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Image provided by: Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA
Newspaper Page Text
— EDW. STEWAR1 283 S SECOND STREET D1ALSR EN *ANCY GROCERIES. FRESF MEATS, VEGETABLES, FISH AND OYSTERS. m-Ti»TTT- Ta. PHOK1 MAD. 1997 Wlii«hl*Wortk More? rf these two houses, ab solutely alike in con struction, were to be sold . . . which would bring the higher figure? Ex aclly the new-looking Your house is worth more to you—end to any one else—21 it is kept fresh and clean by paint ing regularly. < Let ns brighten up your home and make it look better by twice as much as tiie Job will cost you. We use the best of paint materials in cluding Dutch Boj white-lead. R L. WEST & SON Painting and Decorating Genera] House Repairing 4 EAST HILL STBXST Richmond Virgini RAN. 1SS4-J CO-OPERATION Individual effort to make tha town a better place Is rood. It may « omplish much if properly directed. But If all the units of industry, business, religion, education and society are harnessed together and set to work for the good of the community, the total result will be a revelation of the power f co-operation. Richmond is climbing up toward the ideal or sliding back into the rut according as it possesses or lacks com munity co-operation. You as an individual have power to accomplish almost anything you set out to accomplish. What a man wills to do, that he can do. Just so. your own, as a town, can accomplish anyth ing it sets out to accomplish, ized efforts in RICHMOND, will bring about practically any condition we set out te develop. To increase our business and general welfare Is first necessary. Eegally, anyone can spend his mo ney where he prefers, but never “eiess there is an obligation te spend It where you get your money’s worth Get The Economical Spirit “Each one of these advertisers appreciates your business FURNITURE When you can get rURNTTURl and RTJQ8 fra an Ott MrtMM Urn* tike JURGBN8—ttoat’e known to Ml trlenda a good iMpreeaion. it wli glre u the greateet pleasure to Wo» ton our wonderful nook ol ho«e making, eomfart giving FURNITURfi and RUGS and—djn't faU to aak oar Saleamen about our BANKING PLAN which glree yon 5, 1<) or II «onth» In which to pay for any purehaM. CMS. 6. JURBENS Si ADAMS AND BROAD MTAaLmao imi. • vjoxcTco.?xc?y Rw w MORRIS’ Confectionery. First and Leiffh Streets HOME OF RICHMOND DAIRY ICE CREAM P. O. Sub Station No. 82 \'.v ?;e 0]? 9;<? o;c 9;? v.q o]q 9;c ?;q v;-. . FOR PROMPT CAR SERVICE CALL BLUE TOP MADISON 606 A. D. Price, Jr. Funeral Director uid Mortician (SUCCESSOR TO A. D. PRICE) First Class Caskets of Latest Designs. Complete Equip ment of the Latest Style. Funeral Cars Furnished either Day or Night on Short Notice. Orders Received and Filled from All Parts of the Country. We Never Close. PHONES MADISON 577 and MADISON162 212 EAST LEIGH STREET --- --—^ 4<44,4,l4,l<il<l|fl<,l<,444,|4 ► »►»»♦»>■ I'M'M'I'Ill'll I I'I'I'1144444444 &. A HAYES SUCCESSOR to A. Hayes & Son 727 N. 2d St,, Richmond, Va.; latest improvements in funeral equipment t Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Social Affairs or short and Long Distance Trips. Fine Caskets. Chapel Service Sree Country Orders Solicited. Prompt and Satisfactory Service, Day or Night Calls Answered Promptly Phone Madison 2778 'Funeral Parlor Root Rooms Di*ilay Rooms LoJ ► Phoaa#: OCtes Raa.lt71. RmI4omu Iu.ITM. ROBERT C. SCOT L Funeral Director ! ❖ 2223. E. MAIN STREET RICHMOND VIRGINIA W. I. JOHNSON’S SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND MORTICIANS 10 WEST LEIGH STREET PHONE MAD. 686 Day or Night Service Within 1000 Miles When Ordered. W. I. JOHNSON'S SONS EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS Conduct Funerals Flawlessly. Our Many Years of Ex perience Enables Us To Conduct All Funerals In A Most Efficient Manner. We Try To Give More However By Incorporating In Our Service A Spirit Of Sympathetic Understanding.