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MAKING JEWELRY OUT OF UGLY BEETLES One of these da vs one of the brown skin belles of the avenue may be wearing | one of these stag beetles made into a fine piece of jewelry if plans are carried through At the present time there are establishments in France which mouiit the shiny black bodies of gold and silver. The stag beetles here are disputing over a fungus stump._ Creatures that Repel by their Ugliness Become of Great Value when Specially Treated By ANTHONY WAYNE American jewelers are considering the establishment of manufacturing shops for the making of odd and strange * ornaments for fashionable ladies out of some of Nature’s ugliest creatures—the beetles. ThL is taking a leaf from the old^ establishments of France, where beetles have long been used in mak ing original and interesting and un usual ornaments to grace the gowns of mil-dy whose tastes run to the spectacular. If the permission of the entomolo gists of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture can be obtained, strange and wonderfully coloiid beetles will be received from all parts of the world, and, also, employment SroTJB P' i t iTTIPI i Now you can nave that lovely, whiter complexion tha* everyone admires. The secret is Eisner’s Pearl Cream ... a quick acting, harmless, positive bleach, the discovery of a great European chemist. A real beauty cream ... it nor omy maacs yum whiter ... 7 shades in 7 nights . . . but softens it, removes freckles, pimples, rough ness, blotches, skin eruptions and enlarged pores. Good for both men and women who appreciate the attractiveness of a whiter skin. Eisner's Pearl Cream This miracle-working cream fa easy to use. Be fore going to bed. apply Eisner's Pearl Cream to face, neck and arme with finger tip*. You will be amue(1 at the improvement in your complexion next morning. Repeat for 7 nights and your skin will be 7 shades whiter. Money-Back Guarantee Try Eisner’s Pearl Cream at our risk. Write us for full else Jar. Send no money.. .just pat postman Me plus postage, on arrival 11 you send us 5fle with onler we •»» P»T Postage. After using 7 nights If you are net delighted we wfB send baek your money. rmrr Sample et ELBNBR8 COMPLEXION r KtC soap with each order. Write tedny to mum kaii cmam co. 7414 MilwovteoAvo., top! HP Chief. Mt. will be given to the bug hunters of this land. Prance has long had a monopoly on this odd sort of jewelry business. Near Paris there are several estab lishments where skilled artisans take beetles of the ugliest varieties and turn them into brooches, earrings, pins, necklaces and many other ar ticles of adornment. When the insects arrive at the jewelry makers’ workshops they are sorted by specialists who put the creatures of each species into sepa rate boxes which are then sent to the mounting studios, where highly sn.lll°d workers take the insects apart. Some families, have for generations, fol lowed this peculiar trade. Delicate instruments are used to remove the tiny heads from the bodies, which are thoroughly cleaned inside and out. All internal organs are taken out and are replaced by a substance that is solid, which keeps the beetles in their natural shape. When the beetle has been dissected, cleaned and treated by a secret pro cess that hardens it and preserves its form and color, it goes to another room of the workshop where it is mounted on a gold and silver brooch, a stickpin or a pendant. American jewelers point out that such beetles as the stag beetle adapt themselves to this strange mounting and preserving. Its shiny jet black ness would prove effective against many types of gowns, and even the Sloan’s Liniment Still in the Limelight Adelaide Hall, who some seasons ago broke into fame through her clever and talented stage performances, is now the star of “Brown Beauties. Ringing the Doorbell < It is quite easy for even a school boy to compute that the women of America walk almost fifteen million miles in a year in order to answer the doorbell for agents of electric washers, brushes, vacuum cleaners and similar articles. If the venders of shoe laces, court plaster and needles, and the beggars, pure and simple (more simple than pure) were added to the door-bell pullers, Ameri can women would probably have to add a few million miles to this total. Of course everyone has to make a living. Naturally we pity the poor men who have to go from door to door selling something they want to get rid of, and we so seldom want. But surely we should be paid for that fifteen-million mile walk. Over in Holland they have arranged ft little coin-in-the slot contrivance men might be induced to wear them as necktie holders. The stag beetle might prove to be a valuable crop for young men work ing their way through college, It is pointed out, and for those who are not frightened by its ferocious ap pearance. It is possible that the stag beetle and others m.ght be grown in captivity on beetle farms. Some -dentists have pointed out that this type of beetle nay have grown to enormous sizes in other and earlier days. If such is the case, it was probably no more friendly than it is today. Even now the stag beetle has a good appetite and will devour all sorts of things from rotting trees to locusts. It cares not a bit whether the locust is dead or alive or as dry as a chip. The stag beetle has great mandi bles, or pinchers, that once fastened to any creature Just about means death. If at one time, as some sci entists say, this type of insect grew to enormous size, it would have beer unfortunate to have come in contact with him. With a set of mandible? in proportion and an appetite suci as he now has. he would be -ble t< snip a man's leg or arm as if it wer< ► on their doors so that the bell will not ring unless a coin is deposited. When a woman answers the bell and finds a friend, she returns the coin. When she finds an agent, she <ceeps the coin for her trouble. Not so bad, is it? | BAYER ASPIRIN is always SAFE ' ZL yiMMMOlTJM: Beware of Imitations GENUINE Bayer Aspirin, the kind that doctors prescribe and mil lions of users have proven safe for over thirty years, can easily be identified by the name Bayer and i the word genuine on the package as ; pictured above. Genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe and sure; always the same. It has the unqualified endorsement of physi cians and druggists everywhere. It does not depress the heart. No harm ful after-effects follow its use. Bayer Aspirin is the universal anti dote for pains of all kinds. Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of monoaceticacidester of salicylicacid. ......MIMIIIIII “SENTIMENT AND SOCKS” BEGINS ON PAGE 3 TODAT This week ou page three, the ILLUS TRATED FEATURE SECTION begins “Sentiment and Socks,” by James A. Garner, a really great story about per haps the greatest lighter of all times. Today, only Kid Chocolate approaches the skill of the master boxer, Joe Gans, and Chocolate’s great success has come proportionately as he adhered to the style of his model, the old master, Gans. All of this merely adds to the color nf the sincere true story of a memorable incident starting on page three in this issue. The ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SEC TION has the largest circulation of any Negro publication in the world. \ DON’T wait any longer to have ' the light, smooth, lovely complexion you want. You can have it quickly and safely, by using Nadinola Bleach ing Cream. Simply smooth this fragrant, white cream on your face, neck and arms at night. While you sleep, it gently bleaches your skin to lovely new beauty— clears away pimples, blackheads, oiliness and roughness. Almost be fore you know it, you have a whiter, smoother, more beautiful complexion. Nadinola does not fail. If other bleaching preparations have dis appointed you, be sure to try Nad inola. You may use Nadinola with complete confidence. Though it contains the quickest, strongest and most positive skin-bleaching properties known tobeauty science, it will not harm the tenderest skin. Full directions are contained in each package, with money-back guarantee. Get a jar of this wonder-work ing cream today, and watch your skin grow lighter, smoother and lovelier. At drug stores and toilet goods counters, 50 cents. Money saving size, $1. Nadinola packages contain almost twice as much as most bleaching preparations, of similar price. If you can not buy Nadinola where you live, order from us, and receive free sample of Nadine Face Powder and valuable beauty booklet. Address Dept. Z, National Toilet Co., Paris, Tenn., U.S.A. ff Use Nadine Face Powder, new Coral-Rose shade, for rich, light-toned'n beauty, 50c... Nadine Vanishing Cream, fragrant, superior, 50c Jj cNa^f^<Bkadm^Cfeam 'I