcers, Carbuncles, ; Boils, Cancer in its worst form without use of knife or instrument, Eczema, 1 Pimples on face and body, Diabetes of Kidneys, Bright’s Disease of Kidneys. My medicines relieve any disease, ne matter what nature, or yonr money refunded. Medwines seat anywhere. Foy full particulars, write, send ocsaU on L. J HAYDEN, 224 Weej Broa d Street. ^ 1 Richmond. Va., July 8, 1915. A perfect cure has been effected bv L. J. Hayden’s Pure Herb Medi cines After waitinp thirteen years and have not Buffered from the horrible disease, travel, I desire to make a statement to L. J. Hayden: Thirteen years ago twelve leading physicians of my city treated me for Kidney trouble and gravel without the desired benefit. These doctors advised me to be operated on, as that was the only chance for me. I was advised to go and get some of L. i Hayden’s Herb Medicine and try be fore being operated on. I did so, and in twenty-four hours after using his medicines, I passed at least a half dozen gravel, some as big as a lar?e pea. Since that time I have not suffered with the gravel- 1 highly recommend L. J. Haydens medicine to all Buffering human.ty. I am, J* A, TAvjJk, 4 Auburn Ave., Richmond, Va. IMPROVEMENT NOTED AT ONCM Mr. L. J. Hayden, 224 West Broad Street, Richmond^, Va . _ .. 1 reeetved your treatment u. and I have started to taking ltj already for a few days, and k ha* already begun to improve my alP ment so I am sending to you for one more bottle of medicine for the blood. I have spoken to many of ay frlendp and they cay they are going to send for a treatment I think it Is a great remedy. I do not suffer with zny pains as I need to and my, appetite Is Inst fas and I deep mack bettor every nlgfet and fad tie1 every morning. Yonra truly, EDWARD BRYANT, Douglas, Anon*. Camp Harry J. Jones, Co. D, 25 th Infantry. • • I FOUND GREAT RELIEF. Power, W. Va., Feb. 9, 1026. L. J. Hayden, 224 Weal Broad Street, lOiCbuioud, Va. Dear Sir: I received your medl clue and 1 uniat Buy that It haa done me bo uiueo &ooa and It makes me * feel bo much oetter. I am writing you to bead me aome more ub yoc oa.u in your letter that It wouid taa» inoie ilian one treatment lours truly, to re!-eve a person of his trouble. ThauKHig you, i aui, 224 V\ett Broad Street, *oura truly, MBS. MAR? GROCE, Power, W. Va. MORE WANTED. Dauberrine, Pa., March *6, l»*l. Mr. L. J. Hayden, 224 Wert Broad Street •Richmond, Va. • . Dear sir; Please send me your Blood Purifler sad Stomach TTsmadj l got some a few yean age wfclufe | found to be so very goes tw ng> ,ge«tlon. Bo tad motomi money order for 9S.fl. Flaws* trr m Mad the medicine as mm as yoeUble u I 8m in need of tL Yonre truly, ««. . MRS. CHARLES EBLD9G, Deubervrllle, Pa.. C. S. CUNNINGHAM, Funeral Director Phone Randolph 4184 Residence Phone Randolph 3167 1816 HULL STREET, SOUTH RICHMOND, VA/ The latest style funeral equipment. Caskets, either metallic,, mahogany, oak, etc. Prices die lowest, consistent with service., Orders received at all hours, and wiH receive immediate at tention. Automobile Service, C. S. CUNNINGHAM M. L. MIWOK - CUNNINGHAM & MINOR 507 N. Fifth Street Richmond, Va., Phone Randolph 3052 Service Available At All Hours. Satufactioft GwMNd.i Ycur Patronage Is SoKdtad.< I _____> : f it* U7(VK (Successorto C« r < rl/A * A. Hayes '•&. Son) 727 N. 2d St., Richmond, Va. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN FUNERAL EQUIPMENT. Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Social Affairs or Short or Long Distance Trips—Fuie Caskets—Chapel Service Free. Country Orders Solicited—Prompt and Satisfactory Service ! Phone Madison 2778. Day or Nisht Calls Answered Promptly. i_ liJlWiOMJ, KKfcDIJKICK.MU tv. <LN'I» POTOaIaC KAILK41AI. (Broad Street Station, exeepi wii^r* otherwise Indicated) Leave for Arrive froa 4:00 *10..Washington and beyond.fl irt «u M4:23 am..Washington and beyond. .1411:07 pn 0:60 am..North (no coachee).B:2n pm *7:10 am..Aihlaod Local .*8:68 an 8:80 am.. Washington Local ....11.10 aza am .Washington tnd beyond.Sirs pi 12:01 pm..Washington and beyond.I:nt pu >fl:CR! pm..North (no coaches).MS:16 (m *2:00 pin. .Washington Local .0:M pa 8-Sfl pm. Washington and beyoad.l:os pra **4:26 pro. .Washington Loczd . *4:84 pm. .rrederickshurg Local .*6:18 an *44:88 pm .Washington and beyond..MU:I7 p» *0:88 pm..Ashland Local .*1:18 pa 8:M pm..Washington and beyond.... 16:50 aa M Main street Station. AN ANNOUNCEMENT. The Goodwill Baptist Church, 410 N Monroe Street Is a new unit to tne Baptist Church, with a very broad program. Rev. W. R. Bail, pastor Invites the public and bis tnanv friends to worship Sunday, August 19. 11:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M.. Communion 1st Sunday*, 8:30 P. M Sunday school, 10:00 A. M. Special music. All are invited. RISING MT. ZION BAPT CHURCH. (800 Denny Street, "bilton) Rev. O. B. Simms, B. Th., Pastor, Residence, 728 Denny St. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30* A, M. All are welcome. OTHER PEOPLE JUDGE YOU NOW BY YOUR nHMfu*-.- M FURNITURE When you can get FURN1TURJI and RUGS from an Old Established House like JURGBNS—that’s known to sell the beet quality goods, Just as reason able as elsewhere—why not give your friends a good impression. It will give ns the greatest treasure to show you our wonderful stock of home making, comfort giving FTJJLNITURJ and RUGS and—don’t fall to ask oar Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives you I, 10 or 16 months to which to pay for any purchase. CHAS. G. JURGENS Si ESTABLISHED 1180. ADAMS AND BROAD >1 Read the “Planet.” Send us your subscription. A 'phone call will bring a news boy to your door sfurf