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-BAFFLING MURDERS ■pHE most entertaining moments can be spent in following clever, well '* constructed detective stories with plenty of suspense. They make the blood tingle as well as furnish the mind with delightful action in fol lowing the unexpected maneuvers of arch criminals. Gruesome crimes and the most ingenious tricks provide the unusual thrills of “Baffling Murders.” It will be genuine pleasure to read the clean-cut, sophis ticated, true murder mysteries related by Hubert Holcomb, master detective. This is an exclusive Illustrated Feature Section feature provided for your entertainment. Look forward each week to “Baffling Mur ders.” THE MITCHELL MURDER CASE By BROWNING STREAT AT ABOUT nine o’clock on the evening following Hu bert Holcomb’s narration of the Carlisle Murder Case, which I have already recorded for you, the three of us—Holcomb, Miles, and myself—excused ourselves from the chattering vacationists in the lounge and betook ourselves out of doors. Then leisurely we sauntered along the broad south veranda toward our “criminal laboratory,” as Miles had jokingly dubbed that secluded and quiet cor ner of ours on the north veranda. Here is was that we settled into comfortable rockers and brought out our favorite brands of tobacco. Now, as you recall, I had become acquainted with these gentlemen here at this delightful summer resort, Eagle Rest, in the Virginia moun tains. Holcomb was formerly a mem ber of the Chicago police force, while Ralph Miles was a feature writer for a powerful syndicate of Negro news papers. For a few moments we sat there In the semi-darkness. Opposite us 6at Holcomb, powerfully built, his strong dark-skinned face tilted to ward the floor—as if to say, ‘ What thrill must I give these gentlemen tonight?” Subsequently a long discussion fol lowed, dealing with crime and crimi nals in general, with particular em phasis upon the various courses open to the detective. “But,” Holcomb pointed out—his pipe working fine now—“There are some cases where we need only let matters run along in a natural course. Now you take the Mitchell murder case, for instance—” Holcomb be gan to unravel the yarn, and as us ual, we began to see. Chicago’s veteran chief of detec tives, Roggerty, hung up the receiver then whirled around in his swivel chair and whisked up the “inside” instrument. “Recreation room,” he snapped to the operator on night duty, and then set about beating a rapid tattoo upon the desk with his fingers. “Recreation room?” he inquired af ter a moment. “Yes, sir.” “Holcomb in tonight?” “Yes sir.” • “Send him down,” said Roggerty. He leaned far back in his chair, the usual frown upon his rugged face. Hubert Holcomb walked briskly in to the office a few minutes later tall, powerfully built, black, steady eyes. “Phone for me, sir?” he inquired. Irnrr valuable rlxCil!. INFORMATION Concerning your HAIR. Big Descrip tive Catalog and Premium List Free. We are the larg est Manufacturers £ of French Hand made wigs, trans formations a n o ( switches. A big line of toil et preparations and straigruening codids. nmc iur k>g Which Gives lull Information. Mme. Baum’s Mail Order House 133 Fifth Ave. New York, N.Y. Rogerty nodded and indicated a chair. “Just had a call from the Mitchell estate out in Winona—you know of them, do you not?” ‘Mitchell—Oh, ye. — the lawyer, sir?” ^ “Right. The Mitchell butler called just now and reported the finding of Mitchell’s body in his study—a sui cide. Better get out there right away, Holcomb. Detective Wade will ac company you.” “Right, sir.” Arc you so tired and listless that you feel like sinking down into the first chair you come to? Do you sit despondently at home while others play? If such is your condition get a bottle of St Joseph’s G.F.P. to day and let this tonic help to re store your energy and strength. For over 50 years St.Joseph’s G.F.P. has been helping to build up women who were weak and run-down. It will help you, too. Your dealer sells the big $1.00 bottle on a money-back guarantee. St. Joseph’s G.F.P Vke^oman'/) Dome Safe, Sure Way to Banish Rheumatic Aches and Pains / Here is good news for those who tuffer the discomfort and torture |'pf rheumatism! gout or neuralgia. ; A well-known physician has for mulated a prescription which is helping to bring safe, sure relief to thousands of rheumatic suf ferers. Registered as Prescrip tion C-2223 and recommended by ; grateful users, it is based on the i medical principle that most cases of rheumatism are caused by ac cumulated waste matter and toxic acids in the system. Liniments and other external applications seldom give more than temporary relief because their action is local. Such rem edies fail to correct the cause of the trouble and, consequently, the pain flares up again. Prescription C-2223 . ttacks rheumatism at its source by help* ing to clear the system of accum ulated poisons and waste matter. That is whjr tired muscles regain new life; stiff joints become sup ple; nerve-racking pains cease— quickly—and the results are last ing. Ask your druggist for the large size bottle of Prescription C-2223 today. If you fail to get relief after taking this prescription as directed, return the bottle to the druggist from whom you pur chased it and your money will be refunded. ‘‘There was the motionless body of a man heaped on the floor, his head ... in a pool of blood.” The well-known sleuth whirled out of the room. About a half hour later, after a mad dash through the city and out into the dark stretches of suburban territory in a Department car, De tectives Holcomb and Wade swung off the state highway and sped up the winding driveway of the beau tiful Mitchell estate — Inglewood; three acres of smartly landscaped grounds, the mansion itself, half ob scured in the semi-darkness by giant oaks, perched loftily on a rise some hundred yards from the main high way. As the car screeched to a stand still under the great portico, Jen nings, the butler, rushed down i'.ie flagstone steps to meet them, his brown face drawn in anxiety. “Please, sir,” the elderly servant whined, as the officers hopped out of the ca.. “Madam’s orders, sir. You are to go up at once. She . . . Oh, this is terrible!”—wringing his hands. The two officers followed Jennings up the stone steps and thence into the great reception room, finally up the broad, heavily-carpeted stair case beyond, mildly in awe of this atmosphere of wealth. At a closed mahogany door on the second floor Jennings halted them and tapped lightly—yet, only sobs came from within—again and again. “This is the madam's room?” Hol comb inquired. Continued on Page Five TOURISTS STOP in KANSAS CITY at the LINCOLN HOTEL, 1301 Woodland. Modem transient rooms at reasonable rates. Also, furnished apartments. ^-ALWAYS HAVE LUCK!-? Unlucky in Moosor.j U a m e ■ , J<ove er Business? Tia should carry a pair of genuine MY8TIG1 BRAHMA BSD HIGHLY NETIC LOD STONES. Amazing. ComptlUs#, Attractive, tksie LIVE LODESTOMM cult Oriental people aa a POWBBFOTi LUCKY CHARM, one to prevent Bad Evil and Misfortune, and the other to »w much Good Luclc. Lov®, Hftppiojw Prosperity. Special, only $1.87 for the twa. With free full Instructions. Pay poatiuaa $1 87 and 16c. postage on delivery. faction or money refunded. You eaa M LUCKY! Order .youra. TODAY! Box 72, BROOKLYN. N. ». Dept. 68, P. S. BUREAU, General P. O. NOTICE! We absolutely GUARANTEE Umn genuine Mystic Brahma Lodestonee ara ALIVE! Just what you want for they the Real Thing—POWERFUL, HIGHLY MAGNETIC! _“ SOFT STRAIGHT HAIR IS EASY TO HAVE WHEN YOU USE IP LU KO.. See for Yourself Your mirror will show you the mag ic of Pluko Wair Dressing the first time you use it. Pure, safe and scientific, its daily use cannot discolor your hair or harm it in any way. In stead, such regular care will bring the reward of un dreamed of hair beauty. Surely you will want to try it. WHITE 5CK AMBER 30* Don’t have coarse, stubborn, unattrac tive hair. Make it soft and straight almost overnight and at the same time keep your scalp healthy and free from itching and dandruff. It’s so easy now with Pluko Hair Dressing. Rich in fine, hair-growing oils which nourish the roots and stimulate the scalp, this delicately-perfumed preparation makes even the most unattractive hair beautiful with a few applications. It softens and straightens each tiny strand, gives smooth ness, gloss and lustre and promotes luxuriant growth. Try Pluko today! You will like the way. it enables you to arrange your hair in be coming styles and always keep it looking neat, smooth and attractive. PLU KO DRHE^NG FIVE MINUTE WAY TO SOFT. STRAIGHTHkW.