OCR Interpretation

Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, June 15, 1929, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025841/1929-06-15/ed-1/seq-6/

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becomes musical center
btaiftiu *lB’rtl <V>®
Waio<// sud Oft) MeMsfcat ■»•
Northweatcra 0niv*f»i*r *»'■
(Uk1!y *t th« fMl !>t Klixotxflt:
|^>nri« »»id W
That delapldated college car with
Its “Tin You Love to Touch" and
“Four Wheel Breaks” has taken the
kicks from every Jokester in America
since its topless inception, but the
tables are turned. It has developed
Into-the song center of the University
and has pushed the barber shop quar
i tette into oblivion.
The harmonizing four who used tc
1 gather in front of "Smoky Joes” and
render "Sweet Adeline” for the ad
miring throng are as out-of-date as
last year’s callendar, for the synco
pating melody of the modern day
comes from the college car with the
music from a portable for accompani
ment, according to B. W. Jackson,
General Sales Manager of the Bruns
wick-Balke-Coilender Company.
There was a day when the lass with
the gentle touch on the piano keys
could gather the admiring swains In j
by the score, but the girl o 1 today who
can give a soulful rendition of a j
“sweetheart" song along with record i
accompaniment can have a thousand i
men at her feet. i
“Singing in the outdoors has de- ]
veloped into the chief diversion on g
the long auto ride,” Mr. Jackson be- 3
lieves. “and with the steadily mount- J
ing sale of cars. America’s concrete ]
highways may become her music J
halls." 3
But the ballads that father used to .j
sing haven’t suffered the same mercl- «
less fate of his quartette. They’re ft
still as popular as ever. Modem youth I
likes variety and mixes "In the Good j
Old Summertime” with "Coquette” i
and “Broadway Melody." t
U. S. Genius Gives Beauty Feature
To Great Exposition in Barcelona
/V r 3AAC£*-0M FA/**
Spain, famed through centuries as
an art center of the world, this sum
mer acknowledges Indebtedness to
business America for the most beaut -
ful feature of Its great world’s fair
at Barcelona. ,
One million dollars was spent cau
lng a gorgeous Oriental fountain, In
which steam takes the place of water
with every color of the rainbow flas i
lng through the feathery clouds tc
produce the artistic climax of the ex
position. ___
Three oil-burners from Bloomin0
ton, 111., Just like those that heat some
BO,000 American residences, are pro
ducing the steam,-day In, night| out.
for the revolutionary design In lan
scape beautification.
The International Exhibition
Arts, industry and Commerce to in
immense permanent structures that
required ten years for completion.
"With these surroundings, Manuel
Polch. our Barcelona distributor, de
termined to have tbe UnIted S-ates
conspicuously represented, said C. LT
Williams, president of the WllUa
Oll-O-Matic Heating Corporation. He
had watched Oil-O-Matica produce
OfiNCG, Se*OA'7-A,OAHC6i
steam heat in many spamsn nomea
over a period of years; he argued that
they could perform equally well in the
jreat fountain. We are gratified great
ly of course, that a popular home
utility in the United States is the
means to an artistic delight in his
toric Spain, for centuries the Joy of
the world’s art lovers."
PYRAMID HAIR DRESSING la a proven auporlor .hair proem
roman. Keep* hair in place, aoft, gipeevla'
_ ooalp and promotaa the growth. Price 50 IM« |
fybVmid products company
A Real Hiker
< }
This is Eleanora Scars, veteran Bos
ton society woman hiker, who after
ti iiiog a hike of 42}4 miles from
> iF ^ainc-Bleau to her Pari# hotel,
•aid she “felt fine." Her tine fOf
the distance was 8 hours 33 totatafr
Fort Worth Novice Flyers Set New Record :
One hundred seventy-two hour# and thirty-two minutes! That's the
new mark for sustained flight hung up at Fort Worth, Tex., by Reg Robbins (
and Jim Kelly, two novice iviators who flew a rebuilt, single motored moho*
plane around the Texas skies for more than se/en days and wgh.s. They
brpks the record of the army tri-motorcd plane—the Question Marie,
"Just Like My Doll**'
Persia haa adopted a new hat for 4
§en following a .proclamation of the
hah. President Dadguare of thej
ersian Parliament is shown wearjj
tag the oswjut or .,7Pahl^riJ^r
if? Prince Louis Ferdinand Von
^Prussia, grandson of the formec
t Kaiser of Germany, works in over
f alls in a Los Angeles motor car
I plant as No.JlQ30 ir- an assembly,
Mrs. £&. Dunn, 1$, Atlanta's^
youngest mother, and her eight
pound baby* '-‘Just like my doll/*
cried Mrs. Dunn on first seeing hefj
child. n _jk
Radio Rides Successfully *
- On Finest Railway Trains
- ■■■
Radio on railway trains passed the
experimental stage and proved Its
practical use when the election re
turns were satisfactorily radioed to
passengers on seven of the most Im
portant trains of the Chicago & North
Western Railway, the first railway to
Install such service.
Election returns were received by
radio on the North Western Limited,
the Corn King Limited, the Rochee
ter-Mlnnesota Special, the San Fran
claeo Overland Limited, the Los An
geles Limited, the Gold Coast Limned
and the Portland Limited, and the
lounge cars in which the returns were
received were crowded with people
standing until after Mr. Hoover's vic
tory was conceded a little after ten
o'clock. A few passengers stayed up
until the radio was shut off at one
o'clock. The radio service was sup
plemented by bulletins sent out from )
the general office In Chicago to sta- |
tlons along the way which were |
picked up oy the conductors ana j
passed through the trains.
Reports from all trains were to the
effect that the reception was cleat
and distinct, and came in satisfac
torily all evening, with no difficulty
In following the announcer. The only
exceptions were In a small area
through which one train passed where
there were high power transmission
lines and power houses, and across
bridges, and the volume slacked
slightly on the curves.
“There was no howling or static
even when other trains passed by.” j
according to one report, “but every .
time we crossed a bridge the set would j
go dead for the length of the bridge
and then ccme to life again." j
Health of Entire Nation Safeguarded
By Kitchen Reform in American Homes
America leads the world in health
Sdence has done much to enlighten
the nation. But of almost equal im- i
portance Is the advancement of me- •
chanlcal invention. t
Higher standards of living In Amor- ,
tea today have brought about the
better built homo with every conven
ience for the comfort end well being
of the entire family. Not only has
the modern housewife emancipated
herself from the tackbrecblng mo
notony of hand labor ov the wider
use of automatic heating devices,
vacuum cleaners, wasiung machines
and other mechanical improvements,
but she has elevate.-’ her kitchen to a
point of scientific perfection,
i “Safeguarding the health of the
entire family la the mod.an house
wife* biggest Job.** says C. 0. Wil
liams of Bloomington. I’d- manufac
turer of the Ice-O Ma*-»c clgctrl-. re
frigerator. “She has become an ef
ficient schclsr of diet rnd proper care
of food. Talks by home economists
at women's clubs, on the radic end
In magazines are bringing about a
remarkable' kitchen reform. Clean
liness, beauty, convenience are in de
rrand And one tador uwi
promr'ec s.v. itior.li is the elec
trie rtj'ri.. .' . ,
Foods aiv-: ot tree from contami
nation Bac:.r.a. th..? •— ---
tie plrnts that cause :: much n’.r.css
remain inactive In a temperature oe
lcv; 50 degrees. In the dry. even cold |
of the Ice-O-Matlc. foods are kept
pure and wholesome indefinitely.
Baby’s milk ts always sweet Left- I
oveis are fran'farmed into appetiz- .
ing dishes for the growing school
boy’s luneneon. and the tired busi
ness man comes home to an attrac- J
tlve. wholesome dinner without the
confusion of a last-minute kitchen
rush. Desserts and salads can be ;
prepared at the. housewife’s convent- |
ence. Ice cubes are frozen in three
hours. Vegetables are kept crisp and
fresh for a week and In many ca-ca
are improved in flavor.
| Besides raising the health ra'es nt
i the nation, adequate refrigeration ts
i also an .conomy in grocery bills,
j Waste ts eliminated. Larger quan
I titles of foodstuffs can be purchased
because of ample storage space »
the refrigerator, with the a-ssuraiu'e
that food Is preserved st a u=n»t :i
j ture well below the danger wa:u. „

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