Si. Luke
Continued from page 1
a’tide which appeared in the New
York Times follows:
& W. G. Secretary-Treasurer,
I. 0. of St. Luke.
negro fraternity in
Order of St. Luke of New York Dis
trict Insolvent, Says State At
torney General
alleged to be in business
Owning $300,000 Harlem Property
°“d ta««r !
Province Prosecutor Asserts.
The Independent Order j)f St. Luke
^rnts, hau, by inducing sev
eral1 thousand negroes to loan «ione>
on unsecured notes, is now in the
hands of a receiver Court
,J5 ,aC."ph
•7-\>n because it exceeaeu
fas a membership coroora
t-on'by "oing into business. Its bf^1'
Z brought out in hearings before
• M Brouillard. assistant a
' iey general, was particularly good
f r a* time. It easily persuaded sub
Veils f the Right Worthy Grand
Council of the Independent Order ot
Luke which has neadquarters in
‘ * Via. to offer $100 for t.-.s prm
i V recommending a member to the
i * i 0f directors of the Independent
' York District organization,
; ’ • • M\ elaborate clubhouse plans
] - ^commended director \'a>. .e
wi to produce another $100.
’ return for these loans nve-yeai
r 'funding notes were issued, bimi
i went to many otner negroes,
also received offers of various
V of membership in return for
i V r monev. At one time some 80,000
4 j were outstanding according to
MrV Brouillard. Apartment house
properties were bought and othei
cderations engaged in, but tne real
( itn is now found to be encumbered
;; mortgages too near its real value,
B >uiilard said. A complaint to
jrney General by Dr. Aioert s.
of Harlem, through Alderman
■ Clifford Hawkins provoked othei
■i,JS that some notes were not be
a:d. although no dishonesty was
j. The organization itself con
i’ through its attorney, Johp. W.
> that it was making a profit of
,. :han $10,000 a year. hearings and the failure
j eg bt rations looking toward a re
lation of the society, the At
. General brought the dissolu
Rev. W. L. Luck, Puior
Alma Young has returned
r.i New York and is spending
.,<t;.'a by the bedside of her
l:ter, Helen, w'.o improves
\ i . eply sympathize with oulr
: N\va Baker whereas the reaper
•.; taken her husband, Thomas
. \ Sa urday. July 6. 1929.
>.: ; 1 Pastor Tu.-k preached a
p sermon from Roman 6:23.
the text, “The w;a«es of sin
.and the gift of Goa is eternal
4 P. M. Rev. Earl Charity
ii;v>. u-d for the Choir.
Re orter.
Graham Thomas (whice). age, 20
yea s. serving a ten-year sentence for degree murder fatally stabbed
0 tar Edwards (colored), age, 40
. Mrs. serving a sentence for house
hr »uking, in the Virginia penitentiary.
Saturday, July 6, 1929, at about 4
P. M.The knife wound was through
the heart.
The knife was made from an electric
cutter in the tailor shop. The colored
man had but one arm, while his as
sailant was a large youth with two
T!w white man is said to have been
generally disagreeable. The affair
arose over a contention between the
two men as to whether the B. & 0. R.
R. and the C. & 0. R. R. passed
through Akron, Ohio. Thomas will be
tncd in the Circuit Court here July
17th for murder.
Those of a tornado, lightning in the
sky, hail stones, freak or unusual ani
mals, champions, unusual agricultur
al products, in fact any photograph of
human appeal can be sent to Herbert
Photos, Inc., 480 Lexington Ave., New
York. N. Y. If accepted from $1.00
to $3.00 will be paid for the photo, a
full description must accompany the
photo. Amateurs, here is your chance.
* deaths reported *
The following is a Ust of deaths of
colored persons reported to the Rich
mond Bureau of Health from July
2, to July 9, 1929, with age and date
of death.
Nellie Murray, 31 wears, N. Em
poria, Va., June 28.
Chas. Williams, alias Chas. Britt,
55 vears, Va. Penitentiary, July 2.
James Orr, 30 years, 215 Nicholson
St., July 1.
Mattie Brown, 20 years, 3111 Rock
br:dge St., July 4.
David Brown, 50 years, 1406 Lake
view, July 5.
George W. Jones, 42 years, 726 W.
Leigh St., July 3.
Bessie Murphy, 30 years, 925 N.
19th St.. July 3.
Napoleon Jones, 63 years, 304 E.
Clay St., July 4.
Albert Yates, 45 years, 3208 N St.,
July 3.
Janies Brice, Jr., 40 years, 1414a
St. James St., July 3.
Join. Kibble, 07 years, 807 N. 7th
St.. July 4.
Sam Harris. 38 years, 562 Brook
Ave., July 4.
Henry Lawson, 41 years, Alley be
tv. en 11 and 12th Sts., July 3.
Beatrice Watkins, 32 years, 22 W.
Clay St.. July 5.
Irvin Bell, 30 years, Va. Peniten
tiary, July 6.
Ben Bwigham, 65 years, Greeneville,
Va., July 0.
John Knight. 2 years, 1416 N.
Large St., July 6.
Martha Boyd, 52 years. 816 1-2 E.
Clay St.. July 6.
Oscar Edwards, 40 years, Va. Pen
itentiary. July 6.
Samuel Juniu* Powell, 42 years,
914 N. 3rd St., July 6.
Charles Alexander Jones, 4 years,
923 X. 33rd St. July 6.
Thomas Baker. 43 years, R. F. D.
Xo. 6, Box 51, July 6.
The following is a list of deaths of
colored persons reported to the Rich
mond Bureau of Health from July
9. to July 16, 1929, with age and date
of death.
Marie Ford, 20 years, City Home,
July 6.
Daniel Perkins, 38 years, 621 X. 29
St., July 7.
Joseph V. Griffin. 53 years, 505 W.
Marshall St., July 6.
Lizzie Dean, 55 years, 626 Brook
Ave., July 8.
Oletha Wiggins, 18 years, Horse
head. Va.. July 8.
Alice Pierce, 63 years, City Home,
July 8.
Henry Robinson, 59 years, 903
Denny St., July 9.
Lin wood Williamson, 20 years, 512
Catherine St., July 9.
Sarah Davis, 4 years, 718 E. day
St., July 10. . 0 ur
Queen Parker, 47 years, 203 1-2 VV
Leigh St., July 9.
Reginald Randolph, 3 years, 1009
N. 31st St., July 9.
Calvin Young, 6 months, 705 Kenny
St., July 8.
Samuel Anderson Donovan, 1 year,
1013 N. 1st St., July 9.
Allen Butler, 60 years, 308 E. Clay
St., July 10.
Elmore Carter, 2 years, 135 Warren
St., July 10.
Rachel Starks, 55 years, 1315a St.
John St..July 11.
Rov Smith, 35 years^30 Piney Road,
July 11.
William Thorpe, 50 years, 727 Nich
olson St., July 12.
Emma Stovall, 43 years, 801a N.
29th St., July 12.
Robert Williams, 6 years, 1820
Littlepage St., July 14.
Winston Melvin, 20 years, 526
Maury St., July 3.
Lewis Watkins, 34 years, 619 St.
James St., July 12.
Mary Brown, 43 years, 12 W. Baker
St.. July 14.
Sidney T. Tinsley, 54 years, 507 W.
Leigh St., July 12.
'Richmond District is planning to,
run its sixth annual outing to Bay->
_ore Tuesday, July 30th. Train
•aves Main Street Station 7_A. M.
returning leaves Bayobore *:30 P.
vl. This day is looked forward to
with a great' deal of pleasure by the
members of the Order and their
May 25, 1929.
R. F. D. 1, Box 123,
Jarratts, Va.
Mr. Hayden:
Please send me a treatment of medi
cine. I have been sick all this year.
I had the worst colds I have ever had
and it was just as loose as it could be.
I just spit it up, phlegm, by the
mouth full. I have some dizzy spells
sometimes and I can hardly .walk
across the house as I am so weak. I
can hardly get up when I ssit down
and my system is gone clean down.
I had a slight stroke and I can hardly
talk. I can’t deliver my speech very
well. So please forward me the medi
cine at once to hit my case.
Rosa White,
R. F. D. 1, Box 123,
.Jarratts, Va.
-rrv.7 7
—---- -— --1
a jlflpPi -nJ^ONQS AT OCEAN \SlEW a a a a a /fSkiVe'/tT \Zlf?qiH'A ZfSAcd • •
«.'■ VIRGINIA BEACH. Va.—Tile not
spells ha je drawn the greatest throngs
to the Virginia beaches In their his
Si: tory, and Old Virginia with all her
romance has a new appeal to the
$£,■ country which even California and
Florida cannot surpass. More than a
p million and a half dollars was spent
j-Vi at Ocean View Park, Virginia Beach,
y Seaside Park and other Atlantic
ljM Ocean resorts near Norfolk last winter
in preparation for the present sea
X& son. Bathing, boating, fishing, danc
Jsl ing, golf, and horseback riding, chut
ing the chutes, and watching the
prettiest^ girls in the world, those of
g^j Virginia, are among the amu.'t..icnU
Tl-.c vast expanses c: - y. s»er...:co car.
accommodate hundred; cf thousands
o* shut-ins from the hot back coun
try. Ocean View Park Is to Virginia
what Coney Island Is to New York.
Last year it attracted the third larg
est amusement crowd In the United
States. Further South one finds the
great new Ocean Casino.
Three great new bridges In Virginia
open the way to the beaches down the
historic Virginia Peninsula. South
from Richmond, through the very
cradle of the Republic. They are the
massive Newport News—James River
Bridge 5 mile* long costing $6,000,000
iacros>. the James Rivei the half mile
ni*T.r.:n wriffuc rnotot
Spr.n across Chuckatuck Creek and
the 24 th mile bridge across the Nan
semcnd River. They form a cresent )
around Hamptoi Roads and enable
the motorist without Interruption to i
take In Jamestown, founded In 1607, !
and the first English colony In the ‘
U. S.; Yorkto>n where Cornwallis sur- •
renderea In 1782; and Williams- .
burgh, scene of the first representa
tive assembly in America, in 1769.
which is now being restored by John
D. Rockefeller Langley^ Field. Old
Point Comfort and the biCT' ,;rmy and
naval station#, are to be seen on the
way to the beaches. w
One of a Series—No. IS
ZA Circle ol
to alVMankind
THE JANITOR, once looked down upon by ho- Is
manity, is now looked up to as a most useful contributor p
to the helpfulness of civilization. He keeps our office j
buildings, schools and churches clean and healthful. He ~
is a part of the Circle of Service to all Mankind,
When Sickness O’ertakes You,
Health and Accident Policy pro
tects you 52 weeks in the year.
It costs so little each week, it is
foolhardy not to provide such
protection for yourself and youc
mmc Ofrtccsmw oim oinc mcwHooe,
' : -rwW
Mt^VesuviusTniost notedjof
jsjagainfspitting feorthl lava
and smoke^and.theVesidents
othej^l ittle^townsjad j acent
to,the pile^are<lapprehensiver'
whenjtKeTvo IcanoTwasistag
ing#a particularlvjmpressive
spectacle?f( Herbert^ N.%Y.)’
senTble^worn^by^Raquel iT or^
resBsnawfhori zontal *stri pes?
The! short! skirtTi sTlaced fat
tlie*side*The jacket and the
is a Proscription for
Colds, Grippe, Flu,
Dengue. Bilious Fever
and Malaria.
It is the most speedy remedy known.
Notice to Ministers; Messengers
and Convehtioft Visitors to
the Lott Carey Foreign Mis *
sion Convehtiofi of
The Ministers. Messengers, and Vis
itors •who are expecting to attend
the sessions of the Lott Carey For
eign Mission Convention in the city
; of Columbia South Carolina, August
1 2T. 1929 will please send in their
I names to me at once in order that
I suitable entertainment may be pro
I vided. Two (2) Dollars per day will
I be charged Dor board and Hedging.
I 805 Washington St.,
Ootambla. South Carolina
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Brown wish
to announce tjx© marriage of their
daughter. Elsie Helen to Mr. W.
Henry Williams, Jr.
B/tj Investment
An unusual opportunity to maxe
an. investment. A modern laundry
in process of development. You may
became part owner. Laundry brings
big returns. Be among the first to
get in. Act quickly. Write for an
appointment. Address B-. CARE
PLANET, 311 N. Fourth 9t. Rich
mond Va. ..
Shepherds To
Don't miss going with the Shep
herds and Daughters of Bethlehem
on their Fifth Annual Excursion to
Bay Shore TUESDAY JULY 16, 1929
Round Trip, Adults 11.50; Chil
dren under 12, 75 Cents. We gc
rain or shine. Train leaves Main
Street station 7 A. M. Returning
leaves Bay Shore 7 P. M. Good
music and refreehmij&ts. .»
piaintlff i
The National Ideal Benefit Society |
Richmond District will hold its 17th 1
Anniversary Thanksgiving Services
at the Second Baptist Churtfh. 2nd
and Byrd Streets. Sunday July 21 .
P. M. Rev. Dr. Joseph T.
Hill. Pastor will preach the anni
versary sermon. The principal ad
dress Vll be made by Supreme
Ma ter Mr. A. W. Holmes and oth
er Supreme Officers will sprak. All (
made members are requested to
meet at the Ideal Hall 210 East
Clay Street 2 P. M. and march to \
the" Church. Female members will !
meet in basement of tile Church at
2-8rt p M. All members will wear ,
their regalia.
In Hustings Ceurt art II, City of ,
j Richmond. May 23rd, 1929, ..
< r
« vs - .. .. •
.VIOLA BURKLEY.Defendant r
The object of this suit is to obtain
a divorce frcjn the bend of matri
mony by the plaintiff from the de
fendant on the grounds of desertion
’ and abandonment for a period of
more than three years. An affidavit
having been made and filed that the
defendant, Viola Burkley Is a non
resident of the Statle of Virginia It
i3 ordered that she appear here with
in ten days after due publication of
this order and do whait Is necessary
to protect her Interest In this suit.
A Copy Teste: ....
by A. I. D^VAL. D. C
C. MfMMS. p. q.
Richmond. Va. PHONN M&D.
county or corporation the defondant,
the said Everline J. Hill, is, with
out effect, it is ordered that she do
appear here within ten (10) days af
ter due publication of this order and
do what is necessary to protect her
interest in this suit.
A Copy—Teste:
Garland B. Taylor, D. C.
Jas. T. Carter, p. q.
In Hustings Court Part n City
of Richmond, June IS, 1923.
vs. ....
FRANK DAVIS .Defendant
The object of the above styled
cause i3 for the plaintiff to obtain,
from the defendant a divorce from
the bonds of matrimony upon the
grounds of wilful desertion and
abandonment for a period of more
than three years.
And an affidavit having been made
and filed that the defendant Frank
Davis is not a resident of the State
of Virginia and that his last known
P. O. address was Hopewell Vir
ginia (General Delivery) it Is or
dered that he appear here within
:en days after due publication of
his order and do what is necessaj’y
to protect his interest in this suit,
A Copy Teste: ....
W. E. DUVAL, Clerk
by A. I. DUVAL. J). C,
C. MIMMS, p. q.
Mra. Mary E. Wade has opened
a beauty parlor at 601 1-2 N. Ninth
Street. The public Is fnrlted to call
and inspect her service.
Clara Wheeler wants to locate her
sister' Carrie Smith. Communicate
•with Police Headquarters. Riohmond
Virginia. ..
. .Mrs. Mattie Butler 512 W. Hunt*
ingdon St... Savannah. Oa. is mak
ing inquirjrfor her son Fanzo But
ler. R© left Savannah June 9. 1921
for Virginia to work in a railroad
camp. He is light brown skin 18
years old weight 140 lbs... darlc
brown eyes, height 5 ft. 10. HW
was wearing brown striped pant#,
blue coat, tan checked straw cap,
black shoes, low cut. Anyone know*
•ing of his whereabouts will 00 mm tin'
icatA with bis mother at one© as hd
fs needed at home.