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At Last, an Unbreakable Record Vincent Lopez with one of the new records. Not since Henry Ford announced' his new model car has a commercial product attracted so much attention as was given a new type phonograph record on its introduction recently. It was offered in scores of retail establishments never before featur ing musical goods. The unusual properties of the record, and its unique series of outlets piqued the curiosity of local residents, who, in tending to purchase magazines or fruit, or to have their shoes shined, left stores with records under their arms. The new disc is the first commer cial application of durium, a new chemical substance discovered recent ly by Dr. Hal T. Beans, professor of ch* mistry at Columbia University. Radical improvements made possible by the use of this substance in the disc are expected to revolutionize the phonograph record industry, for the new records can be bent like card board and are shatter-proof. Because of their unbreakable qualities, the records sell like magazines, a new issue being offered once each week at all stores handling newspapers and ►magazines. In appearance, the record is the same size as ordinary discs, but is amber in color. It is the thickness of light cardboard, and is surfaced with durium on one side only. It can, its makers claim, be hammered on a flat surface without shattering, or can be • scratched without impairing the tone of the recording. A match applied to the durium surface leaves only a black mark, whereas the old fashioned record would melt and warp under such treatment. While the standard seventy-five cent record requires time to harden when bein:, made, durium hardens immediately on application of heat. As a result, six of the new records can be stamped out at a time from metal discs at the speed of a print ing press. Record making will be speeded up by the new process un til production is one hundred times faster than by the old method, its discoverer claims. This speed of pro duction allows sale of the record at one-fifth the established price, he says. "Here’s How He Got Rid Of His Toothache! The young gentleman kept a large tube of toothpaste on a convenient shelf in his room. However, for weeks at the time he neglected brushing his teeth. And as if in re taliation for his negligence, one by one cavities developed in his molars. Time passed. But he put off con-| suiting j, dentist. Thus one of the coldest ' blizzards of that winter caught him in a forlorn position. He was miles from any town one night. One of his jaw teeth started to punishing him before d a y 1 i g h t. Throughout that day he lived in throbbing agony. Night came and he had found no relief • from his misery. Toothache drops, alcohol, rendered him no relief. Even rinsing his mouth repeatedly with hot water in which salt and soda had been dissolved failed to stop his suffering. So, fill ing the cavity of his tooth with cot ton and snuff, he W’ent to bed. “Perhaps.’' he thought, "my tooth’ll quit hurting when I go to sleep." But go to sleep, he couldn’t. The throbbing tooth continued to dis pense misery. So he rolled and groaned. “Toothpaste,” he finally reflected, “might give me some relief. It’s recommended for the health of the teeth and gums. So I’ll just get up and brush my teeth and see what happens.” He arose and applied toothpaste to his teeth. The saliva or spittle it produced was held in his mouth several moments before it was dis charged. Thus, having employed this novel toothache remedy, he went back to bed and soon knew relief. MORAL: Try anythin* once—it may work. . --—r\ How Modern Should a Girl be to WIN THE MAN SHE LOVES? See the Story on Next to the Last Page The Locust Plague Again Swoops Down On Historical Egypt By NANCY LYNDON Correspondent and Special Writer. EGYPT since Bible times has battled with the swarms of locusts that sweep down over her crops and pro duce plague like conditions as truly as those de scribed in the Bible when Moses sought relief for his people. The destructive pests remain, but methods of fighting them change. On the Sudan-Egyptian frontier, poi son gas if. being tried against an in vasion of locusts. The Egyptian Gov crnment is seeking the latest methods of meeting the plague and is sending to America for men and equipment io be used in this great insect battle. The battle against locusts is really Youth of America! You Need No Longer Suffer the Embarassment of Telltale PIMPLES SO many pretty girls and handsome boys have to be ashamed of their blemished complexions. And why? Simply because they don’t know or haven’t tried Palmer’s “Skin Success^ Ointment. For over 80 years Palmer s “Skin Success” Ointment has given real honest-to-goodness lasting relief from skin distress when others failed to make even a temporary impression. Bet you’d like to have a clear bright skin just like the other fellows and girls have. You can too. For Palmer s Skin Suc cess” Ointment can do for you what it has done for thousands. Remove those pimples—promote a real light wonder ful skin. For piles,' eaema, rashes, pimply skin, •ore feet, chafing or sunburn. So many have tried to imitate Palmer’s “Skin Success” Ointment but none have ever been able to discover the secret formula, look for Palmer’s “Skin Success” Oint ■nent in the orange box—see that you get it. Every good druggist sells or can easily obtain it for you. world-wide. It breaks out first in one place and then in another. Scientists of the government estimate that lo custs have breeding places over an > Insect pests have always disturbed man’s happiness. They are frequent ly mentioned both in profane and sacred history. It seems that the locust has largely led the attack upon th. food supplies of the human fam ily. Stanley Baldwin, formerly Prime Minister of England, says that of all the crops raised by man on the en tire earth, the insect obtains one tenth. The use of poison gas against lo custs is a new method and is an ex ^. :-y • v. •••■ A picture of the grasshopper taken from one of the new films which are to help the farmer overcome one of his most destructive pests. area of 300,000 square miles of the earth’s surface. Man extending his domain over the mountains and jungles of the land, an! asserting his mastery over the waste places, and even the sea, has in the last generation, brought many of Nature’s forces under control. But he is confronted ever with the warn ing and threat of the insects. periment brought over from war days. In the Par East, locusts have become so plentiful that in several places the/ are candied and eaten as a deli cacy. This is notably true in China, Japan and our own Philippine Is lands. In Africa, they are fried, and In other places preserved in brine or dried in the sur. for use as a food at a la^v time. ♦ Whiter skin IF you want a whiter, prettier complexion, you can have it with Nadinola! You can secure the light-toned beauty that all your friends will admire and envy with this double-quick, extra powerful bleach. Nadinola, the amazing -kin-whitener, will bring you thi: new loveliness just as it has done for thousands of attrac tive women. No tedious waiting for results—no disappointments. Just smooth on this fragrant; super-bleach at bedtime—let it start its wonder-work while you take your beauty deep. You will be amazed how swiftly all oiliness and roughness disappear, how pimples and eruptions vanish; while ’our skin grows lighter and mor ocautifu! day by day. If you have been disappointed in other bleaches, remember Nadinola al ways works, quickly, surely I Every package carries our written, mon ack guarantee and simple directions. Nadinola contains the most powerful skin-whitening proper ties known to beauty science, yet it is prepared so skillfully that it cannot possibly harm the most delicate skin. Don’t let the days go by while you wish you had a lovely, light toned skin—start tonight with Nadinola! Stop at your favorite toilet goods counter today and ask for Nadinola Bleaching Cream. Fifty cents fdr a good-sized jar. (Extra large size $1.) If you can’t buy Nadinola where you live, send us 50 cents or a dollar and we will mail it to you at once, with val uable FREE Nadinola Beauty Booklet and generous gift sample of Nadine Face Powder. Address, Dept. Z; National Toilet C04 Paris, Tenn. cNadinolafBkachmgCream Makes skin whiter while you sleep The tree stories appearing from time to time In the Illustrated Feature Section are taken from real life and are not only entertaining hut help in the solution of many everyday human problems. They are found on next to the last page. [r Act//r ISummer Keepin place i > ; w<*' MURRAYS fHAIR:CAP 1 Dress It witlij IMURRAYS I Superior Yl&itg [POMADE 'Does your hair^url and be come rough and unkempt hooking during hot weather despite whatever you do to it? Perspiration and body . heat spoil the smooth beauty ; your hair should have. Mur ray's Superior Hair Dressing t Pomade applied to the hair (before going out will keep >your hair in place during the ‘very hot summer season. Tones up the scalp; im proves the growth of your hair. Takes only a minute to apply. Absolutely safe, pure and harmless. Try it today and be delighted. Price 50 cents. •**>& Accept No Substitutes ^ For training- the hau^tojayv smooth and in place, there isi nothing like Murray’s Su^ perior Special Hair Dressing^ Cap. It fits the head like a glove, it is adjustable to any, size head and is particularly, effective while sleeping. Strong, durable and careful-j ly made. When used to-^ gether with Murray’s Su-, perior Hair Dressing Pomade^ results are positively amaz ing. If you want to have your hair looking perfect at all times during the hot summer months start using this cap at once. Price 60c; Mail This Coupon Todayl Aik year drnfglit or Virbtr for Mur i rny’e. If ho connot lupply yoa, usd ill.10 (moner urdor or itompi) for « tho yorfeet hilr drooilnf eomolmtlon for lumaor—Mumjr'i Superior Hilr Dronlof Pomido nod Uintj'l Bpe •lal Hotr Dreioinf Coy. MURRAY’S Superior Products Co. | 3610*12 Cottas* Grovo Av». CHICAGO Murray’s Superior Product* Co.. 34110-12 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago, 111., Dept. S. tin.! *1.10 tor one Murray'* Spec al j Bair Brewing Cop and oua Murray a Superior Bair Pomade. •/ Street City .. .State . /gaita Waited EverjrwkeTa