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DEATHS REPORTED * ! __ _ n_ jmw Tf«w.-n « Zfii* 4^ > The following is a list oi deaths of colored persons reported to the Richmond Bureau of Health uom May 29th to June 4, 1929, with aue and date of death: W***tji*v Deloris Anthony Ransom, age 3 months, 306 E. Baker St., May Si. Sallie Scott, age 62, 142 < 1*. Moore Esther Moore, age 53, 1420 N. 2Sth Lillie A. Tinsley, age 44, <1- 1 WCd!»)F?l2er*a*e5p. 1810 E. Mar S‘John'iVyatt, age 75, 1205 \V. Leigh | St., May 31. . . I Andrew Price, age oL. 320 W. Broad St., June 2. / Dorothv V. Shelton, age 2 months, 112 W. Marshall St., June 2._ James Henry Turner, age 7 days, 2807 Decatur St., May 30. Julia Seay Mosby, age 29, 40o W • Bacon St., June 1. ,n, r William Lindsey, age 34, 104 L. Marshall St., June 1. James Wocd, age 53, 413 W. Baker St., May 31. Mr. Randolph Gray who was car ried to St. Philips Hospital for an operation, died June 6 1929 at - oclock A. M. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Deans, Sr., Miss Bertha Deans, Miss Louise Deans, of Montgomery. M. Va., and Rev. R. J. Watson, of White Sul phur. W. Va., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Deans, Jr., 607 North Sixth Street. THAT SEGREGATION CASE * The case of James Alston, which came up on appeal, was called in the Hustings Court of this city, Judge John L. Ingram presiding, on last Tuesday morning and by agreement the hearing was set for June 22, 1929. Attorney Alfred E. Cohen and Attorney J. R. Pollard appeared, while Assistant City Attorney Lucius F. Cary appeared to prosecute the case, despite the injunction issued by Judge D.. Lawrence Groner and from which injunction he had ap pealed. In the meantime, James Alston, oblivious of the proceedings, was in the Police Court, thinking that the case would be heard there. After the adjournment of the Police Court, he approached Editor Mitchell, who informed him that the hearing in his case had taken place upstairs in the Hustings Court and would be called again June 22nd. He went up there with him, reported and this was confirmed. A GREEK’S PREDICAMENT John Papas, a Greek, who con ducts a lunch stand for colored peo ple at 522 North Second Street, and who was arrested recently for car nally knowing white girls under 16 years of age, namely, Cecil Marks and Thelmo Peaco, was indicted by the giand jury of the Hustings Court last Monday on a charge of rape, the girls being under the age of consent. It was at first thought that the girls were colored. He is alleged to have met the girls at the Hammond Apartments, Second and Grace Streets. Trouble between Papas and taxi drivers led to the exposure. FULTON NOTES t Last Sunday at Calvary the mem bers and friends had a joyful time in the morning and afternoon. The pastor, Rev. C. A. Cobbs, will preach on the subject, “Sowing and Reaping.” Employees of the colored enterprises are expected t.o be pres ent. Our Sunday School is getting along very nicely under the leadership of Deacon John Robinson. Last Sunday there was a great spiritual feast at the Shiloh Bap tist Church. Tomorrow we are look ing forward to have another joyful time. Rev. S. L. Bush, B. D., pastor. Rev. C. B. Jefferson will preach at the Bethel Baptist Church Mayo’s Town. South Richmond. Rev. Robert Kilpatrick, pastor. The Rally at the Union Baptist Church. South Richmond, will termi nate tomorrow night. We shall ex pect every member to give something. We know our friends will help. Dr. L. C. Garland, pastor. NEW VINE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. Tuck. Pastor The services last Sunday at the New Vine Baptist Church were very inspiring. Pastor Tuck took his text. Acts. 27th chapter, 31st verse, “Except these abide in the ship they cannot be saved.” It was so beauti ful1'’ explained. Tne funeral services of Mrs. Mary Poindexter, the wife of Mr. Walter | Poindexter, were held at St. John, Baptist Church on the 30th of May. Sermon delivered by Rev. D. W. Col j man. assisted by Rev. W. L. Tuck. I Mrs. Lillian Wallace improves very slowly. F. L. Wyatt, Reporter. | I GRAVED HILL BAPTIST CHURCH — Rev. W. L. Tuck, Pastor Sunday School convened at fhfr usual hour. At Qne o’clock the Executive Board of Yarina and Fairfield Sunday School Union met at Gravel Hill Baptist Church. The “May Queen” was well attend ed on last Monday night. We wish to thank the many friends of West hampton who took an active part. Deacon Anthony Young is imprcv-i ing slowly. J. M. Anderson, Reporter. ■ CASPAR HOLSTEIN Wealthy New-Yorker and Candi date for Grand Exalted Ruler of Elks, who speaks at Fifth Street Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, in Williams Lodge Elks’ Anniver sary Exercises. I One of a Series—No. 12 C4. Circle oi SERVICE to dlVMarikind THE LtAUNDRESS shoulders the wash-day bur den, removing it from the home and making it possi sible for all of the family clothes to be sanitarily laur^ dered and returned by the end of the week, sweet and clean. She performs an important part in the Circle of Service, i Our Slogan, “It Pays 5 Ways, 4 'rimes As Long,” is really more than a slogan. It states briefly the advantages of our Health and Accident Policy. We will be glad to have one of our agents call at your request and explain it to you without obligation. UNION LIFE INSURANCE CO. JOHN N.LAWLER PRESIDENT HOME OrriCES LAW BUILDING RICHMOND, VA. WM. B. SMITH, Tonsorial Artist, 18 E. Clay St., Richmond, Va. SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, SHAVING, MASSAGING and Ladies and Children’s Hair Bobbing. A corp of shillful hair artists always ready to serve. Call and be accommodated, - -. 11 rVV> ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WHY NOT JOIN NOW? THE NATIONAL IDEAL BENEFIT SOCIETY A W HOLMES, Founder and Supre me Master CLUBS MAY BE ORGANIZED NOW. JOINING FEE, $1.50 FOR 90 DAYS. SICK BENEFITS $3.00 PER WEEK, PAYA BLE BY LOCAL LODGE, MONTHLY DUES, 50 Cts. SEMI-ANNU AL TAX, 30 Cts. WIIH DEATH BENEFITS RANGING FROM $50.00 TO $200.00. Proof of Death and Membership Brings Prompt Payment of Death (31aims! NURSERY DEPARTMENT Protect Your Children. Joining Fee, 50 Cents; Monthly Dues. 15 Cents; Weekly Sick Benefits, $1; Death Benefits for the Child, $40# Marvelous Achievement of an Order Founded by A. W. Holmes. His Years of Experienc e are Reflected in This Great Organization. Assets': $75,000.00 We recently dedicated our NEW HOME OFFICE Tim Dl\r with Spacious Auditorium and many Lodge ^oms Modi™,*' Equipped with Electric S?>am Heat It is *’a thing of beauty Its doors are open to the’ members specially and t0 the P^bljc gen erally. Do not hesitate. Walk in and get detai.-d information. 1 Your Satisfaction Is Our Success. For further information address NATIONAL IDEAL BENEFIT SOCIETY \ W HOLMES Founder and Supreme Master 210* EAST CLAY STREET RICHMOND VIRGINIA HOME OFFICE BUILDING, 21 o E. Clay Street Richmond va. You don’t have t0 walk a mile to gei a Sea Bath here. The Beautiful Chesapeake Bay is right at our door. * *. .%*■&'-imi****&naH. BAYSHORE HOTEL BUCKROE BEACH VIRGINIA Virginia’s Only Seaside Resort For Onr People. # Do You Plan to Take a Vacation? Does Your Organization Plan to Hold a Convention. Does Your Social Club Plan to Have An Outing? Does Your Church. Sunday School or Fraternity Plan to Run An Excursion? B4Y SHORE is at vour service with a Seventy-Room Hotel; A Fine Beach: A Modern Bath House and Splendid Surf Bathing: A Spa cious Social Hall and a Variety of Amusements THE BEST OF SEA-FOODS ABUNDANT REFRESHMENTS CHARGES MODERATE Ad drees; MANAGER OF BAY SHORE HOTEL, Buckroe Beach Va. is a. Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known. ROBERT ANDERSON CUT Blanch Coleman, 914 East Leigh Street, was in the Police Court last Monday morning charged with as saulting and wounding Robert An derson with a knife. The trouble occurred at the meat-house, where they both worked, and was caused by an altercation Anderson had with Blanch’s sister. She was so violent that it took three white men to get the knife away from her. She cut Anderson on the finger. Judge Had don fined her $25.00, and her female friends immediately came forward and counted out the money for her. The witnesses in the case were Thomas Watkins and R. R. Caldwell. The electrical storm Friday night May JLlst put our power plant out of cnfigjssin and it was 12:30 A. M befolk wTe left the Planet Office Planets ^l|re mailed Saturday, too InV to r«%h our agents on time Lv send us your name and address ■fend we will send you The Planet lor 5 cents per week. WANTS TO FIND HER FATHER I am looking for my father who has been missing for over 17 years. His name is John Gilliam, and he is a member of some church in Richmond, Ya. I will be glad of any information as to his whereabouts. Josephine Gilliam, 3449 Indiana Ave., Apart ment 5, Chicago, 111. CORONER WHITFIELD’S OPINION _ The terrific electrical storm Fri day night, May 31st, did much dam age here. It was reported that a house at 1200 James Street on Mad dox Hill was struck. A bolt of light ning took the life of Ollie Mundy colored, 20 years of age, as he sat there with two of his relatives. Cor one; Whitfield examined the body, but could find no evidence of his being struck by lightning. He was of the opinion that he died from fright. EDW. STEWART 2«3 3 SECOND STREET DEALER IN FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH ! MEATS. vegetables. AND OYSTERS. Richmond. Ya. PHONE MAD. 1637 VIRGINIA: In the Law and Equity Court of the City of Richmond., the 14th day of May, 1929. JULIA HOLMES THOMAS plaintiff HgcUDSt JONES THOMAS .Defendant IN CHANCERY The object of th'-s su.t is to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matri mony from the defendant upon the ground of desertion continuing for a per.od of more than three years. It appearing from an affidavit made and filed according *o iaw. that the defendant. Jones Tuomas is a non-res'.dent of the State of Vh-gin'a it is ordered that the sa d Jones Thomas appear here within 10 days after due publication of this or der and do what is necessary to pro tect his interest n this suit. a Cop: Teste: LUTHER LIBEY Clerk, bv E. M. EDWARDS D. C. J. A. J. TYLER, p. q. VIRGINIA: Ir Hustings Court art II, City of Richmond. May 23rd. 1929. .. CLARENCE BERKLEY .... Plaintiff vs ...... VIOLA BERKLEY.Defendant ORDER OF PUBLICATON The ob.iecf of this su t 's <o obtain a divorce from the bond of matri mony by the plaintiff from fhe de fendant on the grounds of desertion and abandonment for a period of more than three years. An alt davit having been made and filed that the defendant. Viola Burkley Is a non resident of the State of Virginia it is ordered that she appear here with in ten days after due publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect her interest in this suit. A Copy Teste: •••• W E. DU|VAL. by A. I. DUVAL D. C C. MIMMS. p. q. - VIRGINIA: , In the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, the 31st day of May, 1829. John R. Hill.Complainant against Everline J. Hill.Defendant The object of this suit is to obtain by the complainant, John R. Hill, from the defendant, Everline J. HiU, a divorce from the bond of matri mony upon the ground of wilful abandonment and desertion for more than three (3) years. Artd, an affidavit having been made and filed that due diligence has been used by and on behalf of the complainant to ascertain in what county or corporation the defendant, the said Everline J. Hill, is, with out effect, it is ordered that she do appear here within ten (10) days af ter due publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect her interest in this suit. A Copy—Teste: Garland B. Taylor, D. C. Jas. T. Carter, p. q. A DIAMOND RING STOLEN Mrs. Lorraine Mason, aged 20 years, was in the Police Court last Monday, suspected of having stolen a diamond ring. She is originally from New York and resides with her husband at 308 West Leigh Street. The tenant, Cora Folden, in the house with her lost the ring and De tectives I. G. Cousins and L. R. Kel lam were put on the case. They lost no time in tracing it to Lorraine. When asked what she wanted done with the girl, the owner said all that she wanted was her ring. Judge T. Gray Haddon sentenced her to sixty days jn jail and suspended the sen tence. ROANOKE NOTES Rev. J. H. Pinkard preached an excellent sermon at Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church Sunday morning, June 2, 1929. He was accompanied by At torney A. .T. Oliver. Dr. Cotton at tended sendees at Mt. Zion Sunday morning. Rev. James S. Hatcher preached Sunday night. Mr. Nathan Saunders, a brakeman in the West Tnd yard, had both legs cut off Saturday evening. ' Mrs. Lillie Goode died here after a serious illness. The remains will be taken to Goodes, Va., for inter ment. Mr. Eldridge is seriously ill from injuries received some time ago. Rev. John H. Pinkard and Rev. James S. Hatcher are attending the commencement exercises of Kittreil College, Kittreil, N. C. Mrs. Mack Campbell, of Gregory Avenue, is quite sick. The closing exercises of the High School were held at the City Audi torium Saturday night. Mrs. Carmillia Crane is attending summer school at Lawrenceville, Va. Mr. Ransom Graham is still in disposed. Sir.. Logan, of Eeventh Avenue, was run over by a car from Balti more last Saturday; leg painfully hurt and rib broken. Mrs. J. H. Turner is out after several weeks’ illness. Mrs. Maria Davis is somewhat bet ter. Mr. Samuel Bruce is improving. The Grand Lodge and Grand Court of Calanthe will convene here June 18th; also the UnifQrm Rank and Knights of Omak. I