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Evelyn Sheppard, is not only a talented performer at the
famous Cotton Club in New ^.ork, but is an enthusiastic
sportswoman of daring and courage. Above she is pictured
at the wheel of her handsome Chrysler Roadster which she
handles with the skill of an experienced chauffeur. Miss
Sheppard is well-known in theatrical and social circles.
Dr.Bunkers Handwriting Analysis
Distinguished Grapho-Analyst
Lonely! Thousands upon thousands
of letters ihat co:ne o me from every
point of ;he civilized world tell this
same story over and over again, “I'm
so lonesome.”
You may feel exactly the same sen
Youth of America!
You Need No Longer Suffer
the Embarassment of
Telltale PIMPLES
SO many pretty girls and handsome
boys have to be ashamed of their
blemished complexions. And why?
Simply because they don’t know or
haven’t tried Palmer’s “Skin Success”
Ointment. For over 80 years Palmer’s
“Skin Success” Ointment has given real
honest-to-goodness lasting relief from
•kin distress when others failed to make
even a temporary impression.
Bet you’d like to have a clear bright skin
just like the other fellows and girls have.
You can too. For Palmer’s “Skin Suc
cess” Ointment can do for you what it
has done for thousands. Remove those
pimples—promote a real light wonder
ful skin.
For piles, ecrema, rashes, pimply skin,
•ore feet, chafing or sunburn. So many
have tried to imitate Palmer’s “Skin
Success” Ointment but none have ever
been able to discover the secret formula.
Look for Palmer’s "Skin Success” Oint
ment in the orange box—see that you
get it. Every good druggist sclb or can
easily obtain it for you.
Ration. You may feel at times ter
ribly and sickeningly discouraged,
and that there is nothing ahead for
you. Then something will occur that
will make you feel hopeful and happy
and you will go ahead with a most
optimistic and cheerful mood.
You may not understand it, but
if your hand./riting slants forward
like the specimen we have here this
week, you may be satisfied hat the
reason is because you have a very
highly emotional nature.
It may make it easier for you if
you could know that these periods of
bitter depression and discouragement
and of utter loneliness are something
that are not caused by a real condi
tion but by a feeling that is deep
within yourself. When you know
this, you can learn to laugh it off
and say to yourself when such a
spell occurs, "it won’t last long,’’ and
j you’ll soon find that you are regain
ing your happy mood rather than the
depressed and discouraged one. *
—— - ■ z1 ^ r ^ -ir I II "
Here is something it may be worth
while for you to keep in mind. The
man or woman whose handwriting is
reasonably heavy and who slants it
very far forward L the one who suf
fers bitterly from emotional reaction.
Such people are -’ways sensitive.
They are easily hurt, and when they
are hurt, the i ma^ is a deep one,
like the knife wound that runs lar
into the flesh. There is an ache in
their hearts which comes only
through the depths of the emotions.
If you remember these tacts it will
help you to understand your friends
when they go into those fits of dis
couragement or glow so enthusiastic
that you feel hat they are wasting
a lot cf good energy.
Tou may have a personal report
made of your handwriting if you will
write a page, using pen and ink. Sign
your name, send letter to Dr. M. N.
Bunker, in care if this newspaper,
with a stamped and self-addrcsod
envelope, for reply. Be sure to enclose
the stamped envelope, for letters
without this will be discarded.
f Late Summer Suggestions j
During the winter months the
salad is usually a tasty bite, served
between courses or with the narin,
cou'rse. With hot weather, however,
the salad comes into its own.
Whole-meat salads and company
salads appear in thousands o> clubs
and restaurants as well as in modern
homes where meals are prepared with
both health and appetite in mind.
The little ten-minute salad may be
furnishecTonce a day, but as the heat
increases, its bigger brother, the
Whole-meal salads and company
table regularly, also.
Serve all the salads you wish, for
they are almost invariably easy to di
gest, alkaline in their reaction and
! filled with minerals, salts and vita
mins. But study your salad ingredi
ents carefully and see to it that you
I are getting full value from the pres
ent popularity of this dish.
Use sugar, whenever possible, either
in the salad itself or in the salad
dressing. It is quick-energy food that
(will bolster up a lagging system
quickly on a hot day, and in addition
: will bring out the full flavor of the
►fruit or vegetables used in the salad.
Use as many greens as you can.
Vary your salads by preparing a fruit
salad one day, a vegetable salad the
next, and combination fruit and vege
table salad for the third.
Get into the habit also of surpris
ing the family or your guests with
an unusual salad—perhaps a frozen i
or molded delicacy. You will find that ■
the results will more than justify |
the added effort on your part.
Here are a few salads that may be
new to you. Try them and see how
pleasing they will be:
Peel and cut into fairly small pieces
tVo cups of ripe tomatoes. Add two
cloves, two. peppercorns, two table
spoons sugar, one teaspoon salt, one
quarter teaspoon celery salt, one
sliced onion, a few grains of parsley,
and two tablespoons vinegar. Boil
for ten minutes, then press through
a sieve. Freeze to a mush. Beat a
half cup of cream until stiff and add
to the mush. Then complete freez
ing. Serve on crisp, thoroughly
dried lettuce leaves with mayonnaise
I dressing. ___
A Sloppy Wife
Means a Slipping
Do you want to get rid of your
man? It’s the easiest thing imagin
able unless he is one of those shift
less, lazy, good-for-nothings that
merely uses you for a meal ticket.
Greet the average husband with a
frown and a soiled wrapper when he
comes home on Monday. Throw
something on the table and liout
| “Soup’s on.” Do this again on Tuc. •
day, Wednesday, Thursday, and the
other days, and keep it up religiously.
Be sure that the wrapper is soiled
and that your n~ck looks as though a
visit to the bathtub will be in order.
Then move into a neighborhood
where the other women keep their
hair, feet, faces and bodies in order.
Let your husband sit on the front
porch a few evenings and see the
difference between these women and
yourself. Invite one or two of the
nearest neighbor women in for a glass
of lemonade or a sandwich.
This recipe is guaranteed to make
! any man slip—and the sloppier you
are, the quicker he slips.
Millions of women have used this
recipe—but very few of them realized
; that they were using it until they
had lost their husbands.
I __ _
Mint enhances the deliciousness of '
lamb. After roasting the lamb in the
usual way surround it with small in
dividual servings of mint jelly. Gar
nish the dish and top of roast with
water-cress or parsley. _
Mint Jelly
M cup apple vinegar
J cup water
green coloring
3>'i cups (1 lb. 7 or.) sugar
cup bottled pectin
(4 to 114 teaspoons spearmint
Combine vinegar and water, and
add enough coloring to give tint de
sired. Add sugar, stir, and bring to
a boil. At once add pectin, stirring
constantly, and bring again to a full
rolling boil and boil one-half minute.
Remove from fire and add spearmint
extract, according to flavor desired.
Let stand 1 minute, skim, and pour
quickly. Cover hot jelly with film of
hot parafin; when jelly is cold, cover
with V* inch of hot paraffin. Roll
glass to spread paraffin on sides. If
lemon juice is used instead of vine
gar, use lVa cups water ana strained
juice of 2 lemons. Makes 4 to 5
eight-ounce glasses.
2 cups jam
1 cup rice
3 to 314 cups boiling milk
1 teaspoon salt
Vi cup powdered sugar *
V4 cup cream
Add salt to milk and place in top
of boiler. When the boiling point is
reached, add rice and cook until,
tender (30 to 45 minutes). Drain,
sweeten with powdered sugar, and
pour into ring mould to set. When
ready to serve, turn out carefully on |
large plate. Fill center with jam,,
and garnish with whipped cream.
Ripe plum jam, cherry jam, or I
cranberry marmalade make excellent I
|f fS»b!
A cry in the night may be the
first warning that Baby has colic.
No cause for alarm if Castoria is
handy! This pure vegetable prep
aration brings quick comfort, and
can never do the slightest harm.
| Always keep a bottle in the house.
It is the safe and sensible thing
when children are ailing. Whether
j it’s the stomach, or the little
i bowels; colic or constipation; or
! diarrhea. When tiny tongues are
i coated, or the breath is bad.
j Whenever there’s need of gentle
! regulation. Children love the
taste of Castoria, and its mildness
makes it suitable for the tiniest
infant, and for frequent use.
And a more liberal dose oi
Castoria is always better for
growing children than some need
lessly strong medicine meant only
for adult use. Genuine Castoria
always has Chas. H. Fletcher’s
signature on the wrapper. Pre
scribed by doctors!
Ilf/ ^ A new disrootr^ y V
.- works wondor* for L. fjHujnk
both mon and urorueri -Easy It
B» SMooTH TEx Jiirts you soft, jiisttmnf), ^ M
j™ straight hair in a short hnir and with notiuallr^
-. T«» IT •
^^^k Send SOo in stamp* or inutifij crdrr
bfjut'ful Op* I Jar
-a&kfot {
St Joseph's
nrumaj ccu^
UMto-lfc »UUtte-2$t loeutdaU’-M*
fin 3 DAYS
VES, YOU can now hava
A lustrous, straight halt
without bothering with meaBy.
smeary pomades. Simply brush
N. D. C. Liquid Kink Straight*
ener through your hair, ami it
quickly Becomes straignt aa a siring, mary
Martin writes: "My husband used your Kink
Straightener three days, night and morning,
and hiahairia perfectly straight.” J. D. Smith
Bays: "You can tell the world itp the best I
ever used. I've tried them oil.” Thousand!
of satisfied men and women praise this
New Liquid Discovery
Won’t Harm Not sticky, not greasy. No
The Hair! cap or other contraption
needed. Won’t turn the hair red. No danger
ous hot irons. Easy to use as ordinary hair
tonic. If it don’t make your hair straight and
beautiful in three days, it costs you nothing.
Send No Money
Introductory Just send your name and
Special Offer for regular $2 size
* bottle for only $1 prepaid,
or C.O.D. $1 plus postage. Use according
to simple directions. If your hair Isn't per
fectly straight in three days, your money
will be refunded. Money must accompany
orders from outside the US.
National Distributing Co.
1110 E. 33rd St„ Dept. 504, Kansas City, Ma,
“Before I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound I was all run
down, nervous, could not 6lecp good
and had to spend two days in bed
every month, A friend of mine told
me about the Vegetable Compound
and 1 also saw it advertised in the
Afro-American. I don’t know where
I would have been today if I hadn’t
taken it. I do all my housework, wash
ing, ironing, and cleaning and 1 feel
fine. I am now giving the Vegetable
Compound to my fourtcen-year-old
daughter. 1 am glad to answer letters
from women at any time.”—Mrs.
Lena Nixon, 131c W. Harlen Avenue,
Baltimore, Maryland._