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Newspaper Page Text
ffust hear GEORGE BIAS “Tell the South!” Yes ... just snuggle down 'long side of a moonbeam and let George Bias croon this one in your ear! Melody ? ... it fairly sparkles! And rhythm? . . . it’s downright restless with it! The stuff George puts into this one is plumb intoxicatin’! Hear this great record today — at your Columbia dealer’s! Record \o. 14430-D, 10-lftcA 7ffc TELL THE SOUTH ( Vocals .. George Biee SWEETHEART IF YOU WERE MINE \ OTHER POPIXAR RECORDS Record No. 14429-D, 10-inch, 75c Rock Island Blues \ Vo cal Spanish Bluet f Guitar Solo .Lew it Black Record No. 14428-D, 10-Jnch, 75c ■«> You’ll Like My Loving ) Yooala., . Otie Bertie Waking Blues 1 jt*k your dealer for latest Rate Record Catalog Columbia Phonograph Company, 1819 Broadway, New lork City Columbia Records Viva ■‘tonal Recording ~Ihe Records without Scratch > Special Offer 100 single sheets of note pa,per and 100 envelopes-printed on Bond Paper, $1.00 Delivered prepaid 100 sheets of paper, double, and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.50 Delivered prepaid Each customer is allowed to send copy not exceeding 3 lines, 2 inches wide. Type to be selected by us. Same copy to tee used on paper as on envelopes. Here is your chance We do all kinds of JOB WORK. Send all orders to THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th St,, Richmond, Va. ■FAMOIIStTOWER: ....— ■ ^ < About five hundred years ago f the sTowertof^ Brandenburg | was erected/It is; one of the | sights that will be seen by the * delegates^ from ^America to j the International Advertising > } Convention to be held in Ger- I | many ,thisTyear* (Herbert/^ J Fred of redlB.tLloyd.flPresidenf ...ltl?e|PetroleuMConyer sion iCorporation^to »whorn beloSgsJthefcreditftorJen 'gineering the^dealjgetween h i sTcorpora t ion^Jandji h e Shell ICo JfoiJtheTgrection of/thellargestfoilTcracking unit ‘ever^uilt * ln^theTwo^ (HerbertjPh^^gNj^) i 1 ( BOUGHT FOR TWENTY-FOURlDOLLARS | I ' •••x&x • •• .- —.. 5 History tells us Hendrik Hudson bought the little, island of I Manhattan for, Twenty-FouriDollars.' Since'then, much has | happened. The^photo shows how the nose of Manhattan (The ^ Battery) looks from an aeroplane. Where once trees grew in l profusion; tall massive steel structures rear their heads into | the skies^The Hudson River washes one side, the East River | the other, and New York Harbor is in the middle How many | million _dollars_the little island that was bought for Twenty- | Four I>oHafsrTsLnow*worth; few if anyjrealty appraisers can | tell. Billions, however^could not buy it now. (Herbert N. Y )f THE BROWN'S Photographic Studio ALL OF THE LATEST *ND MOSTARTIBTIC PHOTOS AT MODX1UU9 mu. m ■ Special Attention Paid to outlaw*. ***** fta« Iatoriw Wortt Will be Executed on Short Not e*. W« BpMftttw «■ ENLARGING and COPYING from OLD PHOTO*. CALL AND SEE US—WORK DONE IN ALL KINDS OP WEATHER FLASH LIGHT Photos A Feature. The latest Style Developing Outfits. Our POWERFUL LENS Rank with the Best in the Country. OTTT OF TOWN VISITORS ARE WELCOME. 603 N. SECOND STREET RICHMOND VA. ♦ <► ♦ W; I.'JOHNSONS’ SONS Funeral DirectorskMorticians 110 W. LEIGH STREET phone mad. <m ► day OR NIGHT SERVICE, WITHIN ?ooc MILES ► ► WHEN ORDERED. W. I. JOHNSON’S SONS EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS CONDUCT k Puceraw FlawiestOr. Ou: Many Tears of Exper*Dc« Inat/JM o* tk, ► ilo.e^Hi/vever by 1 co:g rating in Oor Service t Spirit ol CyiL ► J. J HVSO' >* SONS, EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS CONDUCT ► Con dec: / II K, » Mob; Bfiicia&t Maater. We Try 10 Ota ► jattetic rcderst£Dd!Gg. h Shooting It Pull of jffole*** ■» i-m1'T’g-.■^l ■ 'u iM -»Nw Reid __ . - ' JlievSAUDt ?%&%***: I C_ First International Air Route, Train To Plane at Miami, to West Indie; flAVO* ^ EG. ^ seweu. OF WA/n FLQZ/DA bast COAST n/KiOR. WALKE/L V ' MIAMI. FLA —A 17-hour mall sor- j vice has already been started between Miami and New York. The take-oil at the first plane in the new air nw;. service leaving Miami was witnessed by a multitude, and an air squadron j tu V-shaped formation escorted the departing plane. It bore a letter j from Mayor E. G. Sewell of Mlam. tc Mayor Jame6 J. Walker of New York 1 Air mail leaving Miami at 11:30 a. m. arrives In New York at 4:30 the next morning. Leaving New York at 9:40 p. m.. arrives in Miami at 11:30 a. m t The new air mall and passenger service to the West Indies will con nect (beginning Jan. 9) at Miami with the fast trains of the Florida East Coast Railway and Atlantic Coast Line from the North Conner- j tlons will be made with the crack trains “Havana Special’ and "Pal- 1 metto Limited" from New York. Eos- ! ton and Philadelphia, the ‘‘Flamingo’ from St Louis and the middle west j and the "Dixie Limited’ and "Flori dian' from Chicago and the Great Lakes region. A full business day wlil t>e saved between Chicago, De troit. New York, or Boston and Ha vana Passengers transfer from Florida East Coast Railway trains to the costly, new airport of the Pan Amencan Airways at Miami which Is equipped with a passenger station and customs oiP.ce. by the "Havana Air Express.” The new air route connects Miami with Havana. Cama guey. and Santiago. Cuba. Port au Prince In Haiti Santo Domingo In the Republic of Santo Domingo, and Son Juan. Pcrto Rico. Miami has now a full-fledged mu nicipal aviation department, and In eluding the city airports has nine airports In oil. The amount Invest ed Is two million dollars The month ly payroll Is $30,000. Mayor Sowell, one of the most progressive of South ern executives, champions a great ilrport development program. ■ „ - - _____ - Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoided by de stroying the germs of Infectious diseases.r $ At all druggists : SORE LEGS HEALED C*ea Legi, Ulcers, Bnlargsd Ysimg Goiter, Eczema HealM wails ysg work. Write for tree book ''■sir jfii Deal My Sore Logs al EMM.” Do scribe your ease. A. C. LISP! PHABHAOY «| J*»* Green Bay Ai, Mfljraike* M PINKY DINKY o At-.; J PINKY IS WISE By tbbey gilkisok TAKEl ITWlS QUARTER AND VCHAse our and ?uv MB A 3lN<SO MACSAtlNr C'MOH 6AN&/ l'M <SO\N’ TO THE 6TOQ.E TO C£T A KA6AZ.INS POP. IT ONLY COSTS TWENTY CENTS AND POP ALWANS LET'S ME_ KEEP THE FIVE CENTS CHANGE __— I i. TOO SAP PINKY VJE'RB ALL SOLD OUT OF BINGO , MAGAZINES, *Jr NOT A copy uspt/ sorr^ WGLLfWSLL/ Brtfl VrtU ! TOO SAD, THSM ,'ll: takb MY ^JARTBR " ©ACIK/ IT FOR YOU POP. AU-' SOLD (iA//. . 1929 Puhhthtn Amocwwr