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Houses and Rooms .« - m arr" appearing In theae columne ara at the rata af Sc par llna If run _>y tha laaua, or SOc monthly, to ba paid In advance, aa we hava no collector for thla department. No “ade" taken over the phone. Tho Bast List In ths CKy to Chooso From. •OR RENT —Furnished rooms at 1'46 Welton street, on carline. Phone irorninga only, Olive 344. Mrs. Della 11 vans. 4t-l-17-pd. PR. THOMAB E. McCLAIN, DENTIST Office phone, Main 7416. Pyorrhea specialist. Residence, 822 Thirty-sec ond street, phone Main 8397. Sundays end nights by appointment. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 12 m., 2 p. m. to 6 I. m. Suite 4 and 5, 929 17th st.. near ( urtis st., Denver. Colo. HOTEL HOLMES. FURNISHED ROOMS —Modern con leniences. Nicely furnished. York, 1771 J at 2145 Champa street. Mra I. P. Holmes. Prop. HOTEL HILDRETH Nice, clean, airy rooms, strictly asodern house, close in; rooms from 91.60 up. 2152 Arapahoe. Phone Main 7007. Mrs. Lillian Horn. Prop. FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished reams at 2109 Welton St. On car line. Rotes reasonable. THE DE LUXE Furnished apartments of two and three rooms; hot and cold water, gae and electric lighte; modern convex lencee. Rates reasonable to desirable tenants. Mrs. R. M. Blakey. 2352-2358 Ogden St., Phone York 6707 W. FOR RENT —Furnished rooms In Bind art kouee; ratee reasonable, on 3 car lines. 2209 Welton SL Main <951. Mrs. Clara Maya 11-12-16 FOR RENT —Furnlsued rooms In modern house, with kitchen prlvil -gee on car line, at reasonable ratee. Mrs. Addle Craig, 2537 Curtis street. Main 7872. FOR RENT —One front room with alcove; strictly modern, at 2323 Og den St. York 7629 R. Mrs. Matilda Jacobs. FOR RBNT —Two nlpely furnished front rooms for lady or gentleman at 2837 3tout. Mrs. M. A. Cole, Olive 30. ri. 4t-4-7-17c FOR RENT Furnished rooms, modern house, all conveniences. Call Mrs. Eleanor H. Epperson, 520 24th St. Phone M-4945. FOl. RENT Furnished rooms, modern, prices reasonable. Call at 2442 Tremont place. Mrs. Z. Hooper. FOR RBNT—In a nicely furnished home, rooms with board. First-class home cooking, at 2609 Lafayette. Mrs. J. C. Steele. York 7764 W. For Rent —One nice furnished room on. car line. Modern convenience rates reasonable. 2230 Curtis Street Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, Phone Main 3861 * FOR RENT —A nicely furnished front roon. modern conveniences. Reasonable prices, Champa 1866. 2447 Tremont Place. Mra. Perhlna, 4t-o*3-17 HOWARD HOTEL. Mr. James Howard, proprietor. Swell large rooms; modern conven iences. 2215 Curtis street, phone Main 7290. 3-1-17 C Room for rent In private family. Everything modern and convenient, to a nice, quiet, single man. Apply at this office. FOR RENT —Room with alcove in modern house; terms reasonable, at 2331 Ogden St. Mrs. M. A. Young, Phone York 2079 W. —4tpd. 7-7-19. For Rent —Furnished rooms on Wel ton street; car line; reasonable and good facilities. Call evenings or Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A. B. Cas try. 2761 Welton street. For Rent—Five rooms, modern; wa ter. gas in. 912.50. at 1835 Ogden SL Free Thermometer to each Customer. SOLES SAVED SATISFACTORY AT NEW WAY WHILE YOU WAIT ,855 CHAMPA ST. PHONE MAIN 087 Phone York 9068 Help the BHiid 0. Marshall & Sob Dealers in CORN BROOMS All kind* of Corn Brooms • and Barn Brootfu* as ,i Clarkson St. deliver Labor Unions Should Qivo Squar# Doal. The great exodus of colored people from the south and the shortage of laborers on account of many former workers going to the front In the pres ent crisis of the nation brings organic ed labor face to face with a serious problem. The colored man who is quali fied should have a chance to work, la bor unions to the contrary notwith standing. IM labor union tots square Geo. Morrison’s New Orchestra ICOLOMSOII Up-to-date Music and Hai -nony furnished for a’ 'occasions Thone Main 2707 2947 Stout St. Denver I’hone Main SMI. DR. JUSTINA L. FORD OFFICE HOURS: 10 to 12 a. m„ 2 to 4 p. m., 7 to S p. m. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. 2335 Arapahoo Street. Denver. Residence 2344 Tremont PI. Olive 6RI before 8 A. M. GEORGE G. ROSS Attorney and Counsellor At Law 929 Seventeenth St. Main 6782 Denver, Colo. Decker Light & Fixture Compan) 1432 CURTIS ST. We Rent and Sell \ Gas Arc Lights Mantles, Gas Plates and Glass Ware PHONE CHAMPA 944 ArtM*?nMrnlD«a«asaa Start Hatiaa. FLOWKKf Par |AI Oacadani. Canrtaana Traafart DENNIS J. SULLIVAN Sullhaa't Bird Store PRACTICAL FLORIST First Class Treatment to all AH Work Guaranteed We Serve the Best Flower and Garden Seeds of All Kinds 534 Fifteenth St. Dearer, Celo. Phan. Mala 24M #YOUR^reS# A! Tell the story of the care you give them. : Don't 1 take chances; those head- aches, that nervdusness, w and many other com- | • plaints, all come from \ , eye atrain. ; A scientific E| examinatiea aad rood Hf glasses will bring relief. V' A — — mTr » Ul dS ■I aevana mcumvut to tm cumoatw* ar m itu. rw mm arb KAMFACTvaaK at cumi d u T The Swigert Bret. Optical Co. , KNvmsxuasU inw A | Bivaouraua. unmin Waatam SaHer lee. P latgsaf New York Wheel Chain Far Sale ar Rest WM. JONES Maker of all kintls of Ortho, pedic Appliances, Trusses Abdominal Support, Elastic Hosiery, Crutches, etc. . r. 1 ~. , • -' ll i aa*> trek ae.i nearer. CeM. rami Mata rrom\ STEADY ADVANCE OF WOMEN'S CLUBS Empire State Federation Meets at New Rochelle, N. Y. ADDITION OFTEN NEW CLUBS Ninth Annual Session af Thrifty Or ganisation Favors Woman Buffrag* and Condamna Lynching—Delegates Givan Elaborate Rocaptian by Bust* naaa Man's League. New Rochelle, N. Y.—The ninth an nual session of the Empire State Fed eration of Women's Clubs was held In St. Catherine's A. M. E. Zion churc h in this city July 4-5 and was largely at tended, having an approximate delega tion of 200 from various parta of the state. The convention was presided over by the president, Mrs. M. C. Law ton, who after devotional services spoke briefly upon the recent riot in East St. Louis and other outrages per petrated upon colored citizens through out the country. Mrs. Lawton suggested that a tele gram condemning such outrages and expressing the sentiment of the feder ation be sent to President Wilson. The MM. M. C. LAWTON. following named persons were appoint ed as a committee for that purpose: Mrs. Mary president of the National Association of Colored Wo men; Mrs. A. W. Hmiton, organiser of the Empire State federation; Dr. V. Morton-Jones, Mrs. Lutle Lytle Cowan- McNeil and Mrs. M. J. Stuart. The telegram as worded by the com* mittee was also sent to the Associated Press and to the daily press of New Rochelle. The recently added department of arts and crafts, under the direction of Mrs. C. H. Turner as chairman, gars an excellent exhibition of the hand work done among the clubwomen be longing to the federation. Three prises for efficiency along that particular line were awarded to the successful com petitors, as follows: Fire dollars In gold to the Thimble club of Jamaica, N. Y.; $2.50 in gold to the Art and Embroidery club of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and $1 in new currency to the 811 rer Spray circle of New York city. Ten new clubs were added to the body by the organizer, giving to It an added membership of 700 women. The reports of the various clubs gave evi dence of continued growth and devel opment along the lines of racial uplift and advancement. Elgbty-two dollars was reported on the Douglass fund by the clubs of the federation. The vote on woman's suffrage was almost unanimous. A special commit tee was appointed to outline a definite plan of work for the ensuing year, which was as follows: Mrs. Cicily 8. Gunner. HUlburn, X. Y.; Mrs. Wllker son. White Itose Industrial Home For Working Girls. N. Y.; Mme. V. E. Scott of the New York branch, Y. W. C. A.; Miss Robinson of the Silver Spray circle. New York, and Mrs. Alex ander of the Bronx. Delegates to the biennial meeting of the National Association of Colored Women, to be held in Denver, Colo.. July. 1918, were elected as folldwa: Mrs. M. C. Lawton, president of the federation; Charlotte Bell, vice president; Mrs. M. Charlotte Dett, chairman of the executive committee; Mrs. A. W. Hunton. organizer: Miss K. A. Mlckens. secretary: Mrs. W. F. Trot man, Mrs. Lutle Lytle Cowan-McNeil, Miss Joaeplilne Holmes. Dr. V. Morton Jones and Mrs. J. W. Harden, record ing secretary. At the close of the business sessions of the Empire State federation the Business Men's league of New Rochelle tendered the dele gates an elaborate reception, which was a fitting climax to the splendid meeting of the organization. Mrs. M. C. Lawton was chosen pres ident for the third term after the'sec retary was ordered to cast one ballot. The other officers, who were all re elected. are: Mrs. Charlotte Bell. Brooklyn, vice president; Mrs. Char lotte Dett. Niagara Falls. N. Y.. chair man executive committee; Mrs. J. W. Harden, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., recording secretary: Mrs. Addle Jackson. Tarry town. N. Y.. financial secretary; Mias E. A. Mlckens, New York city, corre sponding secretary; Mrs. A. W. Hun ton. Brooklyn. organizer; Mrs. Alice Scott. Jamaica. N. Y.. treasurer: Mrs. Alice Wiley-Slay. hlxtorlan. The nett meetlrut will be held In New York city In July. 1018, with the Bllrei Spray Circle of Bt. Marfa M. E. church. BUSINESS WOMEN TO HOLD MEETING IN PHILADELPHIA National Convantion of Walkor Ropro oontativoa Scheduled For Aug. 3a Philadelphia.—' I The two big events of national importance scheduled to take place In this city the last week in Au gust are the annual meeting of the National Medical association and the first national convention of representa tives of the Madam C. J. Walker com pany. This latter convention will be composed solely of business women and will be the only one of its kiqd ever held la this section. The object of this meeting, aside from the bringing together of the rep resentatives of the company from the various parts of the country, is to dis cuss and put into operation the plans which Madam Walker has mapped out for placing the work on a footing where by all the workers may share alike in the benefits according to the net re sults of business. In order to inspire the workers to greater activity Madam Walker has set aside SSOO to be distributed in prizes to the representatives securing the largest number of new workers, the largest amount of business done, etc. The convention will be held for two days, beginning on Thursday, Aug. 30. The contest closes Aug. 1. All persons who enter the contest should register their uame at the home office, 640 North West street, Indianapolis. Madam Walker deserves great credit for opening up opportunities for the women of the race to engage in busi ness for themselves. Through her sys tem of work hundreds of women are making an independent living, and there is room for hundreds of others to do likewise. It is a long way from the sugar cane field and the waehtub at 75 cents and $1.50 per day to own ership of a business enterprise which commands high recognition by both races In the mercantile world, yet this Is what Madam Walker has accom plished. PRAISE FOR ROOSEVELT. Abyssinian Baptist Church Commands Stand Taksn Against Lynching. Former President Roosevelt has been flooded with letters and telegrams from prominent men and women, civic, political and religious organizations, congratulating him for his speech In New York iu which he denounced In the most severe terms the wholesale murder of innocent colored people by mobs of white policemen and white federal soldiers at East St. Louis re cently. Among the telegrams sent to Colonel Roosevelt one which rings w*lth pa triotic race pride and cries aloud against cold blooded murder of human beings is from the Abyssinian Baptist church. New York, of which the Rev. Dr. A. Clayton Powell Is pastor. The telegram follows: Theodore Roosevelt, Oyster Bay, N. Y.: The 3.200 members of the Abyssinian Baptist church by a unanimous and en thusiastic vote express to you their sincere and heartfelt gratitude and congratula tions for your reply to the false, cowardly, un-American, murder Inciting utterance# of Samuel Gornpers In Carnegie Hall Fri day night. Your timely and courageous words in defense of the murdered and maimed men. women and children who were in Kail Bt. fjouis In pursuit of an honest living are an added proof that you are the biggest and most fair minded man In the world. You have revived a living hope In the breasts of 12,000,000 Industrious, loyal, peaceable yet greatly distressed citizens and aroused, we trust, a vigorous senti ment In the heart of all genuine Ameri cans for a square deal. Unless the na tional administration brings these mur derers to Justice your noble stand will make our government at Washington, which Is preaching world democracy, a laughing stock In the eyes of Germany and Turkey. We are among the millions who are earnestly praying that a man like yourself may again occupy the White House. With hlghosr esteem we are yours for even handed justice and equal oppor tunities. THE ABYSSINIAN BAPTIST CHURCH. A. Clayton Powell. Pastor. NEW HISTORY AND MANUAL FOR NOTED SECRET ORDER Knights of Pythias Enriohsd by Work Oovsring Its Various Brsnehos. A history and manual of the Col ored Knights of Pythias, printed by the National Baptist publishing board of Nashville, Tenn., and sold by the Central Regalia company of Cincin nati Is Just off the press. The book history of the supreme lodge, all grand lodges, the U. R. K. of P.. the supreme court and all grand courts of Calanthe •nd biographies of many Fythlairs and Calantbeans of note. Among fbe Interesting things found In the book are the following: The origin of each department of the order, with the story of the handicaps and hin drances from without and within w'lilcb annoyed the ploueers In this work; complete statistics showing the growth of the order lu each state; a textbook of forms used In dedicatory services. Installation services, memorial serv ices, funeral services, drama of Damon and Pythias, suggestions for orations, sermons and essays, pictures of tjie various halls and buildings owned by the order, photographs and biographies of many eminent Pythlans, Calantbeans and uniform rank officers In the sfveral states. Pittsburgh Regiment Aimes* Filled. Company A. First Pennsylvania col ored military regiment, Pittsburgh,at tended the Duvall lectures given re cently at the Watt school with much profit. The lectures were given lp the form of a ride exhibition by Lieuten ant Poindexter and Bergeant White, TOUR COUNTRY NEEDS GOOD LOOKING MEN AND WOMEN WHEN OOINQ TO HEW YORK CALL AT THE ALMA BEAUTY PARLOR For Facial Preparedness for Ladlas and Gentlemen Expert artist in scalp treatment,.hair growing, hair dressing msd manicuring. AU kinds of face bleach, face creams and hair grower g Also teaching by Madam Frye, a chance for young girls to become I business women 1 MADAM ALMA FRYE MSS MONROE. MISS JA&SON. »-■- - I STORE AT 31 WEST !3S*h ST. NEW TORE CITY | Phone Main 6699 Private Booths for Ladies COLO DRINKS AND ICE CREAM NIGHT AND DAY LUNCH ROOM 808 CARBUTH AND J. GREGORY, Praps. A Full Line of Fresh Fish in Season Oysters and Lobsters ' Try Our Big 20c. Merchants Luach {SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS 919 NINETEENTH ST. DENVER, COLO. Everybody Goss to tHe CHAMPA PHARMACY 2otH and Champa Sts. For the Best Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines Cold Drinks Served Proscriptions Our Specialty* Phone Main 2425 JAMES E. THRALL, Prop Goods Delivered to ell Parts of the Cltyf ■ 1— ... i ■ i i, ■■■■ HEALTH AND ACCIDENT POLICIES NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY U. S. A. Largest Company—Assets $15,000,000. Insurance in force, $88,000,000. Claims psid, $42,000,000. Liberal indemnities ‘-Popular rates. Policies cover every illness and every accident Losses paid within 24 hours of satisfactory proofs. GO SEE W. T..BOYD, General Agent 330 TEMPLE COURT BLDG., 15th St California Sts. OR Drop him a card and he will go and fee you and explain all details of these policies. Let Me Grow Your Hair! hub 1 pinnruL sdpplt op bbiotipol hub Use Real Hair Grower, Real Hair Grower Toaic and Shampoo. It is positively known that this treatment will grow the shortest hair, stop falling and splitting hair, eradi cate dandruff and prevent grayness. Once thoroughly tried no further inducement is needed. Scalp scientiAcally treated, electric massage and hair dressing. I guarantee to cure the worst case of scalp disease. Six week treatment $1.50. Home treatment given. E. WILLIAMS. 2248 Clarkson St.. Denver. YOU SHOULD VALUE YOUR APPEARANCE THICK LIPS REDUCED Madam Lydia Gardner’s Magical Lip Reducesr. It will pay you to investigate This will bring larger returns than most any occupation you'ean adopt. Agents are earning $25 00 per week AGBNTS'tWANTED | 316| IKENTUCKY, AVE. JOPLIN, MO. I PORO HAIR DRESSING PAKLORsI Scientific and Sanitary Scalp and I Hair Traatmant Toilet’ Articles a Specialty * B MRS. JENNIE BRADSHAW. Prop. 1 t»a xiaucmi it, , - ■ ■ ■* • I