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j 3HN MITCHBLiL, JR.. ...BDITOF ii! communication* Intends*} toe pukl*catt<M •aoUd be Mi to reack cm kr We*#twada?. gntored a: the ?o*t »t Richmood, Virginia, as second cl*£3 uisttec. >ae Tea: . lit Month* . hive Months . ••■■> ign Subscription* I I.« LH . « . 110 tv. ■reign Admlw.* Bep^nti i •• >ro.-m Street, Chicago, Vic, Building, St. Louis. Mo ; Longac-- Building, Sew York. - .. ■■■■. 1T SATURDAY.JUI/Y 1923 The* po i leal battje now being waged inside of the Democratic Party organization in this State b-wc*.*n Hon. G. Walter Mapp and Hon. John Garland Pollard promises u> be exciting and more exciting before the will of the memb rs of iat party w*ijl have been expressed. Mr. Pollard is supporting Governor Harry Flood Byrd' policies in Ntoto. while his antagonist is assuming an atti udp closely akin to tha of Dr. V/iiJiam Mo .elv Brown, the Indepen de* AntMsSm'ith Democratic candi la, ». who has been nominated by two parties.. V.’h her disgust on the part of the . or * will re »th iu a large number ■ >f Democrats remaining outside of he Democratic Primary August 6th or whether it will so greatjv increase i > r as ro make morg, popl tak; a part ‘.n the Party’s affairs remains to be seen Governor Byrd occupies an anomalous) position, the lik of which has never been seen in th.. Grand Old Commonwealth, before. . If niquor - the indirect cause of f.>V murders outside of he peniten :i v v ha is the cause of murders ! ide of his same institution. Send in your subsrr ptions prompt ;>• and make us and yourselves happy- . , l poi*. tolling one of our neighbors iha: h0 United States Government had is ie> i four thousand million dollar n new money to lie public. , remarked tha* ha had lie n un ub’.e to get hold pf but little of he olid money and he did not ex pect o com * nto Mie posse sion of this new kind of material. L ke thJ ; n • .'in in a milk bottle, it is for tho-e at the top. People who comp'an do not get anywhere by so doing, but they find iit a great source of satisfaction sometime-' to their own feelings. , People in Europe sei* this country as rolling in wraith. Taey think poverty hus been abolished over over here... .... Since Liberia secured a regular 'income from the Firestone, interests, we do not hear muofi talk about the poor Liberians*. . . .. \Tost colored people are imitators of most white people. Oscar DePriert of Chicago is en joying his job and h® is making th? ‘ivesi of some folks in this country miserable. His colored appointee has entered West Point. Just how long he will be able to ^tay there remains an open qustion. .. You may say what you pbase about some men’s wivea. but the wiTe of tho gentleman in th* White House knows when and how to keep her mouth shut, and her di (tln guished husband has been trained in the same school of wisdom. We refer to Congressman Oscar De Priest's wife’s case. .... West Leigh Street, between Kinney and Bowe Streets. PASTOR Sunday, July !U, 1929 I I :30 A. M. . “The Harvest From Waste Places.” 8:30 P. M. . Sermonette by the Pastor. YOU ARE WELCOME. ezu id Baptist Qhur(sh\ By id Street between First and Second Streets Rsv. Joseph T. Hill, D. fX, PASTOR SUNDAY, .JULY 14, 19!29 11:00 A. M...“Noah’s Dove.” 3 :30 P. M. . . Communion. 3:00 P. M. . .“Burden-bearing .” The entire membership and friend aro urged to attend each service. In the absence of MADAM MINNIH ALBRITTON' JACKSON, the Mas', al Directress, MRS IDA G. HUNT win have full charge of tht music. A Second Baptist Welcome To All. Announceme Tf> to the Ptibtie! BEGINNING ON THE I5TH DAY OF IULY. 1929 AUTOS for FU fr " •,/ WILL BE REDUCED from $10 00 for City and 50c pr Mile \dditiona! for Country Funerals. The Prices S'nal' Be $8.00 IN THE CITY AND 30 CENTS PER MILE ADDITIONAL FOR COUNTRY FUNERALS. THIS REDUCTION is due to the con * l'(lat on of Manhattan and Ml n Street Tax1 serv'iCOs into one (’< rporatlon thereby elim nating the high rate of insurance paid by them and a Special Compensation to Funeral 5)irec tor. : a ' it; high of insurance. \Ve know this reduction v meet with your approv . 1. Thanking you ‘for past patronage and a’ting your further command.- we are, R vrtf ully, COLORED FUNERAL DIRECTORS ’ RICHMOND: W. I. Johnson’s Sons F. H. Hayes Randolph Brothers E. F. Mimms C. P. Hayes N J. Seaborn John Lomax Geo' -te •! tens A. D. Price*. Jr. Cun nig. am and M nor R. ' . Scot: J. M Li. Epp H. L. MANHATTAN FOR-HIRE CAR. ''ORPDR AT'ON Successors to Manhattan Taxi Sear v e. .. C. Terry, Secretary - ,;Nv and MAIN STREET TAXI SERVICE. .... ...-.r •.v cw r..v' v.» yv;-- r-. ' « DRESSING.MOTHER FOR GRADUATION lrt.1 JtruckJ jbeen^diYidmgl! cared for her husband! )Teacher»^College.\Nod . home/or she can*^*“5 Ibas .finished* hergc_ __ ’graduated with highhooorsj luke^haslfojthefpastlfc etween} her|h<#ne!jwhere^ four; 'she theirlthrceJ&iildre!iJfand#the;State -¥cam gi ve^herTentireJtime Jtolher, receivedjhierldipiomaMShe ^^pne of the*sixjughest4in\her aroM,‘are.heJptng.mother drew (Herbert | Photoe^Newjyork). A EAST tMDiA nAlfi u.T’jAtH Will Promote a Fall GTowtfc at Fill alao Eeatore tba “ , talitF and the Beantj of the I Your Hair la Dry aad Wkf EAST INDIA RAID RR8WER If you. are bothered with Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching 8calp or an* Hair Trouble, ~~ you to try a JAR OF HAST i.W«A BAH BR. The Remedy oontalna Medi cal proprieties that go ta the fpeta of the hair, stimulates the akin, helping nature do its work. Leares tne nair sort anu sa . rciiumw balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for H eavy and Beautiful Black Eye Brows, ai ^res Gray Hair to its natural CoU * 3 used with Hot Iron for Straightening. P?&6 P/ Mail» °° com8, 10c Extra for Postage. \GEN*TS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oh. ! . shampoo, 1 Preeaing OH. 1 Face Cream and Direc- , ru>n for Selling. J3.00. *5 cent* extra for postage. ; t> * LYONS 316 N. Central. Pe:> t B.. Okla’-ioma City. Ok:a. 7k. D. Price, Jr. Funeral Director and Mortician (SUCCESSOR TO A. D. PRICE) First Class Caskets of Latest Designs. Complete Equipment of the Latest Stive Funeral Cars Furnished Either Day or Night on Short Notice. Orders Rec. _ and Filed from All Parts of the Country. We Never Qfm_ PHONES MADISON 577 and MADISON 162". “ i£«»«!m£>''£*212 EAST LEIGH STREET i C_P. HAYES 727 N. 2d St., cesoor to /es Si Son) Richmond, Va. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN FUNERAL EQUiPMEVi. Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Social Aria:;* • Long Distar.:e Trips—Fine Caskets—OtapeJ Sc >iv-' :•»•■< Country Order; Solicited—Prompt and Satis factory .vrv- r Phone Mhdison 2778. Day or Ni«ht Cal: a An.s *0t«i Promptly. Yo w r crowning charm Belishcs May, Leading Lady Hair that can be dressed in any style—silky, soft, smooth, brilliant — you ky using EMLENTO QUININE POMADE Belishes May, leading lady in Shufflin’ Sam from. Alabam’ attributes her beautiful hair to the use of Exelento. Its medica tion reaches the ro~ts of the hair, imparting a nat ural lustre and softness. Stops itching scalp. A *, At All Drug Stores. , Write for FREE sample and book of Beauty Hints. EXELENTO MEDICINE CO. Atlanta, Ga. I VVA KBFIELD NOTES. Mrs Nancy Gay died Friday * July 5till. # ... [.„•.» The Willing Workers gave a very successful program at. First Baptist Church Sunday night. .. j The doors of Bbenezer Baptist Church are open for a pa:tor. A game of baseball was played in Java on July 4t,1 between Wakefield and Suffolk The 4core waa 7 to 4 in favor of Suffolk. Mr. M. Cook visited his son and daughter in Norfolk.‘Va.. Mr?*. Bessie Chambers. Mr. and Mr3 G. E. Boykin. Mrs. Hattie Lee and Mii-s Virginia Boykin motored to Suffolk. ««« j Miss Maggie Jtones gave a very i enjoyable social Monday might. Miss Mi|dred Parham spent the week ih Lynichburg. Lfttle Mary' Alice Hargrove of Westfield, N. J. 14 visiting j,©r father and step mother. Mr. and Mrs. Hack Har grove. .. .. Mr. J. W. Wright visited Mr. D. Oines .... Mr. Bu?'ter Byrdsong was stabbed Saturday night. w m READ THIS LETTER. I just teli you LUui McCoy's U.f I..S liCl-i-'. i.I IlUV e i er tried. t have a: "ays been Lover far 1 to Lfe .0 uwicc good. I was d:sap .iLter. iu the beginning . 1 weighed 104 Wueu I began—now : WO - -13 La. * pf ii.-rfc t.lci'U . 1 . n’t l>■' without ; :om. My limbs 2 pic :tg up fine, i am singing •'t ,uVt any :a:ch n them to start. s ’ued (Mrs. E. Lo-oney.» Many times the .ncrease in weight a mulshing—one exceed ngly thin > „ i ... ricd 10 po ;::ds in 22 days, v'.f.jy takes all the risk—Read .Vs ronclad guarantee. I:' after :g l sixty cent boxes of McCoy’s or 2 One Dollar boxes any ■i underweight man or woman ijesn't gain at least 5 pounds and : !e:e y satisfied - with the approvement in health— < .sk ror McCoy's Tablets at :ey will oe returnea., 1 .1, . A ercander Johnson died Mon i.; Trj 1 t. Fun-era’ was held at Seem, \ra. July 4th. He was a netnber of the Twilght Quartet .. Rev. James S Hatcher occupied ;he pulpit at Mt, Zion tasf Sunday md preached an exWtl nt crmon. Mr. J*eo| Daniels op Gregory Ave mi ? felt from a load of hay sustain ng serious injuries .... Rev W. E. Lee pastor of High street Baptist Church delivered a Cine sermon. .. Mr'. Ed Watlcins of Center Ave nu? is away visiting her daughter and friends. .. • ‘ OTHER PEOPLE JUDGE VOn NOW 8Y YOUR FSJRNITUFE Whoa you can got TOHNffdll «Ba RTJ03 from an 014 UrtlWiI Bo«*> Illka JUROWfO—known to mr frtonda a good tmpreeelon '* »,r giro u« tho groatMl plotforo to Aow you our wonderful etock of hone rr«)dng nomferr giving ^MRNt'l'UIU end RWH «ad—don’t fell to Mk oar FkJflnman About our BANTfthxo PLAN Kumsn WOOLS TREASURY a rrtmmy nwiw ja a HJOticM Wttf. ft hMI jft bmqpfor paid tor, and Mrs. Jimmy Brown knew tb4 fr^»n«ng nf tgam week in the matter of overcoming dfffi» »dffcra. • It was in the fade autumn that Mrs. Jimmy began to thfaM +r*it a near rag. sod a tew pieces of moae tasty fanht tnc jfS» paring. She had grown tired, as any good woman ftxist, with die craaetess (fading, sweeping, changing positions c< (be antiquated sofa and worn rockers—she just coafcfart make fh» Being-rocm look cheery any morel But die fcknthas mortgage kept eating its way brio the famfty treasury; ontH it cooid be pad 9t. . . . The liftJe wWe decfcted to stop every leak in die family badgM gbe ct*4d—and to save ckner if pousftk, bat how? There wad Jnst thirty-five cents in her parse—a (fane and a quarter—wbea her resotatkm was famed; she wotdd save every (fane that cams her way. She pm the thin fade coin in i (fane-bank, one of hef drildbcid trinkets in the bottom of a (faesser drawer. It look terf tfrres to open it; that (fane slid into the tiny slot, and dmked dtoerftrfiy as it fell on the metal floor of the toy. It sounds! good T^te fanndryman came around with Jimmy’s collars—-bill fifte*® centi. The fare in change joined its fellow in the little bank* iSFhen Jimmy came home to dinner, he had three dimes among ether coins in his parse; he gave them to Mrs. Jimmy; a halK ttoOar was “banked” that day, and Jimmy Eke the plan. To shorten this true story, by the next April, Mrs. Jimmy ha$ deposited in the real bank, one hundred and seventy-five dollar*— MI in dimes. She purchased her new rag, sacrificed several rickeflji dd rockers, bought fresh new ones, and a neat settee —paid castt. «nd had some left—all done with dimes that had previously __ xtgh fingers that had not appreciated the insignificant cams. - Wjjj TTris is no fairy tafe^ any one can do the same. 4«*<lirjlTir.n nr-—— - _- ■ -—• - t chtc.'! If you besicv, the Bible you n.usf. e ert this, Far fuL pm tieuiars, send, write he, ° ■'* , tQ"': N D s:d in thc northern neck cf virgin; and in the medicine BUSINESS TO YEARS •V o ' -■ R ' 1 RICHMOND V a . « i % i i » l I »»»•*» » » ***** » i * y C. S= CUNNINGHAM, Funeral Director Phone Randolph 4184 Readence Phone Randolph 316/ 13:6 HULL STREET. SOUTH RICHMOND. '* V Pie latest style funeral equipment. Caskets, either rr.era r:yiny. oak, etc. Prices tfie lowest, consistent with service. ,•* received at ail hoarv and well receive mmediaie n fei.o«:ii Automobile Santee C. S. CUNNINGHAM H. L. MTNOR CUNNINGHAM & MINOR 507 N. Fifth Street Ricmnond, Vi., Phone Randolph 305d ► Service Available At .Ail Hows. Satbiractio# Gmmmtmd ► Yc-ut Fteronaf* Is 5o6cr*?d » •» .tv J BE INFORMED-READ THE PLANET