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ROBERT e. SeOTT Funeral Director 2223_ E. MAIN STREET RICHMOND VIRGINIA A. D. Price, Jr. I Funeral Director and Mortician I (SUCCESSOR TO A. D. PRICE) | First Class Caskets of Latest Designs. Complete Equip ment of the Latest Style. Funeral Cars Furnished either Day or Night on Short Notice. Orders Received and Filled I from All Parts of the Country. We Never Close. PHONES MADISON 577 and MADISON162 212 EAST LEIGH STREET j e. P. HAYES SUCCESSOR to A. Hayes & Son 727 iV. 2d St., Richmond, Va. latent improvements in funeral equipment Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Social Affairs or shorl and Long Distance Trips. Fine Caskets. Chapel Service Sra Country Orders Solicited. Prompt ar^ Satisfactory Service Day or Night Calls Answ d ir romotly Phone Madison J7Y& W. 1. JOHNSON’S SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND MORTICIANS 10 WEST LEIGH STREET PHONE MAD. 686 Day or Night Service Within 1000 Miles When Ordered. W. I. JOHNSON'S SONS EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS Conduct Funerals Flawlessly. Our Many Years of Ex perience Enables Us To Conduct All Funerals In A Most Efficient Manner. We Try To Give More However By Incorporating In Our Service A Spirit Of Sympathetic Understanding. - - . «V - -v ' . il1 ANUFACTURER o» i*URE HERB MEDICINES IFFICE: 224 WEST BROAD ST. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA »Y A BOTTLE OF MY;MEDICINE AND BE CONV CED Do You Love Health? eo. Call and Sao L. J. HAYDEN, Man ufaeturer1 Pure Herb£Medic(nes, 224 W Broad St., Richmond, Virginia. My Medicines have per manently relieved thou sands of people in the U. S.and Europe when others tailed to do so. / use herbs, roots, leaves, seeds, ber ries,flowers, and plants in my medicines My Medicines Relieve the Following Diseases Blood, Kidney, Bladder, Piles in any form, Vertigo, Sore Throat, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Rheumatism in any form, Pains and Aches of any kind, Colds, Bronchial Troubles, Sores, Skin Dis eases, All Itching Sensations, Female Complaints, Ulcers, Car buncles, Boils without the use of knife or instrument, Eczema, Pimples on face or body. My Medicines have relieved others and they will relieve you. For full particulars, send, write or call in person on L. u. H a Y D E A 224 WEST BROAD STREET RICHMOND. VA. VIRGINIA IN THE LAW AND EQUITY COURT i OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND THE 15th DAY OF JULY 1930 Oradell Shaw_ Plaintiff Against Andrew Shaw__ Defendant In Chancery The object of the above styled cause, is to obtain an absolute divorce from the bond of matrimony by the plaintiff from the defendant, upon the grounds of wilful desertion and abandonment for more than three years. And an affidavit having been made and filed that the defendant, Andrew Shaw is a non-resident of the State of Virginia; it is ordered that the said Andrew jhaw appear within ten days | after the due publication of this order and do what may be necessary to pro tect his interest in this suit. A Copy, Teste; Luther Libby, Clerk. By Ira M. Barr, D. C. J. Henry Crutchfield, p. q. __this:imshrdl etnetao cmfwyv S. W. Robinson Jr. REAL ESTATE Mortgages - - Rentals First and Marshall Streets SPECIALS MON. & TUBS UNITED CLEANERS 500 W. Marshall Street Mad. 4811-W The following articles Cleaned and Pressed ,r«s Dresses 1.25 (Plain) 2 Coat Suits___ 1.25 2 Spring Coats_ 1.25 2 Men’s Suits_ 1.9# 2 Overcoats_ 1.50 Men’s Suits (Pressed) 35 FURNITURE When >ou can get rURNTTUHE aac RUG8 from aa Old Bok Uke JURGENS—that’s Known to ooi friends a good impression, it wll five as the greatest pleasure to shoe you our wonderful mock oi home making, eomfert giving FT RNITURl and RUGS and—djo’t fall to aak oar Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives you 6, 14 or 11 months In which to pay for any purchase.* ADAMS AND BROAD ESTABLISHED 1880. . R. L. WEST & SON Painting and Decorating General House Repairing 4 EAST HILL STREET Richmond Virgini RAN. 1814-J Wbekb Worth Morrf rt these two houses, ab solutely dike in con iUwcllon, were to be sold . . . which would bring Os higher figure? Ex actly the now-looking Yoor hones Is worth morses yon end to any qm dee—If h la kept fimh end clean by para* few ragnlarty. < Lot ns brighten no mw home end make ft boh better by twice ee ranch as the job will coat yon. We nee the beet d paint he* * cludinj^fatchBoy For hair beauty Gladys May of SbufSln’ Sam Co. Follow the lead of Gladys May, vivacioui actress in Shufflin’ Sam from Ala bam’ who says she finds Exelento the most de lightful hair dressing she has ever used. EXELENTO QUININE POMADE is the original! It reaches the roots of the hair and gives natural lustre that stays! Stops itching scalp and makes harshest hair soft and pliable. At All Drag Storaa. Write for FREE sample and book of Beauty Hints* EXELENTO MEDICINE CO. Atlanta, Go. 0 06 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, check a Cold the grst day, and checks malaria in three days. 666 also in Tablet* i._—-- — —: WE KNOCK THE SPOTS OUT OF THINGS adies’ and lien’s Garments Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired in a Superior Manner. Send ue your Garment* and hare them Cleaned Clean. Work sailed for and deiverecL FULTON CLEANING WORKS 107 Louisiana St., Richmond, Va C. A. Brewer, Mgr. "Morris Confectionery. First and Leigh Streets HOME OiF RICHMOND DAIRY ICE CREAM P. 0. Sub Station No. 82 .. CENTRAL CAFE Quiek Lunch.. ..Mere* <9)mUL 532 N. 2nd StrMt m. S1EWAR1 203 S SECOND STREE1 DEALER IN ANCY GROCERIES. FRESL MEATS, VEGETABLES. FISH AND OYSTERS. Va. PHONE MAO. ICI> VIRGINIA IN THE LAW AND EQUITY COURT, CITY OF RICHMOND, STATE OF VA The 19th day of June, 1980 rhomas Johnson__ Plaintiff Against_ Lessie Johnson _ Defendant In Chancery The object of this suit ia to obtain m absolute divorce from the bond of matrimony the plaintiff from the de fendant on the grounds of desortion [or more than three years, and an af fidavit having been made and filed that ;he defendant is not a resident of the State of Virginia, it is ordered that she appear here within ten days after iue publication of this order and do what may be necessary to protect her interest herein. A Copy Teste; Luther Libby, Clerk by Ira M. Barr, D. C. 1. E. Byrd, p. q. NEEDED A SETTLE MAN to take charge of a farm in Floyd County, Virginia. Must be man who understands farming, and who is not afraid of work. Apply with references as to ability, character and general dispositioin to Miss Octavia Clapton R. F. D. No. 1 Pulaski, Va. care of Mrs. L. 0. Bullard or The Rich mond Planet. LYNCHINGS RETALIATION FOR PARKER DEFEAT New York, July 18.— “You have had in the Uuited States, Since Parker’s defeat 11 lynchings, and you will have more’’ shouted Cole Blease in Unios, S. C. on July 7, according to the Columbia, S. C. State. Confirmation is thus given to what has been generally believed by intelligent observers that ’the mol>s lepend on the success in the campaigl pgaiset confirmation, against John J. jo j{J{d8 aqj qsnio oj jiojja ub uj Parker, and resorted to mob terrorism Negroes. _ *— Whenever me -xsegro press ana lug ger association* are to tell me how to vote,” the South Carolina Senator de clares, “then I ask my God to deprive me me of the right to vote. White supre macy, and the protection of the virtue of the white womanhood of the South come first with me.” Is this fashion BBlease resorts to his usual tactics in dragging the sex question into every aspect of the Negro’s struggle for his rights. A front page editorial in the Columbia State and the Charleston News and Courier of July 9, declares: “South Carolina Democrates cannot renominate Sesator Blease this year without endorsing lynching. ,‘There is no way of getting out of it. The News and Courier regrets that the issue has been made. The people can not reelect Mr. Blease without endorsing lynching. Mr. Blease’s speech was not so intend ed, but it was the greatest contributes to the propaganda of Northern Negro agitators and especially the Society for the Advancement of the Colored People that has been made in twenty years. They will say when the bill to try lync chers in federal courts shall come up again- if South Carolisa shall reelect Mr. Blease: “Look at South Carolina. As a state it endorses lynching. With white jud ges, white sheriffs, with courts and government all white, and no Negroes on juries, it still endorses lysching. Senator Blease challenged the people to reject or endorse his advocacy of it. It is the duty of the Congress, of the Un -ited States, to protect the lives of its citizens. Shall the courts and the laws of a state that endorses lynching in a state-wide election be trusted to protect the lives of American citizens ? That will be the argument for a law to transfer trials of lynchers to United States courts How can any senator or congressman of South Carolina answere Across the state line in Georgia, John M. Slaton, ex-Governor and canidate for the United States Senate is devoting much of his campaign to an attack on Prackr. In his campaign speeches and Senator Harris for votisg against Judge padi advertisements, Slaton is giviM^ much advertisisg to the National Asro^ ciation for the Advancement of Colored people. In an advertisement in the preensboro, Georgia, KeralcfyJournal, Mr. Slaton declares: “Anyintelligent man who was in the Sesate anlheard the debate ought to have known the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People defeated him bease Judge Parker de clared Negroes ought not to partici pate in politics. “The result of the Parker rejection is that the Negro newspapers of the North gleefully proclaimed their victory over Parker and declared that hence frth the Fourteenth and Fifteenth ames ments shall be enforced, may mean in the future to the South I do not know. Senator Harris refused to vote to place a Southern man there and who was defeated because he (Par ker) believed is WHITE SUPREMACY Walter White, Acting Secretary f the N. A. A. C. P., in commenting upov the use of the race issue in Southern polit ical campaigns declared: Unnatural and mucous dis< rliarges can be avoided by • de stroying the germs od infectious diseases. *fi. to At all druggists ABabyinYourHome I have un honeat proven treatment for ataril ityduetofunctionalweakneaa which Ihave need with wonderful aucceaa in thouaanda of caeee. It la thereault of 86 ye« highest terms oy hundreds of mar ried women, chlld lesBfor years, who became happy mothers. If you wiil send me your name and address I will gladly send you a treatment i and a copy of my \ booklet, 'A Baby -’inYonr Home" -which tells how to use It ana many orner i, married women should topw. Both will be sent j free in plain wrapoer• Write today. Dr. H. Will . i Elder? ' - 3 37-F, 7th & Felix, St Joseph, Mo, iAtiJL -j' -(^-i W VTT 1V" V 4 rT TVT I STAUNTOl V# TTT TTT FtT TTr KITCHEN SHOWER On Wednesday night, July 16, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy J. Taylor were delightfully surprised at the home of Mrs. Taylor’s parents, when a Kitchen Shower was given them by Mrs. Ida Anderson assist ed by Miss Bettie Jones. Many nice and useful gifts were given. After the opening of the gifts a delicious refresh ment was served. Those enjoying the evening were Mesdames Ida Anderson, Lucy Thompson, Helen Caves, Mary B. Ware, Louise Scott, Tom Johnson, Miss Bettie Jones; Messrs. Jas. Wine Gard ner, Signnora Stewart Arthur Smith, and Tom Johnson. Gifts were also re ceived from Mrs. Irene Givens and Miss Rachel Gaines. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard has re turned to Baltimore, Md., aft$r visiting their mother, Mrs. Annie Howard and sister, Mrs. Raymond Washington. They also enjoyed the hospitality of their friends while here. Mrs. Maggie Salisbury is ut after two weeks of illness at her home. Miss Virginia Lindsey left Sunday for Virginia State College for summer school. Mrs. Julia Hawley of New York is visiting Mrs. Martha Rishardson on W. Johnson Street. Mrs. Crystal Johnson and- his sUior, Frances Johnson have returned from New York and is visiting their aunt, Mrs. Virginia Williams on Stafford St. Mrs. Matilda Knight of New York is the guest of Prf. and Mrs. T. C. Ed monds, W. Johnson Street. Mrs. James Crawfrod, Mr. John Ca ball and Mrs. Virginia Gains are sick at the K. D. Hospital. I’ev. E. D. McCreary, pastor of the Mt. Zion Eaptist Church announses .hit tht much talked about organ that wa-i piai <.d for the Mt. Zion Baptist Church is being install-] and will be ready for use Sunday, Julj 27. The pub li• is c'.dially invited. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roward were en tertained while here by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Washington, Mr. and Mrs. William Kincaid, Mrs. Lucy Jadkson, and Sadie Cook. Misses Frances Smith, Catherine Burns, Mrs. Lucy Jackson, Sadie Cook and Messrs. Herbert Silmore, Robbie Roberson, Kennith Ware, Gilmore Tay lor and Fred Williams were at the open ing of the golf course in Harrisonburg, Va. Mrs. Nellie Golden and Mrs. Lucy Henderson are on the sick ltsi. Mrs. A. Brown spent Sunday at Tim ber Ridge. Mrs. Martha Lindsay is at Charlottes ville Hospital. tJhopogoflpotoo-oinooat,Yoe etao etaao CROZ..T, VIRGINIA Misses Leda, Virginia and Ora Por ter of Charlottesville have returned to their home after visiting their grand mother, rs. Elvira Burruss. Rev. if. E. Smith of Portsmouth is spending several days with his mother, Mrs. Alice Smith. Sunday he preached morning and evening at the installa tion services of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Langston Ware and children of Charlottesville visited Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Maupin Sunday. MINTSPRING, VA. The quarterly meeting will meet at Free Will Baptist Church, August 16 17. Come onoe come all. Mr. Watson Johnson of Richmond, Va. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnston. Miss Bernice Leitch of West Staunton visited here Tuesday. Mr. Omie Johnson is recuperating. The lawn party given last Thursday nite by the Trustees of the Free Will Baptist Church was a success. People were here from all the adjoining neigh borhoods. A number from here attended the Free Will Baptist Sunday School Con vention in Martinsburg, W. Va., Satur day and Sunday. Among them were: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, Misses Allene Madison and Nellie Johnston and John Johnston. Mr. William Johnston of Stuarts Draft was the dinner guest of his bro ther, Mr. Lee Johnston yesterday. 1 WARM SPRINGS, VA. Rev. C. A. Scott, pastor of the M. E. Church filled his pulpit all day Sunday. Mrs. S. B. Timbers of Glen Wilton and her friend, Mr. Andrew Bowler of Richmond, Va., visited her sister-in-law Mrs. Berlyn Lacy last week. Mrs. Lacy accompanied them back to 31en Wilton and spent the week-end. The debate given at the school build-,1 ng Tuesday ninght, promoted by our < District Mission Worker was well at ended and enjoyed by all present. Dne of the speakers on the negative j tide being absent, Mr. M. L. Brown of , Staunton, Va. willingly fell in line and { nade some very strong points. Messrs, rasper Smith and Jmes Wheller High School boys of Healing Springs, Va. al- J >o took the part of another absent ipeaker on the affirmative side and ipoke well. The subject under discus-1 lion was: Resolved that Mdem Inven tfujstdo iji fi A ai ^SOCIETY | _t-. *-. -t.- . ^ -«-. _t.. t-. t- t “““ "rTTr1 L“L“Lr TrT Tw tions have done our country more harm than good. The judges rendered their decision in fovar of the affirmative. The financial benefits were good. Miss Maggie Dawson of Flood, Va. and Mr. Frank Lindsay of this place were quietly joined in holy matrimony, Sunday afternoon in the home of her sister, Mrs. Prima Beale, Rev. C .A. Set to, pastor of the M. E. Church preformed the ceremony. Mrs. Edith Knight of the West Indies was a worshipper at the M. E. Church Sunday night. M. S. Morris Harrisonburg J^ews A beautiful play, “The Queen of Pearls Wedding,” was given at the Baptist Church at Bridgewater last Thursday night by Mrs. N. F. David and Mrs. G. W. Johnson, the follow ing persons taking part in the play: Mesdames Addie Strother, Minnie Stewart, Dora York, Gertrude John son, Madline Sampson, and Eliza Johnson, Misses Gertrude Burgess, Nellie Freeman, Frances Winston, Carrie Bundy, Pauline Burgess, Ma ry Winston, Edna Bundy, Selena Bundy, Pauline Winston, Marie Bur gess, Viola Smith, Margaret Stroth er, Muriel Beal, Charity 'Temple, Roxie Richardson, Gladys Bundy, Pauline Webster, and Mary Johnson. Rev. A. B. Lee and family have returned home after spending their vacation on the eastern shore. Mrs. Gilbert Rice and family of Washington, but formerly of the city are guests of Mrs. Eliza Mills on Hawkins St. Mrs. Wheeler of Washington, was the recent guest of her sister, Mrs. John Awkard. Master Conway Marshall of Pitts burgh, is visiting his aunt and un cle, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Brown. Mrs. Katie Wheeler of New York . arrived Sunday to spend a few weeks with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. McGuire. Mr. Chas. Vickers is not doing so well at this writing. His condi tion is somewhat changel. WEST STAUNTON NEWS There will be Woman’s Day at the Simoky Row Church on July 27 at 3:00 P. M. ^ . _ Masters Robert and Leroy Bowles of Cleveland, Ohio is spending some time with their aunt, Mrs. F. W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doak, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Jenkins, Mrs. Annie Jen kins, Mrs. Jennie Carter and Mr. Roy Carter were callers in the home ol Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wilson last Sunday P. M. , # % Miss Lena Wilson is somewhat indis posed at this writing we are sorry to note. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vaughn and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vaughn of Mc Keesport, vis i^d friend* here last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Rart and fam ily of Staunton visited the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Carter last Sunday. Rev. A L. Brent filled his pulpit on the second Sunday and gave us two good sermons. We were glad to have Mrs. Brent worship with us. At 3 P. M. an excellent children’s day program was rendered. A large crowd was present and it was also a sucess cfinancially. A M. J. LEXINGTON NEWS ' Rev. J. W. Goodgame filled bis pul pit Sunday twice. The following people visited Green Hill Sunday; visiting relatives and friends;Mr. and Mrs. Ham Harris and children, Mr. and Mrs. Cole Merchant, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Scott, Editor W. C. Brown, H. L. Walker and Walker Woo^ Mrs. Pearl Tyre and Mrs. Blanche Diaper of I'oaiiuke are the guest >f Miss Carnelifc Robinson on Massie St. Miss Lucille Goodgame is visaing Prof, and ii>rs. Parker i/i Roanoke, Va. A lawn party was held on the Baptist srsonage lawn Tuesday and Wednesday nights which was a huge success. Mrs. Lizzie Gwatheny of N. Y. is spending some and in the city with her nother, Mrs. Maggie Cuff. Mr. James McQueen has returned to the city to join his wife after a brief stay in N. C. where he was employed is chef in a hotel. News has been received that Rev. W. L Washington of Washington, D. C. ins recently sailed for a tnp abroad. Rev Godgame preached for Rev. Alon so C. Brown last Sunday at Timber idge where the annual anniversary exercises were held. Mr. Hugh A. Williams, prominent toce barber has recently purchased the tuilding of the former “Barber Jim" rackson which has been a barber stand or white trade for nearly half century. A NEWSPAPER OF LOCAL INTEREST a^-,*=r—-. -yf =P*'jmoximo* 'f: j fi iWOOTHVflND^eEB I ^S—'.TW - ’?KHTiC®Ef, -/ * n.vouR<eve$4ei.os'eq*^~ V I V V»TASyONMMURli-->iV/ i I'l ^ a ^XfFftv i * i ^ al mm / •- .■