^ This’jtaa'ptotow at modem youth Is
Mtflly out of focus, and the proof ter
H ji that interest In Wble study and
iMUglon Is actually on the increase
the risings generation, especial
ly In the ottHa. . '
There Is also no such thing aa a.
•hfbla belt" in America, aay religious
leaden publishers af Wblea and
Wble-study eourees, who have been
1 pouring an analysis of the reasons for
1 the steady Increase In blble sales since
the world war. Sales statistics so far
gathered disclose that the city is just
iae good a market for religious items
as the town.
-Almost 17 million biblea and tens
I of thousands of blble-study courses
were sold in the United States last
1 year," states O. E. Bogart, commis
sioner of the Direct Selling Federa
tion. Chicago, who has been gather- j
lng the business statistics of the sur
vey. "and 1929 promises to smash all
previous records. ®*
‘•One blble house alone has seventy- j
flv -> thousand repr<r«»ntative3 arid dls- j
tr utlnr channels this ye8v■. more i
th i on -third of which vlT. oe ac
tl- y s' mz b'.bles the e ire :ar
tl-.-0.~h The U 28 sales of :• ;!r •->
courses ran ln.tr> several " r.cliri th u
®u.<Wco>:rses. the majority In the
eoij towns.”
Modem youth may not pmattm
formal religion aa keenly aa hla grand
parents'did, states Dr. James M. Gray,
president of the Moody Bible Insti
tute. Chicago, bat "he is more uni
versally interested in education and
in studying religion in a sincere effort
to learn Its personal value to him.1e
The Increased interest In religions
rtudy with the blble as its center, 1»
demonstrated by the constant growth
of the "Family Altar League," a now
sec tar tan organization which encour
ages parents to gather their chlldreai
around them In the home for religions
Instruction or prayer,” says John
Meredith, Chicago, secretary of tb*
league which now is hacked by many
well-known business men throughout
the United States.
The increased use of hlbles In hots*
rooms Is the final confirmation et
these facts, says Fred Fulton, Milwau
kee. the successful automotive equip
ment manufacturer who also is in
ternational president of the Gideon
society supplying blbles gratis to
hotels. “We find no difficulty now in
•/{.i tin hotels tc. let us supply a ntble
or evt j room ' he say? “The ruble
« 5 to b. Man^’i: . equipment
;id the e:.'.ent to which it is us*-t
nroves It is growing more popuW
i’ver’’ -*vv "
International Sunday School Lesson for October 13
j Daniel 1:8-20
Rev. Samuel D. Price, D. D.
This quarterly temperance lesson makes use of the text that was
studied on July 28. Other scripture portions that need careful con
sideration are 1 Corinthians 9:19-27; 1 Timothy 4:7-12; 2 Timothy
2:1-5. Items concerning Prohibition and its enforcement continue to
be r t page news. Henry Ford has recently renewed his statement
that lie wants only temperance workmen in his employ. The cost
to self, machinery and others is too gr> it to have any other kind.
; .r1 • big and little business lias long sinc< reached this conclusion.
Daniel was a propagandist when he v nted to use his own com
1 u -ensc against the arbitrary command c the Babylonian king, who )
.•.1 a puppet to habit . ien he ordered th non-body building foods
a.d drink be given to the young men vv, were in training for a
practical presentation at court. On the otlu hand this Jewish lad and
hr - '•'ipanicns had ideas of their own about hat was good for them,
and their opin.ons had been confirmed by all hat they had witnessed
of profligacy while in this foreign land. If they were to pass the
proposed examination they must have an unsluggish mind housed in a
strong body. To accomplish this they must eat so that they could
really think. They knew far less about alcohol than we do to-day. but
d.d understand that the more you think about it the less you will |
drink it. In fact many drink the poison in order to stop their thinking
process, and they invariably succeed.
The result of a vegetable diet and wholesome drinking was appar
ent when •; " "r.rison was made with those who had been fed up on
t.,c '‘dainties irom the king’s table washed down with the poison drink,
\ nidi is unchanging in its reaction. These lads studied while others
t ept off the effect of false stimulants and they passed A1 when
< .animation time came. The whole matter goes back to the fact that ,
t is ,'>a»icl was not an echo of custom but rather was one who “Pur
1 in his heart.” An objection by the king’s high officer did not
; ,er Daniel’s “purpose.” He was both sure and steadfast.
TVs enforcetiK.it of the prohibition laws, to which every honest
:s committed, is but a project method of finding out the facts,
TtD was what Daniel proposed. Already overwhelming evidence
?,.• -(j obtained in tr.vor of total abstinence from ?lcolv*l. vV
-r.iblv a poi- n. The more faithfully this project is tried •»;•<»> ;
:••• result l i for :he h.Df run-n. of humanity. Wh > won' ’ t
' ’ •••* *• i‘u a pilot who is even au fKT** .* ^
1 .*w« d ucau fly iu buk not 0.vi for —^
\ . --