B. Y. P. U. Council Elects Officers. The B. Y. P. U. Council of Rich mond and vicinity met in-.its Tegular monthly meeting at Ebenezer Bap tist Church Wednesday, January 22, 1930. After very inspiring reports from the officers and the various committees, the following officers were elected for the year 1930: R. E. Lee, Fifth Baptist Church, president; J. A. Vaughn, Mt. Olivet Church, first vice-president; Isaiah Taylor, Fifth Street Church, second vice-president; A. E. Jones, Mt. Mo riah, recording secretary; Miss Lucy Thompson, Moore Street, assisting recording secretary; Miss Ada V. Foster, Ebenezer. corresponding sec retary; I. E. Paiker, First Baptist Church, treasurer; W. H. Winfree, Mosby Memorial, chaplain. The installation services will be held during the month of February. At the next regular meeting of the Council the various committees wi’i be appointed. The newly elected officers are aJ: ing the support of the Council and the Council the support of the va rious Unions of Richmond and vi cinity that the year of 1930 may be a banner year foi B. Y. P. U. work in Richmond. Any Union wishing help is at lib erty to call on the Council at any time. Any church having no Union the Council stands willing and ready to organize or help in any way that is best. Yours for a B. Y. P. U. vear, B. Y. P. U. COUNCIL OF RICH MOND AND VICINITY. SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH Center Street S. L. Bush, B. D., Pastor Pastor will preach Sunday morn ing at 11:30 o’clock from Judges 14th chapter and 8th verse. Subject, “The Honey Bee.” Communion at 3:30 o’clock. At 8 o’clock sacred concert by the Blooming Lily chorus. All are welcome. GRAVEL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. Tuck, Pastor At 3 o’clock Pastor Tuck preached the funeral of Sister Octavia Lucas, who departed this life Tuesday, January 14, 1930, in Newport News, Va. He preached from Rev. 21st chapter and a part of the 7th verse, “He that overcometh shall inherit all things." Deacon W. H. Pleasant is out again. Deacon Scott Haskin is on the sick list. Ware looking forward for a glo rious time Sunday, our first com munion service for this year. J. M. A., Reporter. JUSTIN SANDRIDGE RECITAL, piesents Justin Sandridge, the cele brated pianist, with the great Vir ginia Union University choir of one hundred voices, Wednesday evening. February 5th, at Fifth Street Bap tist Church. Justin Sandridge is a truly grea+ artist. To adequately describe the perfection of his playing is an al most unsurmountable task. That he wil be awarded a place among the ■finest pianists of all time is the opinion of critics who have heard him. , ■ ,-?andri ge. an American produ :. was born in Boston and received all his musical training there under mas ter instructors. He made his debut two seasons ago as guest soloist with the gr..:t Bi-'.on Philharmonic Or cherfra 0f 100 men before an audi ence of 8,u00. Mr. Sandridge opened his 1929-30 l->ur in Washington, D. C. He , layed in the great music halls of Pittsburgh and other large cities to reat audiences—prolonged applause characterized his every appearance. The Union University choir of one hundred voices—the heart-searching beauty of their singing and the meas ured emotion with which it is charged fulfills the perfect aim of art. which is to excite and then to satisiy. Infinitely touching is the music from this great body of voices, which seems to come out from eter nity rather than from human throats. Its rhythm, its exaltation, its sen suous loveliness thrill the ear. NEW VINE BAPTIST CHURCH Charles City County, Va. Rev. W. L. Tuck, Pastor At 12 o’clock noon Sunday, Pastor Tuck biought to his people a won derful message from Matthews 28th chapter, 19th verse, “Go ye there fore and teach all nations.” Pas tor Tuck always brings to his peo ple good, strong messages. He is just a God-sent pastor. Next Sunday night at 8 o’clock, Rev. Samuel Massey will preach for the club. Rev. H. G. Wallace is still very sick. . . Brother Henry Yancey is sick. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews Tyler and daughter, of Phoebus, Va., and Mrs. Charles Glenn, of Richmond, Va., were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Green. F. L. Wyatt, Reporter. MANUFACTURER o* PURE | HERE -(MEDICINES_ “0FFICE: 224 WEST BROAD ST. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA TTIY A BOTTLE OF MY MEDICINE AND BE CONVINCED Do You Love Health i If so, Call and L J. HAYDEN, Man ufacturer t - Fure Herb Medicines, *224 W, Broad St.,^ __ \-*Richmond7 Virginia.;, QeiiS My Medicines have per* manentiy relieved thou* sands of people in the U. S. and Europe when others failed to do so, / use herbs, roots, leaves, seeds, ber* ries, flowers, andplantsin my medicines - MY MEDICINES RELIEVE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Blood, Kidney, Bladder, Piles in any form, Vertigo, Sore Throat, Dyspepsia, Con stipation, Rheumatism in any form, Pains and AtJhes ol any Kind, Colds, Bron chial Troubles, Sores, Skin Diseases, Ml Itching Sensations, Female Complaints, Ulcers, Carbuncles, Boils without the use ol knile or instrument, Eczema, Pim plesjon lace or body. _ _ __ My Medicines have relieved others and they will relieve you.^ * * _ \ For full particulars, send, writ$ or call rson on L, J. H A YD EJV < (224 WEST BROAD STREET RICHMOND VA. - v. i\ YOU NOW hi i LiddAfecf * When jou can get FURNlTTuS s»v HUGS from an Old Bat&bilahed Hc_ . like Jl'KUtNb—fun * * a friends a good impronou t* • Sive qh the greatew pleasure to «no* *>u our wonderful aioc* oi home making, comfort giving FURNITURJ and RUGS and—djn’t fail to ask our Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives yon 5. I" or 15 months in which to pay for any purchase. . 0, 5 ADAMS AND BROAD ESTABLISHED 1880. EDW. STEWAR1 293 S SECOND STREET DEALFW I> > \o'CY GROCERIES. FRESi MEATS. VEGETABLES ricu a^xt) OYSTERS Richmond Va. PECNZ HAD iCi, WHERE IS JOHN BRYAN? The Chief of Police has been asked to notify John Bryan to come home1 immediately if he wants to see his mother, Elizabeth Ilarvey. • **• \ \ rfowben N_ C. ! _| VIRGINIA: In the Law and Eguify Court of the Cfity of Richmond, tile 23f$ day of October, 1929. Sarah West.Plaintiff against Coleman West .T..*.Defendant is to oH tain an absolute divorce from th« bond of matrimony, by the plaintifl from the defendant, on the grounc of desertion. And an affidavit'hav ing»been made and filed that the de fendant is not a resident of tlu State of Virginia, it is ordered that he appear here within ten>days after due publication of this order and dc what may be necessary to protect his interest herein. A Copy—Teste: LUTHER LIBBY, Clerk. By IRA M. BARR, D. C. J. E. BIRD, p. q. r %. .I^Chancery The object 6f this si Auto Mechanic All MaKes of Automobiles Repaired Cylinder Grinding General Overhauling Service Guaranteed Give Us a Trial IARRENTON LOVING, PROP. 612 H. Second St. Richmond, Va. INFORMATION WANTED Mrs. Lena Smith wishes to locate some qf her people. She left homfc at 9 years of age which was more than 20 years ago. Mother’s nanr' was B-dile M^Gutchins, two sisters Mamie McCut'ahins and Alice McCut chins. Address Mrs. Lena Smitn, 1208 N. 26th Street, Richmond, Va. GRAVEL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. Luck, Pa«tor At 11:30, the pastor preached from Exodus 14:16. Subject. “Go Forward.” „ . Pastor Tuck thanked the friends for the presents presented to him Christmas. out for the New Year. They held a real interesting meeting Sunday af ternoon, Our sick are slowing improving. J. M. ANDERSON, Reporter. f -k 'Xvowi'2''/ V1 f*' I.m F. S£A>J*C€. tsjti I/, - - ■' . - ff/LYNN.A THIRD RATE FIGHTER. PUT THE . BFE ON DEMPSEY IN THE FIRST ' 'SOUND. JACK WAS SUPPOSED TO H.VE RECEIVED 500 PLUNKS FOR „ THAT FLOP —• AND THE G-AMBLERS . Cleaned up, RG-HT DEMPSEY HAD WITH JIA'i > .'NN [[WAY BACK IN THE OLD DAY5 1 OH *E BECAME CHAMPION! WAS ; - '-~05ED TO HAVE BEEN FlxED. 3T » TkE ONE BLACK ttARK AGAINST ONE » of the Rings greatest r igur. MADE A LOT OF JACK FROM THF. FIO-HT RACKET AMO WAS G-OIN6 { TO Quit it for G-OOO but r *" ' I HE MET KEARNS-AMD OECAnf j CMAKplON Is prize-fighting on the level? This i? a question that has been asked by thousands of those who follow this kind of sport for numbers of years. Well folks use your own judgment. That is all I can say about it. But the decisions that have been rendered in some bouts almost tell you that something was wrong. 1 prefer not giving my opinion on this question, but I am going to tell you about what happened in one of thev bouts fought by the -well-known Jack Dempsey, one of the greatest fighters of all times, before he became champion. Some of you may be able to recall this particular bout, but there are thousands who do not re member it. All who know Jack Dempsey, and I doubt that very few people in this country are unfamiliar with his tac tics, know that he has always been against “flopping,” but this particu always practiced what they preached lar bout proves to me that people have not always practiced what they preached. This bout was fought way back in the days before Dempsey became champion, ‘‘The Dempsey-Flynn bout.” Flynn had as much business beating Dempsey as Old Jim Jef feris had beating Jackson, and when Dempsey was K. 0. in the first round the fans went mad, Dempsey was supposed to have received $500 and as usual the gamblers cleaned up. This bout made such an impression on Dempsey’s prestige that he started to quit the game. FULTON NOTES The services at the Mt. Calvary Baptist Church last Sunday were in spiring and timely, in the morning the Rev. Virgie Meades, one of our own sons, preached. Devotionals in charge of Rev. C. B. Jefferson. We were glad to have on the rostrum the Rev. Mac Alliston, of Wilson, N. C. At 8 P. M. the message was deliv ered by our pastor, Rev. C. A. Cobbs. Wednesday, January 15th, the ! funeral services of Deacon A. D. Daniel were held at the church. The ' services were conducted by Rev. C. A. Cobbs, assisted by Rev. 0. B. Simms. On the rostrum were Drs. G. W. Gaines, W. H. Randolph, J. T. Carburn, Edward Charity, W. E. Brown. The first three spoke very briefly of Brother Daniel. ' Monday, January 20th, the fun eral services of Sister Loui=e Doe were held at the church. The ser mon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. C. A. Cobbs. The 17th instant, owing to very important matters, the Rev. C. A. Cobbs was unable to be present to preach at the Cedar Street Baptist Church. We sent Rev. C. B. Jef ferson, who is a member of Calvary i and assistant pastor of the Union j Baptist Church, South Richmond.] The choir was represented by Dea-, con Beverlv Valentine, Brother Her bert Craddock. Sisters Lynetta Washington and Lelia Thompson. The four mentioned persons capti vated the entire church by their se lections. The new church is a fine structure. The pastor, Rev. Roots, needs our assistance. Tomorrow the Rev. Jefferson will preach at the Union Baptist Church, Southside, at 8 P. M. A sacred concert. KNOX I r PROPHYLACTIC Li QU I D Unnatural and mucous dis* charges can be avoided by de stroying the rams e given away to per= sons holding the fliacky n numbers at AT JOHNSON’S HALL MONDAY FEBRUARY 3rd AL GAMPBEL f.’S Radio Orchestra ADMISSION 50 VENTS Sponsored By Business f >'s Clnb Okeh Record Store 315 Norm Second Street Don’t Hurry There’s no ueed to rush in all your clothes to he cleaned and pr„. -j a -i,. > this pi ice cut ■ > ’ / cl^oi’ing pri cr. .. '••• ’ • wn for t oc I < $1 P and j. ui.. Pressto ^ :. a 11 m i-i'i’essing- Altering- fie pairing \&H11 E 1 HE CLEANER •• We Dye t<> Live” laut Grayiand Are. Bool. 9743-J : C. S. CUNNL4 JAM, Funeral Director ' Phone Randolph 418* Residence Phone Randolph 3167 ' !8iA ’ n'LL STREET. SOUTH RICHMOND. VA. ; ^rrsi stvlf i ^vipment. Caskets, either metallic, • i,v >ak, r\ lowest, consistent with sendee. ; » r eived *< and wffl r*cem in»mc CUNNINGHA.X minor i CUNMNCHaM & MINOP ' yO, n Fifth Strrci k K funood, Va., Phone Raadotph 3631 ; k Se.viu! Available A AH ’■lows. Mrftdba You. hammaff* b SoieM.