NOTED INDIAN DOCTOR DISCOVERS PREPARATION THAT GROWS HAIR TWO INCHES LONGER IN TWO MONTHS Willing to Oivs Free Samples to All Readers Of This Paper to Prove Merits DW.C.BELANO • - ■— > *• « Several years ago, in Gold Valley, California , two boys were playing a game of rock battle, and accidentally struck a middle-aged woman. Dr. J. C. Delano (the founder of the World Famous Flood Medicine Herbs of Life) was called in to dress the wound and found that the patient was sum-r inix with a fractured skull and con cussion of the brain. Dr. Delano started in on h:s new case with a determination to bring about satisfactory results; and at the end of thirty days the patient was not only completely cured but her hair over the brusied spot had grown to such a remark able degree that it aroused the cur iosity of both her family and Dr. Delano; so much so that the doctor questioned her as to what was it that she had been using on her hair during the treatment. Her re ply was: that she had only been using the ointment prescribed by the doctor. With the given information, the doctor started straightway into deep research to find out more about the treatment and its con nections with the roots of the hair, and after experimenting for twen- j ty-seven months Dr. Delano an- j nounced thai he had discover ui a certain herb, which when na:era i! \ ilh •-> n tin d-.CT.Lais, and mixed together with pure Cocot nut Oil and line Tai, would produce a healthy, luxuriant growth of hair. Alter iuiding that tho e"*' ri ment had proved stret .vsl t! in ninety-nin° out cf r.n? hundred cases, Dr. Delano placed his pn aration on the market under tiie name of Dr. Delano’s Coco-Tur Hair Grower. From that day un til the present time the sale lies been of phenomenal and uninter rupted success. In Dr. Delano’s research hrt dis covered that falling hair was due to simple infection (Sebum), and that hair roots very seldom die. Remove the infected Sebum and the hair will grow—for science has shown that under most bald scalps the hair roots live. Dr. Delano is so confident that his Coco-Tar Hair Grower is su perior to any other on -he market, that he has» decided to give a free sample to every reader of this paper who will send his or her name and address to The Herbs of Life Indian Medicine Company 3200 Block Spring Garden St. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Note:—Send for your free box • today. Only a few thousands to be given away. \ — Dr. J. C. Delate < 3205 Spring Garden St. Fr; ial • Philadelphia, Pa. I am willing to !;•.■ convinced. Without obligation on mv part, ] please setd me a trial size of Dr. Delano's Coco-Tar Grower at»- t solutely FREE, and ‘oil n:e how to j use it. j Name . j j Address . I j City . j j ^ I Special Offer 100 single sheets of note paper and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.00 Delivered prepaid 100 sheets of paper, double, and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1,50 Delivered prepaid Each customer is allowed to send copy not exceeding 3 lines, 2 inches wide. Type to be selected by us. Same copy to be used on paper as on envelopes. Here is your chance. We do all kinds of JOB WORK. Send all orders to THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th St„ Richmond, Va. (COMJECKENER IN LATEST MOTOR CAR| j tm* s.i ..— -$ It is fitting that a man like Dr. Hugo Eckener, who is the first | 1 man to successfully circumnavigate the globe in a dirigible, should s I be introduced on the completion of his trip to the Ruxton auto- * I mobile with its front’wheel drive. Here we see in this ‘htimate | 1 photograph Dr. Hugo Eckener, hero of the round-the-world-flight ^ $ in the Graf Zeppelin, this photograph shows the famous alrsmp § $ commander leaving his hotel in the new Ruxton front-wheel-dr ve | ^ automobile, which was his private car during his stay in *ew * S York. From this rakish roadster the internationally known old s | man this time saw the “Sidewalks of New York” from the | ^ which is almost a new experience for him. (Herbert Photos, N. ^ | ^HElHANDSOMESTJi.RQYAI^UPLE> I Young Archduke Otto of Austria-Hungary, the handsomest young i man of royal blood in Europe?and Princess.MarieJTose of Bei 1 gium> who: according to .rumors! are* reported a engaged.! Should t these two ‘’youngsters ‘ be wedded,. they will^be^theAhandsomest : I‘royal,1'couple in all of Europe. The Archduke has recently quit his [home in Spain to ente^aJflnlversityJn^BelglumyHerbert^N.jr.). George oj ujc A's a Great Hurler ----—--1 / W 3 u \„ !N^!vAj/7/ ' is ~ / BX PfEf TEp TO. BE A &IG $ < AfOlSE /M THE /M • WORLD SZfiiESgM /..•■' A. Al .■ > i. JIM .in* i nv#ly 10 be very prominertt in the World Scries—George E?rn ihavi of the Athletics who clinched the pi r.ant for Connie Mack' with U» 2Jst victoi7. He is the first pitchej it the M?jor Leagues, to win *mv*j Jtmjeasotk. —-—____ I t I # I The Old Fashioned Breaking Carl—-—=~=—=2=— By Albert T. Bekl i ■ --1 r. rC'J -y I I Pretty Nadine Ovejpack, 14 years old. of San Leandro, Crtif.. proudly displays here the pcebc that wen h»i honors in the convert' for slogans for Fire Prevention Wee*, observed na , tionally October 6-12.' "Fire, friend in the home, a fiend when it roams," gave Ihe western girl her award In competition with 3,000 i other entries. More than 60 per cent of r.ll fires | take place in h~av.s, or a home fire [ for every four minutes of the year ! Each day, cn ti e average, 5 schools. ' 6 churches. ij hotels, 1 hospital, 4 : warehouse.-. C“3 *Yrnr.. 0 department stereo, 2 theatr - 5 li g* r:;er-. \ 3 printing plr. ... and 3 drygood^| *rr - -- ' I stores ere turning in the United States. I “Nevertheless, reduction in Are loss : has continued mere than two and one-half years, with waste cut six and one-half per cent for the first six months of 1929 below the same period in 1328," said C. U, Williams, presi dent of the Williams Oil-O-M'-tic Keating Corporation, of Bloomington, 111. “Sparks on roofs, overheated chimneys, defective furnaces, cause most of the home fires. Fire marshals and fire chiefs testify that installing an Is an Important strp to ward ending fire risk. That is why Oil-O-Matics heat so many hospitals, , schools, sanitariums and other j#laaes where there is more than ordinary uert tax safeguarding human hie.’* 4 I \ 4 t t C f » i I — ■ I " j I Cuban A mbitssrrfor ; I | | i l i I»:ifrv h •' it: ■ o! fi'rw York is t> • n* V. At:.’ .1.0 u!«.r to 1 U l>a.»« Juia.'i uf Cd.Cu^u. I PINKY DINKY-- n»vnv-- --- By TBRBT OHJOBOIf j 'v I — _ n I r 'VSLL WHAT \ ( ”^\]| ARB/^'T you ( NOPE / / AfN'T A&p. / — . afraid of / . | yrrz-sr_ / ASAUY? AREN'T YOU AF/3AID i ~l ~Q _ms£. , ~r 4h^,p V f OF 3BARS CO. VA/LO ELEPHANTS' j OF NOtH/aj<>/ Aa/O ,p / K M' kL QF T/Gafi$ OR CANNIBALS J [ HAPP^AJ TO Oat rUCCOUQH? ) Jfj ghqstsp yy \ "v ca"'t °° a y v _" —r-—.& u