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FtbUabed *rery kkurJay i u *U North fourth Itra*. JOHN MITCHELL, JR.. ..EDITOR communication. Intends for ou^ ^do. *ould b* nl! to reach a* by '*r *r,Ur~* «t the .\«t OBW »» - ’Winia. h» worn) rlao n»att«*r m. Yew .. ’>1 Month* .. ■*<<•>1* Mon*h» . r^rpi^n BuMcriptloo. | IN LM .. .« .. IM *„r»\gn kh»+r*>*9 Rrpf***"*»tire. W « ,* Coinn.inv. '•« '-earbom •Tl Victoria Building. 8t. loiti* Mo : tn Longaifr Building, N>» T >rk SATURDAY .JUNE 1 1929 . .'Goins: up is d fficult. Coming down is easy. .. People who talk little sometimes suffer much. The equivalent of hard times is the word, “quiet.” Happy people enjoy life, even though they may die early. Some people believe in floating. They do not make any effort to control the direction in which they float. Disaster is sure.. Some women do everything in their power to cause men to When a man gets tired of a wo man he is real tired. When a wo man gets tired of a man. she will leave him or make it so unpleasant for the man that h© "-ill leave her. President Herbert Hoover knows how to talk and he knpws how to act. Ho is looking above a>l for results, even though these same results may at times be disappoint ing • These short skirts are at times a liability tc some women. Some of them are constantly tugging af them to pull them down. Others have no reason to pull them up. They are already up. Mr Louis I. Jaffe. brainy editor : of the Norfolk Virginian Pilot has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the best editorial written during ( 1928. It has given especial satis faction among the colored folks fOr the reason that it was in condemua tion of the crowning evil of this century.— lynching- Our peop/e throughout the country will hail him as a legitimate product of this grand old commonwealth. White citizens of his type and ability will yet bring about a revolution in sentiment and ('cause all classes of citizens irre1 fpective of color to unite in advanc ing the interests of this great re public of ours. people for not respectin for them and then abuse i Mr. John Mitchell. Editor, Richmond Planet, Richmond, Va. Dear Sir: ; This Department is in receipt of a letter from Inspector W. S. Shelby, Assistant Superintendent of Police, commanding1 Detective Bureau. Wash ington, D. C., relative to one James Jackson, colored. Inspector Shelby advises that this man was placed on the 9:20 A. M. Atlantic Coast Line train in Wash ington. on April 15. 1929 for Nor lina, N. C., but has not been heard from since. This man is described as being col ored. age 86 vears. 5 feet- .=> inches tall, weight 160 lbs., brown skin^and wore a gray mixed top coat and khaki pants. Careful innv^rv and search was made throughout Richmond for this man, but without results or informa tion. We are. therefore, soliciting your assistance in locating thi3 man, if in this city. Thanking you in advanc° for what ever publicity you may be able to give to this matter, I am, Very truly yours. A. S. Wright. Captain. Commanding Detective Bureau. IrtUian'Braves and Squaws tc '.'Make Wfiodpee'l at Banff] /A/0//5V 'Prl.WZZ, BA HFr J +. ctfl Stop's-/ invwsI Wo.vts.iJ ror stve-al days during July cf each year the Stoney, Crce and Blood In ti'r.r.s in the vicinity cf BaniT, Alherta. faatous resort in the Canadian Rock ies. rro pertr.iitr.l to leave their reser x ons and rile $o IT nil, where: they pitch tht-ir picturesque tepees in the rlit Fa.ture end prc:::J to held car i. *;..l m l “rnt.he whetpeo" in a r.r which would mahe the average r'ght cluh entertainment m ::.r cr.ta- J t- ’.rich is . ; t.'__a oi.ivcs r.J r r m-s held m old-time P.. i. tiring wi.i.h t :y revive t . r 1 : v~s. i . 3 cn I 1 :::h: \ ' : rvt. 1:::; r ta > ’.- - 1 etrr ‘ * h c.^7 during; the ! ?ow-Wow \ ’ 1 t < year will be held July --- 1 the In c:ier3. bedeck: . in c'3’.e feathers and buckc'ria, par i3 through the streets cl h a.7 an:l con^rc^atc in the courtyard cl the E: 1 Springs Hotel, where prizes are c ren to the big chiefs r r. J to the : vav; v/ho makes ih.e beet appearance on horseback. Cne or them v.on a ; rl~: cevcrr.l peer-1 r.yo with three pap cars clkvjlns to her- -rrvl a ilttle Ir n yhl deploy-1 l-p the L.h, c:_lu. e \...s i..v;..dod c r c Is a land. Moose KiPer, one of the ,rrc\ 1 chiefs of the Canadian Booh 29 • j.i Christian name Is I'eter V.eaiey. i alto one of the ori^.ir! trrr ’y who signed the peace pact Queer Vlctor.a mere than fifty years ago. This grizzled eld chieftain, who is stii the proud possessor of the Treaty fla 1 pr: rented him by her majesty, annual ly takes the flag to Banff, and when ‘.he Bow-Wow is over Moore Killer draws from the earth the old lodge pole phie firjstaff, takes the Treaty ilr.3 i. ora its top, folds it reverently and puts it away, trusting that the Crcr.t Spirit will spare him to return Lo Banff the fell:wing y::.r z~ l cute I I DO YOU KNOW THEM? The Police Department has received an inquiry from Mrs. Viola Harden, 504 10th Ave. and 12th St., Cordele, C»a., concerning her son. She sends his photograph," but she fails to give the name of the boy. WANTS TO FIND HER FATHER 1 am looking for my father who has been missing for over IT years. His name is John Gilliam, and he is a member of some church in Richmond, Ya. I will be glad of any information as to his whereabouts. Josephine Gilliam, 3449 Indiana Ave., Apart ment 5, Chicago, 111. _ ( Vi.VJ " ' ! WEIGHT B ■ ' WOMEN The one supremely good health j building tonic that is also the one great weight producer known to modern science the country over is McCoy’s Tablets. Take them for a few weeks and the hollows in your cheeks your neck and chest should soon fill out and whether you bo man or woman you mav have an attractive figure . and plenty o£_ “get there” energy : in just a short time. Many times the increase in weight is astonishing—one exceedingly thin woman gained 10 pounds in 22 days. McCoy takes all the risk—Read this ironclad guarantee. If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of McCoy’s Tablets or 2 One Dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or woman doesn’t gain at least 5 pounds and feel completely satisfied with the marked improvement in health— EDW. STEWART 2S3 S SECOND STREET dealer c A N'CY GROCERIES. FRESP V EATS. VEGETABLES. FTSH AN’t> OYSTERS. Richmond. Va. PHONE MAD. 16S7 AGENT. MAN OR WOMAN exper ienced in monthly premium Life. Accident. Sickness Insurance. tQ lo ate in Washington, D. CV We will furnish office, telephone, stenograph er and pay a general' agent’s com mission. Write SAFETY RESERVE FUND, 1780 Broadway, New York. For A hair beauty Gladys May of Shufflin' Sam Co. J J Follow the lead of Gladys a 1 May, vivacious actress in | ( Shufflin’ Sam from Ala- 1 j bam’ who says she finds \ Exelento the most de- j lightful hair dressing she has ever used. EXELENTO QUININE POMADE is the original! It reaches the roots of the hair and gives natural lustre that stays! Stops itching scalp and makes harshest hair soft and pliable. At All Drug Stores. Write for FREE sample and book of Beauty Hints. EXELENTO MEDICINE CO. Atlanta, Ga. OTHER PEOPLE IUDGL 'j oU NOW BY YOUR F0RN1T0RE When you can f«t FURNITUBB V* t RTJQS from an Old Bntabllnhed Hoaat ( uae Ji HGislNS—that’s known to nl tae bee' quality goods. Just as reason able ae elsewhere—why not give yoni rrteudb a g'»d impression. it wiL give aa the greatest pleasure to show 7on our wonderful stock of home i making comfort giving KURNITTRX. aad RUGS and—don’t fall to aak oui Salesmen about our BANKING PLA> which gives you 5, 10 or 15 month, to which to pay for any purchase . 6. J I ■STABL1SHED 1880. ADAMS AND BROAD EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full Growth ef Raft* Will also Restore the tality and the Beauty of the Bets. W Your Hair la Dry and Wiry Tfj EAST INDIA MAIN MOW?* If you are bothered with railing Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a JAR OF BAST INDIA HAIR GROW ER . The Remedy contain* Medi cal proprieties that go to the roots of the hair, stimulates the akin. helping nature do its work. j-*ave* the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye Brows, als o restores Gray Hair 1 to its natural Color. Can be used witn not Iron for Straightening. Price sent by Mail, 5o conta. 10c Extra for Postage. ■ • i AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, | . rihami.oo, 1 Preeslng Oil, 1 Face Creaxn and Dlrec- j riun for Selling. Si.00. IS cent* extra for postage. \ S. D. LYONS, 316 N. Central, Dep t B., Oklahoma City.^Okla. a. D. Price, Jr. Funeral Director and Mortician (SUCCESSOR TO A. D. PRICE) First Class Caskets of Latest Design®. Complete Equipment of the Latest Stlye Funeral Cars Furnished Either Day Of Night on Short Notice. Orders Received and Filled from All Parts of the Country. We Never Cloae. _ PHONES MADISON 577 and MADISON 162. 212 EAST LEIGH STREET CP. HAYES, 727 N. 2d St., Richmond, Va. LATEST improvements in funeral equipment. Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Social Affairs or Short or Long Distance Tripe—Fine Caskets—Chapel Service Free. Country Orders Solicited—Prompt and Satisfactory Sendee Phone Madison 2778. Day or Ni*ht Calls Answered PrompsfcN PffllE OUR MTISEfIS FI SERVICE TIE PLANET ADVERTISERS 1 RELIABLE fc* *TUNB *'* - ~ _. _ : iKere is alwwf sympSony aomewfiere; fun. la and g*f A *“> Hat1, it-* street symphony somewhere; shift jwtt disb ta^l ™ find h, then sft bade end kt it into yoor sadj job wll U tiad* better by it - ' ' ’ " * ** ' V-jjjj| ; It’s a sad fact that not erery noise job Kmt is * synqdic^. lIHae are sloppy jaites and melancholy dirges that zfiofd no **P"( lift whatever—tunc away from them. iYoa Have a *? / f best there is. Aren't you keeping up 5 perfectly good recdrtng let? But you won’t get the best in the World unless you ttrne in bit \ ft. The worst will din your ears if you don't tune it out; it will. bore you to death—and keep you looking sour while you live. ^ i am mighty careful of my receiving set. I feed it, clothe if, *_ . a * • i __ ▼ -- -ti. '4 1A rtictv Of 1 ?TT1 HUgiUJ UUWilU vr* ***/. • -O Bouse it with jealous care; I never permit it to become rusty or dusty. I give it eight hours of sleep each night; I provide it with _ . .<•_._•_x^*1 /l.v • ftiB* M1UM the only way to get rid of it When I see a sour, repeUant fae*3 I have to struggle to keep from shouting: “get away from t^T Static l” _ yt ”>Then there's the ballyHoo—the peddlers—that never lay off. even on Sunday—in this commercialized age. I* I tire of them l4 tune 'em out There's often good music, though, along with ■, peddlers’ program. In fact, there is good in everything, as Shako-1 ipeare says, if we just tune in for it 7-=*■•: s-w* ' • - * If this world ia to be made better for us, we must try b"”* . better ourselves and tune a ^ that Kmoblei ilL enriches the soui. L. J. HAYDEN Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicine* TU RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CHARGE 224 W. Broad St., Richmond, Va. DO YOU LOVE HEALTH 2 ii M, lAU da a 1*. J. HA 1 DHLS, JklatfeUlaClUref ul L’Uift fciery m«UcuM* 224 West Broad ouml My media ues wiu relievo you wt w ou matter wtiat year uue<it>e, aicane** or axtuuiiuu may ue *ou /o« to ported healtn# i use nothing but herbs, roovs, barks, gun, Dalsaam* leaves, seed, berries, flowers sad plants In my medicines They nave relieved thousands that u»v« given up to die. MY MED1CLNE6 CLUJ THJfi FOLLOWING DiSKASKd: Heart Dieses* Blood, Kidney, Blander, rue* in any form, Vertigo, Quinsy, tare Throat, Dyspepsia, lodigesUoa. constipation. Bheumatlsm In any Cora, Faina and Aches ol say Kina, Colds, Broaemel Troubles, Skin Disease* all Itching Sensations, Fem&i* Compiainia, LaGrlppe, Pneumonia, (Jicers, Carbonate* Bolls, Cancer in Its worst form without use of knife or instrument, ttfiemi. Pimples on face and kod7. Diabetes of Kidneys, Bright’s Disease ol kidney* My medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, or year moaeg refunded. . Nled...nes seat anywhere. For full particulars, writ* send of enU on L J uaKDKN. t'ti Weet Bros d Street taiaMI Richmond. Ve., July 8, 1915. A perfect cure ras been effected by L. J. Hayden’s Pure Herb Medl horrible disease, Oruvel. I deelre to clues. Afrer waiting thirteen year* and hare not Buffered from the mak© a statement to L. J. Hayden: Thirteen years ago twelve leading ybysiclana ot my cuy treau»d me lor t\ieuay trouble and gravel without the desired benehr. These doctors advised me to be operated on, as that was the only chance for me. I was advised to go and get some of L. J. Hayden's Herb Medicine and try be .ore being operated on. 1 did so, and In twenty-four hours after using uia medicines, I passed at least a naif dozen gravel, some as big as a large pea. Since that time I have not suffered with the gravel- 1 highly recommend L. J- Haydens medicine to all suffering human tty. 1 am, J> A. PAt**, 4 Auburn Ave,, Richmonders. IMPROVEMENT NOTED AT ONCE Mr. L. J. Hayden, 2?4 West Broad Street Richmond, Va. _ _ I received your treatment O. R. and I have started to taking It already for a f^w days, and it has already begun to improve my ail ment so I am sending to you for one more bottle of medicine for Ihs blood. I have spoken to many of my friends and they say they are going to send for a treotment. I think 't ia a great remedy. I do not saner with my pains as I nsed to an* my appetite is Just fine sad I sleep much better every night end feel In# -i. every moraine. Your* truly. EDWARD BRYANT, Dougl** Arison*. Camp Harry J. Jooe* Co. D. 2oth Infantry. FOUND GPEAT RELIEF. Power. W. Va., FeO. 9, 1921. Mr. L. J. Hayden. 224 West Broad Street Richmond, V*. Dear Sir: I received your medi cine and I must say that it has den* me so much good and it makes me feel so much better. I am writing you to please send me some more, as you said in your letter that it would take more than one treatment to relieve a person of his trouble. Thanking you, I am Youx» truly, MRS. MARY GROCB. Power. W. Va. MO»RE WANTED. Daubersville. Pa.. March 25. 192B Mr. L. J. Hayden, 224 West Broad Street Richmond, Va. Dear Sir: Please send me your Blood Purifier and 9tomach Remedy. I got some a few years ago whlcn I found to he so very good for Indi gestion. So find enclosed money order for 12.50. please try to seadl tre medicine as soon as possible. Jr T am ta need of tt. Tours truly. MRS. CHARLES EBLTK®. Daribecurn* P% C. S. CUNNINGHAM, Funeral Director Phone Randolph 4184 Residence Phooe Raadofeh 3167 1816 HULL STREET. SOUTH RICHMOND. VA. The latest style funeral equipment. Caskets, either metallic, mahogany, oak! etc. Prices iht lowest, consistent with service. Orders received at all hours, and wiH receive unmedUtr at tention. Automobile Service. C. S. CUNNINGHAM H. L. MINOR CUNNINGHAM & MINOR 507 N. Fifth Street. Richmond. V*., Phone Randolph 1052 Service Available At AD Hourt. Satafadioa *—* Ycur Patrooaf* la Soldi ad.