Newspaper Page Text
• ************* •' • DEATHS REPORTED • 0000**********W The following is a list of colored people reported to the Richmond Bu reau of Health from August 13thi to August 20th. 1929, with age and date of death: Main Adeline Woodson, 205 E. Main StM.6LJBr^,T22NLEighth St.,' 63Myi“aSMoo”!?2918'P St., 55 years, AmS Alaska, 822 N Thirty-sec ^ iuriio T& st, 1 KngTctrd,' 24 Kin* St., 3 y'jSnATfn'3tey!°i«22 W. Leigh St, 42&AcCp!3'3901 Fifth St., St., nJSr^tSStai Denny St., 72 yeSi»hH«ry1 Scott, 1107 N. First ( StF^kyaAiff Farkwood St S9jffi.Ta1S?r,1409 W Catherine St-fcaV*eTd0nt&AUfo°l S4T.omhardyj StML6yy™Tf427Sv. Clay St., 22 vears, August 14. r1 cp | Burnict .Terry, 214 E. Clay St., N. Fourth | St. dames W C.lh. etiHen?y’uddr3Tl Midlothian Pike. 706 W. Catherine St.. 55 years, August u. st William Booker, 2221 tortei 51 years, August 1‘- M gt 31 Mollie Cannaday, 3010 m years, August 18. NOTICE Fourth Baptist Church, corner partor SSdoy School 9 30 A M Morning service, U:4o A M Night service (one hour), 8 to 9 P. M. A sincere welcome await- ^ you. ,.ni N Thirty-first Parsonage, 001 JN. ^ Stieet. , , v, Ti-iS'i Fo/nM d Secretary^ call Randolph' 020-W. __ GRAVEL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. Tuck, Pastor 1 Rev Tuck preached the iuneial of little Miss Helen Toung, age lu ff^gus^'lh/^ little girl and a member or tins church only eleven months. J TaWcSXJtgS’S^S' CB«hG^ White jsproving. Reporter. * i| - DO YOU KNOW HER? ( would like to know the where abouts of my sister, Mrs. Rosa Brown, who formerly resided at 318 South Allen Avenue, Richmond, v a. Her husband is named Andrew Brown. Address all information to Mrs. Annie Redd, R. F. D., Mitchell ville, Md. ... ^ How Thin Met nd Women Gain Weight i‘ vat ~ 1 McCoy’s Tablets, sugar-coated and rich in 'weight building agents are easy to take and will not upset or even disturb the inost delic&te stomach. , .... These wonderful health building, strength creating, weight producing tablets are now sold in every drug store in North America and millions of them are used every month. McCoy takes all the risk—Read this ironclad guarantee. If after tak ing four sixty-cent boxes of McCoy s Tablets or 2 One Dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or woman doesn’t gain at least 5 pounds and feel completely satisfied with the marked improvement in health— your money will be returned. Just ask for McCoy’s Tablets at any drug store in America. L. J. Hayden, the famous Herb Specialist at 224 "Went Broad Street Richmond. \'a. received the follow ing letters which wilj esplain them selves Y. i May 25,1929. R. F. D. 1, Box 123, Jarratts, Va. Mr. Hayden: Please send me a treatment of medi cine. I have been sick all this year. I had the worst colds I have ever had and it was just as loose as it could be. I just spit it up, phlegm, by the mouth full. I have some dizzy spells sometimes and I can hardly yvalk across the hoyse as 1 am so weak. I can hardly get up when 1 sit down and my system is gone clean down. I had a slight stroke and I can hardly talk. I can’t deliver my speech very well. So please forward me the medi cine at once to hit my case. Rosa White, June 13/ 1929 R. F. D. 1. Eos 123’ Jarratt, Va. L. J. Hayden ..Dear Sir: Just one more single bottle of your wonderful cough medicine which has done me so much good. I am sending you 51.25 Pieas^, send me a bottle of the same medicine you sent me 3 weeks ago. 1 can’t praise your medicine enough for what it ha:; done for me. Please send at once before 1 take my la^t dos^ of the last bottle you sent me and you will greatly oblige me. ROSA WHITE. i . i . 1 EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will promote a full growth of hair, : will also restore the strength, vital I ity and the beauty of the hair. If F your hair is dry and wiry try EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER If you are bothered with falling hair, dandruff, itching scalp or any hair trouble we want you to try a JAR OF EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The remedy contains medical pro prieties that go to the roots of the hair, stimulates the skin, helping na ture do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed v.ith a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known Temedy for heavy and beautiful black eye brows, also re stores gray hair to its natural color. Can be used with hot iron for straightening. Price sent by mail, 50 cents; 10c extra for postage. ( AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grow er, 1 Temple Oil, 1 Shampoo, IPressing Oil, 1 Face Cream and Di rection for Selling, $2.00. 25 centsextra for postage. S. D. Lyons, 316 N. Central, Dept.B., Oklahoma City, Okla. f t BURKE DENIES ALLEGATIONS ON RELIGIOUS ISSUE Republican Committeeman Answers Charge Made by Mabel Willebrandt Washington, Aug. 7—Janies Francis Burke, general counsel of the Re publican National Committee, today denied that during the presidential campaign last year he “ui’ged or sug gested” that Mrs. Mabel Walker Wil lebrandt, former Assistant Attorney General in charge of prohibition, dis cuss any man’s religion or any re ligious subject.” Mr. Burke’s denial was made in re ply to statements of Mrs. Willebrandt in* newspaper articles copyrighted by Current News Features. “Ordinarily I pay no attention,” Mr. Burke said, “to campaign canards, but in the interest of truth and all con cerned, I am compelled to deny that during the last presidential campaign I ever urged or suggested that Mrs. Willebrandt discuss any man’s religion or any religious subject; nor did 1 ever insert or attempt to insert, any religious comment in any speech she made or intended to make; nor was any manuscript of hers containing any attack on any man’s religion or per sonal character, or raising the re ligious issue, ever submitted to 01 scrutinized by me; nor did any manu script of her Springfield (Ohio) speech which came to headquarters contain any such expressions as “Gc back to vour pulpits and preach this doctiine," or anything akin to it. “It is needless to say that had Mrs, Willebrandt or any other person sub mitted to me a speech attacking my own religion, I would have resented and repudiated it.” Unnatural and mucous dis* 1 barges can be avoided by de stroying the germs o® infectious diseases. * p. to At all druggists ii in ■ ■ n lamin i«i ini tm enansnaiinfananTafK Shepherd’s Twilight!! A big night at Bay Shore. Follow the crowd with the Shepherds and Daughters of Bethlehem on their sec ond annual twilight to Bay Shore, Saturday August 24, 1929. We go rain or shine. Train leaves Sixteenth and Eroad Streets at 3:30 P. M. Returning leaves Bay Shore at 10:30 P. M. Round trip—Adults, $1.50; children under 12 years, 75 cents. OTHER PEOPLE JUDGE YOU NOW BY YOUR FURNITURE When you can get FURNITURE and RUGS from an Old Established Hottto like JURGENS—that’s known to sell ' friends a good impression. It will i give us the greatest pleasure to shew * yon our wonderful stock of home making, comfort giving FURNITURfS and RUGS and—don’t fail to ask our j Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives you 5, 11 or 15 months ' in which to pay for any purchase. c, R ESTABLISHED 3880. v ADAMS AMD BROAD 666 is a PrescriptionJ-forl Colds, Grippe, Flu, Den gue, Bilious* Fev er and Malaria, —miw It is the most speedy remedy known,^ \ CTQiMototetototoiOKWWMlW—MWtMBI ' One of a Series—No. 23 1' C'i Circle of ; SERVICE to aWMankind THE Barber Shop Boy earns a living for himself ai d contributes to the family budget. He also serves : patrons who visit the shop in which he works by giving I them the benefit of his courteous service. In his own J ’ fwny, he is serving the Public. For a small sum each week, you can protect yourself against loss of wages during accident and sickness, provide doctor s and hospital expenses, and pro tect your family. Ask one of our agents to explain what we mean when we say cur policy pays 5 !ways, 4 times as long. I i j OFTSCES-LRW BUilOlNC RICHMOND, VA. I YELLOW CAB NEW, LOWER RATE For First 1XA Miles and —24 Hours Every Day! This Extremely Low Rate, The Lowest Rate in Richmond, Is Made Possible by Greatly Increased Use of Yellow Cabs Boulevard 6644 Boulevard 6644 Saf e-Dep en d able-Fin ancially Responsible EDW. STEWART 283 S SECOND STREET DEALER IN FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH MEATS, VEGETABLES, FISH AND OYSTERS. Richmond Va. PHONE MAD. 1637 Big Investment. Organization Recently Perfected An unusual opportunity to mase an investment. A modern laundry jfl process of development. You may become part owner. Laundry brings big returns. Ee among the first to get in. Act Quickly. Write for an appointment. Address B. CARE PLANET, 311 N. Fourth St. Rich mond Va, _.. «• W. I. JOHNSON'S SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MORTICIANS 10 W. LEIGH STREET phone mad. m. DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE, WITHIN aooo MILES WHEN ORDERED. W. 1. JOHNSON’S SONS HXPER1HNOXD MORTICIANS CONDUCT Funerals Flawlessly, Oar Many Yean of Bzperlenoe Suable* ne to Conduct All PXuierate L. g Moat Ktefent Manner. We Try to Give Mow However by Incorporating in Our Service a Spirit of Gym pathetic Undemanding. .twrmmi'wm\"*£e& mm* > ■_ TIME OF SERVICES IN THE CHAPEL AT CITY HOME .. Every Sunday from 2 to 4 P. M. VIRGINIA: „ , , In the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Chesterfield County, the 9th day of August, 1929. Herbert Rose .Complainant Emma Rose.Defendant In Chancery The object of this suit is to obtain for the plaintiff from the defendant a divorce a vinculo matrimonii on the grounds of adultery and abandonment and desertion continued for more than three years prior to the commence ment of this suit. An affidavit having been made and filed that the defendant, Emma Rose, is not a resident of the State c-f \ ir ginia, it is ordered that she do ap pear here within ten days from the due publication of this order once a week for four successive weeks in the Richmond Planet, a newspaper pub lished in the City of Richmond. Va, and do what may be necessary to pro tect her interest in this suit. Teste: PHILIP V. COGBILL, Clerk. C. MIMMS, p. q. VIRGINIA: . „ A . In the Law and Equity Court c* the City of Richmond, the 31st day of July, 1929. . Naomi M. Kenny .P;a:r.tin against Simon Kenny..Defendant In Chancery The object of this suit by Amendea and Supplemental Bill this day filed by leave of court, is to merge and en large a divorce from bed and board heretofore granted the plaintiff here in from the defendant on the ground of wilful desertion and abandonment, into a divorce from the bond of matri mony upon the ground of wilful de sertion anfc abandonment for a period of more than three years An affidavit having been made and filed that the defendant, Simon benny, is not a resident of the State of Vir ginia, and that his last known post office address was Cleveland, Ohio; it is hereby ordered that he appear here within 10 days after due publica tion of this order and do what is necessary to protect his interest ir this suit. A Copy—Teste: LUTHER LIBBY, Clerk. By E. M. EDWARDS, D. C. c. a. McKenzie, p. q. VIRGINIA: U, _ In the Circuit Court of the city of Riohmond. Thursday August 15th, 1929. MARY B. McKERTHEN, .Plaintiff against HENRY McKERTHEN .. Defendant . The object of this suit is to ob t&in a divorce from the bond of matrimony by the plaintiff from the defendant on the ground of wilful desertion and abandonment and in affidavit having been made and filed that tho said defendant is not a resident of the State of Virginia and that bis last known postoffice ad dress was Richmond Va. it is hereby ordered that the said Henry Me Kerthcn appear hers within 10 days after due publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit. A Copy Teste GARLAND B. TAYLOR D. C. C. A McKENZIE p. a. For Rent. Nice Rooms, including water, in' the rear of 107 East Main Street, to the right kind of tenants. Apply cn the premises.