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He Is Risen By R. A. Adams (The Literary Service Bureau) He is not here, but is risen. Luk* • 24:6 ‘ Rejoice ye saints—rejoice and sing today; Sing till the anthems echo from the skies Dehold tho angola roll the stone away, And see the King of Glory rise! Rejoice ye saints, and swell the glad refrain, —-ZTT How to Play BRIDGE Series 1929*30 by Wynne Ferguson Author of ‘PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIDGE” Covrtlfkt. t*». by Hoyle. Jr. ARTICLE No. 29 “Never lead away from a king” is a fair rule, generally speaking, but some times the rule must be broken. As an example, take the following hands: Spades— K, 7,6, 2 ; ^ : No score, rubber game. If Z dealt, bid three hearts and all passed, what is A’s proper opening lead? In tnis hand, A has four suits, each of which contains a king, so in tins hand, at least, the rule ‘‘never lead from a king” must be broken. 1 he question then arises, which of the four suits should A itaJ? 1 hat fact should be determined by the bid of three hearts. If 1 has a sound three-heart bid, the chances are that he dnesnt hold spades. If he had strength in spades, he should have bid one heart bo that if overbid by his partner in spades, he would be in a position to help that bid. For these very good reasons, the proper lead with the fore going hand is the deuce of spades. Hand No. 1 A Y B Hand No. 2 Hearts — A, 6, 2 Clubs— K, 9,4 : Diamonds — K, 7, 5, 3 r A Spades — 7, 6 : Y Z B No score, rubber game. If Z dealt, bid one spade and all passed, what is A's proper opening lead? In this hand, each of the four suits presents good reasons for not leading ft. Unfortunately, one suit must be opened, so that one which promises less chance of loss than the others should be selected. A should not lead hearts for, if he does, it will probably cost him a trick. The trump lead would place his partner in the position of having his trumps led through up to the st rong hand, and so probably cause the latter to lose a trick. Those two suits, therefore, should not l>e led as tricks would unques tionably be lost by so doing. The problem is then reduced as to which suit, clubs or diamonds, each containing a king, should be opened. When forced to ch< osc the lead between two suits, each containing ;i king, choose the shorter suit, m this *asc clubs. The reason for this choice is thuc a player with only three cards . f a suit stands a smaller chance of having the second t*r third round of his suit trumped than if he had four cards of the suit, and, therefore, a better chance to make his king. In this hand, A’s proper opening lead is the four of clubs. The following "end plays" were given in the preceding article. The solutions that are given should only be read after an attempt has first beta made to solve by the reader. Answer to Problem No. 23 Hearts — 6, 5, 2 , Clubs — none Diamonds — noon Spades — 8 Hearts — A, Q Clubs — none Diamonds —10, 5 Spades — none : A t l B i l Hearts — 3 Onb*—5, 4 —10 Heart9 — K, J Clubs — none Diamonds —■ K Spades — K I \ ■wait say defense? .Safeties: Trick com Z •braid trad the five df dabs. A*» dbord to inv mafeerial. Y iboaid dtocard the five ef . bat wtmtcm B dtoaud? If U a heart, Y*e hearts ere both » tiinfde the Um * **■ moods, Y’s ten of diamonds is \*ood. If be discards the king of spades, Z’s ten of spades is good. Therefore, no matter what card B discards at the first trick, Y Z must win the remaining three tricks. This problem is the sim plest kind of end play in which the solution depends entirely on forcing of discard* t» Arabian No. 24 t Hearts — none Clubs — 8 Diamonds — K, Q, 9 Spades-* none Zfafca : the lead. How can Y 2 win three of ' the four tricks against any defense? i StiwHon: TritS omz Z should lead the tea of dabs and tramp in Y’a hand with the five of diamonos. Trick toe: Y shook! now lead the eight of spades. B can do one of two things (a) trump with the oaeen or (b) the nine of diamonds, (a) If B should trump with the queen of diamonds, Z should dis card the jack of hearts and must then win the next two tricks with the ace jack of diamonds, (b) If B should trump with the nine of diamonds, Z should overtrump with the jack of diamonds and then make the ace. In either way, therefore, Y Z must win three of the fear tricks. If Z should overtrump the queen of diamonds at trick two (a), Y Z would only win two tricks. Z would be forced to lead the jack of hearts, B would trump with the nine of diamonds and lead the king, thus winning two tricks. Also note that the lead of the jack of hearts at trick one is a false solution. B would trump and make at least one more trick with the king ?ueen of diamonds. Also note that it ’ doesn’t trump the club at trick one, A B will win two tricks, as Z will i>e left in the lead and must lead a heart or a diamond, thus giving opponents two tricks. Answer to Problem No. 23 Hearts Cluba Diamor Spade* - none J. 10 Is —7 - J. 7. 5 Hearts —10, 9 Gubs — none Diamonds — A Spades — A, 6, 3 Y A B Z Hearts — none Clubs — 9, 7 Diamonds —10, 9 v Spades — K, 2 Hearts — none Clubs — none Diamonds— K, O. 8 Spades — Q, 10, '• There are no trumps and Z is in the lead. How can Y Z win all of the tricks against any defense? Solution: Trick orr:Z should lead the ten of diamonds, forcing Y in the lead. Trick two: Y should now lead the ten of hearts. B cun salcly discard the aueen of diamonds, Z the seven of lubs and A the ten of clubs. Trick three: Y should now lead the nine of hearts. What can U discard ? He cannot discard the king of diamonds or Z’s nine of diamonds will be good; there fore he is forced to discard the nine of spades. Z should then discard the nine of diamonds; but what can A discard? He cannot discard the jack ot clubs or Z’s nine of clubs will be good; therefore he must discard the five of sna<!>-. This forcing of both opponents to discard to their disadvantage is the so-called “double squeeze” and a favor ite play by the e':p''rts. Note carefully that at trick four, Y should lead the trey of spades whi.h Z should win with the king. Trick f ve: Z should lead the deuce of spades and Y should play the ace. At trick six, Y’s six of spades wins the trick because at trick three both A and B were lorced to discard spades to protect their other suits. This end piny is as fine an example of *he ‘‘double squeeze” as ' an be found be cause it is simple and torces the dis cards of both opponents on the same trick. Study it carefully. relieved pWllllPS— (i&W ^ for Troubles to Add INDIGESTION SOUR STOMACH heartburn coNHifmioN CAS. NAUSEA HAT aoat people call Indft Me lon Is usually excess acid in the stomach. Food has ooured. The Instant remedy is an alkali which neutralism adds. But don't ose crude helps. Use what your doctor would advise. The best help Is Phillips’ UUk oi Magnesia. For the 10 years sinoe its Invention, it has remained standard ■vith physicians. Ton will find noth ing else so quick in Ms effect, so mrmless. so effleient. » One tasteless spoonful fct vain neutralizes rni-ny times Its aohUM i in acid. Tlie results are InimsiHall with no harmful after-effeota. Once you learn this perfect you’ll never deal in any other men* ner with the headaches, gas, bloating nausea, dizziness, indigestion, billon* ness, etc., due to an over-add etosxs* ach and bowels. Bo sure to get genuine PhUliprt It is always a liquid; never made la tablet form. Look for the name Phillips on the bottle. All drug* stores—25c and 50c.__ Give praise to Him who died the world to save; Ho ouce was dead, but uow Ho lives again, Victor over death and o ’er the grave. “Ho is not here; behold the empty tomb; He is not here—He’s risen, as He said; ’ * Go dry your tears and drive away your gloom, For Christ is risen from the dead. The bars of death are broken now, the King Ls leading captiva all captivity; Hark! hear Him cry, “O, Death, where is thy sting; O, Grave, where is thy victory.” METHODISTS CHALLENGE BAPTISTS LYNCHBURG, VA. The Washington M. E. Conference has just convened in Lynchburg, Vir ginia. In its wake the Baptists family will gather during the month of June. The Methodists have set the standard high. In point of finance, program and conduct little is lef tto be desired. The speaking was fine, pitched on a high order. In this lean year they were able to report $33,000 collected for confeernce purposes, and tho ■whole impression gathered by the public from their presence was one of high Chris tian morality. It will bo impossible for the Lynchburg public to miss mak ing a comparsion between these two large religious bodies meeting in the city so nearly together. We have with) in our ranks as Baptists the numbers, in fact a largo superiority in num bers. We havo as much wealth as any other denomination in the group and we have equal capacity for the exercise of all that is desired able and good. It is up to us to tap all of our resources in culture, cahracter and possessions to live up to the high high standard.^ which have been set by the Methodist Conference in their recent session at v' chbnrg. HUMILITY OF JESUS By K. A. Adame (The Literary Service Bureau) Humility was one of the chief characteristics of the life of Jesus Christ. Isaiah pictured Him as a lamb, and as a sheep, and tells how in His meekness and humility, He open eth nut his foutli.” Jesus said to Himself, “1 am meek and lowly.” i’aul contended “He humbled him self;" and the whole life of Jesus was consonant with such characteriza tions of Him by various Biblical writ ers. Then in tire events of Balm Sun day, He gave emphasis to the couten tion that He was humble, and meek and lowly. It had been declared, “Thy King - shall come unto thee meek and riding upon the foal of an ass.” Because of its docility, an ass has been the symbol of peace, of humility, of meek ness, and this lesson was taught by these stirring occurrences which ush ered iu Holy Week, the last week in the life of our Lord before His cruci fixion and ignominious death. In this age of bigotry, conceit, ar rogance, and blatant self-praise, it would be well thut we go back in thought to Jerusalem and in spirit live through those inspiring events. It would be well to picture tire King of Glory on His humble ass, the people 1 anif-V Wh** Imiulai w lappniiX LHVILil. w Triumph MBi. Recom mended t>y thousands; used for over 3t rc'.re. Writs today for rellsf, It’s FRO. Vddrest, NATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUT*. tat, MlhnikN, Wisconsin FOR WOMEN WHO WANT i PLENTY OF “IT” Clothe* help * woman to bo pop alar. So 6om pretty hair and a bear 11 ^kin. But all these to get! •• r-’i have nearly the power and i" ' ’ion that radiant health >>«-< \• nan can resist the com pelling charm of a woman whose evert movement radiates abun dant ntality and energy. Men alwa\ prefer women with “it” But \ have no time for weak, *ilin> !<> women. So build up you ’ <! strength. Have tha1 ■ • ■_ charm which at tract* Start taking St Joseph’* G.F.P. today. TM» rich, vegetable tonic helps to braid up energy and strength and to give plenty of vitality and “it” Thou sands of women everywhere taka and recommend G.F.P. Your drug gist sells the big dollar bottle om absolute money-back guarantee. St. Joseph’s G.ITI*. VkQcWomunx Aortic, MY DARK, PIMPLY SKIN MADE ME UNPOPULAR A TRUE STORY FROM LIFE «| never will forget the first dance my sister took me to. 1 She introduced me to all the men there but not on© asked me to dance. They all made excuses. I had a hor rible time and 1 never went again. 1 kne\^ ft was mfl; dark, uglv, bumpy skin that was making me unpopular, but I had tried everything without success and I waa getting discouraged. Then one day some one told mq about Genuine Black and White Ointment and Skin Soa]*, I decided to try it, if it was the last thing I did. I AM POPULAR NOW FOR MY SKIN IS CLEAR LIGHT AND BRIGHT “How glad 1 am that I tried it! The very first applica* tion worked wonders. And in a short while my skin cleared up like magic. The bumps and pimples dried right up, my dark, sallow skin became light and bright, and my complexion is so clear, smooth and pretty that I can hardly believe my own eyes. I never sit at home any more. I have lota of rnen to take me to dances, parties, shows and church; and I owe it oil to Genuine Biack and White Ointment and Skin Soap, This skin treatment is wonderful. I can’t praise it enough.” TRY THIS TREATMEHT TONIGHT If your .kin is dark, coarse and rough—covered with bumps, pimples or eccemic irritations—simply do this. First cleanse your skin with the rich, pearly lather of Genuine Black and White Skin Soap. Thenapply Genuine Black and White Ointment ac cording to directions on the package. Al most before you rea lize it your skin will be soft, smooth, clear and light. Try this wonderful skin treat ment tonight. Known throughout America »nd many for eign countries, there nre more than fifteen mil lion packages oI tienu ine Black and White Beauty Preparations sold each year. Remember— there is only one Genu ine Black and White brand. is’ever accept a subati tnte of something “juat aa good.** Go to row druggist now and get a 60c box of Gennlna Black and White Oint» ment (which containa S times aa moch aa the 10a size) and a 26c bar gf Genuine Black and Whitt Skin Soap. The original and genuine Black and White Ointment and Skin Soap U made exclusively by the Black and White Com* pany of Chicago. BLACKS WHITE OINTMENT'ndSKIN SOAP * ****** FALLACIESVEXPOSED " By A. B. Mann “Look for Perfection” (The Literary Service Bureau) “Do not look for faults and for mistakes; look for perfection,” the author of these words is a minister. He was speaking to a large congrega tion, the majority of whom were dis posed to accept his pronouncements without question. But a few of them recognized the wakness of his philo sophy. It was Aleander Pope who wrote: “Who thinks a faultless piece to see, Thinks what ne’er was, nor is. not e ’er shall be. ’ ’ mid Pope’s contention is in consonance with human experience. Perfect con duct could only result from perfect wisdom, for even conscience is influ enced by enlightenment or the lack of it. Man is finite in wisdom, hence perfection is impossible. Almost puerile is this advice not to look for faults nor mistakes. Even if perfection were attainable it would re sult from discovery of faults and mis takes, and the correction of these. “Knothe hea auton,” “Know thy self’’ urged Aristotle. And Alexan der Pope wrote, “Know then thyself— Presume not God to scan.” The great inventions including the airplane and the radio were once ludi crously crude and h^ve been brought to their present state of perfection by tasting garments and palm branches, and the- little children in their praise to the King; it would be well to hear the multitudes as they cry “Hosanna” and t° witness the calm, dignified, un assuming, meek attitude of Christ and these occurrences. No doubht the boldest, most arrogant and most self centered individual would feel the sense of humility in contemplation of this inspiring occasion of Palm Sun day. r Florsnat “toot a Broadway tta HOW STAGE STARS KEEP HAIR LOVELY No HBED to oo vy tho teas. • t -,ht, silky, gleaming heir of RtM si a ot the itip and screen, you •an make your h&lr just as beautiful ar>l attractive as theirs. IT'S SIMPLY a matter of using this easy method; approved by hair specialists; endorsed by Race stars; ■sed by thousands of the Race's most beautiful women who haven’t time lor more laborious treatments. TONIGHT when arranging the' balr, put a little Danderlne on your brush Then watch as you draw the bristles through your hair. See how the scalp Is toned and soothed. See how your hair becomes softer, stralghter. easier to manage; how Its natural color is brought out; how It bakes oa new brilliance and lustre! DANDBRINH dissolves the crus: ef dandruff; keeps hair and scalpj healthy; encourages the hair to grow! long, straight, silky. 1 TUG MILLIONS of bottles used: yearly by leading women of the Race | proves Danderlne’s merit I Danderine the One Minute Hair Beautifier ALL DRUG STORES ? £5 CENTS T B. CLINIC PROPOSED FOB RICHMOND YOUNG PEOPLE Kic|hmoud, Va.—(CNS)—The Rich moud Medical Society, which is compos ad of Negro physiciaas, has endorsed the plans for the early diagnosis campaign for tuberculosis and has ap pointed a committee couisiting of L)r. I. A. Jackson, chairau; Dr. J. M. New man and the Henry Martin to co operate with the medical committee of the Richmond Tuberculosis Association in organizing and operating a clinic for Negro youths between the ages uf 12 and 20. The clinic will be held the third week in April as a part of the nation-wide campaign to discover end to ; prevent /tuLei'cxiLosijs pmoug the ’teen ’ ago group. Dr. Z. G. Gilpin, president of the society assured Dr. E. C. Harper, general chairman of the campaign, that the entire membership of the society would give freely of their time and effort to assist in preventing and tu fctrculosis pmioiJg’ their young people. Dr. Gilpin called atten tion to the fact that the death rate from tuberculosis is three times as high among the Negro race as among the white people of Richmond. -y the study of their faults and defects. And so it is with human knowledge and human coadjuct. Improvement comes from introspection, correct ap paisement of one’s character, and heroic efforts to remedy defects and to per fect character. LOVELY light complexion it so easy to get with Nadinola; the double-quick, super-powerful bleaching cream. Just smooth it on at bedtime and it starts to work almost at once, quickly bleaching your skin lighter ana lighter day by day. until you have ]ust the complexion you’ve always craved. No disappointments—Nadinola always works. Pimples, oiliness and roughness disappear, leaving your skin soft and smooth. Every package carries our written mon ey-back guarantee and simple directions. Berin this wonder working treatment tonight. At all drug stores 50 cents. Extra large. money-saving size. $1. If you cannot buy it where you live; send us 50 cents or $1, and we will mail it postpaid; also dainty gift sample box of Nadine Face Pow der and beauty booklet. Addresa Department W. National Toilet Company. Paris. Term.. U. S. A. <BleachingCream\ Make* Skin Whiter WWW Yoa SWp eNadinola WEEKLY SHORT SERMON FOR By Dr. A. G. Bearer PILATE’S WIFE—A WISE COUNSELLOR (The Literary Service Bureau) i ext: When he wae eet down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man—tit. Matthew 27:19 Condemnation has been heaped on •lob's wife who advised him to “curse Cod and die,” and severe has been the Jezebel who plotted the death of Na a in erdez te aeenre his viaeyur fur Ahab. nut tuere is an illustration 1 of a wise counsellor. Jesus nad been betrayed by Judas, arrested and con fined, and now He stands before Pilate. Pilate is vacillating and bluffing; he has declared las belief in the innocence of Jesus; and he is seeking a wa^of escape from what is demanded. While the Roman procurator is seek-* : lag to evade the huue, a messenger I arrives with a not from his wife. It I read, ‘ ‘ Have thou nothing to do with [ that just man; for I have suffered* ! nmnv things this day in a dream be I cause of him.” This was wise coun i scl. PRESCRIPTION in use over 47 Years Really Helps Bowels Don't you want this way of making ihe bowels behave? A doctor s waj to make the bowels move so well thai mu feel better all over! Dr. Caldwell’* lyrup Pep? In doesn’t turn everything o water, but cleans out an that hare waste cloggjlng your system. It clean* you out without any shock, for lt’i only fresh laxative herbs a famou: doctor found so good for the bowels combined v/ith pure pepsin and othei harmless Ingredients. A doctor should know what Is besi for the bowels. .Let Dr. Caldwell’i Sjiuy L\.,.sln show you how soon yoi can train the bowels to move freely «very day, the way they should. It': wonderful the way this prescriptior works, but it's perfectly harmless; s< you can use It whenever a coatee torque or sick headache fells you tha yc i re bilious. Pine for children, toe tit tastes so nice), and they ought te have a spoonful the ti: fretful, feverish, or sluggish, or have a sallow look. You can get the original prescrip tion Dr. Caldwell wrote so mans years ago; your druggist keeps it aU ready in big bottles. Just ask for Dr Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, and use it •Iw""s for constipation. Or. W. B. Caldwell’s SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctori Family Laxative ^ (Advertisement) G* I Tells How She * Wins and Holds Men Three months ago this girl never j went anywhere. Men avoided her. Her friends pitied her. Yet today j this same young lady is the most popular girl In her set. She learned that men didn t like her because she was always tired i and listless. She she went to see her doctor. Her doctor told her she needed vitamins and should take cod liver Oil. But the nasty fishy taste ot the ..quid oil gagged her, so she started taking McCoy4! Cod Liver Oil Tablets. That was three months ago and today that girl is one of the pep piest. happiest girls in town. Her phone is busy most of the day. McCoy’s Tablets, made from the vitamins of purest Norway cod liver oil. auicklv built her up to normal health and vigor. They can dc tne same for vou. Good Housekeeping Institute approves them. 60 tab lets—60 cents at your druggist's. 16,000 Miles Gold Bond Guarantee PENNSYLVANIA and TIGER FOOT TIRES it is a grand and glorious feeling to get out on u open road—with Pennsylvania Advance Sixes all around. Tramp down on the accelerator—have your car go along at 50, 60 or 70 per, with no thought of tire trouble. Improved Pennslj/vania Vacuum Cup Tires. 30x4.50 c(7 27 (28x4.75 -$6.65 De Luxe 6-pl. r 7 7 30x4.50 _$5.69 HEAVY DUTY RED TUBE, $1.08 UP MOTORCYCLE TIRES, $6.20 UP National Batteries, $5.00 And Up Come By, Let Us WASH—POLISH or Grease Your Car GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS L. C. KIRKMAN $1.00 One-Stop Service Station 603-5 CHAMBERLAYNE AVENUE Corner Leigh