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RICHMOND .VIRGINIA. I. O. of King David Stages Great Session Shows Great Increase in Membership and Money. , i Rev. Dr. F. W. Williams Delivers the Annual Sermon. # Grand Worthy Rirfer Adelaide G. Thompson-Taylor Gracefully Presides—Fine Parade Precedes Public Meeting. The twentieth annual session of the Imperial Order of King Dav: ! convened Tuesday, September 4. 1928, at 10 A. M., at the Sharon Baptist Church here with Grand Worthv Ruler Mrs. A. G. Thompson Taylor in the chair. After routine business the roll of committees was, called and the report of the com mittee on credentials awaited. Miss Mary M. Scott, G. W. S., called the. roster of delegates. The grand of ficers had previously answered toj their names. An acquaintance meet ing. at which free refreshments were served, took place Tuesday at 1 P. M. , _ . • The spectacular parade took place at 7 P. M. Tuesday. The new uni form for the Uniform rank was dis played and greatly pleased this de partment. Captain Hester _ Friend had charge of the rank. Miss Julia Robinson marched as David, the Shepherd. The exercises Tuesday night were as follows: Grand Worthy Ruler A. G. Tay lor presided as mistress of cere monies. A large crowd filled the auditorium. The 23rd Psalm was read. The Sharon Baptist Church choir, under the efficient leadership of Dr. J. L. Peters, sang, after which Miss Sallie Cowan, the accomplished Sunday School worker, read the Scriptures. Prayer was offered by Rev. W. H. Ford, first vice-ruler. Music by the choir. Mr. Bernard Allen read a well prepared address of welcome on the behalf of the church. Response by Rev. J. R. Beverly. A carefully prepared address was read by Prof. J. H. Blackwell. Re sponse by Mrs. Peggy Miles. Wel come address on the part of the Homes. Response by Mrs. Martha Thompson. G. W. Second Vice-Ruler. Then Mrs. Rosa Talley Branch thrilled the audience with her singing of ‘‘When the Bridegroom Cometh Bye and Bye”. She was rapturously applauded and returned to sing an other selection. The efficient secretary. Miss Mary M. Scott, read a short report of the work during the past year. It was brimfull of information. The choir sang a selection during which a col lection was delivered. Mrs. Taylor introduced Rev. Fendall W. Wil liams. D. D.. pastor of the Fourth Baptist Church. He spoke from Esther 4:14. Subject, “God’s Pur pose and Our Opportunity”. For forty minutes he gave advice to the congregation, drawing vivid com parisons with the story as told in the Book of Esther. The awarding of prizes to the winners concluded the evening ex ercises. — SABBATH GLEE CLUB SCORES HEAVILY The Sabbath Glee Club scored heavily on their second annual ap pearance at the Queen Street Bap tist Church, Hampton, Va., Rev. B. H. Johnson, pastor, on Sunday, Sep tember 2, 1928, at 3:30 P. M. On this Sunday, which was the opening of the fall rally, the club rendered a program of about an hour, consisting of about fourteen numbers, being divided between the popular spirituals and semi-classical renditions. Solo by Mr. Walter White, Mies Ivadell Porter, instruc tor of music at State College, ac companist. The esteem with which the club is held can best be judged when it is stated that the church was packed. Before and after the concert the club was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Minkins, 2961 Hampton Road, an instructor of carpentry at the Normal School and the director of music at Queen Street Church. After being served an elaborate sup-J per at his residence, an impromptu! musical program was rendered, in-t terspersed with remarks from sev eral guests present. Miss Porter’s rendition of “Inflammatus”, assisted by the club and our own “Bob” Wilder as toastmaster, were the features of the day. I The Club Richmond Monday to fill an engagement in King William County for the Negro Organization Society, under Mr. Lorenzo C. White, executive secretary. CARD OF THANKS I. James Carter, and family take this method in thanking the com Shepherds in 18th Annual Session Here Next Week Delegates From 8 States and District of Columbia I * Big Parade and Trip to Ashland Will Feature Public Events Here. I munity and friends for the loyalty j shown us during the short illness and ! death of our daughter, Louise E. Carter Bullocks, who departed this life August 28, 1928. May God ever bless and keep us. Yours truly, JAMES CARTER AND FAMILY. | 721 Denny Street. Fulton. -- * GRAVEL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH j — Rev. W. L. Tuck, Pastor Pastor Tuck has been conducting revival services. We were blessed with twenty-seven conversions. There will be baptizing on the fourth Sunday at 10 A. M. You are welcome. 1 We were glad to have Mrs. Tuck [ back with us after a long illness. | J. M. ANDERSON. CARD OF THANKS. I sincerely thank the many friends j for the kindnesses shown me during the illness of my wife, Roxie Robin son Smith, especially the neighbors, Rev. Father Farety, the choir and the sisters of St. Joseph’s Church; also for the beautiful testimonials of sympathy at her death. WM. B. SMITH. DR. HILL TAKES CHARGE OF SECOND BAPTIST SEPT. 16TH Rev. Joseph T. Hill. B. D. will take charge of Second Baptist Church as the pastor on Sunday, September 16th. 1928. The public is invited to hear him at 11:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Come earlv ro get a seat. E. F. JOHNSON, Chairman Deacon Board. ! W. S. BANKS, Church Clerk, j LEAVE FOR MAINE (New York Times, September 1st) : Dr. Hubert Work, chairman of, the Republican National Committee, stopped off here yesterday on his __ ,, . 1 way from W ashington to Maine, con ferred with local party leaders and declared in a talk with newspaper reporters that Herbert Hoover would [carry New York against Governor* Smith. Dr. Work added that he had j no doubt of Mr. Hoover’s election and predicted that Governor Smith [would get ‘about as many electoral ; votes as John W. DaviS did in 1924.” ! Dr. Work based his prediction on national prosperity. ‘‘Economic con ditions are about the same as they were when the landslide for Coolidge occurred,” he said. “If anything, they have improved.” UNION LEVEL NOTES Sunday morning we had a wonder ful time. Rev. Ecfttafc Charity preached morning and night. All enjoyed the messages. Our pastor, Rev. B. J. Ruffin, con ducted a meeting last week in Em [poria, Va., for Rev. S. L. Perry. Rev. Alexander Hargrove is doing wonderful work in New York. He is now pastoring a church there. Last Thursday the funeral services of Sister Louise C. Bullocks were held at 2:30 P. M. Services con ducted by the pastor, assisted by Rev. C. A. Cobbs, of Mt. Calvary i Baptist Church. The Mt. Calvary* choir rendered music. Solo by Mrs. Viola Neal and Mrs. Ethel Lewis. Sister Louise C. Bullocks was one of our Sunday School teachers and also a member of the choir. Sunday the pastor will preach. Miss Georgia Carter returned here for the funeral occasion. DON’T MISS IT—DON’T MISS IT Mount Tabor Baptist Church, Woodville. Our pastor, Rev. Dr. W. H. Skip with, will preach all day. Subject, 11:30 A. M., “The Forgotten Vow”; 6:30 P. M., B. Y. P. U., lively pro- ' gram; 8:15 P. M., preaching, sub ject, “The Second Coming.” Good singing by the choir and pastor at each service. Everybody invited. Richmond will entertain the eigh teenth annual convention of the Im proved Order of Shepherds and Daughters of Bethlehem, which will meet here next week, beginning Tuesday. The sessions will be held in the Leigh Street Memorial M. E. Church, corner Fifth and Leigh Streets, and headquarters will be maintained at the order’s new head quarters building, corner Sixth and Leigh Streets. The convention will open in the church at 10 A. M. Tues day morning and will continue in session two days. The public meet ing will take place Tuesday night at Leigh Street Methodist Church and a splendid program will be rendered. The paraole will start from the headquarters at 5:30 P. M. Tuesday and will present a colorful spectacle on Leigh and Clay Streets. Four bands and many marching clubs and military units will participate. The line of march is as follows: South on Sixth to Clay, west on Clay to Sec (Continued on P««« 8) NATIONAL IDEALS DEDICATE NEW BUILDING. Impressive Exercises Here. The National Ideal Society held a fine session here this week. The prime move was the dedication of the new building, which was a ver itable scene of beauty last Tuesday night when it was thrown open to the inspection of the public. It had been elaborately decorated, both in side and out. Supreme Worthy Mas ter A.. W. Holmes was congratulated on all sides for his effort. The spacious auditorium in the building accommodated the visiting delegates. All expense incident to the erection of this structure has been paid. Mrs. Lelia Williams Bankett was a central figure arrang ing the affair and she is now ready for a "whirlwind canvass for mem bers throughout the country. Elks Have Great Session in Chicago J. F. Wilson is Re-elected Without Opposition. G Secretary Bates and G. Treas. Garter Succeeded by Others. i i I Steam Roller Said to be All Powerful— Atlantic^City in J92?: 4 I... .» I Greatest Social Event j in Tidewater j Eclipsing in brilliancy of setting 'and in the personnel of attendance of any social event witnessed here within the memory of the oldest in habitants was the beautiful wedding ! of Miss Maurice Ethelred, only , daughter of Lawyer and Mrs. J. I Thomas Newsome, to Prof. Irving Antony Derbigny, at the First Bap tist Church of Newport News, Va., iast Wednesday. i Attracted to the nuptials by the popularity of the contracting pair were hosts of many of the most prominent people of the race from this and other States. The entire faculty of the State College located at Petersburg, headed by Dr. John M. Gandy, president of that institu tion, was present. Filling every available seat and space in the spacious church and overflowing in the streets adjacent to it were throngs of people who came out to show their respects to the young couple. The ring ceremony which was used in uniting the pair was beautifully and impressively performed by Rev. E. E. Smith, pastor of Zion Baptist Church of Portsmouth, Va., the foster son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Newsome. j Beginning the# ceremony was a solo, entitled "Beloved, ’Tis Morn”,' sung by Prof. L. F. Palmer, principal | of the Huntington High School, in that charming voice of his, which profoundly pleased the vast audi-. ence. At its conclusion Men delssohn’s wedding march was beau-1 tifully executed by Miss Undine Anna Smith, who also played the, (Continued from page 5) We direct attention to the adver tisement of the Lawntown Shoe Co. Special offerings are being made and this popular shoe emporium is enjoying liberal patronage on the part of th public. Let others do likewise. The Howard Pharmacy ia making important improvements. Call there for vour supplies. Read the an nouncement and prOfit thereby. ***** l ! The Grand Lodge. I. B. P. 0. | E. of W. met last week in Chicago ! Illinois, with Grand Exalted Ruler J. Finley Wilson presuding. Grand | Secretary George E. Bates sec retary. The parade was a grand at fair. The re-election of J. Finley Wilson was brought about before the committee on credentials had reported and was later in the session ratified. The account of the election is given as follows: i The sensation of the Grand Lodge loccurred last Thursday when George E. Bates, grand secretary, and James T. Carter, grand treasurer, were de feated for re-election. Mr. Bates had served as secretary for seven teen years. Mr. Carter had been the treasurer for fifteen years. James E. Kelley, a postman and exalted ruler of Jones Valley Lodge, No. 14, Birmingham, Ala., was elect ed to succeed Bates. James C. Mar (Continued on page 5) Reindeer to Meet io Baltimore, The Richmond Lodge, No. 12, B. P. of Reindeer, is making extensive preparation to attend the Sixth An nual Convention of Reindeer, whieh convenes in Baltimore, September 9th-12th, inclusively. The following members have been elected to repre sent Richmond Lodge at that time. Brothers Charles E. Dudley, John |Fulford, John Walker, George Ed ward Hunter, Nathaniel Roy and 1 Willie M. Grant. ; The Richmond Lodge of Reindeer has made rapid progress. Though young in existence, it boasts of one I of the largest memberships of Rein deer. Albert R. Patterson as dictator has given much of his time and means, i Therefore much of the success is due (largely to his efforts. The Order of Reindeer offers many inducements to men and women without any added taxation. The Fifth Anniversary of Richmond Lodge will be held from Armstrong High School auditorium, September 30, 1928, at 3:30 P. M. A very elaborate program has been arranged, featuring the famous Sabbath Glee Club, the honorable James T. Carter as speaker of the evening and many other features. The public is cordially invited to at tend. Colored Voters' Division, Executive Committee, Republican Rational Committee Which Met at Rational Republican Headquarters, Washington, on Wednesday, August 29th The members of the Executive Committee are shown above, flanked bv officers and workers of the sev erol divisions. Reading left to righ t are W. T. Andrews, Baltimore; Walter A Foster, Boston; Col. West A. Hamlin, Washington; State Spnafor \delbert H Roberts Chicag- John T Risher Washington; Mrs. Addie W. Hunton New York; Claude A. Barnett, Chicago; Seers tary Albnn L. Holsey, Tuskegee; Mrs. Daisy B. Lampkin, Pittsburgh; John R. Hawk ms, Washington Chairman ofthe Colored Voters Division; Attorney R. R. Homer, Washington; Mrs. Myrtle Foster Cook Kansas City; Joseph Johnson Washington; Dr. Emmett J. Scott, Wash.ngton; Robert L. Vann, Pittsb burgh; Mrs. George S. William*, Georg-a- George W Harris New York; Raymond Pace Alexander, Philadelphia; Clarence R. Vena, Toledo; John Campbell, Tennessee; Fred It. Moore, New York; Ernest T. Atwell, Philadelphia; Charles E. Mil chell, West Virginia.