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(C«nt!n«e4 fr*» race Six) to excuse me as I have an engage ment/’ He regarded his daughter IF YOU Suffer From DROPSY cv dropsy swelling or shortness of I breath, write us for FREE trial pack age. In use 34 years. COLLVM MEDICINE CO. Dept. 250, Atlanta, Ga. $500 IF f FAIL To Grow Hair , HAIR ROOT HAIR J GROWER is a pow- ■ erful stimulant. Na-| ture s way oi xo«cmgj hair to grow En-, dorsed by the medi cal profession andl Barbers and Hairdressers. ftO SIX MONTHS’ TREATMENT $ ! lUU 50cf| Hair Root Hair Grower . Hair Root Shampoo . Hair-Seed Magic Grower 50c 25c S8fl Olosso Enamel for straightening with irons. 25c. Ever-Ready Satin Gloss MAGIC hair dressing for straightening without irons, 25c 50c. Royal Chemical Co. Box 44, Hamilton Grange, New York, N.Y. Win With Lucky Lure HAVE GOOD LUCK Don't worry about bad luck. Get every thing you want and be happy. Lucky Lure is the most mysterious, most enticing and charming perfume ever made. Many believe It to bring good fortune. Let Lucky Lure help you win success in love, business and social life. Let this enchanting fragrance help you gain and hold your sweetheart s love and affection. Attracted by its alluring fragrance, both young and old quickly sur render to its persuasive charm. Confidential Instruction Free >To quickly Introduce Lucky Lure we offer a full-sized package, regular price, 43. for only $1.08. Confidential instructions for men and women, with full details on how and when to use, sent absolutely free. Send no money, simply mail the coupon below or write today. When package arrives, pay postman only $1.98. use it three i" ys and if not simply delighted, return it and your money will be returned without comment. Mail coupon below today. Spauola Co., Dept. 112 P.O. Box 12*9, Chicago. 111. ! Name ........................I Address ......| I City . State . Young Woman WeH and Strong “My mother gave me Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound when I was sixteen and it made a woman of me. I was feeling miserable and would cry most of the time. I eat and sleep well and have lots of pep. In fact, I feel well and strong and can do the work I have to. We keep a rooming house and have seven people to cook for. I am glad to tell people what the Vegetable Compound has done for me.”—Margaret Wil liams, 913 Amoco Street, Alex andria, Virginia. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound Lvd’jk K Me ! •( «* L->nh, fondly. “Lyla has kept me here to meet you." “Dad likes you!” Lyla exulted when her parent had left the room. “He didn’t seem to, so very much,” Rod observed wryly. “If you knew him better you’d think differently,” Lyla explained. “I’ll bet he’ll get you a good job,” she added. “I wish you hadn’t asked him about a job,” Rod said frowning a little. “But why not?" the girl demanded. “Yes, I know how you feel but I’ve always managed to knock along by my own efforts,” Rod explained. “Oh, well, if you don’t want me to help you, I don't care!” Lyla pouted as she flounced away from him. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feel ings, dear,” he cried contritely. “Please don’t take it that way!” Lyla was walking away from him. In one swift bound he had her in his arms. For an instant she held herself away from him, but the hurt look in his eyes made her relent. Slowly her arms crept around his neck, her lips met his hesitantly. He crushed her to him. “I love you little Lyla.” he whisper ed, “I do love you so!” The girl smiled mistily. “All of a sudden?” she asked soft ly. “All of a sudden,” Rod confirmed. Lyla reached up on tip-toe to rumple his hair. Then she slipped out of his embrace and flung herself into a red leather chair. Rod threw him self at her feet and kissed her hands. “It’s nice to be in love,” he ob served with a happy sigh. “Is it?" Lyla asked innocently. “Tell me about it.” Then the hours fled unnoticed as the two young folks exchanged rapt conversation. When at last Rod glanced at his watch he was astonished to see it was midnight. He rase at once. “I didn’t mean to stay so long, Lyla,” he said con IF YOU WANT Money, Love, Easy Life SUCCESS Write today Send no mo >ey. I guarantee to give you a start in life. M. WILLIAMS 901 Bergen Ave. JERSEY CiTY. NJ. tritely. "You must send me home when I overstay next time.” "You big country boy.” Lyla laugh ed. "Midnight isn’t so late here in the big city. Must you go?” "Yes, I must,” Rod said regretfully. "I’ve got to land in this town and I want to get up early to start my landing.” Lyla escorted him to the door. “Coming back to see me real soon?’’ she asked. "Sure, as soon as you’ll let me,” Rod assuied her. Then he drew her into his arms. His kiss was gentle, almost reverent. Lyla closed her eyes for an instant, then she pushed him away. “Boy friend.” she laughed ner vously, "your kisses make me drunk. You'd better fly before I kidnap you.” Rod walked down the driveway to ward the street like a man who treads on air. The fragrance of the girl lingered with him, and the feel oi her soft lips was warm on his. He essayed a little jig step and to himself sang softly: “I’m in love, so in love, with Lyla.” Suddenly he felt a sharp pressure in the middle of his back. A harsh voice grated warningly: "Don’t move there, big boy, or I’ll blow your belly off. Reach for the sky! And keep walking!” Rod's heart leaped wildly and his legs were shaky, then he managed to regain some of his composure, and thrust his hands above his head. At the sidewalk the bulky outline of a long automobile loomed da ikly against the glare of a street h°ht. His captor again prodded Rod with wrhat he knew to be a gun. The door of the car swung open. • “Get in fella!” the man behind him bade Rod grimly. “You are go ing for a little ride—and you are not coming back—alive!” _ END OP CHAPTER TWO - What enemy of Rod’s is this? CHICHESTERS PILLS _ TIIK UUKOND BRAlin * m lu e\V U1M iikjtwtnoW tot Cbt-ehea-tera IHataoad. Brawl PUU ia Bed and «old< imetallic boxes, sealed with Blue K:bbou. Take ao other. Bay V 'of year BreceltL Ask foe Oni.GBRSVTEKS DIAMOND BRAND PILIA, fcr<0 yean knows V as Best. Safest, Reliable. Bay Now I SOLO IT DRUGGISTS EVERYWURI CLASSIFIED ADS AGENTS WANTED EANKRUP8 AND BARGAIN SALES — Big Profits. We start you, furnishing every thing. Distributors. Dept. 320, 42 W. Supe rior. Chicago. WHY WORK FOR LESS When we pay more? Sell HINDU Medicine and Toilet Preparations, etc. Part or Full Time. Male or Female. No eperlence nec essary. Write today for Free sample case. Fre delivery. HINDU PRODUCTS COMPANY 3319 So. State Street Chicago, III. Build your own business, lull or pari time, distributing medicines and high class toilet preparations. Money making proposition. Write ZUCCALA LABORATORIES, 2345-24th Street, Astoria, N.Y. HELP WANTED—MALE DETECTIVES—Travel, make secret Investi gations. Eperience unnecessary. Particu lars free. American Detective System, 2190-D Broadway, New York. Safe, Sure Way to Banish Rheumatic Aches and Pains Here is good news for those who suffer the discomfort and torture of rheumatism, gout or neuralgia. A well-known physician has for mulated a prescription which is helping to bring safe, sure relief to thousands of rheumatic suf ferers. Registered as Prescrip tion C-2223 and recommended by grateful users, it is based on the medical principle that most cases of rheumatism are caused by ac cumulated waste matter and toxic acids in the system. Liniments and other external applications seldom give more than temporary relief because their action is local. Such rem edies fail to correct the cause of the trouble and, consequently, the pain flares up again. Prescription C-2223 attacks rheumatism at its source by help ing to clear the system of accum ulated poisons and waste matter. That is why tired muscles regain new life; stiff joints become sup ple; nerve-racking pains cease— quickly—and the results are last ing. Ask your druggist for the large size bottle of Prescription C-2223 today. If you fail to get relief after taking this prescription as directed, return the bottle to the druggist from whom you pur chased it and your money will be refunded. ••• •s: AGENTS WANTED WHERE one woman has a natural rose petal com plexion, a thou".nd women achieve it by using the right kind of toiletries. Evelyn Rogers, recently starring at the new Regal in Chicago, has that radiant compelling beauty envied by every woman. Beauty, like hers, is deeper than powder and rouge. The skin itself is clear, light—free from all blemishes—as fair and soft as June rose petals. This perfumed complexion beautifier, Wavine Skin Whit ener, will make your skin like that. Almost like magic it banishes freckles, * pimples and all blen.' hes. Be sure you ask for Wavine. It is the only skin ointment with a cold earn base: the only one that is delicately perfumed and—white. At your drug Chicago 20 E. Jackson Bird New York •1. Wtalteha St. gist S, ZDC, or Dy man. The BOYD Mnfg. Co. Birmingham, Ala. Is it another of Lyla’s suitors? The answers to these questions will be revealed in next week's install ment of this thrilling serial, "The Dark Knight," which brings out a new and unexpected angle of Chica go’s notorious'gang wars. ASTHMA Treatment On Free Trial Just year name and address will bring you all charges pre paid-a foil eixe bottle of Lana's IWtw TfWtairt No matter how long you hare coffered or where you lm —try my treatment without coat to yoo. Used by tboo sands and thh bottle do.-s not cost yoaseentgntilyeosfs completely satisfied-then senihw only Hit. Write today. D. J. LANE. 1733 LaM>NhL. 9LHarw.f Do You Want A Baby? Regular $1.00 Treatment sent free—one to each family •1 was married and longed for • baby ev •rv day with all my heart, but was denied, writes M.s. L. 3cheller. Indiana, "so I sent Baby ScheUer 4% months 17Vi Tbs lor your yrcscnp- . tlon. Whlla taking the second box I »M unable to express my ■ happiness. I never had a sick day. I became the mother of a fine 3'A pound baby. God only knew our Joy. I hope ev ery woman longtns for motherhood will take your medicine. You are welcome to use this letter and picture for publica tion. Thank you.” "Married 11 years and doctors told me I would never have any children," writes Mrs. White. Pa. "I tried your medicine. Now I >m to be a mother In October. My dearest wish real tor. DsPe^'f tttktmtal' 'o' noh specific, based on Glsndulsr activity, has been used with such results by thousands ol women that for the next M days be aSera to send a full dollar treatment, postpaid, ne COD., no cost, no obligation, Ires to rrary woman who Dr DePew has set aside looo free Ireal ments (or this month, ao be sure aud write today. lie wtU also send a free booklet, •’Childless Marriages Explained.’ Simply send name, a postcard will do, and remedy will be mailed In plain wrapper. Dr. DePew believes you will be surprised and de 'iphted. Address Dr. DePew. Suite LU, Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. a by I tonight ; "???T!stthf^way has been found to easily m a 1c e all types of brown skin Itom 10 to ao shades whiter In the shortest pos sible time. Why bother with slow actors when one application of this wonder-work ing. great new dlj covery will turn brown skin 2 > shades whiter in a few reconds—make the skin soft : nd smooth as velvet and keep all trace of gloss and shine away for hours. And why should any man r r wom an continue to have a color or complexion they do not like or hate a coarse, shiny skin when the remedy that acts almost Instantly can be easily procured. S P A N O L A not only makes tan or brown skin 10 or 20 shades whiter in a PEW SECONDS, but it protects and beautifies the skin SPANOLA is easy to use. You simply smooth It over vour skin like a lotion aud gently massage. It vanishes iu a few seconds and leaves the skin gor geously soft and smooth to touch. As for whiteness, look In your mirror ancr using your orAnuLA ana see wimi u means to make your skin 20 shades whiter —and with so little effort. Just notice how much better your skin feels and looks, for besides whitening the skin 20 shades with one application. SPANOLA Is a fine tonlo for the skin. All trace of blemishes, freckles and dark spots disappear as soon as SPANOLA is used. TEST NEW DISCOVERT DON'T RISK A CENT! Would you like to see how much better you would like your complexion 29 shades whiter ? Will you test SPANOLA without risking a cent? Mail coupon bt-lox today. Bend no money. Pay postman only 1/Sc. plus postage, on arrival. See how SPANOLA will whiten your skin 20 shades in a few seconds. If you are not delighted withe results, send it back and we will immediately pay back your money. j ~'£panola Co., Dept. Ill [ • P.O. Box 1209, Chicago. III. j Seuu me uue vuuic ot Spanola. On or- 1 ■ rival I wall pay postman only 98c plus ! ! postage. If not delighted after 1 make i ! test, i will return it, and yon will at ! ■ once refund my money. ■ (Use pencil—ink will blot. Please print) ; | Address . uv* ! i ! State