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(Ej Feu! D. Morton’and Mary Booker Price.) Miss Smith Entertains Mis* Martha Smith entertained the faculty members of Virginia Union University on the evening of Janu ary 15th at the new home of Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Dillard, of 3103 P Street. Mrs. Dillard and Miss Smith are members of the faculty at Union. Mrs. Dillard was formerly Miss Clarissa Kyles. Miss Smith’s guests were Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Simpson, Mrs. S. E. J. Watson, dean of women; Prof, and Mrs. R. P. Daniel, Prof, and Mrs. L. W. Davis, Prof, and Mrs. R. "W. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Van Jack son, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kyles, Henry Morris, of Tewksburg, Mass., and Ira Kyles. Miss M. Kate Doyle, of New York •City, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Hannah Doyle and sister, Mrs. Lillie D. Frye, on St. James Street. Miss Doyle was a prominent worker among the younger Baptist forces here and served as President of the B. Y. P. U. council. Mrs. Amanda Cunningham, of Athens, Ga.. is visiting her son andj daughter, Mr. George Cunningham and Miss Kulah Cunningham, at 1103 W. Leight Street. She will also visit other children in Jersey City, N. J. Misses Estelle, Cornelia and Thel ma Ward, of North Eighth Street, spent a most enjoyable holiday in Amelia county visiting relatives and friends. Most of the time was spent with a cousin, Mrs. Susie Harris, of Jetersville, Va., who spared no pains’ to make it pleasant for her cousins. She gave a surprise birthday party for them. The dining room was de-, corated with ferns, holly and cedar. Many friends were invited, who brought many serviceable gifts. Mu sic was played, a delicious repast was served, and every one spent an enjoyable evening on the event of Miss Cornelia’s birthday. ENTERTAINED Miss Morice Johnson entertained at tea Sunday evening at her resi dence, 713 Denny Street, in honor of Miss Anita Orange, who has just returned home after spending five months in Asbury Park, N. J. A quiet and delightful time was had by all. Among those present were Mr. Ernest Crau .ock, Miss Vivian John son, Mr. Richard Wilson, Mr. Louis M. Taylor, Jr.. Mrs. Josephine Rob-' inson, Mr. Thomas T. Gresham, Miss Ella White, Mr. Adolphus Clark,! Miss Constance Williams, Miss Anita' Orange, the guest of honor; Mr. | Loyal Henderson, Miss Evelyn! Gresham, Mr. Linwood Hill and Mr. j Raymond Yates. Surprise Birthday Dinner On Tuesday. January 14th, a din ner was given in honor of Alvin Ruf-, fin by a few of his friends at the residence of Mr*, and Mrs. William: Carrington, of East Leigh Street, j Mr. Ruffin was presented a watch! by Mr. Carrington as the gift of! Mrs, Ruffin. The dinner guests in cluSed Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ruffin, Mr. and Mrs. William Spottswood, J Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah Charity, Mr. j and Mrs. William Carrington, Miss Laura Booker, George Scott, Miss Lavinia Cogbill, Weaver Johnson, ' Miss Thelma Woolf oik, Wilbur Har-; ris, Miss Marie Johnson, Harold Cogbill, Albert Graves, of Washing ton; Zenophen Smith, Robert Gold en, Miss Genevieve Johnson and Archer Mitchell. F. F. V. 500 Club Miss Maude E. M undin, of North Sixth Street, gave a 500 party on the evening of January —. Those who played were Miss Sara White, Miss Deborah Patterson, Miss Mar garet Tinsley, Mrs. Juanita Peterson, Mrs. Lucretia Jordan, Mrs. Alice Bowser, Mrs. Willie Dabney, Mrs. Druscilla Gilpin, Mrs. Florence Funn, Mrs. Hazel Westry, Mrs. Alberta Howell, Mrs. Raphael Harris, Mrs. Ernestine Calloway, Mrs. Lillian ray lit;, iuib. rabbit: juewib, iuib. ui& zie Standard, Mrs. Antoinette Fer pusson, Mrs. Annie Gordon, Mrs. Lucy Jefferson and Mrs. Lelia Ten rant. Miss Margaret Tinsley was awarded the club prize; Mrs. Lelia Tennant, the guest prize, and Miss Deborah Patterson received the booby. Mrs. Alice H. Charity Entertains The Finesse Bridge Club was en teitainei' by Mrs. Alice Hill Charity, of North Fifth Street, on January I 2ist. Her guests were Mesdames "vVilhelmina Davis, Margaret Peters, Lucretia Jordan, Emma Scott. Ad lena Davis, Evelyn Clay, Kate G. Colson, Clarissa Dillard, Irma Morris, *v..o won the first prize; Blanche Daniel, winner of the club prize. j Others present were Misses Jean ace, Lillian Peters, Elsie Graves,! Mabel Scott and Martha Smith. Treble Clef The Treble Clef and Book Lovers Club inet at the residence of Mrs. Edward Hams, of East Leigh Street, on Wednesday afternoon. Those at tending were Mesdames W. -H. Hughes, R. B. Sampson, Motea Lewis. R. W. Logan, J. B. Simpson, R. R. Roper and W. E. J. Watson. Visiting Here Mrs. Cordelia A. Winn, of New York City, is passing some time here as the guest of her son and daugh ter, Prof, and Mrs. A. P. Davis, of Kingsley Hall at Virginia Union University. Here From Howard Miss Goldbug Wilson, of Howard University, spent the week-end here as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wilson. Here F'om Buffalo Mrs. Lucille Butler, of Buffalo, N. Y., is the guest of Mrs. Henry Wal ton. of North Sixth Street. Light, smooth skin is FASCINATING No matter how dark 3'cur com plexion, you can make it fascinat ing with Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment. This prepara tion, famous for fifty years, softens and lightens the darkest skin, clears up pimples, blotches and tan marks, and does away with that “oily, shiny” look. Regular use of this preparation along with the other Dr. Fred Palmer prepara tions keeps your skin soft and smooth and makes you look fasci nating. Dr. Fred Palmer’s complete line consists of: Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment; Skin Whitener Soap; Skin Whitener Face Powder; Hair Dresser and HID Deodorant. Sold at all drug stores for 25c each, or sent post paid upon receipt of price. Dr. Fred Palmer’s Laboratories, Dept. 15, Atlanta, Ga. A generous trial sample of the Skin Whitener, Soap and Face Powder sent for 4c in stamps. Dr. Fred Palmers SKIN WHITENER "Keeps your complexion youthfuP' W. I. JflMSOfS sols] FUNERAL- DIRECTORS. & ‘MorTiCIANsJ 10 W LEIGH STfiEET PHONE 1£U). V kM.J DAY OR NjGHT SERVICE, WITHIN loot im.«i WHEN ORDSUtD w. I. JOHNSONS fnstrilt VlivMf, ov *A *m*s*S* l | WT j—• — ■■■■» *r unfMU>| i* ov patfcette^UkdwvUadlnfT V Funeral Parlor Rest Roomi DM lay Room* Lod*-e Roomed V Pbones: Office Ra«.2078. Residency Ran.*701. Aast. R*n.2o62w JL | ROBERT C. SCOTT. Funeral Director j 'i 2223 E. MAIN STREET RICHMOND VIRGINIA V • *» •. r— • - y C. P. HSYES (cl i cessor to /1 £; & res Son) 727 N. 2d St., Richmond, Va. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN FUNERAL EQUIPMENT, Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Social Affairs or Short or Long Distance Tripe—Fine Caskets—Chapel Service Free. Country Order# Solicited—Prompt and Satisfactory Service tl Phone Madison 2778, Day or Ni«bt Calls Answered Promptly. Our Grand Opening Friday - Saturday, January 17-18 Mine La Berte Beauty Shoppe OPENS AT 323 N. 2ND ST. h » Richmond Virginia. . We have 6 Booths; modermlly equipped. We use the best methods and supplies. - We have only experienced operators, 'We do all Scalp Treatments’ Facialis; Shampooing and Straightening; Hairdressing and Manicuring. Be sure and ask to see Our Line of Toillet Goods ■vs* • ' ? : ^?a*5OT®' Beauty Culturists at Your Service. ulafitirfl in ©>pattt HAVE been reading the story of Cecil Rhodes. His life was full of adventure: it makes excellenl reading. But the passage that interested me most was this: [ Rjdir.g to the Matoppos one day at the usual four miles an hour, Rhodes had not said a word for two hours, when he suddenly remarked: “Well, le Sueur, there is one thing I hope for you, and that is that while still a young man you may never have everything you want. “Take myself, for instance: I am not an old man, and yet there is nothing I want. I have been Prime Minister or the Cape, there is De Beers (the diamond mines that Rhodes controlled) and the railways, and there is a big country calico, after me. and I have more money than I can spend. "You might ask, 'Wouldn’t you like to be Prime Minister again?’ Well, I answer you very fairly—I should take it if it were offered to me, but I certainly don’t crave for it.” At twenty-five he was so rich that he did not want for any of the things that money can buy; at thirty-five he did not want anything at all; at forty-nine he died. I hope I may never be guilty of writing anything intended to make poor people contented with their lot. I would rather be known as one who sought to inspire his readers with a divine discontent. To make men and women discontented with bad health, and to show them how, by hard work, they can have better iscaiin. i o make them discontented with their intelligence, and to stimulate them to continued study. i o urge them c n to better jobs, better homes, more money in 'be bank. MU it doe, nc h-nr.. in our striving after these worth w!i> 1 c* things, t r> ir.r once in a wink- and rruti* mr blessings. i'iOini:u.i:t aniei.g ;ny 1 !e.*»ings I count the joys of antici pation the «u 'ig* !s of erecting Cas’Iv* in Spain. Ir veu world discover the re i npv <n .> • f ,rv, look ior tuose wli*’ u ■ • stri\ n ■ » • j k-, v inent to another, drawn L>y the pc\ .. . , tl. lions. They have made ever- dr.v -i •!5 joy of the pre-ent, «.i: 1 the. .T er \t » : • g joys provided a vviy- :.:;i!f • I I f them 1 ■•»iu:ng : v cu.’ an rnrkn . jhv.'a* 1 do no' iu "k m on then -n rfere " -fi . .-.pdar J* >. riuuier, • re,-, tony- f.i:r; job. '.v castler ■ • e mcr .Live to efficiency:.they g e added reason and purpose to the lousi ness of being alive. . FAST INDI4 HAIR GROWtR Will promote a full growth of hair, will also restoro the strength, vital ity and the beauty of the hair. If your hair is dry and wiry try EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER If you are bothered with facing hair, ' dandruff, itching scalp or ».ny hair trouble we want you to tr*. a JAR 1 Ob’ EAST INBIA HAIR GROWER. The wjmedy contains mrcwal pr->- > prietit* that go to the ro.>*. of the hair, stimulates the skin, h> ping na ture do its work. Leave- 'he hair sou and silkv. Perfumed with a balm a ^>usand flow** The l?t?st known remedy for Heavy and beautiful black eye brows, also re stores gray hair to its r.atur colo.. Can be used with hot ron far straightening. Price sent y mail, 50 cents; 10c extra for pos* re. AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grow er, 1 Te. iple Oil, • ) 1 Shampoo, l’Pressing Oil, 1 Face Cream nd Di rection for Selling, $2.00. 26 centsextra fo ostage. S. D. Lyons, 316 N. Central, Dept. B., Oklahoma C ty, Okla. A. P. Price, Jr. Funeral Director and Mortician ; r * (SUCCESSOR TO A. D. PRICE) First Gass Caskets of Latest Designs. Complete Eqmpmed of the Latest Stlye Funeral G«rs Furnished Either Day m flight on Short Notice. Orders Recc;.;J and Filled bam All Parts of die Country. We Netet Qoaa. PHONES MADISON 577 and MADISON \€2. ’ 212 EAST LEIGH STREET ^ ££> i t":: ~* "rv5v y Til/ NEW WAVS 'O O,* TMER.E OJICKf.‘. •' •t( N'T JM^PN v*-^ I 1N T .'V’HEj'i jiv-u yil Vf**-** ?• I bif „ >> WV t A r ? - *»* * * s TO GET OKci l J.\A‘ { But all i do »r and thtmh and bunk, f &•....• ;} __evb >