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South Pole Explorers Well Provided With Games : . « ‘Keno1 Perkins, of Kenosha, WIs., quartermaster of the “City of New '.or» - and "Chips” Gould, ship’s carpenter. What does a man do for amuse ment where the nights are six months tong? Checkers, chess, and cards, all included in the equipment of the | nyrd Expedition to the South Pole, toe answer. The problem of amusement during; the lor.g hours of inactivity which are count! to come on the trip, is of great ♦-8* ;.r; tnnee. according to Richard o Vs.,;u.y misiness manager. Conse • -ae/V't avtrry man is going to nave tu, «n*/u« or riding his favorite hobby, and cards and games arc important part of equipment. Several of the Byrd party are pert chess stnd checker players. Thv equipment includes special sets mac* for the party by Montgcmery War* Co., the big .•.ail-order house. Poker chips in large stacks were ordered from Ward, and cards of the most durable variety were included in almost every man's personal equip ment. Latest rules on bridge, and the forty ways to play solitaire were add ed to the ship's library of useful in formation. MT. TABOR BAPTIST CHURCH. (North 22nd Street. Woodyille) Rev. W. H. Skipwith. D. D.’ Pastor. Services: Sunday. 11:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome RISING MT ZION BAPT. CHURCH. (800 Denny Street, Fulton) Re?. O. B. Stnms, B. Tk., Pastor, Residence, 728 Denny St. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. amd 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. r SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH. (Corner First and Leigh Sts.) Rev. R. H. Johnaon, BJD. M.A. pa* tor. Residence, 11 B. Gtoy 8L B«r TtceB; Sunday, 11:30 A. M. aad 8:1J P. M. Sunday School, 10 A. M. All are invited. ST. PHILIP’S P. E. CHURCH, (S. W. Cor. St. James and Leigh) Rev. Junius L. Taylor. Rector; Residence, 20 West Lelg<h Street. Services: Sunday 11 to 12 A. M. Night. S to 9 o’clock. Wednesday evening services, 8 to 9 o'clock. The public is welcome at all services. providence baptist church. (518 Lady Mile Ro*i) Rev J. J. Woodson, Pastor, Res (deuce,’ 1116 3t. John Street. Ser vices: Sunday 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. 8unday School, 9:30 A M. All are invited. a. •• SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. (Center Street, Fulton) Rev. S. L. Bush, pastor; residence V(i7 Center Street. Services: Sun Preaching, LI:30 A. M. ana 8:3<^ P. M. Communion every fourth bun day, Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.,; day at 3:30 P. M. i WILLIAMS THMPLE C. M, H. CHUPCH. (The Home-like Cfcnrefc) 6 E. Cor. 19th and Everett Ma. Rov. G. E. Carter. Pastor 9:30 A. M., Sunday School; 11:60 A. M., Preaching: 6:30 P. M., Ep vrorth League; 7:55 P. M., Preach 1 - ' n , Read The Planet It will be de livered to you Tor cents for three months wit^ postage prepaid. Send In your order Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoided by de stroying the germs of infectious diseases. $>. 10 At all druggists SORE LEGS HEALED Open Legs, Ulcers, Enlarged Veins, Goi’or, Eczema healed while yon work. Write for free book "How to Heal My Sore Legs at Home.” De scribe your case. A. C. LIEPE PHARMACY, 1385 Green Bay At.. Milwaukee, Wls 1ST BAPT. CHURCH S RICHMOND ! _' (Corner 15th and Decatur Sts.) Rpv w L Ransome, D. D., Pas ror: Parsonage 150 7 Decatur Street. Services: Sunday, 11:*30 A. M and 8 P. M, Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. I __ I I FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH (28ih and P Street*) I Rev. F. W. Williams. D. D.. Pastor. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. B. Y. P. U.. 6:45 P, IM. All are invited. - w TIME OF 8BRVICB8 IN THE CHAPEL AT CITY HOME. Rev. F. W. Quarles, Leader a ad Manager for Charitable Union, 101# N. Second Bt. Sendees Every fun day from 1:00 to 4.0# B. M. Oo» Bunion 3rd Sunday. Ualoa Meeting* 4th Sunday. FOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHURCH (32nd and P Streets) Rev. A. R. Vanlandlngham, B. Th. pastor. Residence, 2800 0 St. Our Worship: Sunday School at 9:30 A. M.: Morning Service*. 11:30 A. M; Night Services, 8:00 P. M.; Tueaday niaht. Home and Foreign Mission, 7W00 P. M.: Wednesday night, Teachers Meeting, 7:30 P. M.; Thursday night. Choir Rehearsal, 1:30 P. M.: Friday night, Prayer Services, 7:30. M. V. Johnson, Clerk MT VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH 1 ‘ (1902 Wallace Street.) Rev. M. H Payne. Pastor. Resi dence i?no Wallace Street. Services: 1 Sunday, 11:3C A. M. and 3 P. M. I Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. A ! are ; we'ccrne. MT. CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH. (1300 North F-'rst Street) Pulpit in charge of Deacons, pending avadl of Rv. Fohhtrafypud pending assumption by Rev. F. W. Blaeta. recently called to pastorate. lunday 11:30 A M. and 3 P M. Sunday School. 9:20 A. M All are welcome. . SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. ^ ^ (Bvrd St. between 1st and 2nd Sts.) Pulpit In charge of Pulpit Com mittee oending successor to the late Dr Z D Lewis. Services: Sundays. 11'30 A M. arid 8 P- M. Sunday School 9:30 A M. All are welcome ^pyramid] : PRODUCTS <1 -“jPITTSBURGH PA. * DON’T BE FOOLED! ONCE BALD—ALWAYS BALD! — DON'T GUESS AT IT— PYRAMID HAIR DRESSING la a proven superior hair groom for aaaa and women. Keepa hair In place, soft, glossy and neat; invig orates the scalp and promotes the growth. Price *S0 cents per Jar. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. PYRAMID PRODUCTS COMPANY BOX ST, UPTOWN STfctlON. PITTSBURGH. PA. ssawWB.Jsr ss-u/sr sas ROBERT C. SCOTT, Funeral Director 2223 EAST MAIN STREET RICHMOND, VA. THE BROWN'S Photographic Studio ALL OF THU LATEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOTOS AT MODBRAT1 PRICES. Special Attention Paid to Children. Exterior and Interior Wort Will be Executed on Short Notice. We Speelaliie on ENLARG4NG and COPYING from OLD PHOTOS. _ CALL AND SEE US—WORK DONE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER. FLASH-LIGHT Photos A Feature. Hie Latest Style Developing OuTflts Our POWERFUL LENS Rank wfth the Best in the Country. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS ARB WELCOME. 603 N SECOND SI.. RICHMOND. VA. BE INFORMED-READ THE PLANET W. I. JOHNSONS’ SONS Funeral Directors & Morticians 10 W. LEIGH STREET PH0NE MAD DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE, WITHIN uxxj MILES WHEN ORDERED. U, I. JOHNSO*'S sons, experienced morticians conduct Funerals Flawlessly. Our Many Years of Experience Enables ns to Conduct All Funerals k a Moat Efficient Manner. We Try to Give More However by I corporatlng In Our Service a Spirit of Gym pathetic Understanding •-» « That Middle-Age Spread - = By Albert T. Reid Gets out a | Last Fall's Dress Tries iton. > Horrors 7 J Clacks an. INCH oP Meeting. // M*mag=s tp BreaJc tkc' Terrible New - oh/ Those Stockingless Legs in the Making! LONG BEACH. CAL—Here at last. lAytiees ‘n Genelmen, Is an actual photograph showing how those naughty little bathing girls deliber ately go ahead and let Old Man Sun* mine tan their lee* so they can be ^rn» up to snuff in this stockingless ; twt Whether "Pop" Sol baa a grudge , Maiust (he stocking manufacturers j ft. whsthd Bs Just his idea of kid- , iksf for a spell, wo don t w »uow, however, that te* utm aee swn«d over the country ^ . r-^~ tee that leading stocking manufacturers estimate the industry has suffered a 35% loss this past summer. But leading physicians say it is a fine thing and point to the Dare limbed Greek women whoso health j and beauty has never oeen excelled. Absence of tight garters, the vlolov ray effect ol the sun, free "breath ing” for the thousands ol pore* in the feet and legs are all in favor uJ this new fad. r**ey But or not you caa^ «ur» 11 would mak* or dUfcnM* a- youam g*n«»ao» —they'd do It Jmt the eame. Tho young group abovo who aro puttm; on a dose of stocking and at tho earn*1 tune making llfo much pleasanter with tho holp of a Brunswick port arjte parmtropo phonograph ^cro ptoo.ographcd on tho Beach here early one holiday morning, me fad Jen* tInure unabated and both California and Florida and other warm cinuc* will mt it in great jopul-uity this wiove the Or* <d» North louet * tig l»’ myO mw' cvd Kaft huh* next suflijufr. [ THE FUMBLE FAMILY <4r Dwnkd V— -,' ■ I'M SO GLAD YOU MADE TM FOOT’S ALL Team monty, 'stead of goin’ in fee SOCCER LIKE: YA INTENDED. FOOT BALL IS A T2EAL KAN'S GAME^ ^BE JABg&RSf SrroseV* • som y / :hebP / HEV! MONTY £ COME TO THINK OP IT l BELIEVE YOU'D LIKE SOCCER. MUCH BETTE*/ ------