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Ption*: Main 5428 W. E. COLEMAN Painting, Paper Hanging and Cleaning Promptly Don. 2802 Welton Street Mob Printing Our Specialty Everybody Goes to the CHAMPA PHARMACY 20th and Champa Streets For the Best Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi. cines. Prescriptions Our Specialty. Cold Drinks Served Phone Main 2425 JAMES E. THRALL, Prop Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City HAVE A PLENTIFUL SUPPLY OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR Use Real Hair Grower, Real Hair Grower Tonic and Shampoo. It is positively known that this treatment will grow the shortest hair, stop falling and splitting hair, eradicate dandruff and prevents gray ness. Once thoroughly tried, no further inducement needed. Scalp scientifically treated, electric massage and hair dressing. 1 guarantee to cure the worst ease of scalp disease. Six weeks treatment, $1.50. Home treatments given. E. WILLIAMS 2248 Clarkston SL, Denver HAIRDRESSING I use the Real Hair Grower manufac tured by Mrs. E. Williams and will appreciate your patronage. Shampooing. Electric Treatments, Waving and Straightening the Hair and all kinds of Scalp treatments. Results Guaranteed PRICE 50 CENTS Raw [ Hair and Combings made up in any form. Switches, Transformations, Puffs, etc. MRS. M. MORRISON, PHONE3CHANPA 4695 2558 WELTON STREET When You Want The heads, feet, tails, snouts, neck bones or chitterlings, or * any other part of the hog except the squeal, go to East's Market 2300-06 Larimer St. Phone Main 1461 Phone York qo6? Help the Blind 0. Marshall & Son Dealer* in CORN BROOMS All kinds of Corn Broom* end Barn Broom* Clarkson St. Denver CtlMirC OF lU«T DUCIimON ■VC MOMUTMC: WHOLtSALI AKO IST AIL _ THE DENVER BARBERS’ SUPPLY COMPANY ton * KAHRHOFf I*l7 OLCMARM »T. DENVER ■NON* MMN .**» C nltff. r.iUl Prt»'r»ti««. M.ilci" ArtkU. r«hn«. HAI* POMADE |\|)H FURNITURE ui BARBER SUFPLIE Main 6171 Oppo.lte Eat 718 IS St. Den»«r Hl|h School J.T.FRARY Decorating,Painting, Paperhanging Kaliomining When FRARY Doe* It, You KNOW It I* Done Riflht WM VOIGTS Watchmakar and Jawalar Watches. Clocks, Jewelry. Silverware, Etc! Fine Repairing ofall Kind* 6it 17th St., Near Welton Denver, Colo. HATS CLOTHING SHO £ S Cor. Larimer and 23rd St. Phone Main 2834 Five, Point* Hardware Co.* and Tinshop] ■ • Everything in Hardware, Pai it* Oib, and Glats at right prices Also Furnace work. Gutting ano ail kinds of Tin and Sheet Metal work at Reasonable prices 264 S Walton S» Phont Champa MTS THREE $lOO BONDS Will Provide: Tiro Hundred Position Lights —or— Two Hundred Canteens and Covers Give us your Printing. We want to do your work Job Printing of all kinds CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist. Shorter A. M. E. Cor. 23rd Street and Washington Avenue, Rev. C. A. Williams, Paator; Phone Main 4877. Parsonage 220 23rd Street. Campbell A. M. E. Cor. 23rd and Lawrence Streets. Rev. A. M. Ward, Minister. Parsonage 1218 23rd Street. Phone Main 5474. Scott M. E. 26th Avenue and Clark son Street. Rev. T S. McMorrls, D.D., Pastor. Phone Champa 4180. Parson age 803 E. 26th Avenue. Episcopal. Church of the Holy Redeemer. 22nd Avenue and Humboldt Street. Rev. Henry B. Brown, 8.D.. Vicar. Parson age same. Phone York 5700. Baptist. Zion Baptist. Cor. East 24tb Avenue and Ogden Street. Rev. D. E. Over, D.D., Pastor. Phone, residence Y'ork 6007, study York 9377. ♦ Central Baptist. Cor. 24th and CaUr fornia Streets. Rev. P. J. Price. Paatott Parsonage 2408 California St. Phona Champa 1059. Bethlehem Baptist. Cor. 32nd Ave. and Lafayette St. Rev. A. E. Rey* olds. Pastor. Parsonage 3146 Lafay ette St. Phone York 7647. Mt. Olive Baptist Mieaion. 28th and Blake Streets. L. J. Jones, Pastor. Pleasant Green Baptist. 22nd and Arap;feoe Streets. Rev. C. A. Miller, Pastor. Parsonage 2710 California St. Phone Champa 3493. Presbyterian. People's Presbyterian. Cor. Wash ington and 23rd Avenues. Rev. J. Thos. Hazell, Pastor. Phono York 2194. Seventh Day Adventists’ Seventh Day Adventists*. 2917 Glen arm Plgce. Rev. Chas. S. Lightner, Minister. Y. M. C. A. Y. M. C. A. Branch. 2800 Glenarir. Place. Phone Main 5639. J. S. Bell, Secretary. Y. W. C. A. Y. W. C. A. Branch. 318 25th St. Day Nursery and Club House. 2357 Clarkson Street. Phone York 7379. S. P. R. S. A. A. Scottish Rite. Dem olay Consistory No. 33. Geo. A. Der ry, C. C. E. M. N*l. G. S.. 1226 Cham pa St. (Call meetings only.) A. E. A. O. N. Mystic Shrine, Syr ian Temple No. 49, Thos. Douglass, 111. P. E. M. Neil. I<l. Rec., 1226 Champa St. (Call meetings only.) N. A. A. C. P. Executive Committee meetd on second Tuesday in each month at their headquarters. 25 Good Block. Corner 16th and Larimer, 2nd Floor. All members are welcome. Lodge Directory* Evergreen Chapter No. M. O. E. S. lat and 3rd Tuaaday of each mouth. (Afternoon) 200 Walton St Lono Star Chapter «V R S_ mat sad Third Fridays in aach weak. ■oath. I Afternoon) 3f30 Walton St Ceateanlal Lodge No. 4. 2nd aad 4th Monday of each month. 1*24 Arapahee St OLIVER ROYAL HOUSE NO. 2 meets first Tuaaday In each at old Colony Hall. MRS. OLIVER. Queen Smith Lodge No. 18, K. of P„ masts the second and fourth Thursday nights of aach month, at Rk Hull. 26th aniMwaablngtoa. FLOTD T. SMITH, C. C. W. R. RHODES. K of R. S. Pythian Instruction School Opened. The Pythlnns liavo opened an In struction school nt Elk's Hall. 2538 Washington Bt. Meets first and third Tuesdays In oach month. Pythias Lodge No. 11. Ist and 3rd Wednesday of aach month. 1524 Arapahoe BL demon lodEe No. S. let and 3rd Fridays of each month Columbine Cal an the (K. of P.) 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of aach month 2424 Waltoa St Rocky Mt. Court of Calaatha, No. 2. second and Fourth Fridays of each Walton Fern Hall. h. U. O. OF O. F. AND ITS • AUXILIARIES. Rocky Mt. I,odice 2324. Ist and 3rd Thursdays of each month i*3o Waltoa SL Arapahoe Lodge No. 24*4. lat aad 3rd Monday of each month 1(24 Arapahoe St denser Ledge No. 1444, 2nd and 4th Thursdays at each month IMS arapahee St *. O. M. flee noli He. 114 f4th TneaSny am* ) HUM Arapahee. Denver Patriarchy No 47, Feurth Tuaaday ef eeeh meets 1430 Writes m> •wrestles No. 471 tOdd EaUgwnt. is* and 3rd Satnrdav of eeah month at I p. m., MM WsMaa. AMERICAN WOODMEN? SUPREME CAMP C. M. White, MpraiN Commander *- H. Llghtnor, Supreme Clerk ■ootna 44-El. Arapahoe Bldg ..Denver Camp No. 1, American Woodmen, moots the second and fourth Fridays of each month at Old Colony Hall, 28th and Downing Sts. C. N. Pitt, Commander, Carrie MeClrln, Clerk. Tent No. 1, of the Juvenile Depart meat, win meet at Old Colony hall. 2fcUk and Downing, on the second and fourth Saturday afternoon* at throe o’clock. O. B. P. AND ITS AUXILIARIES. Speed Ledge U. B. P. Meets arm and third Tuesdays of each month at IBlks’ Hall. Mala iSSS. Queen of West Temple meets Aral •" d * h . rd Thu reday of eaeh month at Old Colony HalL debitor Temple (1 p. m.) Webster Tempi*, lad and 4th Wadaee lay of each month. 11*4 Arapahoe 81 Qoeen Vashtl. Royal House No. I A M. T„ moots second Friday night Of each month at IUI Arapahoe. Speed Lodge ha f First and third Saturday of "**■ month 1410 Walton Rl Western Star Lodge No. 1 IM and 3rd Tuesdays of each month 1M Arapahoe gt ChptoUa Temple (S. M. T.l. Ist sad 3rd Setnrday even aga of aach month. 1334 Arapahoe Bi Holden Oats Juveniles No. t (S. M. T.) tnd and 4th Saturdays e* eaeh month ad S p. m. 1334 Arapahoe St .Howard Juvenile* No. I (S. M. T.) Sad and 4th Saturday af —I month at 1 p. m. 1410 Walton Sc Quean Elizabeth Temple No. • Second and fourth Thursday od seel Month at 2 p m. *430 Waits* m Naomi Tempi* No. It tnd end 4th Fridays of eaeh month 1430 Wei too SL Columbine Temple (8. M. T.l. tnd and 4th Mendaya of eaeh month 1430 Walton dt Mountain Lodge Bks Na. 11. lad and 4tb Wednesdays of —»r month. Bpanlab War Volsraaa. led and 4th Friday of each month. D« Molay Coaaletory meeds iiU and third Thursday sights at Nlppea Hall IU4S Champa SL - Mystic Shrine meats saaead and fourth Thursday nights at Nlppee HalL Mil Champa 8L DAUGHTERS OP TABERNACLE Prince of Peac* Tobornaol* No. 564 moots lot and 3rd Fridays In eaeh month at Old Colony Hall. KNIGHTS OP TABOR Bt. Jameo Temple No. 447 meets let and 3rd Tuesday* of each month. BOYKINB TABERNACLE. Ttaa Boykins Tabernacle, 333-777 ! Grand Order 12 No. 4*l. meets the I uret and tUrd Saturday of sack month. Fern Hall. 1711 Wolton. The Oflver Royal House meets 2nd Monday la each month at 1347 weltoe Progreso Court No. 4, moots Ist aa* third Fridays of each month at 2t4d Washington SL Rice Pure Gold Tabernacle No. 541 meet* Ist and 3rd Mondays at 264 t Washington. Panama Temple No. 450 meet* 2ad and 4th Thursdays at 2540 washing, ton. Dunbar Chaptei To. 44. Ancient Sons and Daughters af Jerusalem, meet* first and third Mondays of each month. Elk Hall, 2<th and Washing ton. ST. JAMES TEMPLE NO. 457. International Order of Twelve Knights of Tabor meets second nnd fourth Monday nights of each month at Elk's Hall. 26th unci Washington Wm. R. Rhodes. Chief Mentor; Rev. A. E. Reynolds. Chief Scribe. Fraternal Order Ancient Sons and Daughters of Jerusalem meets first and third Monday nights of each Queen: Ethel Rovdston, Chief Scribe, mofitli. Elk's Halt. 26th and Washing- IfmEftTY FOUR $lOO AND ONE $5O BOND WILL PROVIDE Tub Mta mt artlllwry wfcHl Aarans. TimPßrY BOND I Ljl IjEjl*- * * vTtll do CTI ONE $lOO BOND Will Provide: Bursting charge of T. N. T. for on* 14-Inch hlgh oxploeiv* shell, —or five Incendiary bombs, —or eondlment (salt pep per, vinegar, etc.) cane for three- committee of ool dlers. Phone Champa 5431 Private Booths for Ladies _ COLD DKINKS AND ICE CREAM NIGHT AND DAY LUNCH ROOM Phone Main 6699 _ 808 CAHRUTH, Prop A Full Line of Fresh Fish in Season Oysters and Lobsters Regular Supper 5:30 to 8:00 p. m. SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS 1865—67 CURTIS ST.' DENVER. COLO. The Denver Poro Beauty; Parlors Scientific and Sanitary Scalp and Hair Treatment Toilet Articles a Specialty MRS. JENNIE BRADSHAW. Prop. 2553 WASHINGTON ST. ph< ’V«S“ Phone Champa 1712 Mme. J. M. MASON Ladies’ Tailoring and Dress Making Remodelling Neatly Done Satisfaction Guaranteed 25 3 6 Welton Street Denver, Colorado Motto: “Not alow but »ure" Casta only Rate Per Hour $2.50 New COLE 8 PHONE CHAMPA 5431 Bean Auto Livery Stand: Night and Day Cafe 1865*67 Curtis Street Denver, Colorado Phone Champa Day or ■HBaHHIMM Cammel & Co FUNERAL PARLORS First aid to the bereaved lFt Modem in every part icular We take your cares and sorrows to ourselves an Relieve Your Burdens E. V. Cammel. Mgr H. H. Martin, Asst. Mgr Mrs. E. V. Cammel, Lady Attendant C. M. Harris, Funeral Director • Jesse Douglas. Lie. nmo Office and Parlors 2418 Weltou st Your Job Printing Solicited Save Sugar, Children? BELGIUM ''' I WMWx/ZV? I mMmm A Penny here means a Burn “Over there.’ B REMEMBER OUR| CAMP LEWIS BOYS Send them Papers, Books, etc. Send all kinds of Pennants Souvenir Ornaments, and Tobacco to OUR SAMMIES 3