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Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, September 15, 1928, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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Hon. R. R. Church
Meets the Issue
_^___ I
Great Tennessee Leader Emphasizes
Reasons for Not Serving on Committee.
Vitriolic Denunciation of Hon. John R.
Hawkins and Hon. Emmett J. Scott.
Did the Latter Inspire the Attack?_
(Special to The Planet.)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. S— j
R. R. Church, leader of the an- {
tic-nt and unchanging Republicans, i
when shown a copy of the .‘Pit’.s
burgh Courier” carrying an attack I
on him because of h.s refusal to i
se’-ve on the colored executive corn 1
n tue of the G. O. P. broke the j
rule of his political life. He decid'd
to reply’ b
The following statement was dic
tated by him and carefully gone
over: [
• I have seen the an cle in the j
Courier, written 1 am informed by (
Dr. Emmett J* Scott, before the J
Courier representative brought it to j
me. It s a document of a kind fa- (
miliar to all who know the fine
African hand of its industrious but
elusive author. For thirty years hi& !
brick-bats have been hurled from I
behind the coat-tails of protectors. :
What Dr. Scott may think of me j
or my reason for withdrawing from ,
the hand-wrought “Committee” now !
directing and distressing Mr. Hoov
er’s cause is without importance and
will no*. I feel, supplant the record
1 have made in an effort t0 advance
our lines on the political field. I
have never held an office except
through election by the people. Dr.
Scott never held an office at all.
and such positions as he has filled
came from kind hearts unable to
turn a deaf ear to his cry.
“Whether Dr. Scott continues to
operate Howard University or run
good Dr. Hawkins or frock-coat di
plomatic receptions as Minister to
Haiti, is not the slightest concern to
me. My interest in the present sit'
uat on is exactly my interest in Mr.
Hoover as our candidate and in the
Republican party whose fortunes
have long been mine. I got off the
committee, not because I had been
refused a leadership for which no
man can say I ever applied, (and
which no man can bestow upon an
other) but because I could not in
consc'ence associate myself with po
litical parasites and pretenders.
To che charge that I am not a
good follower. I plead guilty if I am
asked to follow to the ballot box men
who have no ballot to cast and who
have not the moral courage to at
tempt to cast one or cry out against
the crime of disfranchisement in
their States. MEN WHO FIGHT
RUN. There is nor a colored Re
publican voter whom I would fall
to follow or support if called to his
standard. There is not a colored
political apologist I would follow,
not even at the request of Mr.
Hoover, unless he was leading a
procession ro the public square, there
to receive the condemnation of an
outraged people
“Another point, that is too scan
dalous t0 he ignored, I touch. Dr.
Scott brought in the name of the late
Henry Lincoln Johnson, referring to
him as my associate in party sirug
g!es. and linking his great- name
w'th gentlemen of the present polit
ical arrangement, there we have sin
at war with absurdity. Mr. Johnsor
one of the great men in all history
of great men should be spared a
comparison so odious. His memory
should be more sacred than that.
To mention the names of Dr. Haw
kins, Dr. Scott and Dr. Holsey in
the same breath with that of ‘Link’
Johnson' is a challenge to the pa
tience of honest men.
“Mr. Johnson was a leader, a
great lawyer and a voter. He was
Republican National Committeeman
at the time of his death and under
the laws of Georgia he could not
have been unless he was a reg'btered
I. O. of King David
Has Great Session
Mrs. R. G. Thompson Tay
lor Honored
Harmony Prevailed*^Officers Re*
elected**71 Pine Showing.
The Imperial Order of King David
was founded by Prof. & }Irs. W. B.
F. Thompson twenty yean ago, Sep
tember 3, 192S.
This organization held its twentieth |
Mrs. Blanch Thurston.
New Branch, Xo. 113, Xew Kent,]
Ya., Mrs. Isabell Washington.
, King, Xo. 123, Pendleton, Ya., Mrs.i
Mrs. A. G Taylor, Founder and Grand Worthy Ruler.
Imperial Order of King David
W. B . F. Thompson, Founder I. O. King David.
voter. No year passed without his
re urn to Georgia to register as a
voter and keep his citizenship clear.
“The main point must not be lost
sight of. I stated that I retired from
the committee because, first. I
wanted Mr. Hoover elected, and
second, because those in front of the
voters were themselves not voters.
Dr. Hill Here
Great Time at Second Baptist Church
Rev. Joseph T. Hill, the able pulpit
divine, who has accepted the call to
the pastorate of the Second Baptist
Church of this city, will preach
there, Sunday, September 16, at 11:30
A. M. and 8 P. M., being introduced
by Moderator E. F. Johnson. The
public is invited to hear him. The
regular installation services will be
announced later. Arrangements have
been made to accommodate those who
desire to hear this great orator, who
has resigned the pastorate of the
Roanoke Baptist Church at Hot
Springs, Ark., despite the protests of
a loving congregation in order to
take up the work in his home state
Mrs. W. T. Gray and Misses Eliz
abeth Hattie and Irene Gray, her
daughters returned from a visit to
their brother and vlncle. Hon. W.
Philip Dabney. They were royally
entertained while there, being the
recipients of receptions and out-door
entertainments given in their honor.
The Rt. Rev. A. L. Gaines, bishop
of the Second Episcopal District of
the A. M. E. Church, which area of
conferences include Maryland, Dis
trict of Columbia, Virginia, and
North Carolina, will nreach at Third
St. Bethel A. M. E. Church this com
ing Sunday morning, land evening,
September 16, 11*28. Hours 11 A. M.
and 8 P. M. Bishop Gaines is out
standing representative of the race.
A pulpiteer of rare ability. Do not
fail to hear him.
The public is cordially invited to
attend each worship.
Rev. W. E. Spratley, Pastor.
Thos. L. Walker, Church Clerk.
— ^
Jacksonville, Fla.,—Police here to
day were investigating an abduction
charge brought by Isaiah Tribble, 38
year-old Negro contractor, who re
ported that' he was kidnapped by
three white men yesterday, taken to
the woods off a highway near here
and strapped with a two-inch leather
j stran for fifteen or twenty minutes.
I The Negro reported that the white
men told him they were punishing
* him for being interested in an A1
j Smith for President Club and that
I “your case should be a warning to
all of your race”.
j The Negro was under a physician s
■care at his home here today.
I am writing in the interest of an
old father and mother.Daymond Holt
and Mariah Holt, of Mehane, N. C.
The father is very sick. They are
trying to find their sonr John Holt.
He is about 5 feet 6 inches in height,
medium size, light complexion, black
hair, about 40 years old and was
last heard from in Richmond, Va.
Address all information to Carr M.
Hughes, Box 182, Mehane, N. C. j
Miss Be-ssie Scott has returned to
the city from Bayhead, N. J., where
she spent the Summer.
annual session at Sharon Baptist
I Church, Richmond, Va., Tuesday and
'Wednesday, September 4 and 5, 192$.
j This was one of the best sessions in
I the history of the Order. It was
'more like‘the revival meeting of a
church than an annual meeting of an
organization. Peace and harmony
reigned throughout the entire session.
Our delegates from far and near
expressed themselves as being highly
pleased with the work of the Order.
They complimented the G. W. R. and
G. W. S. for carrying the work on
successfully for 20 years and wished
them many, many more years of suc
! cess.
, We are thankful to report that we
! have not one death claim unpaid.
' We have $100 waiting in the office for
(Mr. James Pettus in payment of the
I death claim of his mother, Mrs.
Mamie Pettus Craft, of Star Hope
Lodge, No. 112, Rice, Va. If any
one knows of the whereabouts of Mr.
Pettus, please notify him or the office.
• During the past year we have car
' vied sunshine and comfort into 78
homes. We have paid out for death
claims $7,G50. We have to our credit,
with all debts paid, $16,303.76.
I We take this opportunity to thank
our members for their loyal support
during the past year, and ask for
their continued interest in the future.
I The Uniform Rank No. 1 paraded
! September 4, 1928, for the first time
in their new uniforms, with torch
lights. They added much to the dig
’ nity of the Order and the public was
I very much pleased with them. Mrs.1
I Hester Friend, Captain, deserves
much praise for her efforts in obtain
ing new uniforms for the rank. Miss
[Julia Robinson played her part well
las David the Shepherd.
| The public meeting was held Tues
day night, September 4, 1928, which1
j was largely attended. An interesting 1
sermon was preached by Rev. F. W.
I Williams, D. D., after which we had
' echoes from the different organiza
• tions of the city. Prizes were awarded
• by the G. W. R., Mrs. A. G. Thompson
' Taylor, as follows:
i To Secretaries of Lodges having
100 per cent roll, name, number, lo
' cation and Secretary of Lodge.
Fork Creek, No. 62, Vigor, Va.,
Mrs. J. R. Overton.
Faithful, No. 76, Mattoax, Va.,
Mrs. M. A. Thompson.
| Peach Grove, No. 47, Louisa, Va.,
Cornelia Anderson.
M. A. Thompson, Xo. 107, Jeters
ville, Va., Mrs. Julia Goode.
Pride of Mineral. Xo. 77. Mineral,
Va., Mrs. Rosa B. King. ^ i
Jetersville, Xo. 127, Jetersville, ^ a.,
Mr. Junius Fowlkes.
Oak Grove, Xo. 5, Louisa, Va., Mr.
R. H. Green. _ ;
Chester Grove, Xo. 32, Jetersville,
Va., Mrs. Edmonia Hayes. 1
Robinson, Xo. -18, Cedon, Va., Mrs.
Ilestell Robinson.
Divine, Xo. 23, Louisa, Va.. Mrs.
Xellie Clark. ;
Carter, Xo. 4, Hewlett, Va., Mrs.
Mary Claiborne. i
Ivy Leaf, Xo. 52, Richmond, Va..
Mrs. Martha Ford. I
Golden Link, Xo. 21, Hewlett, Va.,
Mr. E. F. Taliaferro.
Royal, Xo. 14, Bon Air, Va., Mrs.
Peggy Miles.
Holiday, Xo. 1, Partlow, Va., Mrs.
Lula Coleman.
Taliaferro. Xo. 2, Chilesburg, Va.,
Mr. H. W. Davis.
St. Paul, Xo. 18, Palls, Va., Rev.
W. T. Henry.
To the following members for their
I work during the past year:
1 Mrs. C. S. Ellis.
‘ Mr. James Lewis, Jr.
! Mrs. Sallie Ruffin, $10 in gold for
! bringing in the highest number of
, new members during the campaign. J
The banquet was held Wednesday
j night, September 5, 1928. We thank j
this committee for their splendidj
i work.
I The following officers were elected!
ifor the ensuing year: -
I Mrs. A. G. Thompson Taylor, G.
I W. R. 1
Rev. W. H. Ford. G. W. 1st V. R.
Mrs. M. A. Thompson, G. W. 2nd
V. R.
! Miss Mary M. Scott, G. W. S.
I Miss Sallie Cowan, G. W. Asst. S.
Mr. E. J. Taliaferro, G. W. T.
j Rev. W. M. Washington. G. W. P.
1 Rev. F. H. Wilson, G. W. C.
Mr. James Ellis, G. W. R. G.
• Mrs. Elizabeth Pearsall, G. W. L.
|G. (
Mrs. Harriet Blunt, G. W. I. G. .
Mr. H. W. Davis, G. W. 0. G.
Mrs. M. C. Johnson, G. W. D. M. I
Mrs. Mary J. Peters, G. W. W.
’ Mrs. Lena B. Munford, Sect’y of
i Bible Circles.
Board of Regents
Mr. R. H. Green
Republicans Sweep
in Maine.
. 4-V
Unparalleled Victory in the
New England State.
Upper Legislative Branch With*
out a Democrat.
Mr. J. R. Beverley
Rev. W. T. Henry
Mrs. Clara S. Ellis
Mrs. Eva Lena Davis
Mrs. Mary L. Randolph
Rev. M. L. Johnson
Mr. W. A. Twifrg
I A. G. Thompson-Taylor and Mary
M. Scott, Ex-officio.
Mrs. M. A. Thompson
! Mrs. Mary Randolph
Mrs. Emma Edwards
Mrs. Edmonia Hayes
; Mrs. Julia Coleman
1 Mr. James Lewis, Jr.
Mr. W. H. Green
j Mr. E. J. Taliaferro
Mr. H. W. Davis
Mr. J. A. Crawley
Rev. R. L. Harrison
Mr. J. R. Overton
Mrs. Mable Johnson
Mrs. Mattie Brooks
Mrs. Cornelai Mason
Mrs. Mary Lipscomb
Mrs. Edmonia Hayes
Mrs. E. 0. Jackson
i Mrs. Mary Coy
Mrs. uannie Scott
Miss M. B. West
Mrs. Emma Edwards
Mrs. Sallie Ruffin *
j Miss Rosa Tavlor
Mr. J. E. Payne, organizer of
i Bible Circles.
i We adjourned to meet in Richmond,
I Va. the first Tuesday in September,
A. G. Thompson Taylor.
G. r!\ Ruler,
Marv M. Scott.
G. W. S.
Hem" Office: 20 W. Leifrh Street,
Richmond, Vn.
- I
pov, C. A. Ccv,1's deMvcred an in
spirin", "ermou at Calvary Baptist*
Ch”vch last Sunday. 1
Rev. C. P. Jpffev •m Corresponding.
Secretary of tRmhmond Bantist
S. S. Ur’en n’"ached at the Union
Bantist Church both morning ar. .1
aft'o-roer. , |
The nPv Vine Baptist Church,
Charles fitv Cnnntv will he’d bap
tisma’ service? t’'evo trvnorrow at
10 A. M„ Rev. IV. L. Tuck, officiating.
* i
The great reviva’ here closed last
Tuesdav nigh*. Rev. IV. L. Tuck is
jubilant over the great work accom
plished. There were 27 conversions.
At 11:30 A. M. Rev. Edward
Charity preached from Ex. 3:12.
At 8 P. M. P?v. Rook preached for
the Build’ng Club . No. 4.
Sister C. V. Brown is indisposed.
J. M. ANDERSON, Reporter.
The Police Department reported
Monday, September 10, the following
Rachel Anderson, 516 N. 18th St.,
was stabbed in the back by Jessie j
Rosa Taylor was found injured in
the head and chest on Bowe St., be
tween Clay and Leigh Streets Sunday
Jessie Ford. 522 N. 5th St., was
cut in the side by Norvell Garrett.
Wm. 0. Willis. 610 N. 29th St.,
was cut in the arm by Junius Ran
The noted Evangelist, wife and
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Skipwith, and
Miss Dorris T. Skipwith, have re
turned after a five weeks’ stay in
Brooklyn. N. Y.
They were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Carter. Mrs. Mary Scott,
and Mrs. Luke Madderry, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Patterson and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Jackson, sisters and
niece of Rev. Dr. Skipwith. 1
They were royally entertained in
’•he nalatial home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson, 496 Elton St., Brooklyn.
Young lady with high school edu
cation and business training desires
a position as a stenographer or clerk.
1827 Idlewood Avenue, Richmond,
Portland, Me—Scattered returns
! from small upstate communities, re
1 ceived late today, increased the lead
of William Tudor Gardiner, Republi
can gubernatorial candidate to 84,
891 over C. Moran, Jr., hi3 Demo
I cratic opponent in the Maine State
' election held yesterday. The major
natorial candidate in this state.
! ity is the largest ever given a guber
■ Only seventeen precincts out of the
(533 in the state remained to be re
corded. Mr. Gardiner carried every
city in the State with the exception
1 of Biddeford and Lewiston, beth of
1 which are normally Democratic by
wide margins.
The senatorial contest between
Frederick Haie, Republican, ami Her
bert E. Holmes, Democrat, resulted in
a margin of 80,004 for the Republi
can candidate.
Congressman Carroll L. Beedy in
the First District, Wallace H. White,
Jr., in the second and John E. Nelson
were re-elected by substantial mar
in the third, and all Republicans
gins and Donald F. Snow, Republican,
won an easy victory in the fourth dis
trict. The closest contest was in the
second district where the Democrats
had campaigned the hardest and
where their nominees for Governor
and for Senator reside.
State Corporation Dismisses the Case
Against Assistant Superintendent
The Union Life Insurance Com
pany of Virginia scored heavily Tues
day* September 11, 1928 in its bout
through its, Assistant Superintendent
George E. Stone with the Mutual
Insurance Company of Richmond,
Virginia. That corporation had Mr.
Stone summoned to appear before
the Virginia State Corporation Com
mission through the Bureau of In
surance and Banking to show cause
why his certificate of registration
should not be revoked on account of
derogatory statements alleged to
have been made by him concerning
the Mutual Insurance Company.
At the hearing, after the allega
tion? and charges had been made by
the Mutual Life Insurance Company,
counsel for the accused Assistant
Superintendent moved that the case
be dismissed. Without hearing from
the defense, the State Corporation
Commission entered the order ac
cordingly. The Union Life Insur
ance Company has been conducting
its business upon a high plane and
it and Its representatives have con
fined themselves to facta and not to
ony scurrilous misrepresentations,
know the advantages that the cor
poration is offering and the special
allowances being provided for its
patrons in its present operating
The following clipping from the
tlailv press explains itself:
“George E. Stone, assistant super
intendenr for Richmond of the
Union Life Insurance Company of
Virginia was ordtred by the State
Corporation Commission yesterday
(Continued on page 8)
Miss Bessie Curtis spent her vaca
tion with her father. Mr. H. Curtis
other relatives and friends, who
made it very pleasant for her during
her sfay he-re. She visited Norfolk,
Phoebus, and Gloucester County and
loft for New York Friday the 7th.
i Prof. Nelson Williams, B. A.
M. A., Columbia University has
been asked to' “accept position in
Clark University. Atlanta., Ga. as
reaeher of Swtnlogv and Political
Science. Prof. Williams is eneaged
in Virginia in the field of religious
education under the Department of
Mission and Education of the Vir.
gi'nia Baptist Sfate Sunday School
Convention. Inc. He is an expert of
experience in Religio-Social Science
and will probably remain in bis
present position.

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