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Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, May 25, 1929, Image 1

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wmmmm. 4
Judge Groner Grants Injunction City!
t :Jvl
1 Jury: U. Lawrence Grcner
handed cUv, : i-mnsio . toddy
May 18th. i: ' Lag l-*: h
mona City / a rr. y\;
to dismiss api/L-aiuon tor an in
junction to restrain Luc city
from enforcing :.ac seyregaa >n
ordinance. He nrtdiec ccun
> sel for the pla tif • that he
would grant the injunction,
and tha" the cccisicnii of me
Supreme Court of the United
States in the cases of Buchan
i vs, 'Worley ana i ylcr vs.
Harmon governed ana con
firmed this opinion.
Assistant City Attorney con
firmed the -epori an \
f us thaf hi
take ar. appe.see. to u.r
S. Sup:
id““' "
J. B. LEANS.Com pla: nan -
vs. In Equity No. 11*2.
' Respondents
This cause having come on to be
heard, was argued by cour.se’ on
consideration whereof, it was in ac
cordance writ* the memorandum
opinion of the Court her tefore-filed
adjudged, ordered and decreed as
follows viz: .... •'»,,
; That the respondents’ motion to
I dismiss the bill of complaint be and
the same is hereby over-ruled apd
denied for the reason that the cr
di nance of the City 01 R.eiimond
. 1929
’ mtion of the provisions of the
Fmrr.e nth At:, u'.iui nt of the Con
st union Oi t;.-3 L . S. t::a; . •
p .id :! ’-. ..:elr se: '.ants. agent;
; ■ rneys u and they h reby
ur * eujo ned and restrained from
enforcing against the complainant
• trough criminal proc edings cr ■
otherwise. the fines and p <aa t es of
the Ordinance of the City of Rich
mond. Virginia approved F biuary
15. 1929 entitled an ordinance
"To prohibit any person from using
• ■ : nc any ba. at y
t, ' : int . ag streets,
•• fit maj tt y ct residences on
,-ueh :• rce arc occupied by taose
witl ^ id per n . foibidi n
t i
al Assembly of Vir
mr.ir. emUk'i "An Ac: to preserve
;r...*.:'! y." ap: roved March
1924, hat xist
ing r gilts shall not bc, affected."
•that the plaintiff recover of the
respondents h's costs in this cause
incurr 1 To a'l of which the de
:• ’an’s* d’liv except.
United States D strict Judge.
May 22 1929.
I --—
T o ppor cor ^tilting with
’ A - ■ ’*nt: ■ • n the
„iv ;.*! .... .. decided to send
At tome” At • 1 E. Cnh“n r> Nor
•*’ Vs. 1- t Saturday to -oe what
mid 'o d no :■ hoc Ur. a decision
in the matter. When Mr. Cohen went
inio the O'iok’s Office of the United
States District Court there, he took
from his files a men-randum mack
by Judge Groner. It stated simrlv
*v t ''■■■> <kn~b n in the cases Buc
haran vs Worley and Tyler vs Har
mon governed in the segregation case
, in t5,e City of Richmond and he
-you: I si": on injunction according
A •' oi. e'j Cohen Active
Mr. Cohen io.t r.o time in commu
nicating: this information to his cli
, v,f, he’-e. An extra edition of the
Pl i ;ct was :it once i 'sued and it
reach/.:: the public before the daily
press had given out the information.
James Alston's case, which was sched
uled for Police Court Monday, May
. r . He was to give
; ■ in the H is
. . ;il ‘.o .he
.hi ■. l.y Juno 3,
• r.utined and
!> A

_c:i to go on his
.'.Hied E. Cohen
• ruu' rm.d and he
bond with Al
,T. mr.ming.
/ /: ... ■■ j Dei- rmivt'd
morning Attorney J.
It • vred and Dr. Leon A.
;;; j •-•on/ , nH bond although
L':. A. 11. E .vies w.s present also
o ••.>. Atiovr.ey Janies E. Can
. ; As; ista H City Attorney Lu
cius Cary insisted that they would
Alst )D| .he injunc
•: having • ot ueen signed at that
hough At
tc rney Cohen stated that he had
i the i Jti 1 "
- H His Honor. Later Attorney
Cary admit: d that the appeal would
Sta s Circuit
* A} Is rathei th n w: r
;. u.s Supreme Court ui
, r#
\y U Not tiettch Svpreine Ccvs1
t • ■ dMu’ ::: 1 that th? case will
or ' ho T ' IS ; .
.. . >r th< ai ii :
jf the •' ion that the decision
• e CH/..H . w; -}Z Appeals us
al in a •••.-. unles s a writ of

card OF thanks.
Mrs. William F. Denny and chil
dren wisp to thank their many
f- ^nds for 'heir kindr.es? and sym
pathy shown them during the recent
^ness and death of their husband
and father the late Attorney Wil
liam F. Denny. .. .. ••
Rev Baker, nastor of the Third
Street Belicl A. M. E. Church lost
his wife by sudden death recently.
His friends sympathize with him.
Moore Street Celebrates
54th Anniversary.
Moore Street Baptist Church held
one of i'.s achievement days .ast
Sunday, when the Church celebrated
.ts 54th Anniversary. The services
began promptly at 11:30 A M.
Deacon A. G. Rose presiding. There
was a historical sketch given by
Deacon W. A* Kyles, Dr. Gordon
3 Han' oefc. the pastor of the Church
prna.hed the anniversary sermon.
It was a marvelous sigltt to see the
throng of people who came out for
the occasion •
The Pastor's A d Clubs Numbers
1 and 2 greeted the* pastor immed
iately af er the close of the morn
n - rvi es.
The afternoon services were given
over en: rely to Dr. Joseph T. Hill,
the pastor pf the Second Bap'i t
Church, who .s a scholar and a mas
er of any situation. Next came his
choir led by Mrs. Albritton Jackson
of California. There was never at
Moore Street Church a spectacle
more wonderful or more awe-inspir
hiir than the p cture of the afternoon
services painted for us by Dr. Jo
sop,, T. Hill, assisted by Iris choir
of heavenly voices..
At 8:3(>! P. M-. Dr. W. L Ran
somo a scholar, a teacher, a pu pit.
orator and a Christian gentleman.
>astor of the First Baptist Church.
South Richmond, conducted the de
vdtiona1® assisted by his choir.
There was an eloquent pap r read
7 y Mrs. Roberta Boxtell.

The case of J. N. Cassell and W.
j Troljnger which oiTVcers were
occntly dismissed from the police
force of this city was called in the
Hustings Court on the 17th inst.
and continued until May 30. Attor
ney Benjamin Lovenstem has re
tired from the case and they are
now being represented by Attorney
H M. Smith The postponement
was made on Mr. Smith’s request
They are charged with accepting a
bribe from Joe Ridley, colored who
is an alleged boot*egeer. Captain
Wright, chief of detectives and Cap
tain Bryan, who was concealed at
Ridley's place saw the money count
ed and passed between Ridley and
the policemen. ....
Bernard C.awford got into s fght
with some one and as a result rushed
' ' ''.'.I
gave the name of Elmore Hughes.
K j was treated for a knife wound
in the breast Sunday morning and
left saying he w’as going to “g f t
man ’ It was not long before be was
back at the hospita'. He had been
shot throng,) tne mouti his tenth
being knocked out and the bullet
had gene through his nec]<. ..
Mrs. Tucker Pickrell says that he
ran nto her r staurant about 4:30
Sunday morning 19th inst. and a
girl was with bim. Another man
had a gun and fired through the
glass door at h m. striking him.
Crawford h*ld the girl in front of
him and the man poked the revolver
over the girl's shoulder and f'red at
him repeatedly. Although in a orit
ioal condition be was reported alive
when we went to press. The name
of the man who shot him has not
been announced.
Rev. S. S. Morris. General Sec
tary of Al’en Christian Endeavor
League A. M. E. Church was in
the ctv last week on business. Dr.
Morris is announcing the coming
International Christian Endeavo**
tion •' Kai sas City. Missouri
July 3-8. Twenty thousand de’e
gptes are expected from all sections
°f this country and abroad. Secretary
Morris reports growing interest in
thr young people* work of bis
Church. He was recently endorsed
for the B1 shopr’c by the Virginia
Mrs. Mary E. Boisseau wishes to
r thank her many friends for their
k ndnesK duing the recent illlnees
and death of her cousin. Agn^s Mel
v'n. And a'so for floral contribu
Mr. W. Van. Jackson of 106 1-2
East Clay Street was taken suddenly
ill at his work Iasi Saturday and
rushed to St. Philins Hospital.
Though still quite sick, there is no
ticeahle imriovement in his condi
The following s a .1st of deaths
of colored persons reported to the
R chmond Bureau of Health from
May 14 to May 21. 1929. with age
and date of death: •• •• ••
George Preston 56 years: 1 \V . Claj
St.; May 11 • • • •
Nathaniel Flood. IT years: <30 N.
Second St.; May 13. ..
Henry Hairston 4S years; Charles
ton. W. Va. May 15.
James H. Cunningham, 5S years;
2021 Bainbridge S‘.; May 1< ^
Richard Quar'es. 45 years; 1203 1
W Legh St.; May 13.
Blanche Randolph. 2S years: l--<
N First St.; May 13.
C cero Lomax. Cl years; SIC N.
S •' nd St.: May 13. • •
T ahe1 Clark. 2 4 years; 8')o Nortn
3 xth Street; May 14. - .
El’za Wood 53 years; State Pen’
tenrary: May 13. •••■
Samuel Allen. 10 years; 602 Vest
Clav Street; May 10. ..
Johnnie Byrd 35 years; Hopewell
• May 16. • • • •
Bu’iha Jackson. 39 y art,, •
North Road; May 14. •• £
Joseph Reid Jr,. 2 months 30b .
Allen Aveaue; May 15 • t
Bernard Rowlett. 13 >'e^'" •
.iehl eounty; May U a-- -,006
Eugene R. Spui.oc|s. >
B oh Ro d May 15- • — t
Pusie Ann Jones 6d vents.
Henrv Moten alias H*nry p** ™ ;
2T years; Va. Penitentiary.
May 1 *. • • io
William Tinsley. 52 years
St Paul St.: May 16. ••
: Viola Louise Williams, ^ months,
T38 N. Ninth St.; Ma> 1J •
Augustus Garris 35 years; Emporia
Lillian Solomon 1 month; Emporia
Ella'price, 9 months; 1322 W. Clay
St.: May 18. .... .
Herbert Williams. 3 days; 2-B Fritz
Street: May 18.
Wilbur Williams. 2 days; 2-B Fritz
Street; May 18.
Bessie Johnson Reynolds. ■>" 3ear >
4 Orleans St.; May 18.
i Beatr ce Morton. 19 years; -004
Brook Road: May 18 '
! John Pryor 50 years: 222- West
MoorP St.: May 17. ..
William Bland. 50 years 908 N. -0th
St. May 18
Jani Kate Taylor, a married wo
man living at 1023 North Fourth
I Street \. as shut twice and ki led at
r ; . dence V In sday night be
tween 10 and 11 o’clock by Lew s
'.McClain. He fired at her four t.mes.
j McClain was undtir bond to stay
| away from her she doing all she
j could to avoid him. It s eras that
i Mrs Tay or. who has two children,
isent one of them cut to find what
time it was. McClain mutt leave seen
) the child l ave, for he forced his
j wav into the house and attacked the
i woman with a revo’.ver. Oae bullet
entered her left elbow another en
tered the left arm just b. low the
Uhouider, passing through the bieast
land passing out through th« ung
land out on the right side. Another
entered the arm
McCla n let'- the revo’< er anti an
away. A warrant is out for his ar
rest. Any information .cone ruing
his whereabouts will be gladly re
ceived by the Police D par ment.
It is reported that 'he husband of
Jani^ Kate Taylor is in New York.
The body of ^he unfortunate woman
was turned over to Funeral Director
A. D. Prlcet, Jr.
Sam Washington, an inmate of
the Virginia PmItonA''ary recently
had a fight w.tli Clifton Roberts and
on Wednesday. May 22nd secured a
table knife sharpened like a dagger
and plunged it into tV> hr ast of
bis former antagonist. The murder
took place in the dining hall With
SoO other pr'soners present. Major
YoueP, the ah’'-* surorintt r.d'nt was
on'y ."(>* feet away when the tragedy
1o k nlace but h’s back was tov ; -ds
Washington. It was 7:30 A. M. ..
Washington was serving a 23-year
sentence for store-break'ng .end had
served 17 vear^ of his time. Roberts
was under a 10-year sentence for
Rev. /Cordon B. Hancock is mys
tif'1r'r *e these who observe bis
methods He >-a« succeeded in lead
ing the Moore Street Bap| sf Church
congregation to a ’nigh p'ane of de
served success. His sermons are
J models of brevity and wisdom.

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