eublkhsd ifr«7 ^ * a 1U North fwsrtfc JOHN M1TCHBLU «oulJ bfut to Hi* ■ ^ WtiamdAy. Stored at the ?crt Office at Bichmood. Jirrnia, as second class matter. <*• Teai . Us Months . rb'ee Moutha . Soreiiro Subscription* • *.« . LM .. -M .. 1*0 Foreign Advert*-* Representative, ,■ c—V. «* s,r"'’ ch“w' tjl Victoria Building, Bt Louis, 0 • >ao Longacre Building, N<** ^or^' SATURDAY-JANUARY 12, 1929 DRACO’S LAWS. Swlutou. iu ms “Outlines ot World’s History” shaking of Greece «ays: « — J ••The discontent of the people at length became so. serious that a statesman named Draco was ai in <24 B. C. to draw up^a written code of la^s. T ieyf h„ marked by extreme severity for he affixed the penalty of jj-6®**1 V\fi crimes alike.—to petty thefts no less than to sacrilege and nmrder Hence DTaoo’s laws were said to bare been written, not in ink, but m Ao t and we are told that he justified this extreme hardship by sayme khat small offenses deserved death, and that he knew no severer punish meat for great one®. Fifty years ago, who would have believed that the act of 624 Before Christ would have been duplicated in 1928 A. D.1 (year of our Lord; that 1* after Christ.,) Let us see.’ The statute law makes Uf« impris onment the equivalent of electrocu tion In fiTSt degree murder. It* other words life imprisonment be tokens a crime akin and equal to first degree murder. Mrs. Etta Mae Miller (white) was found guilty by a jury at Lansing, Michigan, December 31, 1328 on four convictions of liquor felonies. She had sold smajl quantities of liquor, which in themselves were misdemeanors, but by putting the crimes together they were made fel onies. Then she was tried for her liberty during the remainder of her natural life. It does not mattoT whether or not Mrs. Miller knew that she was risk ing her life or her liberty in the pursuit of the illicit traffic. It is enough to realize that “it is not the severity of the punishment that checks crime, but the certainty of it.” The present course of the law makers is to build up organizations comprising enemies of society. In time they will secure enough recruits to overthrow government society. The unjust treatment ot the Nog roes during the centuries is reacting upon the white folks during the present decade. TIMELY ACTION. The resolutions of protest adopted at the colored c tizens meeting last Tuesday night constitute statements of facts, which will appeal to every justice loving, square dealing whi.e citizen in this commonwealth. The right of petition and protest is an inherent right and, privilege guar ante»'d by the cons, itution itself1. We have never read a more meritor ious document and those who drew those resolutions were masters at this kind of bus.ness. There can be no refuting of the charges therein contained and the exercise of brute force, the arbitrary exercise of power can be the only reply of those who see fit to object to its conclusions. We have been puzzled to understand the attitude of those white friends who have in the past professed a generous regard for their colored neighbors. What steps are they taking to check this pernicious legislation? It is true that ringing resolutions have been adopted protesting against this measure. What further steps have been taken? We cannot bring ourselves to believe that the City Council will pass this ordinance and thus force a legal litigation, during the life of wh’ich some of our lead ing white and colored citizens will be. so to speak, at "dagger’s point” on account of this specious exercise of race prejudice. COLORED DEMOCRATS OX TRIAL Does the transfer of the party allegiance from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party tend ! to better the economic and political | conditions of the colored people In this community? This is the ques ! tion presented as a result of the Introduction of an ordinance ih the Council of Richmond, Va. by Alder man Henry W. Woody, a Democrat and an undertaker’ for the purpose of segregating the races. This is emphasized by the fact ' that during the past two years, there has been a steady trend on the part of the intelligent, educated colored people to support white Democrats and to advocate the „oHcies of the party. The leaders in the movement* claimed that this attitude on the part of colored folks would tend to reduce race prejudice, bn'iug additional Improvements in the colored sections of the city and obtain other favors which would not be possible in the face of polit ical hostility on the part of the colored folks. What have been the results? These Negro Democratic pioneers have been forced in’ the courts to obtain r^cognit on in the Democratic pri maries. Their party associates have sprung the Woody Negro hating legislative ordinance. Instead of being able to halt the legislation on their own motion and “in chambers” /they have been forced to appeal to the puhl'c and with the Interracial Committete Rev. W. T. Johnson D. D.k chairman of the. colored division: Rev. W. L. Riansome, D. D.. Rev. J. E. Fountain, represent ing the Baptist Ministers Confer ence of Richmond and Vicinity*, the matter is sitill in abeyance. Mayor J. Fulmer Bright Is the recognized head and front of the militant branch of the Democratic Party in this city. Dr.; Leon A. Reid, who presided at the Citizen’s Meeting was an ”A1 Smith Demo erat”. James O. West, who was chairman of the committee on reso lutions was an “A1 Smith Demo crat'T. M. Afphonso Norrelt, who was the most active worker In the whole affair was an "A1 Smith Democrat”. Dr. A. M. Bowles, the “power behind the throne’ was an “A1 Smith Democrat*. .. .... If these gentlemen can not block this species of legislation on their own motion then the entire frame work upon which it was expected to build up a Negro Democratic organ iatlon in this city falls to the ground. , As for Undertaker .Henry W. 'Woody and his coterie of Negro hating frlende, we again Buggest that he take his ordinances, put them In one of his pine coffins, inter them in Oak wood Cemetery and thereby ter mit the other sections of this city to have peace. t The Louisville, Ky. American Bap: 1st 4s now celebrating its fiftieth anniversary under the sterling man agement of Mr. William H. Steward one of the best and most devout editors in this country . We have enjoyed a personal friendship and acquaintance with him for more than fertv years. We iwish him many more years of success. His borne town is happy over his having lived in :t and the best things are ' e'ng said of him by his neighbors who know him best. God bless h'm and his! \ THGIXT. -Tn the Circuit four*- of the r’tv of Richmond. Monday, November. 5 th 192X. riOM EASLEY . Plaintiff agAnst • M.' RY EASLEY.Dorenuuo.. Th« < Moot of this su‘t is o obtain j clivor > from the bond of matri monv on the ground of dosert o.h • )m ‘.lie defendant, Mary Enslev. And an affidavit bavin* been made :r ! "I ’ tha1 the said Mary Easley defendant is not a res’den ol’ the Sfate o? Virginia. that her last known address was New York Cty. It is therefore ordered that Mary Easley do appear here within ten d;ys after tho due publication of ;y*s order and do whatever mav be necessary to protect her interest in this iuit. A Copy Teste: GARLAND B. TAYLOR. D.C. \VM. F. DENNY, p.q. VIRGINIA—In the Law and Equity Court of the City of Richmond, the 15th day of December, 1928. » JOSEPH MITCHELL.Plaintiff against In Chancery .... BEULAH MITCHELL... .Defendant The object of this suit is to obtain ar. absolute divorce from the bond of matrimony, by the plaintiff from the defendant, on the ground of de sertion for more than three years. And an affidavit having been made and filed that the defendant is not a resident of the State of Virginia, it is ordered that she appear here within ten days after due publica tion of this order and do what may be necessary to protect her interest herein. . A Copy. • • •• i Teste: LUTHER LIBBY, Clerk. By E. M. Edward3, D C. J. E. BYRD. p.q. Have you paid your subscription? If not, why not? Gruesome Story oi (Continued from page 1) did not see anything in his hands at the time she shot him in tine entry. After she shot in the street Katie looked like she tried to get away up Sixth Street.j Then she came and saw a man across the street and she said she had shot her husband. She carried Robert into the house before she flaw the man. - —w '‘I thiijk he |s named Walter Vaughan. She asked Mary Boyd to call an ambulance and told her she had shot her husband. After the ambujlanjce came, I went into the house where Robert Drummer was. He was lying o” vv < DEATHS REPORTED . .The following is a list of deaths of colored persons reporied to the Richmond Bureau of Health from Jnciuary 1 to January S, 1929, with the age and date of death: Dorothy Burleigh, age 17 months; .. SIS W. Olay St; December 31 Berths Davis, 22 years; Bon Air, Va.; January 1. Mary White, 52 years. 90'7 N. 7th St. January 1. * William Brooks, 50 years; 515 W, J Franklin St.; January 1 Josephine Cheatham, 1 year: 1426 X XjunuBf IMS etiJoqiBiD Alex Robinson, 28 years; Dec. 31 John Sookins, 25 years; 1810 Idle wood Avenue. January 2. Oscar W. Taylor, 33 years; 502-b Norton Sit.; January I. Frank Roy. 31; December 30. ! Henrietta Cox. 75 years. 516 N. Adams St.; January 2. .. Sarah A. Stewurd, 55 years; 2818 P St.; January 1. .. Mary Walker, 43 years; 1012 Cath erlne St.; January 3. Jul'a Cousin, 50 years; 1706 Park wood Avenue; January 2. Infant Edwards, 15 hours. 1421 .. Moore St.; January 3. James Branch, 10 months; 819 St. Paul St.; January 5. Solomon Easley, 51 years; 2000 Hull .. St.; January 3. I Rachael Branch, 58 years; 312 B. , Eleventh St.; January 4. I June C. Brayton, 87 ydars. 410 W. Clay St.; January 4. Fannie Logan. 31 years; 817 St. James St.; January 3. | Preston J. Carter, 60 years; 515-A ... . Bowe St.; January 5. I Mattie Campbell. 49 years; 1305 W. i . .Clay St.; January 4. Alice Sears. Virginia Penitentiary; January 5. * .. David Mead Seldon, 72 years; 131 Sumpter St.. January 4. Edward Oliver. 2 years: 1828 Park wood Avenue: January 6. n Davie Racks, 67 years: 1022 Hickory • .. St,; January 4. Johnnie Mae Newberry, 16 years; 516 N. 7th St.; January 4. Helen W. IPck. 1 year: 412 W. .. Mar. hall St.; January 6. Pagmus Blackwell, 19 years; East vrl’e Va.: January 4. Cathcr'ne Jeffries. 2 years; 203 W. ..15-h St.; January 5 '1 mil Vaughan. 37 years; 507-A * Rowe St.; January 4. -J irov Branch, 9 months; 2 4 N. I5th f1-. • January 6 Qp».:! voiir subscriptions to the ..You Will find n°vro tn The Planet 'hat you ^HT no* find in spy other lourn"' This permits you to sub ^rr bo to t^o Planet ns 'well as the tourral you <>re ijiav rending. FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH . PRESSES FORWARD. The thousands of bells which rang out the old year and proclaimed the new, gave forth a song, loud and deep, “That God i& not dead nor doth He sleep*. They told of His tender mercies in the past and His never changing promises for the future. They likewise asked. Where hast thou gleaned today?’’ “What shall the harvest be?” Loyal supporters of the Fourth Baptist Church of whfch Dr. F. W. Williams is pastor, heard, under stood, remembered and were thank ful. Thankful for manifold 'bless ings,—the successful beginning of Dr. Williams’ pastorate, the wonder ful services being rendered to the community and to God. Christmas week cannot be forgot ten. . The Evans Payne Home Mission Society distributed forty well Tilled baskets among the poor of the commun/tv. The Church gave financial aid. (The Mission Society is now planning to give some relief to the many sick and unfortunate in the community. On Christmas morning the Junior Sunshine Mission Circle served a well prepared breakfast to the poor of the Church. The spirit exhibited on this occasion will never be forgotten. Coming as a grand climax to such , activities and as a direct blessing, j the Church listened enraptured to hear the celebrated/ Mr. Mudge I Par s, baritone singer of Africa on • the fourth Sunday in December. A large congregation enjoyed this rare treat and privilege. As the closing sermon for 1928. Dr. Williams used this text: Philip pians 3:13,1 i. “Brethren,, I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” . . With this thoueht the Fourth Baptist Church presses forward. DO YOU KNOW THEM? . - The Police Department had re celTed the following telegram: Stauntoi^ Va., January 8 1929. Chief of Police, Richmond, Ya. ..Information wanted. Emma or Daniel Brown, Colored; Dural St. Death of sister. Answer quick. S. M. WILKES AND CO., Funeral Directors. FIFTH STREET BATPIST CHURCH (Fifth and Jackson Streets) .. Pulpit in charge of the officers. Visiting div.'ties each Sunday. Time of Serv'tes: Sunday. 11:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. B.(-Y. P. U. 6:00 Pj M. Prayer Service Thursday n'ght. All are welcome. UNION BAPTIST CHURCH . . (South Richmond) ..Rev. L. €. Garland. D. D Pastor Parson a're. 1811 Everett St. Services Sundays: 11:80 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School 10 A. M. B. Y. p. U. G to 7 P. M. rommunion First Sunday 3:30 P. M. Prayer Serv’ce Thursdays 8 P. M. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (Jy:d Si netwe-ja 1st and 2nd Sts.) Rev. Joseph T. Hill D. D Pastor Residence: 121 r» Idle wot, d Avenue. Servces: Sundays ll A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. .Ill are welcome. WM. B. SMITH, Toastii! Artist, 8 18 E. Clay St., Richmond, fj | SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, SHAVING, jl u MASSAGING and Ladies and Childrens Hsir •! % Bobbing. A corp o/sKillful hair artists always p ready to serve. Gail and ba accommodated. % C. & CUNNINGHAM, Funeral Director Phone Randolph 4184 Residence Phone Randolph 3167 1816 HULL STREET. SOUTH RICHMOND, VA. The latest style funeral equipment. Caskets, either metallic, mahogany, oak, etc. Prices the lowest, consistent with service. Orders received at all hours, and wiH receive immediate at tention. Automobile Sendee. _ 0. 3. CUNNINGHAM M. L. MMO* cunninghmTT^ 507 N. Fifth Street Richmond, Va., Phone Randolph 3052 Service Available At All Hours. Satisfaction Gwftaisad. Your Patronage Is SoKcM. 711 NORTH SECOND ST., RICHMOND, VA. Best High Test Gas and Motor Oils. One Day Battery Service A Specialty. Radio Service. is a. Prescription for Colds Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known. WHERE TO BUY THE PLANET^ flam Thomas’ News-stand, 613 North Second 3f Confectionery, 8. B. Corner Second and Leigh S*.; Miller's Hotel. West’s News-stnad, Near Corner of lli)i and Main Sts. Dandriflfce’s News-stand, 8. H. Cor aer Clark and Duval Sta.; oppo site 6 th Mt. Zion Bapt. Church Dandridge’s News-stand, Broad St., North side Broad St. opposite Foushee St. Baylor’s Pharmacy, 912 Chamber .. layne Avenue. Shahin’s Confectionery, N. W. Cor ner 5th and Leigh Sts. Planet Office, 311 N. 4th St. .. John Mitchell, Jr’s, residence, 615 N. 3rd St. Tom Byrd, News Vendor; delivered on order. Thomas Page, News Vendor; deliv ered on order. Waller Pleasants, Colored News Stand, Broad Street Station. AS AN.NOLM KME.Vl. The Goodwill Baptist Church, 4U | >i Monroe Street Is a new unit to the 1 Baptist Church, with a very hroat program. Rev. W, P Bail, paatoi 1 Invites the public ana his many I friends to worship Sunday, January 13, 11:30 A. M.-and 8:00 P. M. I Communion 1st Sundays, 8:30 P.M. Sunday School, 10:00 A. M Special music. All fur* t»vn»4. £DW. SIEWAR1 s SECOND STREET in -A\C\ GROCERIES. FRESI-j MEATS, VEGETABLES, I FLmj .\SU OYSTERS. .ubnionu, V*. PHONM MAD. 141- J OTHER PEOPLE IUDGE YOU NOW BY YOUR FURNITURE When 70a can get FURN1TUB1 ftSd 1 RUGS from an Old B*tabU*hed Hone* ,lke JURG0NS—that’* known to *ell the beet quality good*, Just a* reason ible as elsewhere—why not give youi friends a good impression. It will, give us the greatest pleasure to show you our wonderful stock of home-N making, comfort giving FURNITURH and RUGS and—don’t fall to ask oui Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN j which glres yoc fi, 10 or 15 month! tu which to pay for any purchase BSTA HLlSHED 1880. ADAMS AMD RROAD Good Medicine To DRIVE OUT COLDS, Chills, Fevers, Headaches, Dnligrs'ion, Constipation. 25c ami m'c l5«>t'les all Drug Stores. KALE HELP IS REQUESTED F i r e m e u, Brake men. Baggagemen (white or colored), Sleeping Car, Train Porters (colored), 5150—$-5° monthly. Experience unnecessary. 979 Railway Bureau, East St. Louis, 111 ST. PHILIP’S P. E. CHURCH, iS. \V. Cor. St. James and Leigh) Rev. Junius L. Taylor. Rector; Residence, 20 West Leigh Btreet. Services: Sunday. 11 to 12 A. M. Night, 8 to 0 o'clock. Wednesday evening services, 8 to 9 o’clock. The public is welcome at all services. RIVER-VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH, (jacqueliu and Lombardy Streets) Roy. E. D, Lewis, Pastor, Resi dence 316 S. Lombardy Street. Ser vtcee: Sunday. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday. ,-•* - -7Z -* j. ST SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH. (Corner First and Leigh Sts.) Rev. R. H. Johnson, B.D., M.A Pastor. Residence ltll DoBoli Aft. Services: Sunday, ll:Sf A. M. fad |:1B F. X. Sunday School, lt:i» A. M. All are Invited._ ■ • • *ar-r2 ''- ! Patronize our advertisers and get service at least cost. .. L. J. HAYDEN Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicines TO RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CUARCI 224 W. Broad St, Richmond, Va. DO YOU LOVE HEALTH ? LI 00, caU aud see L. J. HAYDEN, Manufacturer ot Pur* Herb Medicine* 224 West Broad Btmt. My madidoes wiU relieve yuu or bo charge, as matter what your disease, sickness or adllctloD may De and restore yo% io perfect healUii X use nothing but herbs, root*, barks, gun, balaaama, leaves, seed, berries, flowers and plants In my medicines They have relieved thousands that have given up to die. MY MEDICINES CURB THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Heart Dlseas* Blood, Kidney, Bladder, Plies In any form, Vertigo, Quinsy, Sore Throat, DyspepBia, Indigestion. Constipation, Rheumatism in any form, Faina and Aches of any Kind, Colds, jtfronemal Troubles, Skin Diseases, *11 Itching Sensations, Female Complaints, LaGrlppe, Pneumonia, Ulcers, Carbuncle* Bolls, Cancer in Its worst form without use of knife or lrr trument, Edema, Pimples on face and Lody, Diabetes of Kidneys, Bright's Disease of Kldneya. My medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, or yoar money refunded. Mea.vines sent anywhere. Fog full particulars, wTite, send or M|1 on L. J HAYDEN, 224 West Broa d Street f I Richmond, Va., July 8, 1915. A perfect cure raa been effected by L. J. Hayden’s Pure Herb Medl* horrible disease, Gravel, I desire to cines. After waiting thirteen years and have not suffered from the make a statement to L. J. Hayden: Thirteen years ago twelve leading physicians of my city treated me for Kidney trouble and gravel without the desired beneit. These doctors advised me to be operated on, as that was the only chance for me. I was advised to go and get some of U J. Hayden’s Herb Medlelne aid try be fore being operated en. I did eo, and in twenty-four hours after using his medicines, 1 passed at least a half doses gravel, seme as big aa I Urge pea. Since that time I have not a offered with the gravel. 1 highly recommend L. J. Hayden’s medicine to nil suffering humanity. I in, J* A. Piid I 4 Auburn Ave., Richmond Ta.1 IMPROVEMENT NOTED AT ONCE Mr. L. J. Hayden, 224 West Brosjd Btre* “ ^ Richmond, Va. I received jour treatment 0. K. and I bare started to UWb« It already for a few days, and ft has already begun to improve my ail ment 90 I am sending to yoa for Mm more bottle of medidne ter the blood. I have spoken to many of my friends and they say they are going to send for a treatment. I think is a great remedy. I do not softer with my pains as I need to and my appetite is just line and I sleep much better every night and fee1. *ne ■every morning. Yours truly. EDWARD BRYANT, Douglas Arisons. .Camp Harry J. Jones Co. D. 25th Infantry. FOUND OPEAT RELIEF. Power, W. Vs., Fob. 9, 192S. Mr. L. J. Hayden, 224 Weet Broad Street Richmond, Vs. Dear Sir: I received your medi cine and I must say that It Ms dose me so much good and It makes me feel so much better. I am writing you to please send me some mors, as you said In your letter that It would take more than one treatment to relieve a person of his trouble. Thankfhg you, I am Tours truly. MRS. MART GROCE. Power. W. Va. MORE WANTED. Daubersrtlle, Pa.. March 25, 1925 Mr. L. J. Hayden, 224 West Broad Street Richmond. Va. Dear Sir: Please send me pony Blood Purifier and Stomach Rem ad?. I got some a few years ago which I found to be so very good for tad£> gestfon. So find enclosed monep order for $2.50. Please try to send tre medticlne as soon as possible, is I am in need of It. Tours truly, MRS. CHARLES EBLINO. Daubersrille, Pa. A. D. Price, Jr. Funeral Director and Mortician (SUCCESSOR TO A. D. PRICE) First Class Caskets of Latest Designs. Complete Equipment of the Latest Stlye Funeral Cars Furnished Either Day or Night on Short Notice. Orders Received and Filled from All Parts of the Country. We Never Close . PHONES MADISON 577 and MADISON 162. 212 EAST LEIGH STREET lA&I INDIA riAIH uHGftfch Will Promote a Full Crow h of Hair, Will also Restore the S rengtb, Vi tal. ty and the Beauty of '.he Hair. If Your Hair is Dry ana Wiry Try EAST INDIA WUR 8R0WM It you are bothered with Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp or any Ha r Trouble, we want you to try a JAR OF EAST INDIA HAIR GROW ER. The Remedy contains Medi cal proprieties that go to the roots of the hair, stimulates the ckin helping nature do its work. Leaves U« flair *ort au i balm of a UomaaaJ Iowa. Th« boot t ..... « (» lot t’rru>f aa.l b«hU(1ikl f •■,, ►'1'** Htiw. r^*rrnr*t« 'Vay Ha»r M tta Wataral Ootor.Caa be aa*4 vttk lot Iron for Stra gmeums. xi.v* — -• -- £,.| 10c Extra for Postage. jf\T« ncTHT- 1 Orow«r. I Temple-Oil, | XK ' ' ch«nr.FOo 1 Pronina Otl l Kw*? * r*-»«?u *<•<’ t> -*7 . M»n f.-.r =»!litje *2 O'1 t5 f*«n!* tor pn-tiur* 8. D. LYONS. Ilf N. Otvtrtl OkUkMU OtJ. 0**. Special Offer 100 single sheets of note paper and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper,^$1.00 Delivered prepaid 100 sheets of paper, double, and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.50 Delivered prepaid Each customer js allowed to send copy not exceeding 3 lines, 2 inches wide. Type to be selected by us. Same copy to be used on paper as on envelopes. Here is your chance. We do all kinds of JOB WORK. k Send all orders to THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th St„ Richmond, Va.