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IF DEMOCRACY IN COLORADO MEANS BOLSHEVISM-KILL IT NOW For Real Results: Subscribe, Read and Advertise In the Denver Star, A Progressive Race Paper. The Denver Star Hie papers formerly known as The Statesman and The Independent, have been merged into The Dt r Star THIRTIETH yg*P Q SH UNEVIL INFLUENCES Take no Chance. Make Safety First- Better Safe and Sure ELECT ALL REPUBLICANS TO CONGRESS The opening of the year 1918 found the nations of the earth with few exceptions, engaged in war with each other dividing all mankind into two hostile groups those favoring free democracy for all peoples and by that we mean justice, liberty and equality; the other group opposing a world wide democracy. The latter spreading ruin and devastation and filling the earth with sorrowsand woes, never before witness ed nor recorded in the history of the world. In America some believe in the principles of democracy with their hearts and some believe in them with their lips only. This world war created new responsibilities for the United Stales, a new world in a day, so to speak and the President's mind and that of his cabinet under went a great change to keep up with moving events. Among these light ning like changes the Negro was called upon togive the acid test, i. e, new evidence ol race solidarity, to aid in Red Cross work, to purchase Liberty Bonds, to join Thrift Stamps Clubs, to become members of the Home Defense Guards, to aid in food conservation, to stimulate farm cultivation, to fill the gaps in the industrial centers created by the removal of men to thefront;and in addition tothese worthy activities, money “THE MAN OF THE HOUR ” MON. LAWRENCE C. PHIPPS, the popular CANDIDATE FOR THE U. S. SENATE. The Man of the Hour who will again put Colorado on the business and financial map in Congress. A real Man among Men. Pa triotic, kind, resourceful, progressive and a hard worker. He deserves this wreath of honor from Colorado. had to be raised by the race itself to aid the dependent families of the soldiers who went to the front and bared their breasts to the consumming fire of the enemy to die or come home maimed in the interest of his country. The Negro accepted his duties cheerfully and soon signs of the times poi nted to a better day for the race in the United States. Then when conditions forced liberty, equality of oppor tunities and justice for the recipients to speak out, President Wilson, Sectys. McAdooand Baker yielded, even if they in. cludeu the Neg ro. If they went into office hide bound Southerners, this war made them unfledged American citi zens capable of growth. / braham Lincoln had no idea at the begining of the Civil V'ar. of emancipating the Negro, if that action meant destruction of the Union; but before the war was over, he strongly said that the Union could not exist half freeand that si a very was the root of the evil. Like wise, when President Wilson declared war against Germany, none, not even the most optimistic among us, ever dreamed that the War department would have adopted a policy re sulting in Negroes as officers in the United States Army, an Assistant Secty. o( War, assistants in the Food and Labor Bureaus, War Correspondent and other positons. Hs greatest attempt was to give the women of America a vote. r>o * n<~> cijt'onjv October 2b iqiß Because some blessings came as a war measure and Negro women were to profit by it, Democratic leader, John Sharp Williams of Miss,, delivered a Very eloquent and illogical oration opposing the measure because Negro women would profit by it and the same time introducing a measure restricting the vote to white women only. The Star now pointedly asks, where was “Honest John” our patriotic representative at that time? Did he then approve of William's remarks concerning the Negro women who have done so much for this war's success? Wasthatthe reason of his absence or does he now approve of such sentiments? Speak out "Honest |ohp” in Colorado even if you are too much of a coward to speak out in Congress. Negro women, of Colorado, will you let your representative get away with the silent approval of such ad i sgraceful, scholarly and poisonous caste and contumely? '1 he Negro woman and man who votes for Shafroth ap proves of slavery and all of its wrongful antecedents and consequences. Defeat Shafroth and let him know NOW, TO-DAY. that when good people are assailed, be they black or white, brown or yellow, that you rxpect every good man whose heart beats right and whose conscience is clear and I simon-pure and loyal to hiscountry sflag, tooppose injustice in some visible manner and not run off, fearing to oppose bis mighty Southern leader. Shafroth is not a big enough man for the job. But the Star offers in his stead a real manly man in appearance pleasant yet positively respectful' in disposition, courteous and kind in deserving cases, too big to be sm a I 1 in little things, a steady going progressive thinking, hard yvorking business man who patiently, after years of toil,'wrung success from stubborn fortune's hands. To day, LawrenceC. Phipps stands erect. He stands in fulf stature of an American citizen. His enemy claim s his only cri m e was that he honestly made money paving for the same in bloody sacrince loss ot pleasure and hours ot popular leisure. “He, who truth and wisdom leads can gather honey from a weed.” He gathered honey, stored it in dustrial and financial hive and to-day offers hisall- HIMSKLF to serve our glorious slate. Because he Has been wise, care ful and prudent yet sympathetic, charitable and altruistic, his opponent's only reason (or his defeat is, that he has too much honest wealth with brains enough to protect and preserve that wealth. Attempt is made to array the poorer class against the richer class by the I. W. W., Bolshevik and socialistic mob of politicians Shairoth and Tyn a n head their tickets. Where Mr. Negro would you come in, if they change the issue of class versus class to the race issue ? How easily* will that be when conditions warrant. KILL SUCH propaganda NOW, us dangerous. It is playing with fire Look at Russia and the South today. Hon Lawteuce C. Pnipps had served Colorado well, earned the light to be our worthy Senator and besides all his w ort hy qualification, he ts a I rietui of all human it y and is One Hundred Per cent American. No treasonable dinners for this man. It may yet take a Republican P.esi j deni, to thoroiy and satisfactorily settle this War . A more eloquent and direct appeal was never penned bv a Colorado boy. than the following given by our mx. Congressman \ aile, \\ e are for linn strong; . 'I Love This City ' I have grown up with it. 1 have played in it as a boy and worked in it as a man lor thirty-seven year c . I attend ed my first sctiool in a wooden building near the present site ot the Whittier. My schoolmates and I | iatited the first trees —after the native Colorado cottonwood —in the City park. 1 carried a water jug across c mile ot vacant lots —it seemed like ten miles —to the old Courthouse pump. 1 grad uated from the Last Denver High School ai d belonged to the old High School Cadets twenty-seven yeats ago. This first uollar I ever earned was earned here. My first lawsuit was tried here. My patents took their last steps and my son his lirst steps in Denver. 1 have practiced law here for seventeen years and have given what 1 could of my time, my energy and iny money foe the upbuilding of this city. I sincerely, believe that 1 know Denver, her people and her needs. 1 shall work unceasingly for her best interests. ' WILLIAM N. VAILL NOW LET COLORADO HONOR HER WORTHY SONS Hon. C B. Ti mheki.ake, a strong candidate from the Second District is reliable, lull of fight and pattiotism to the core Ills election is imperative so as to take up the business slack caused by the present Democratic incumbent. Lvery one who knows Mr. iimberlake gives him a good name as an honest capable man who. if elected will deliver the goods. Keating and Hilliard voted wrong on eight vital war measures testing their loyalty and paniotistn. De- Continued on pajje * column i ON THE FIRING LINE Every Man to His Place. Confusion or Good Government-Which? IN TIMES LIKE GIVE US MEN Every colored voter who desires justice and prosperous times for the Negro race—an equal op port unity for the black man and woman to enioy the fullest rights guarantee*' by our American Constitution— should vote for OLIVER M SHOUP for governor, ot the State of Colorado. Good Men For Our Supreme Court Hon. Haslett F. Burke. Candidate for the Justice ot the Supreme Court of Colorado, has just finished his term serving as a Judge of the District Court ot Morgan County He served with honor to himself and people ofjhis district. He is a man of hard business sense and of the strictest de. gree of fairness and a man of integrity, and it is these sterling ing qualities coupled with which recommend him fer your vote Hon. ohn H Denison, Candidate for the Justice of the Supreme Court of Colorado, is an honored member of the bar, that will freely testify that he has made an idea Dis trict Judge because of his splendid legal training and his ability to handle knotty problems of law. It goes without ! saying that when they elected him to sit as a D'strict Jud they made no mist ake and it is equa 11 y true now that if elected to the high position ot the Supreme Court of Col “A MAN NOT AFRAID” Hon. Oliver H. Shoup. qualified, trustworthy, successful and the man “who is not afraid." He gave four sons to the War and himself to the Liberty Loan, Red Cross. War Savings Stamps, and other war drives that our nation and Colorado might do her share. Colorado needs just such a man as Mr. Shoup at the head of the Government. ra<io ihat he will fulfill his duties with the same decree of promptness, satisfaction and credit to all concerned. There fore we recommend him to. receive your support Nov. It pays always to have a friend at court. Vote for him. Hon George Stephan, is our Candidate for Lieutenant Gov. jernor. Kvery man who has an education and a bit of public experience is not alwajsfit to fill the office of LieLt, Gov ernor. There should and ought to be, a throb bi n g heart within, with a good will toward all men with no "limitation' on it whatever, for the fact that there are many problems which might arise which must be handled by him. l)o you know George Stephan ? Well it >ou do not, let us say that he is possibly one of the "biggest hearted" men in the S'ate of Colorado, when it comes to touching the interest of the,, Negro race. He believes and advocates a square deal. This is his life doctrine. VVe can not afford to pass him by and we therefore say VOTF STRONG FDR STLPH AN, Hon. V\ ili. K Murphy, Candidate for the Secreta>y o. Stair, is A 'I HOROLY RELIABLE man in whom the Rep ublican paity has placed their uimost confidence and support to that great office His known ability and splendid record easily recommends him for that position. Every loj al Re- Continued on page 5 column 3 Fitk Ckwt» a C"*t.