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Is a Woman Unfit For Marriage at Fifty? Have you a puzzling love aflali on which you need irlendlv advice? Wri'e to Julia Jerome, care of this newspaper. If you wlch a oersmal -rply please serd a stamped self-addressed envelope Our letter this week is from Hous ton. Texas. My dear Mrs. Jerome: I am one of those women whom everybody jokes about—I am a spinster. And I am fifty—quite an old spinster, you see. Never theless. I have just fallen in love. Violently and emphatically in love for the first time in my life! And the tragedy of it is not that he doesn’t love me. for he does, but that he is fifteen years younger than I! Now, will it be fair to him for us to marry? Will he soon grow ashamed of me? And will it be fair to myself? I am willing to take a chance and face the ridicule which my friends and the world have for such a marriage, but should I inflict it upon him? OLD MAID. i ► My dear there is no such thing as an “old maid” now. Forget such terms! It is true that in the hinterland, away from the sophistication of the big cities such marriages still call forth society’s ridicule, but that Is rapidly passing. People are beginning to see that a mere difference in age will not neces sarily be a handicap in marriage, j In the first place, age is not so much chronological as a matter of physical health. A well preserved woman of fifty can be actually younger than a sick ly man of thirty. If your sweetheart pays no attention to ridicule before marriage, he probablv won’t after wards. Of course, you will have to be more careful of your appearance and more alert than an ordinary wife, but that really won’t hurt you. We all nc-d something to inspire us to look and act our best. If you are willing to take a chance go ahead. If your sweetheart is thirty-five, he is old enough to know | what he wants. i -- Week-end Suggestions _ PRINCESS SALAD (Serves 6) % head lettuce 1 can green asparagus tips 2 fresh tomatoes 2 large oranges Pimento and mayonnaise Place one slice of tomato on each salad plate on which has been ar ranged a bed of lettuce. Pyramid 3 asparagus tips on tomato slice. Top off with mayonnaise and a strip of pimento. Arrange 4 sections of orange around the tomato. * * • * BAKED ECONOMY Into a well-buttered pan put slices of raw Deeled potatoes and a little pepper. Then a layer of uncooked, sliced ham Add another layer of potatoes and ham and pour on thin cream sauce (1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon butter to 1 cup milk). Sprinkle bread crumbs on top and bake in a moderate oven until brown and potatoes are well done. Serve hot. Just enough ham can be used AsfiniA Treatment On Free Trial Joat your name ami addreas will bring you all charges pre Kild-a full sire bottle of Lano’a Famous Treatment. o matter how long you have suffered or where you live —try my treatment without coat to you. Used by thou sands and tills bottle does not coat you a cent uiiti 1 you ora completely sntisfital—•then sendonly |l .2S. write today. D. J. LANE. 1733 Lane Bid;., St. Marys, Kan. >to give the desired flavor, which has uie advantage of making a little ham go a long way. For picnics, this can be baked at home in a heavy tin dish with a cover and reheated over hot water on a campfire. * * * * RASPBERRY JAM DELIGHT This is the simplest recipe imagin able. Prepare a package of rasp berry junket according to directions on package. When ice cold, garnish with rasnberry jam. The jam, the junket and a pint of milk are the only ingredients that call for an outlay from Ihe family purse. MEN and WOMEN REGAIN YOUTH Do you wish the glow of youth, health, Incicased vitality! Then try til's amazing new PEP-UP TONIC. Strongly recommended for those who are pepless; weak; grow tired too soon; lost conr ue. Oulrk. aat'o and reliable. Send 52.00 for our triple strength box. 0. O. D. lSe extra. Tlain wrapper. Money lutck if not satisfied. IMPORT PRODUCTS CO. 73 E. Wacker Drive, Dept. 24-F, Chicago, III. causes. Cet Quick Results. using ruHinu*r« | Liquid-Tablet Relief. Used by doctors. Moves case* I long overdue. Pleasant, sale, no interference any I dutie.C. Satisfaction guaranteed treatment $--95. 1 Postage if C.O.D. Specially Compounded for Very ■ Obstinate Cases 55.00. Illustrated Polder Free with |ordcr. PETONE CO- Dept. 9-F St. LouiOtoJ FETY ECONOMY! To relieve any ache or pain take St Joseph’s Pure Aspirin —anytime, any where. It does not depress the heart and is positively safe because it is pure. Ask for it by name! NOW 3 SIZES 12 tablets 10c 36 tablets 25c 100 tablets 60c The two larger sizes of St Joseph's Pure Aspirin are even more economical than the 10c size. Regular users appreciate the extra saving. St Joseph’s (Pwit ASPIRIN Funeral Bill Unpaid, •Undertaker Digs Up Body Failing to receive payment for the burying of a body, after re peated demands upon the surviv ing relatives. Thos. Cooke, lead ing Negro undertaker ol Suffolk. Virginia, secured a permit for disinterring the body, removed it from the coffin which had not been paid for. and returned the body to the nome of the family. However, the undertaker was later arrested for unlawfully dis interring a dead body and found guilty. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment, but a group of interested citizens, more than a thousand strong, appealed to Governor Pollard, who granted his an unconditional pardon thus restoring him to his family and full citizenship. ( BREAD PUDDING DESSERT All tha; is needed for this dessert is a pint of milk, four slices of bread, a package oi lemon junket, a iittle butter and a few raisins. Remove crusts from bread, butter lightly and cut in small cubes: divide the cubed bread among dessert dishes and add a few seedless or seeded raisins. Warm the milk to lukewarm—not hot. Add the lemon junket. Stir un til dissolved. Pour over bread. Let stand in a warm place until firm— about ten minutes — then chill. Sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon before serving._ Suffer From DROPSY or dropsy swelling or shortness of breath, write us for FREE trial pack age. In use 34 years. COL1.UM MEDICINE CO. Dept. 250, Atlanta. Ga. Training the Child (Continued from Page Four) one or two theatres which make a specialty of presenting plays and shows suitable to children. Since these are such valuable aids to edu cation, the mother should not neg lect an” opportunity to give her chil dren this advantage. The prices are usuallv as reasonable as the good movie and are much more of an in spiration. Beautiful language expressive of fine thoughts: beautiful music at concerts especially arranged for chil dren: beautiful pictures and objects of beauty, crowd the child’s mind with fine impressions, stir the am bitions and leave little ground for e* il thoughts to take root. Look your city over and carefully select every advantage of the com munity for your children’s good. So Good Hair Grower Grows long silky hair recommended by your doctor for scalp diseases. STKAIGtiXUINS Straightens the hair without hot comb or pullers nicely. Grower (large boxes) .5Cc otraightener (large boxes) .50c Men’s Hair Straightener .50c Skin Whitener .35c Cocoanut Oil Soap .15c Snake Oil Liniment 3 Bottles for $1.00 Other Toilet Articles Not Named. 10,000 Agents Wanted. Write for terms. Sold By Mail Only. SO GOOD CHEMICAL CO. 75 Fair Street, S.E. Atlanta, Ga. rRI nnn DISEASES—No matter 1 How Bad or 0)d the Cas, or What's the cause, send for FREE booklet about Dr. Panter's Treatment used success fully for over 25 years In the most severe end chronic cases. Write now. Dr. Fanter. 1*9 W. Washington St., Room ■ It-412, Chicago. Do You Want a Baby? Regular $1.00 Treatment sent free—one to each family “1 was matried and longed for a baby every day with all my heart, but was denied." writes Mrs. L. Scheller. Indiana, •'so I sent for your prescription. While. taking the second box I was unable to express my happi ness. I never had a sick day. I be came the mother of a fine ib't pound baby. God only ( knew our Joy. I hope every woman longing for mother hood will take your medicine. You are welcome to use this letter and picture; for publication. Thank you.” i=———-- "Married 11 years and doctors told me Baby Scheller X would never have 4Va months. 17Ji lbs. any c h 11 d r e n.” writes Mrs. White, Pa. "I tried your medicine. Now I am to be a mother in October. My dearest wish realized.” Dr. DePew's treatment, a non-specific, based on Glandular activity, has been used with such results by thousands of women that for the next 30 days a full dollar treatment will be sent free postpaid, no j C O. D.. no cost, no obligation, to every woman who writes. A limited supply of free treatments will ^ be sent out this month, so be sure and write today. Also a free booklet, ”Childless Mar- | riages Explained,” will be sent you. Simply send name, a postcard wll- do, and remedy will be mailed In plain wrapper. ‘ Dr. DePew believes you will be surprised and ellghted. Address Dr. DePew, Suite LU, Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. p LU KO STRAIGHTENS YOUR HAIR —_—. and Keeps It Straight DLU KO Hair Dressing is so effective that V your hair becomes straighter after the first application. It changes coarse, dull, stubborn hair to soft, shining, straight hair. It gives gloss and lustre to each tiny strand. The reason for this is that Pluko is made scientifically. \ Its fine, beneficial oils penetrate the scalp right down into the roots. Each hair is properly nourished, stimulated and made healthy. This promotes the growth of hair \ —the kind of hair you always wanted—soft, lustrous and straight. Then, too, Pluko keeps it straight and beau tiful. Your hair is so soft in texture, sq j easy to arrange that you can dress it in any style you like and have it stay in place the whole day through. Delicately-fragrant, it J lends a finishing touch to perfect grooming, \ Try Pluko today. ^ EASY TO APPLY Surely you can afford five minutes a day to care for your hair. That is all the time it ^ takes to apply Pluko j Hair Dressing. Just « I five minutes by the ._ _ I clock! It is easy and pleasant to use and l***^U-» • •1 the results will sur prise and delight you. PLUKO DRESSING J FIVE MINUTE WAY TO SOFT 57r£RzETHAIR * ^