Mamba’s Daughters -_
(Continued from Page Three >
tl-j spectacle of a dozen gleaming
Used the world over (or f«nera,i»<<u
£ S. WELLS, Chemist JERSEY CITY. N. J.
29 Years
Skir at
Bump; ant
Put on Magic Shaving Powder am ine
hair washes off quicker and CLOSER ihar
any u/.ors shave /ou. Hftii grow* >aci
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it priceless for excess oair. E. L. C. 'fa*
* mous editor, writes. “A fortunate day when
I struck this God-sena. “ Rev. G. W U.
savs. “Have used your product for £ ^ears
and don’t know how eoulc of withou it.'
Send 35c in 3tamps ’or a package in
U. S. A., if druggist > out. Foreigr o^ices
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Savannah. Georgia
Do You Want A Baby?
Regular SI.00 Treatment
sent free—one to each family
"I was married and longed io: a oaoy ev
ery day with all my heart, but was denied,
writes M ;. L. Schcller. Indiana, "so l sent
Baby Scheller
4Va months n\'i lbs
for your . escnp
uon. While taking j
the second box I was •
unable to expre-s »iv
happiness. I never
had a sick day
became the mother
of a fine 8*/i pound
baby. God only knew
our Joy l hope ev
ery woman longine
lor motherhood will
take vour medicine
You are welcome to
use this letter and
picture for publica
tion. Thank you."
"Married It yean
and doctors tola me
I would never have
any children.” writes j
Mrs. white. Pa "J
tried your medicine. Now I am to be *
mother in October. My dearcs wish real
Dr. DePew’s treatment, based on Glan
dular activity, has been used with such re
sults by thousands ol women that for the
next 3U days he offers to send a full dollar
treatment, postpaid, no C.O.D., no cost, no
obligation, free to every woman who writes.
Dr DePew has set aside 1000 free treat
ments for this month, so be sure and write
today. He will also send a free booklet.
"Childless Marriages Explained.’
Simply send name, a postcard will do, and
romedv will be mailed In plain wrapper. Dr.
DePew’ believes you will be surprised and de- .
lighted. Address Dr. DePew. Suite l.U
Coates House. Kansas City Mo
Student Was
«| THINK Cardui Is the best
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I can say this for it was a
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‘‘During the last year in
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and run-down. Several of my
friends told me about Cardui
and suggested that I try it.
When I went to college I
weighed 95 pounds, so I de
cided to try Cardui, and when
the school year was up, I
weighed 130 pounds.
‘‘I would advise any person
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do them good.
“After taking the Cardui, i
am not nervous any more, and
I am in the best of health.”
Helps Women to Health
yachts belonging to rich Yankees who
have invaded her familiar precincts.
And so she had schooled her eyes to
span the distance and dwell unim
peded upon a rectangle of sunny har
bour. Beautiful, familiar, unchange
able, it lies as always mirroring the
first dim fires of dawn or sparkling in
the bright windy afternoon. And
across it, as they used to do when
Lissa was a baby, the New York
steamers come and go, bellowing their
deep hails and farewells.
Over the hot roofs come the meas
Classified Ads
DETECTIVES—Travel, make secret Investiga
tions. Experience unnecessary Particulars
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Profits. We start vou, furnishing evcrv
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und Toilet Preparations, etc. Pa ; o.' Full
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essary. Write touay for Free sample case.
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It’s the Vitamins in Cod Liver Oil
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In McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Extract
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Two of these sugar coated tablets
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-GO tablets, 60 cents—any drug
store in America.
(C) 1929, McC. L. Inc.
ured tones of St. Michaels chimes
announcing the hour of ten. From
behind the pier sound shouts and
commands. Mamba sits forward,
tense, expectant. Then majestically,
across her rectangle of harbour
moves the loft} cut-water of the New
York steamer, folding back the flat
blue into a thin green line lipped
with white, drawing after it the steep,
black wall of the hull, the high,
gleaming superstructure.
This is the moment for which
Mamba has been waiting. Now that
the vessel has drawn its full length
into her sphere of vision she sees in
it more than the form of a familiar j
friend out of a loved past. It is no ■
longer a great and mysterious ad-1
venturer putting forth from her little
world into a vast unknown. No. To- j
dav she is watching a sure %'oyager of
that fabulous distance which lies be
tween the wish and the rainbow’s
end—between her Jirst fantastic
dream for Lissa and the consumma
tion of that dream.
Now from the whistle a plume of
steam is blown against the stark blue
of the sky, and a hoarse, baying note
wakes the echoes along the water
front. Far below the crowded decks,
the soaring funnel, on her own pri
vate doorstep. Mamba draws herself
together, and her eyes light with a
gleam of her old impudent spirit.
"Git along, den,” she says patron
isingly. “Git along. All ain't holdin’
yo’. An' when yo’ get whar yo’ is
goin’, ’member what Ah tol’ you' an’
gib my gal liuddy full me.”
fl fi7=PHtlLIPS=
jl For Troubles
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Many people, two hours after eat
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rect it with an alkali. The best way,
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way. is Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia
It has remained for 50 years the
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spoonful in water neutralizes many
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You will never use crude methods
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And you will never suffer from ex
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Be sure to get the genuine Phil
lips’ Milk of Magnesia prescribed by
physicians for 50 years in correcting
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any drug store.
“Milk of Magnesia” has been the
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pany and its predecessor Charles H
Phillips since 1875.
Try Phillips’ Dental Magnesia
Toothpaste just once and see for
yourself how white your teeth be
come. Write for a free ten-day
tube. Address The Phillips Co., 117
Hudson St., New York, N. Y.
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Use Po ro
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It’s annoying to powder up for the day
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Peroxide Vanishing Cream first you
avoid this trouble because this cream
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pares it so that powder adheres much
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hydrogen peroxide —an efficient and
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'n jar or tube.50c
Sold by Poro Agents Everywhere
or Order Direct from
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eign, $3.00. Write in for free sample copy
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Ave., New York City.
When Your Cough
Hangs On, Mix
This at Home
The best cough remedy that money
could buy, can easily bo mixed at home.
It saves mouey and gives you the most
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coughs and clyst colds, giving immediate
relief, is astonishing.
Any druggist can supply you with 2%
ounces of Pinex. Pour this into a pint
bottle, and till up with plain granulated
sugar syrup or strained honey. It's no
trouble at all to mix, and when you once
use it, you will never be without it. Keeps
perfectly and tastes good—children really
like it.
It is surprising how quickly this loosens
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same time, part of the medicine is ab
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Pinex is a highly concentrated com
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Do not accept a substitute for Pinex.
It is guaranteed to give prompt relief or
money refunded.
At last the way*,
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types of brown)
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the shortest pos*.
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Why b o t h e
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tion of this won*}
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great new diseov-!
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brown skin 29,
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keep all trace of,
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away for hours, t
And why should
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an continue to,
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have a coarse/
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the remedy that*
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stantly can b®
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ONDS, but It,
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