Newspaper Page Text
., ' $ mm' ( ' In u 5 Mr P; - p- I: it. r; i. , k I i r-1 fcWJH-- -.$ f P H Mm MOk. I M.WS V- & t i a yts&f bee. AYt . Pabllthed nvery Saturday at 1109 1 Street Northwest, Washington, D. C. Entered at the Post Offlee at Washington, as second class mall matter. W. CALVIN CHASE Editor. PRESIDENT HARRISON. At this writing no one can fore tell what will be the edict of the convention now in session at Min neapolis. History repeats itselt. The same sort of combinations led by disappointed and jealous men, disappointed because the President has not been able or seen fit to ac commodate the whims and propo eitions of every so called leader. Jealous men, jealous of the success that has attended the careful, painstaking administration of Gen eral Harrison, and consequently angered that it is not said "I made the administration.'7 The same environments that sur round the President to-day, marked the martyrd Lincoln in the conven tion to choose his successor, the same as to General Grant in hit? second and the third. The same cla88 of politicians that ripped Lin coin and Grant up the back are at the same sort of work to-day with General Harrison. In the case oJ Lincoln and Graut, all the leaders were white men, in the matter of General Harrison out of eight mil lion colored people one of tbese has been conspicious by vituperation, uncharitable conduct, in his oppo sition to the reno nination of the President, and strange as it may at first appear, paradoxical as it shall seem this man has not only not been able to exercise the least paiticle of influence against the President, bur, on the other hand made for the President frieuds that he knew not of. In short, i has been demonstrated that men who change their ideas with the weather have no followers. We know the fate of the men who attempted to assassinate Lin coln's administration and policy. We also quite well and distinctly know what became of the men who villified Grant. The colored men who stood firm and unyielding for Harrison at Minneapolis, will receive the eu- iffli'lgiP-Qf having proved faithful leave the city. iFtljey were found there after that time they , would be at their p?ril. Every one knows :the brutal instinct of the average MerAThis white man ould not brsltate to assassinate a woman, so it is probable that these worthy people winVe corappllfd to remain exiles tor no other reason than the exercise of their rights of free speech. This is a very striking example of the superiority of the white race, Conservator. Dear Iola: you have our deep est pympathy in the lost of your 'Free Speech. " We see by the pwpers you are in Phila. Pa. "Have you an idea of 'speaking free" then? MMfeMMEGflBMftl THE AFRO-AMERICAN AND THE FAIR, OWN ENEMY It is always that man to be watched and expected to do some one an injustice who can find fault with J-ome on else, and while it is a fact that the majority of lie Anglo-Saxon mc.' are against us, we must also acknowledge that we are against one another. Nearly every day, tight here in our own city, our people can be heard to rind fault or pick Haws in the actions of some of th ir uoiuhhors. and if the fault-finder was one of purity himself it would not look so hard, but we nave oniy got to observe closely his actions and we can find him to be worse ihan the one ho accuses. Wis. Afro American. Too true brother it is the same case the w rld over. THE FREEMAN SUSPENDS. After a desperate and heroic struggle for three years to establish The Freeman and to "arrive at the biidge of success" n due time, Edward E. Cooper, its found er and publisher, found it impossible to -tern the tide further, and Saturday, May 21, succumbed to the inevetaMe and sus pended its publication. World. We are sorry that the greulesi Negro Journal (?) in the world has suspended. Can some one tell us which is the greatest now? Djn't all speak at once. The editor of this paper is in Minneapolis, Minn., attending the National Convention. When the Bee makes its next appearance w hope to give our readers many In teresting facts connected with the trip. Fortitude, that strength of firmness of mind which enables us to Rucoumer danger with cool ness a d courage, bear pain an adversity without murmuring or despondency Our fortitude has made us known as resolute of par- pose and tull ot indiirance We have many things to thank G d rHPpT -ftM ' '!!!'- liiliof the ror buf uothiue more than foi THE WORLD'S FAIR AND THE NEGRO. (Continued from first page.) Mr. Johnson of Indiana. From the message lie sent to Congress when that measure was pending, I should say he is, anil every Re publican is in favor of every con stitutional measure which will guarantee to the colored men of the South the right to go to the polls without let or hindrance and east their votes in favor of the candi date of their choice and have their votes fairly canvassed and counted. Mr. Richardson. Is the gentle" man authorized to speak for the President of the United States on the Force bill? Mr. Buchanan, of New Jersev. I rise to a question of order. Mr. -Meredith. Let us know what the President of the United States thinks of it know?. M . Johnson of Indiana. I hope I will not be interrupted. Mr. Docker.y. I trust the gen tlemau may be allowed to state that the President is in favor of the force bill, Mr. Richardson. Is the gentleman authorized to speak for the Presi. dent? Mr. Jmnsm tf Indiana. I state here and now that the Presi dent of the United States, by his messages to Congress, by all of his public declarat ons and act?, both while occupying he White House and while 'raveling through the country, and particularly in the West during hid 'our there a year ag), always avowed himsel (and I believe in tho sincerity !' ins avowui; as in comj lee sympa thy wi;h thepiopoeitioti that then, ought to be a national provision vith reference to elections for Representatives in ihe SoutherL S'.aieH, and in all ;he other S:ates of :he Union not int Tiering with local e.'eutious, or other local af fairs, to ihe end that in elections for Congress, for national officers, 'here sh.-uld he a free b .Hot a-d a fair count. And no m-iu who loves Lberty, no man who is will mg to see eve y man in this coun try the political equal of every other man, should object to the adoption oi to honest and patriotic a measure. I say it illy becomes any mem ber of the dem cratic party tha had for endless years held the col ored mn in abj ct slavery in or- gentleman from Indiana falsifying facts. I remarked that the col ored people had been treated well at the South, and that after they were free the republican par'y, in control of this Gov niment, had never given them a dollar, had never given them a syllable of advice except to plant enmity be tweed them and the people of the South, their beat friends I statid further that the repuhs Mean pary had taken 68,000,000 from the Southern people in a c )tton tax, and that when I made a motion here, as did my colleague Mr. Aliei to restore the money to the educational fund of the several Southern States the propo Bition was promptly t-ml decidedly rej cted by a repubrcan House although in the next breath the republican par y gave back to the States tho direct tux which uobody had a rght to claim. But, Mr. Ch irman, I do not regrut that the gentleman fom Indiana has placed the republican i arty of this c ;untry in the posi tion of squarely endorsing all the acts ot the reconstruction period, and of the corrupt carpotbug rule. But 1 a y amtiz d if the republi can parf;y, or any party, can go beiore the Amoncin people m dorsiug the transac ions of those seven da k and terrible 3 ears when reconstruction dragg.d it's slimy leug'h along over frhe bosom of the fairest laud beneath the sun for seven black winters, for seven gloomy springs, tor seven pa-ching summe s, and for seven blighted autumns, a disgrace to humanity, 1 disgrace to civilzation, a dis grace to decency, and calculated o excite a blush of shame upon the cheek of every patriotic or manly ci zen. ltie soldiers of the Union were uot oi ihat mold that went South to accomplish a great purpose. Iliey accomplished that purpose. I hey brought back to this Union Rev Henry Carroll has returned from Omaha. Neb., and preached to his congregation Sunday morn ing iml eveuiug. The following named lodges ol cbe G. U. O. of O. F. have elected delegates to tie Sixth Biennial meeting of ihe order to be held in this city October next: Potomac Union No. 892, P. G. M. Samuel Ub"n; ODlumbia lodge No. 1376. M. V. P. Jos. C. Beckett j Western Star No. 1380, M. V. P. George Jacobs. The delegates elected to repre-i sent the Dustnut lodge are fil. v. r. John W. Walked, M. V. P. Daniel Washington, aud P. N. F. James Lvles. ALEXANDRIA NEWS. If you wish the Bee sent to you, or if you wish to have your mar riage, funeral or notes inserted iu this column, send your order to W. A. Carter, 313 Wilkes street. Job printing solicited and Grst class guaranteed. The Lincoln lodge No. 11 A. F. and A. M. of this city elected offi cers at their annual meeting held recently. The installation will take place shortly. Tho famous Fern Leaf Social Club has disbanded. Dissatisfac tion among the members was the cau e. the greatest race of warriors and with the survival of the fittest. Ve give our readers this week a lengthy resume of the Important discussion that took place iu the House of Representatives a short time since, the reading of which will very naturally suggest that "Mr. Afro-American7' aud his family, are "in it." In this very interest ing discussion on the part of na tional iaw-makers, as well as in tin lecture delivered in this city a short time since by the author ol "A Fool's Errand," we are bj ought face to face with the ur question uic laiii n.ub me race problem u studied de.plj, attentiveh ami earnestly by the leading minds of the world. As Afro America as a race, we have not suffered from facts and figures. The debate will have a moral effect, it is bound to do that, peo- At Port J Tvis. Now York, las' week a colored man was yt ched by an angiy mob of one thousand white men to a lamp po-t in tin pen street in the open da v. Sun day following there w.s asermoi preached from every Li e pulpit in that c'ty. and the stronger language ai d in various way-i i d the moral and law abiding white people of that community express their condemnation of the crime. Ujis is as it sbwiild be. How dif ferent from our white minis'ers residing here at the nation's gate way. der that it niiorht hin'rl n. a .in,i ed ars'OCfBCV UDOU hid Unrrrmifnrl PU' the lnan Wn0 hus 8Uc'h a !r?: v-!- -.U4te uor ano mate a statement as to A r statesmen the world ever saw. And I commend them for it. But after them came the camp follow ers; after them came the robbers, a .d this ;carpeb.g'' reconstruc tion rule, -he sentiment ot which is breathed to-day by the gentle man from Indiana, who would now reduce that fair land of the South to the same circumstances a-id the simo cond'tiou?. God ! k- Tne attention of the older people is in the direction of the national convention, the younger people toward the school house where preparations fur closir g are in dulged in by all. Mr. John Credit has recovered from his recent illuess aud ia able to be out aniiu. A pleasure garden is being opened in the northern part of this city. DEATHS. Whitk ministers of the go pt of our Lord and Savior, Jrsm Christ, in the city of Washington, as well as moral leaders aud "naf h uiniuiB" in rue in tue "rum crusariV pie will read and they do think, tako reat pleasure in occupying mey pouuer and tbey form con- uuluu uuipics wnen tney want to elusions. Justice and right will eventually prevail. We have an abiding faith in the real conscience of the people. We have recollec tion that iu other days the hearts and conscience of the people were touched through the voice and thought of the great men who stood np In Congress aud asked to be couuted on the side for right ; the greatness of the great men of that day seems, some times, almost as if their glory and greatness died and was with them buried, but the debate in the House plainly showed that there are yet men who will be counted when we most need a friend. Let us keep pushing, cau trously, yet earnestly forward, we are coming all right iu the end. shoot off their ideas ou religion m rum, but who has heard of any one of them raising his voice iu protest of the one hundred and eighty three colored men and women lynched, burned, murdered and tortured unto death this year? fthis is only June). Some one speak out and if possible tell us of a whits man of the robe of Gid that has said a word. u-li it !j tli.w ,..... . ,.c j. .uni ir. .iiv .-51 cu us ui 1 e coi too man inside of the mnk an 1 lilc oi the r .u Juan organization, p can never be said that the repub- 111 au parry pui gyvis upon the Mists of aiy human being; that it ever tore a coloied child from the sable breast of is frightened mother nd Hold it into servitude u tn rceh Ids of South Carolina or iu the cai.obrakea of Lju siuna. It can m yer bo said 'hat the rp publican p;ify sought to establish additional territory in which to itigruf t the curee of human slavery. It cuu never bj said that the re' publicau party by word, by sicr,, r by action ever declared in its platform, by Ihe action of its 3-nteemen or by the consent of the -Mnk and fre of the party, in favor t human servitude, or thut it ver for one moment stood us an obstacle in tho way t.f that grvat progress wlrch in the liht'of Uhnetian civilization struck the reiiers irom a race ot blac k men raised tnem to the dignity of true manhood, and clothed them with all the paraphernalia of American cit'zeusnip. Island here u'terly ashamed and appalled at the action of th, democratic party, when there are U- ngresstonal d.stiicts throuh- born and raised not far f.nm ib plce where the g nilemau was, and I know the best people oi the North are way above such senti ments I went among tho-e Southern people thirt-five vears ago, aud I must say that I met there as superb a peop'e as any ot which the world can boas'. And it is not Americanism, ir. is not civilization, it is not d,c no, to ful!UB u"u misrepresent them. A - T - a x wad savin. I wouid be glad to see at the World's Fa'r an exhibition which would shou what the while peopleof the Sourh J" their poveny, in their desolated land, have baen able to do which would show that they took a race uicu you say came out of slavery in ignorance and barbarism, and which you have tried to keep in barbarism for base purposes, and educated and raised them to the pubiion ot resp.ctabb, cit-.zeus, without one dollar of aid or a breath of encouragement from the Government. You, wi h ni-gird hands withheld fucIi aid. I sav that such an exhibition in Chicago would be the highest tribute to the old masters, the white race of the South to show what they can do, and what with ihoir r.o, Dr. CM. IIimm.Ht, Il-ilth Oflli-r, presents tho ii:l-winsj rt'Ui.rt for wock e ruling June 4th, 1S'J2. Number of deat hs, 94; white, 64; colored, 30 Death rate per 1,000 per anuum: white, 19 0; c -lred. 19.5. Total populanon, 19.5; 24 were under five yea8 f "age, 20 were under one year old and 22 over 60 yetrs. 16 of the deaths oc-.-urred in hospitals and public institutions. The deaths by classes were as follows: Zymotic, 14; c institu tional, 20; local, 46; dcvelop menlal. 6 violence. 8. Vi'1' I 'i ill "J "f tontk were: Croup, 0; diptitheria, 0; consumption, 8: diarrhoea!, 3: erysipelas, 0; typhoid fever, 1; DRIVEN FROM HOME. - The fearless spirit of Ida B. Wells, ed itor of the Memphis Free Speech, ha been spoken of in these columns and her bravery commended. 4mon2 all civil ized people, courage commends itself to brave people, but among barbarians, of the Memphis stripe, her courage was a menace; so these brave chivarlrous south ern people, made, up their minds to drive this plucky little woman out of town. they waited for an opportunity and last week it camp. A well-known man was arrested and while in the clutches of law, was unjust ly delt with. Standing as protector of her people's rights Miss Wells uronerlv denounced the outrage in the columns oftlie Free Speech. That was tho chanci these Memphis barbarians wanted nnd they at once servd notice upon Miss Wells and Mr. Fleming, the business manager of the Free Speech, that they would be allowed twenty-four hours to Washingt n, the capital of the nation, is the radius from which the moral, religious and intellect ual ligh'; a reflex aud indx of 'he sentiment of the naiiou, should eminate. Is there a man in either house of Congress or the cuoinet, or a minisfer of tho a pef in all this great city that ha the convictions and the courage to maintain them iu so much as 'o speak oat in open meeting agaiuBt lyuch law, murder and burning of human beings at the stake? in this land where our fathers died-, land oi the murder ers pride? NOTICE. Washiugtouians in New York Gity or State can always limi tho Bee at the stand of VV. D. Brown 104 West 27th St, aud E. Graut 413 6th Ave. Advertisements, subscriptions, etc., will be received at these two stands. ou the leng h and breadth of thn splendid South where the colored man is counted out at the ballot box ai-d is also driven by violence and lutimidatinn from the polls, from which he is shut out and' deprived of the right t) ca3t his ballot as guaranteed to him by the Constitution of the United StutP No such reproach as this, sir, can be laid at the doors of the repub lican part'. Mr. Stockdale. Air. Chairman, I w u'd not occupy the time of the committee upon this occasion only that I desire to reply to a re mark personal to myselt, though I shall not reply in the sDirit or in the lauguage of the crentleman from Indiana viho made the re mark. I would not feel author ized, in the presence of gentlemen and in the face of the American people, to even repeat the lan guage wmcu he has used, I will only eay, in reply to the gentle man s statemeut that he was sur prised tj find the gentleman from Mississippi falsifying history, that I am equally surprised to find the hearts and dauntless spirits' thev IfJUTO flnun f, 4-l- .1 - .-.v, wUC iu mse mis raco their rim;r slaves, and lift them ud But you present a solid front to pu-h them back. Applause. -L Here the hammer fell WEST WASHINGTON NOTES. Invitations are out fr the mir nage of Mr. John H. Tim,,,,, .,..., Miss Anna Young, at Mr. Z-on M. h. church, June the 15:h inst. Rev. and Mrs. T. O. Carroll late of Mt. Zion v. i.Mi. " aue of Cbato,,, V.vZTnkXZ a visit to their rnauy friends. The Rev. gentleman while here per-, formed tire marriage ceremony of Miss Barbara Adam r t t Powell, aud on last Friday evening .v.ioou mm ineir visit. A mass meeting of the several lodges of the G. U, O. of O. P. of this place under the auspices of the West and Vigilant Hall Commit! tee will be held at the Ebenezer A M. E. Church. Thnrsrlav arr....:.rt June 30, 1892, at 7:30 o'clock All .umucu, O08 circular. malarial t'eve 3; scrriet fever, 0: pueumouia, 7; congestion of the lnri2S. 0: broi fihiris S wl,nn mg cough, 1; kidney diseases, 2; meningitis, I; cancers, 2. Births reported: 19 white m le8, 20 white females; 19 color e 1 rnale, 16 colored females. Marriages reported: 17 white: T1 . . ' colored, btill b:rtb.3 reported. 2 white; 5 colored. The low 1 umb -r of deaths dur ing the week would indicate a favorable condition of the heal h of this city. The number was mnety.four, six y four of whom were white and thirty colored. By a vtry u-iusn-il coinc dence these numbers give the same ais uual death rate for white and col ond, as well as for thit of the wmiiB population, being in ea. h case 16 5 as compared with 2-1 5 tlK average death rate for May Ju e duriripr rhp naof 0;.1.. years. Of the major contagious diseases there were but one death that being from whooping courh! in re were fur cases of scarlet tever and six cases of diphtheria reported, with no death there from. The prevalence of maia. " trouoie3 has bee circumscribed. TELEGrtAPHrC BRIEFS. The cholera scourge in Persia increases. Drexel, Morgan & Co. will tinleruk9 ta reorganize the Richmond A census bulletin estimates t!p anal wealth of the country at $G:,000 rtJ . o The American Lead Trust has h Pu , cbrporated, with a capital of .3 00y " 000. Lewi3 Baker, of Pouglikeepsio. jf. Y was one hundred years old on Saturday last " aJ It is claimed the Chicago exjy,hit on still $10,000,000 short of the uec.ssary e penses. Arriving steamers in New York con tinue to report meeting icebergs m til3 Atlantic. The building of the British govern- ment ouuuing nas uegun at tfte Lhica 'o fair grounds. The Salvation Army in San FrajJc;,-3 has organized a cavalry corps for u, eionary work. The amount necessary to complete t Grant monument has been fully suL scribed in New York. Captain Joseph Lawler, in his twelve foot cockleshell, set sail from Boston last night for Queenstown, England. Wyoming cattlemen found four lccli nauging on a tree in tne neart of th Rustler's country. They are supposed to be victims of the Rustler invasions. The Democratic wigwam at dicago in wnicii me nuuouai jonvenciOu t:J party will be held, ia completed with l ! I'xception of the canvass cover and dec orations. Among the names suggested for Secrc tary of State to succeed Mr. Blaine an I those of Lreneral John V. Fo3ter . Senator Edmunds, Chauncey 31. Depew 1 wnueiaw xteiu, anu senator Sherman. The inquest into the lyuohing of Bob Lewis, the negro ravisher, at Port Jer- vis, N. Y., led to revealing the names c several persons of local prominence who took part in the affair. The Dhstriot Ai-l toruey means to have them indicted. At a meeting of the Democratic de!e-i gates of Hew York, held on MuikLt the instance of Chairman Murphy, of I tne btate committee, a resolution waa' adopted to support Senator Hill fori President as long as he would permit bj name to be used. The mining camp of Jimtown, xirA Creede, Col., was almost totally de stroyed, by fire on Sunday last. Hoc. dreds are rendered homeless, the mors-1 tary loss reaclnng$l,000,000. Manybuili. ings were blown up by giant powder t? j tore it hualiy burned itself out. Saratoga gambling houses are closing! up owing to vigorous regal action in tit shape of convictions and $500 fines. The striking granite men in New Yorl have asked the aid of Dr. Parkhurst t, carry on their struggle against the quanj owners. After taking but four gold-cure inie tions for inebriety, at "Wichita. KanJ George Bradshaw, a well-known citizen died in spasms. The University of New York hasciosrif he purchase of a site of twenty acres aii a wo .Hundredth street for $300,000. mps of which has been subscribed McJZ The.Baroness Burdov-v?tnitts. althouzi over SO years old, declares her intentioi of coming to the Chicago World's Fai at the head of the English philanthropi section. The Billings and Great Falte staze held up by masked men in Montana, aal Che treasure box and mail sacks taiea The passengers were not molested, i sheriffs posse is after the rubbers. The widely known and bitterly foug!: legal contest between Father Hjnes, fierce City, Mo., and Bishop Hoi af Kansas City, has at last been d? termmed at St. Louis against the pries: The conference in Boston between granite manufacturers of New Engl; xnd the striking granite cuttors result n a failure. The strike will coutin ind a boycott by the union agaffii launo uuiuug mis oeen oruerea. ra OS A FLOATING ISLAND. nm-i great I v ll.-ilv nna rlnnlU "".J will. U CUI 11 trom typhoid fever niPnri ..,i three torn intermittent. There are-Btill remains of the influences productive of lunr maludfea to h.. seen m the Feven deaih3 from pneumonia and from bronchitis the latter mostly children. Thn deaths fr, m consumption fell to eight which is ahou' one half the usual number and were equalled by those from violence. Or the eight deaths Irom violence ,1,0! andth fdde' .De hmi and hrte frorn accidentj IWq q , T 7 Dei,nS troQi drowning and one from falling beneath rail way cars in motionf Jt0Ve .lhlr statement ft va ,.luo prmcipa causes nt Z - B tnerate of births mamages in detail. Captnln Torreya Remnrknble EiptrH ence In the Fnclilc Ocenn. Captain George "VV. Torrey, cftbj fishing schooner "Alice," who has ffl rived at Seattle, Wash., reports tliati ooat was almost run down by a floaWj island in the Pacific Ocean, off O? b lattery. The captain aud crew w on it aud made partial exploration, in was a lmt and a small farm on tha 1 aud other signs of habitation. altiiou,1 there were no sums of life. "My ve got caught," said Captaiu Torrey. was prepared to find several fathogja water. All the islands in the Sin: have very abrupt shores, but I was innea to hud the line paying out rati and still had no bottom. At last 1 1 the line in my hand, and, although I as fifty fathoms of it over the aide," lead wa3 not resting on the botttsj we oroke loose as soon as we could succeeded in cettincr awav wit losing any men, although two had : row escapes from drowning. rjM aud A AToDatcr Sleteor'd FiU A report ft m St. Petersburg that what is believed to be the W neorlite ever known to have fall ! lying in the Caspian Sea. a short dii from the Peninsula of Apsheron. maueamost terrific noise as itf through the air with incredible SP and the white hot mass madeaitff that illuminated the country and $& a great distance. When it struck water immense clouds of steam & and tho hissing could be heard fij great tlistauce. Huee masses of were thrown upward and the sight1 a most beautiful on. So er.ormo1 the aerolite that it projects 13 feeta wie water. xtiiuy ail for burelary and foe?hJ,W, the Kegro record. '"crJ' ls beats A Large Meat-Packing EatabUjh10'1 ihe Armours will build another i meat packincr estahHshmflnt at Ki City. It will have a daily catcjn o.ouu cattle, 4,000 sheep and 3.0W' nd, added to the similar estabUs now located ther.will make Kanstf1 the greatest meat packing center is ' wuntry, Chicago n.ot ojcPgg nHHHHHK j - '-twaG'&mmmB' -&muj!ai r .; -7 -,- - . - xr jssr- wS, t .X.vfcjia JpBjaiM IB"mi BMMMHfc." --- "-- -'.y.